Why Should I Learn More about Social Media? - OLC - 1 views
Paul Beaufait on 25 May 16This OLC Institute post suggested three purposes and provided numerous examples of social media implementation and integration that may serve to "support learning in online courses" (2016.05.17, ¶3, ff.), namely: 1. Amplifying the physical and psychological engagement of learners (Engagement using social media); 2. Providing instruction to "enhance learning outcomes" (Instruction involving social media); and 3. Facilitating access to, and increasing availability of academic, career, and other "support services" (Student support using social media). Reference Online Learning Consortium [OLC] Institute for Professional Development. (2016.05.17). Why Should I Learn More about Social Media? [weblog post]. http://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn-social-media/