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Michelle Thompson

Born to Learn ~ Home - 0 views

    Got this on Twitter. Worth looking at thought-provoking series of animations that illustrate ground-breaking new discoveries about how humans learn using Vimeo. Directed at teachers and parents.

Collaborative Wiki - 1 views

    Advantages There is a reason that many people are attracted to wikis for learning. Wikis can be private or public. You can get wiki software at no cost or at a very low cost. They only require basic programming skills for installation, setup and maintenance. Contributors create content independently of each other, so that multiple people can be working on the site at the same time. Wikis can be applied to just about any content area. Users find them easy to search and navigate.
    I'm planning on integrating the use of a wiki into my unit plan for assignment 2. I remember teaching myself and creating one a few years back and loved it! I think it's a great tool.

Digital Citizenship - Great Resources for Teachers - Library at Brisbane Grammar School - 1 views

    Good collection of resources on Digital Citizenship from the library at the Brisbane Grammar School
Nicole Hunter

SpeEdChange: Changing Gears 2012: rejecting the "flip" - 2 views

  • From the 1890s until World War II homework was consistently highly controversial, with laws against it (California 1901 among many others),
    • djplaner
      For me, this is an illustration of "technology becoming mythic". i.e. today, many parents/teachers assume homework is a given.  And yet 100 years ago there were laws against it.
  • omework is a link from school to home that keeps parents informed about what the school is teaching, gives them a chance to participate in their children's schooling, and helps to keep the schools accountable to parents. Not to assign homework is to exclude parents from playing an active role in their children's academic development."
    • Jackie Litwinczuk
      I hear this quote so often but I really believe if the parents want to be involved in the children's learning, they need to spend time in their child's learning environment.
    • Justene Webb
      Here, here, I so agree with you Jackie so often parents only find themselves in school to make a complaint or the like never have I seen a parent just wanting to spend time in their childs classroom just to see. It would be beneficial for all if there were time when this could happen.
    • djplaner
      Connections with parents is important. In fact, it's one of the AITSL professional standards. But I wonder why parents don't spend more time in their child's classroom? I'm sure there would be many parents (but perhaps not all) who want to be more involved with their child's education, but who can't for various reasons.  I wonder if we can make it easier for them to be involved?
    • djplaner
      Actually, entirely by accident I came across this post from Nicola's blog
  • Our students deserve more imaginative thinking than that. And all of our students deserve an educational environment which moves us toward equality of opportunity, not further away from that.
    • Justene Webb
      Equality is something that would be missed in a flipped classroom. With the cost of living increasing not all families are going to afford the technology that a flipped classroom requires students to have access to at home.
    • Colleen Lenehan
      Wouldn't lack of equality be bridged if the students who didn't have access to the internet went to school early or stayed back a bit later to listen to the videos. If there was supervision, what difference would it make being at school or at home for the video presentation?
    • Nicole Hunter
      I agree with a comment made above too, that maybe the school day needs to be re-arranged if a flipped classroom pedagogy is going to be introduced - give students time during normal school hours to watch the videos then have the classroom discussion
    A reading for week 5.
Alison Alison

leading and learning: Guy Claxton's Magnificent Eight - 0 views

  • Guy Claxton believes that teachers need to focus on how they relate to students in their classrooms. What is important , he writes, are the values embodied in how they talk, what they notice, the activities they design, the environments they create, and the examples they set day after day. These represent the culture of the class.
  • They say, 'lets try'...and, 'what if?'
  • are curious.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • can be demanding and skeptical of what they're told.
  • have courage
  • They are willing to take risks and try new things.
  • good at exploration and investigation
  • good at 'sifting' ideas and trust their ability to tell 'good evidence'.
  • requires experimentation.
  • Every lesson invites students to use certain habits of mind, and to shelve others.
  • have imagination.
  • let idea come to them, finding links and connections
  • imagination needs to yoked to discipline
  • ood at creating explanations, making plans, crafting ideas, and making predictions based on their evidence.
  • know the virtue of sociability.
  • They are able to both give their views, receive feedback, and listen respectfully to others.
  • are reflective.
  • Good learners are self aware, able to contemplate their actions to continually 'grow their learning power'.

Lectures don't work, but we keep using them | News | Times Higher Education - 4 views

  • As learning gains are predicted by study hours, not by class hours, this argument would hold up only if lectures were good at increasing the former and they are not: indeed, the more lectures there are, the fewer learning hours each generates.
  • There are alternatives to lecturing that have a much better record of generating learning hours, and some cost nothing. The only potential problem is that they may require more effort from students
    Short article covering some of the research about the limitations of lectures. For example, "For some educational goals, no alternative has ever been discovered that is less effective than lecturing, including, in some cases, no teaching at all" But also making the broader point that research has yet to effectively explore all of the possible applications of lectures. An example of evidence that can be used to guide pedagogical decision making.
    An interesting article particularly comments made on study hours. My thoughts are that some learners do gain the most out of independent study and / or reading information whereas others achieve most in class listening to lectures... I don't agree that there is a 'one size fits all' approach rather that teaching should be delivered in multiple ways so as to meet the learning needs of a diverse student cohort.
Maria Kaffatou

ICT in Early Childhood - 3 views

  • We don't want them sitting in front of a computer screen or a TV. They probably get enough of that at home. What they need at the centre is to run around, do something physical.
    • Ali Meadows
      I have had this argument so many times with many different directors. Part of education in the early years is to create a continuity between home life and their 'care' environment.
    This is a research article regarding pre-service educator training in integrating ICTs in Early Childhood Education.
    'It is also disconcerting that some children still do not have access to computers at home and therefore do not have the opportunity of developing the skills my grandson and other 'digitals in diapers' like him take for granted - skills such as using a mouse, finding letters and numerals on a keyboard or screen, typing letters, navigating websites, retrieving files, using pull-down menus, loading CDs and DVDs, uploading photos from a digital camera, using toolbars, saving files, printing documents and files, using drawing software and typing words (Zevenbergen & Logan, 2008, p. 42). Although some of these skills are used for playing games, this is still an impressive array of digital literacy skills, even more so when they have been acquired more through independent learning and experimentation than through an adult providing instruction.' On the above I would like to add that children should learn or use skills in order to play. Children learn through play and this is a concepts that underpins learning in the early years

Rock art vandalism, including graffiti, imitation carvings, devastates WA Aboriginal el... - 0 views

    "Rangers use WiFi to highlight vandalism issue at Burrup"

The Wrath Against Khan: Why Some Educators Are Questioning Khan Academy - 0 views

  • But that's the crux of the problem right there: lecture-demonstrations. Although there's a tech component here that makes this appear innovative, that's really a matter of form, not content, that's new. There's actually very little in the videos that distinguishes Khan from "traditional" teaching. A teacher talks. Students listen. And that's "learning." Repeat over and over again (Pause, rewind, replay in this case). And that's "drilling."
    • djplaner
      So is this "replacement", "amplification" or "transformation"? At a base level it's amplification in that the learner can pause, rewind and replay. Not something they can do in typical lecture demonstrations.
  • They point to studies that find while students receive these sorts of videos positively, they are actually learning very little or learning very superficially
  • Physics teacher Frank Noschese, for example, contrasts the video of Khan's explanation of force with a video documenting his students' exploration of force through hands-on experimentation.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • But as some people have found, this sort of reward system on Khan Academy may encourage completion of material for the sake of badges, rather than for the sake of learning itself.
    • djplaner
      The ramifications of changes wrought by ICT can lead to unexpected consequences. Yes, students may be completing all of the Khan Academy activities, but are they learning? How long do they retain that learning?
  • Khan Academy has expanded from just creating videos to include a whole platform through which students can move through the content, including analytics for teachers and parents to track them
    • djplaner
      Replacement, amplification or transformation? Teachers should always have been tracking student progress. Khan Academy makes it much, much easier - so amplification. But Khan Academy also makes it easy for the parent's to track - amplification or transformation?
    Another article looking at the argument between those who see Khan Academy as "the bees-knees" and those who see some problems. There's a point about "lecture-demonstrations" (the model used by Khan) that is particularly relevant to this cause and the idea of the RAT framework.

How are they going? | The Weblog of (a) David Jones - 6 views

  • from here
    • djplaner
      Here's the first of the "links to online resources". It links to an earlier blog post of mine.  But this is still an online resource. This is likely to be the most common example of "link to online resource"
  • through Tagxedo.
    • djplaner
      Here's another link, to another resource, but still the same type of link.
  • How are you feeling? Was happy and a little surprised to see some of the more positive
    • djplaner
      The image below (sorry had to highlight more than the image) is an example of a link to an online resource. It's actually an example of two types. First, click on the image and you get taken to a larger version of the image on another site.  i.e. it's linked to another resource. But the image itself as embedded in this page is actually coming from somewhere else online.  Another example of a link to an online resource.
    • sarahbenvenuti
      Hi djplaner This image has many words that resinate with how I am feeling at the moment including; clever, excited, interested and successful! I am very excited to extend my knowledge of what the wonderful world of ICT has yet to teach me. I just learnt about ICloud and Drop Box today from one of the teachers on the campus. Just loving how everything on the world wide web is connected and through accidental networking I can learn so much! Just clicking on this resource has linked me to another page with information regarding scootle and campus information. How beneficial! Who knew that pictures could be hyperlinked as well as words and URLs.
    Using this post of mine to explain what the phrase "links to online resources" from the learning journal component of assignment 1 might include.  Look at the annotations on this page for more explanation

Conceptual Change - Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology - 1 views

  • Teaching for conceptual change primarily involves 1) uncovering students' preconceptions about a particular topic or phenomenon and 2) using various techniques to help students change their conceptual framework
  • However, outside of school, students develop strong (mis)conceptions about a wide range of concepts related to non-scientific domains, such as how the government works, principles of economics, the utility of mathematics, the reasons for the Civil Rights movement, the nature of the writing process, and the purpose of the electoral college
  • Conceptual change is not only relevant to teaching in the content areas, but it is also applicable to the professional development of teachers and administrators
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • In the early 1980's, a group of science education researchers and science philosophers at Cornell University developed a theory of conceptual change (Posner, Strike, Hewson, & Gertzog, 1982)
  • Researchers have found that learners' preconceptions can be extremely resilient and resistant to change,
  • Affective, social, and contextual factors also contribute to conceptual change. All of these factors must be considered in teaching or designing learning environments that foster conceptual change (Duit, 1999).
  • Teaching for conceptual change requires a constructivist approach in which learners take an active role in reorganizing their knowledge.
  • That is, learners must become dissatisfied with their current conceptions and accept an alternative notion as intelligible, plausible, and fruitfu
  • Nussbaum and Novick (1982): Reveal student preconceptions Discuss and evaluate preconceptions Create conceptual conflict with those preconceptions Encourage and guide conceptual restructuring
    Introduces the idea of conceptual change in the context of science. During week 1 of EDC3100 we will be looking at conceptual change as it applies to learning how to use an ICT.

No Clarity Around Growth Mindset…Yet | Slate Star Codex - 1 views

  • (if you’re not familiar with it, growth mindset is the belief that people who believe ability doesn’t matter and only effort determines success are more resilient, skillful, hard-working, perseverant in the face of failure, and better-in-a-bunch-of-other-ways than people who emphasize the importance of ability. Therefore, we can make everyone better off by telling them ability doesn’t matter and only hard work does
  • Good research shows that inborn ability (including but not limited to IQ) matters a lot, and that the popular prejudice that people who fail just weren’t trying hard enough is both wrong and harmful.
  • A rare point of agreement between hard biodeterminists and hard socialists is that telling kids that they’re failing because they just don’t have the right work ethic is a crappy thing to do. It’s usually false and it will make them feel terrible. Behavioral genetics studies show pretty clearly that at least 50% of success at academics and sports is genetic; various sociologists have put a lot of work into proving that your position in a biased society covers a pretty big portion of the remainder. If somebody who was born with the dice stacked against them works very hard, then they might find themselves at A2 above. To deny this in favor of a “everything is about how hard you work” is to offend the sensibilities of sensible people on the left and right alike
    • djplaner
      The point I take from this is that not "everything" is about how hard you work. There are other more important factors to be considered. And these factors mean that not everyone will be a genius in everything. But if you have to learn something (e.g. using ICTs to enhance/transform student learning) then spending the necessary time in an effective way to learn that skill is more likely to help you learn, than simply saying "I can't do it".
    Detailed blog post outlining some reservations and limitation around the research around Dweck's Growth Mindset. An idea used early in this course. Reinforcing the idea to keep a skeptical view of your theories.

Welcome to the Mathematics Assessment Project - 1 views

    American project looking at developing mathematic assessments that move beyond traditional methods.

Decoding learning: The prrof, promise and potential of digital education - 2 views

    A report from the UK looking at "where proof, promise and potential lie for technology in education"

Getting More Out of Student Blogging | Sue Waters Blog - 3 views

    From @suewaters at Edublogs. An article on how to develop and use blogging within the classroom
Shari Kath

Stages of Teacher Development - 1 views

edc3100 ictexamples resources education

started by Shari Kath on 03 Mar 13 no follow-up yet
Lara Hawker

Your Brain on Computers - Attached to Technology and Paying a Price - - 1 views

    This site isn't part of the course reading. Initially I found it while looking at how technology has altered culture. When I read the article I was intrigued by the section on how exposure to technology has affected peoples brains and stimulation like this has altered concentration. Lara

History Of Educational Technology - 2 views

    A great way to look at the history of technology in education 

Jo Blogs: Blog Buddies - 1 views

    A Graduate Diploma of Learning and Teaching student at CQUniversity is blogging as part of a course similar to EDC3100. She introduces the idea of blog buddies and links to some of the blog's of other students in their course. Might be an opportunity for some cross-institutional connections.
Karla Black

Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog - 4 views

    Take a look at this excellent class blog. The teacher posts about a story, and the students respond to the blog following an activity where they have to do some independent research. Lots of key learning area integration going on here!
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