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The "Immeasurable" Part 2 - 1 views

    A blog post that presents a graph giving one representation of where certain skills and knowledge sit along two axes - "difficulty to assess" and "learning in a networked world". The argument is that most assessment in formal education focuses on content knowledge and basic skills.  Rather than on more important but more difficult to assess knowledge and skills. It might not be 100% correct, but it's good food for thought. What are you teaching and assessing in your teaching?  What am I doing?

Using rich assessment tasks in mathematics to engage students and inform teaching - 3 views

    Paper talking about rich assessment tasks. Some nice examples of problems with assessment and some examples of rich assessment tasks.

Assessment - Aussie Educator - 0 views

    Collection of resources around assessment for an Australian context

Deeper Learning: Performance Assessment and Authentic Audience | Edutopia - 1 views

    • debgran
      Something to keep in mind when reflecting on authentic assessment
    I really see value in changing the point system mindset when assessing students

Can a Child's Creativity and Persistence be Assessed by a Game? | MindShift - 3 views

    Researchers are looking into how well "stealth assessments" embedded in video games could help measure less tangible qualities like creativity and persistence.
    Researchers are looking into how well "stealth assessments" embedded in video games could help measure less tangible qualities like creativity and persistence.
    I played the maths challenge Dragonbox, and was just going to spend a few minutes on this game but I found it fun to keep going and work out how to continue with the problems when I got stuck, until I understood the concept that the challenge was teaching. In a way I was trying to be creative in solving these problems along the way and was learning as well. This idea could be carried on outside the came creating my own idea of Algebra using everyday items. I think that when learning is taking place creativity and innovation are not far behind. Dragonbox

Welcome to the Mathematics Assessment Project - 1 views

    American project looking at developing mathematic assessments that move beyond traditional methods.
Carla Frohloff

Week 10- Easy Assessment | Carla Frohloff's EDC3100 Blog - 0 views

    Hi Everyone. I have blogged about a resource to incorporate ICTs in Assessment. Feel free to check it out at the link above.

Dipsticks: Efficient Ways to Check for Understanding | Edutopia - 4 views

    This article provides definitions for formative and summative assessment and includes 55 ways to check for understanding
    This really helped me with some creative assessment ideas.
Karen Thompson

Assessment and Rubrics - Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything - 0 views

    ICT Assessment Rubrics plus so much more
Joe Wright

8 Excellent Tools for Formative Assessment to Try With Your Students - 1 views

    If you look at Hattie's research (I posted earlier today) you will see Formative assessment as one of the big influencers on student learning. I posed the question - 'how do ICT's feed into this?'. Here's one example ... (well, 8 examples ...)
Rachel Frohloff

Week 10: Using ICTs in assessment or HPE context. - 11 views

Hello, I have attached a link to my blog posts that illustrates the resources I found that can be utilised to integrate ICTs in HPE context or for assessment. Assessment: http://rachelfrohloff.e...

ICTs in HPE for assessment EDC3100 education technology

started by Rachel Frohloff on 01 May 13 no follow-up yet

geddit - 2 views

    • alicefoddy
      This resource is excellent as a method of formative assessment or as a teaching strategy in the classroom to track students progress. Students are able to answer various questions, and through this identify and reflect on how well their learning is going within a topic. I will probably blog about this in my assignment as it is an excellent resource that I've used before. 
    This resource is excellent as a method of formative assessment or as a teaching strategy in the classroom to track students progress. Students are able to answer various questions, and through this identify and reflect on how well their learning is going within a topic. I will probably blog about this in my assignment as it is an excellent resource that I've used before. 

"Slowmation" by Kathryn Paige, Brendan Bentley et al. - 2 views

shared by djplaner on 25 Feb 16 - No Cached
nruthie liked it
    Journal paper that talks about a particular use of ICT in learning. May be referenced a bit in the week 2 learning path to touch on "why" ICT is used with pedagogy. *Abstract* Slowmation is a twenty-first century digital literacy educational tool. This teaching and learning tool has been incorporated as an assessment strategy in the curriculum area of science and mathematics with pre-service teachers (PSTs). This paper explores two themes: developing twenty-first century digital literacy skills and modelling best practice assessment tools. In the growing debate about the impact of multi-model representations, researchers such as Hoban and Nielsen, and Brown, Murcia and Hackling emphasise the development of conceptual understandings and semiotics. This paper focuses on PSTs' experiences of and reflections on Slowmation as an educational tool. Data was collected from a cohort of final year PSTs who created, presented and reflected on their Slowmation process.

NAPLAN - 11 views

Hi It will be interesting to see. For one of my children it will be a reality in a very few short weeks. Her highschool is a pilot school for NAPLAN testing online using their BYOD (an iPad). Will ...


Sploder - Make your own Games, Play Free Games - 2 views

    Great for a design unit - students can create an educational game in small groups and be assessed on the final product

The One-Minute Paper - 1 views

    A popular, quick assessment technique that could be combined with online surveys/clickers.

20 Simple Assessment Strategies You Can Use Every Day - 2 views

    Not directly related to ICTs, but definitely pedagogy and some of these can be enhanced through ICTs.

Formative assessment - Google Slides#slide=id.p - 0 views

    Good ideas for Formative assessment tasks

Assist- Great ICT app for assessment - 4 views

Found this app while researching other blogs. Looks great to create, organise classes assessments and reports. Here is the link

started by deehardy on 06 Mar 15 no follow-up yet
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