EdTechReview of "a free online resource of articles and tests on various concepts across Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Ability, and Logical Reasoning" (2016.10.31).
Students’ interactions with peers throughout the collaborative composing process influence their writing practices on the micro-level in relation to patterns of word choice, as well as simultaneously enhancing the macro-level issues of meaning, tone, and structure
in a sense, the peer review process is embedded within the structure of collaborative composition on a shared document, as edits as well as oral and written meta-commentary occur and recur throughout the lifespan of a Doc
This approach to collaborative composition assignments manifests baked-in peer review from the get go (Reflection and Limitations of the Approach, ¶1).
Ruth Li "presents an innovative approach to the design and integration of collaborative writing projects using the Google Apps for Education online platform (OWI 4). The setting is a traditional, face-to-face high school English classroom in which students write in class simultaneously, each on separate devices, on shared Google Docs. In particular, I offer specific strategies for teaching students to write collaboratively in a variety of creative genres, including plays, poems, narrative essays, and speeches" (Explain broadly..., ¶1).
The very act of transforming lessons after the fact is a hallmark of technology integration
What ends up being unique is how each teacher blends technology into their instructional design, not adds technology on top of the instructional already designed
Gentle-Genitty wants her students to experience the full depth and enjoyment of online learning. To that end, she builds a framework inside Canvas that helps students understand the logistics and culture of the online setting
Gentle-Genitty prepares her students to be responsible online citizens, including using salutations and closings, avoiding boldface and caps, and writing clear subject lines. These are life lessons that facilitate communication beyond the classroom
"With a process in place to ensure you meet specific student needs, you can begin to proactively identify accessibility pain points and come up with a plan for addressing them"
"I've just come back from visiting two universities in central Canada and I have also been getting feedback from pilot institutions on the questionnaire we are developing for a survey of online learning in Canada. Although I do not want to anticipate the results of the survey, some things are already becoming clear, especially about blended learning" (¶1).
Good news for techie teachers: "As our tools improve, technology magnifies our leverage and increases the importance of our expertise and our judgment and our creativity" (interactive transcript, 6:00).
This webpage suggests six factors to consider when assessing website credibility, and adds, "If you are unsure whether the site you're using is credible, verify the information you find there with another source you know to be reliable" (retrieved 2016.12.22).
"These guidelines are to help you become familiar with various types of Web resources and the reliability of the information" you find among them (¶2, retrieved 2016.12.22).
Deadline for proposals: September 4, 2016
Moderators' training session October 16 - November 13, 2016
Online sessions from January 8 to February 12, 2017.
"The question I pose is not how we use digital or OER, but how we use the combination of both types of resources to provide pedagogically rich, high quality, cost-effective resources for students"
This OLC Institute post suggested three purposes and provided numerous examples of social media implementation and integration that may serve to "support learning in online courses" (2016.05.17, ¶3, ff.), namely:
1. Amplifying the physical and psychological engagement of learners (Engagement using social media);
2. Providing instruction to "enhance learning outcomes" (Instruction involving social media); and
3. Facilitating access to, and increasing availability of academic, career, and other "support services" (Student support using social media).
Online Learning Consortium [OLC] Institute for Professional Development. (2016.05.17). Why Should I Learn More about Social Media? [weblog post]. http://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn-social-media/
"Relevant keywords are what help get your resume past a scanner (if submitting your document online), and to the human eye for further review" (¶2, 2016.01.29 [JST]).