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Data Security in Hospitality - Why Is It So Important? - 0 views

  • The hospitality industry has one of the highest numbers of security breaches.
  • As a result, the hospitality sector seems to be an ideal target for cybercriminals looking to carry out credit card fraud and identity theft crimes.
  • Such complex ownership structures could result in breaches as in the case of the Wyndham Worldwide breaches which occurred back in 2008 and 2010
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  • These criminals infect point-of-sale systems with malware that scrapes card information. 20 out of the top 21 high-profile breaches that have occurred since 2010 have been a result of this strategy.
  • One of the more recent data breaches in 2019 - the Earl Enterprises data breach involved the theft of over 2 million credit card numbers. It is believed that the breach was the result of malware installed on POS systems at the popular restaurants run by the company.
  • Having well-trained staff is invaluable for ensuring the secure collection and storage of sensitive data. However, the hospitality industry has a very high turnover rate due to the fact that it largely involves seasonal work.
  • Just one untrained individual can give cybercriminals easy loopholes to gain access to sensitive customer data.
  • It involves employees selling customer data to third parties unknown to the management of their organization
  • High profile breaches such as the recent Marriott International data breach which resulted in the leakage of the personal data of over 500 million guests continue to drive up awareness levels.
  • Failure to provide adequate data protection can have catastrophic consequences for hospitality companies
  • Organizations in the hospitality sector can protect the data of their customers by implementing a number of best practices for mitigating the risks associated with data collection.
    According to this article, the hospitality industry has one of the highest numbers of security breaches. Due to the nature of the business, credit card fraud and identity theft crimes seem to be an ideal target for cybercriminals. Humor error, high turnover rate, and insider threats are just a few primary factors for security breaches within the hospitality sector. The consequences of data breaches can have a long lasting impact on the company, including, customer trust, tarnished brand reputation and legal and financial problems. As we all know, hotel owners and operators do not want anything to impact their revenue. Encryption of credit card information, operating a continuous training program in cybersecurity, adhering to relevant regulations, using firewalls, and a detailed response plan in the event that a data breach should occur are a few practices the hotel sector can implement to mitigate a cyber attacks.

How to manage risks in tourism? | CBI - Centre for the Promotion of Imports from develo... - 0 views

  • 1. What is risk management?
  • Risk management is a planned process through which organisations manage active crises.
  • A crisis is defined as a time of difficulty or danger and is usually a time when difficult or challenging decisions must be made.
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  • 2. Before a crisis: Have a Risk Management Process in place
  • A Risk Management Process aims to reduce the uncertainties of actions taken during a crisis. It is important to have this is place in advance, so that your organisation is well prepared for unexpected events that may happen in future.
  • Establish the context
  • Identify the risks
  • Know who your stakeholders are
  • Analyse and evaluate risks
  • Analysing risks involves determining the likelihood of a crisis occurring and their possible consequences, from insignificant up to catastrophic. Understanding which possible crisis would have the most negative impact will enable you to decide on the priority course of action.
  • Treat risks
  • Communicate and Consult
  • Being visible and keeping in touch with your stakeholders is one of the most important factors of risk management, and it must be done on a continuous basis in all stages, before, during and after a crisis.
  • No two crises are the same, and some destinations will be more susceptible to particular crises than others. You should carry out a risk analysis, drawing up a list of crises that might happen based on those that have occurred in your region/country in the past and may happen again.
  • Draw up a list of your stakeholders to get a clear overview, so you can ensure they are included in all correspondence you issue.
  • Use your website and social media to keep in touch
  • ou should revisit your website regularly and publish the most recent information about the impact a crisis is having on your destination/region.
  • It is really important to date your website communications, so that users can be sure they are receiving the most up-to-date information.
  • Monitor and review
  • Crises are often fast-moving; situations tend to be highly changeable and can be volatile. This means that current processes, plans or procedures that you have in place to deal with a crisis should be regularly reviewed and updated. Your plan should be flexible and dynamic, so that you can adapt easily to the changing situation when a crisis happens.
  • Training and testing
  • Once you have formulated your Risk Management Plan, you must train your staff and test the plan.
  • 3. During the crisis: Follow these four steps
  • Once a company is in the middle of a crisis, the first thing to do is to understand the situation as best you can and understand the impact it can have on your organisation. This is a continual process as one of the characteristics of a crisis is that it’s always changing, and the effects on your business will also constantly shift.
  • 1. Mitigation
  • Mitigation refers to the initial actions that the company that is directly in the face of the crisis or emergency needs to carry out. These are the first steps that need to be taken to protect the ones in the immediate line of fire – teams, customers, suppliers, industry partners and finances.
  • 2. Preparedness
  • he mitigation stage of the crisis management could be a very short process or a long, drawn-out process, depending on the immediate effect of the crisis on your business. At the same time, the process to start preparing the business for this particular crisis can be key to the next stages of Response and Recovery.
  • 3. Response
  • The majority of crisis management lies in the response to the crisis. All the preparation you have already done to protect the company and its assets will help you in the response stage.
  • 4. Recovery
  • It is difficult to know when the Response phase becomes the Recovery phase. However, it is clear that, while you are on the road to Recovery, you should to continue to follow the steps you established in the Emergency Response Plan. As in the previous steps, you should be continuously refining and updating the plan, based on the current situation. Flexibility during the Recovery phase continues to be important. Your organisation may look different following all the changes you may have made as a result of the crisis, and your markets may also have changed.
    This article uses diagrams and gives the step to let us know the processing of managing the risk. Also, it teaches a four-step process- Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery to address a crisis successfully.
Sherine Mattison

Investing in Technology for Competitive Advantage / Arthur Andersen / Fall 1996 - 1 views

  • Today's hospitality industry technology represents a legacy reflecting the computer industry's capabilities during the last two decades and the willingness of hotel executives to embrace its products
  • critics have been increasingly harsh with their comments on the computer systems and software applications used by the hospitality industry. Typically custom-designed for proprietary application, these systems have not always been successfully integrated
  • The question for many hotel organizations remains how to achieve the ultimate open system that can be shared at all levels, whether it is the central reservation system, individual property management system or any other operational area
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  • Timing is everything in technology investments
  • Network computing has enormous implications for marketing to customers on a global basis, as well as hotel operations. Consider the potential for the industry to connect with vendors worldwide for electronic purchasing, potentially achieving economies of scale and leveraging not yet possible. World purchasing functions will allow companies to customize their own catalogs. Virtual channels of distribution using computer networking capabilities will also allow hotel companies to market products and services - some traditional to our industry, others not - to customers whether they are in the hotel, at work, or at home. This will require a migration from today's central reservation systems to tomorrow's customer information systems using network-centric solutions. Development of customer profiles and guest recognition will make it possible for hotel organizations to interact in entirely new ways with customers, regardless of their physical location. Clearly, the large hotel companies will need to be the first to address questions raised by global networking capabilities and what this will mean in terms of technology investment. But for many hospitality companies presently struggling with the high cost of technology and the confusing state of our industry's technology affairs, this will not be an easy task. And the decisions will ultimately become further complicated by the opportunity to outsource certain functions into subscription-based networks. It is unlikely that the hospitality industry will be forced to bear the entire burden for networking infrastructure. Strategic alliances with major technology companies will be the catalysts in building this capability as they become strategic providers of networking capabilities to hospitality and other industries. And as network-centric computing comes of age and a company's proprietary information is stored in cyberspace, security will become an ever-more important issue requiring solutions. Whether it is an e-mail gateway through an internal network or customer access via the Internet, network fire walls and encryption systems will be required to mitigate the concern many will have with system security.
  • Network computing has enormous implications for marketing to customers on a global basis, as well as hotel operations. Consider the potential for the industry to connect with vendors worldwide for electronic purchasing, potentially achieving economies of scale and leveraging not yet possible. World purchasing functions will allow companies to customize their own catalogs. Virtual channels of distribution using computer networking capabilities will also allow hotel companies to market products and services - some traditional to our industry, others not - to customers whether they are in the hotel, at work, or at home. This will require a migration from today's central reservation systems to tomorrow's customer information systems using network-centric solutions. Development of customer profiles and guest recognition will make it possible for hotel organizations to interact in entirely new ways with customers, regardless of their physical location. Clearly, the large hotel companies will need to be the first to address questions raised by global networking capabilities and what this will mean in terms of technology investment. But for many hospitality companies presently struggling with the high cost of technology and the confusing state of our industry's technology affairs, this will not be an easy task. And the decisions will ultimately become further complicated by the opportunity to outsource certain functions into subscription-based networks. It is unlikely that the hospitality industry will be forced to bear the entire burden for networking infrastructure. Strategic alliances with major technology companies will be the catalysts in building this capability as they become strategic providers of networking capabilities to hospitality and other industries. And as network-centric computing comes of age and a company's proprietary information is stored in cyberspace, security will become an ever-more important issue requiring solutions. Whether it is an e-mail gateway through an internal network or customer access via the Internet, network fire walls and encryption systems will be required to mitigate the concern many will have with system security. In the final analysis, networking solutions will drive down the cost of technology investment "on-property" where hotel real estate and business interests merge. The solutions that hotel organizations will be able to choose from in terms of networking should also be less expensive than the current profile of technology spending. And we can expect that change to occur sooner rather than later, given the present rate of investment in Internet-based technologies.
    "Investing in Technology for Competitive Advantage - The Challenge Facing the Hospitality Industry" sheds light on how the necessity of the investment in technology is in the hospitality industry. Not investing in technology affects even the customer services. It is mentioned that there are at least 85 property management systems available offered to owners and managers of hotels by technology providers which tend to meet the real needs of those. Further, open system that could be widely used is needed to acquire by hotel organizations. The more creative hospitality organizations are, the more successful would be in future. It is also indicated the technology cycles. Simply, technology would be increasingly required in future because of that the investment in technology would give a lot of opportunities to different parts in this industry.
    Investing in the hospitality industry as it relates to information technology is one of the ways the industry will stay current and be able to compete in this fast pace environment. More and more guest are demanding exceptional, cutting edge customer service. As this investment occurs there needs to be integration of hardware and software for the future. These choices are not easy and is perhaps one of the greatest challenges that the industry faces. Timing and knowledge is critical to investing in technology because innovation is moving so fast, therefore knowing what new development to purchase and the ability to integrate existing systems into new one is important. In conclusion, it is paramount for investors to be mindful of the market place and to get as much inputs into the decision that is made for maximum results.

New Carbon Capture Technologies Just Waiting For IRS Green Light - 0 views

  • Innovative carbon-capture projects are ready to launch in the U.S., according to experts gathered yesterday by the Atlantic Council, but they are waiting for IRS guidance expected since fall.
  • The guidance should resolve uncertainty over how companies can take advantage of the carbon capture tax credit in Section 45Q of the Internal Revenue Code.
  • we think is the next generation of carbon capture.”
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  • CCS is taking off now in part because of the IPCC’s 2018 report on 1.5º of global warming.
  • some governments increased their ambition from a 40% or 50% reduction in emissions by mid-century to net-zero emissions.
  • “We’ve seen more governments embrace net-zero targets,”
  • Even without the new policies, three new CCS projects are in development in the U.S., all tied to power plants,
  • Ten are in development in Europe, equal to the total number now operating in the U.S.
  • “First, we'll see more carbon capture on natural gas power plants,”
  • “and in many places the license to operate for natural gas-fired power plants will be dependent on capturing their CO2.”
  • Second, many projects will capture methane to produce hydrogen, storing the CO2.
    As there is a rush to fix emission gases in our ozone, some scientists are invented new technology to help eliminate CO2 gases in our air. One of their inventions helps take CO2 gases from the air and fixes it into basaltic rock. Another stores CO2 gases for power for natural-gas power plants. However the USA is still waiting for approval from the IRS to implement a carbon capture tax credit.

How physical and cybersecurity threats converge around mass-participation events - - 0 views

  • any event that attracts large audiences also attracts those who want to make an illicit profit, cause disruption, or inflict physical harm.
  • organisers have to build a strategy to identify, manage, and mitigate the physical and cybersecurity threats that can converge around mass-participation events. It’s essential to take a holistic approach as, ultimately, physical and cyber threats cannot be neatly separated into two distinct threat types.
  • The security team should include stakeholders from across the organisation to bring the right intelligence into focus. Trust and transparency between different departments is essential if the team is to function effectively.
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  • Threat actors use multiple channels, both on the surface and deep & dark web (DDW), to discuss and plan disruption and money-making schemes. It’s important to note, too, that the channels used by bad actors evolve all the time as they work to evade detection.
  • Security teams should certainly pay attention to previous incidents and successful tactics, but must build their strategy around the very latest intelligence.
    Physical and cyber security must coexist at mass participation events as threats can be in both forms. Organizers must create strategies to identify, manage, and mitigate these threats that can devastate events. This can be done with a multi-disciplinary security team and clear visibility to build intelligence. Information sharing and private sector engagement are also important tools within this process.

Hospitality Industry Turns to Tech to Lure Guests Back - WSJ - 2 views

  • At RLH, “We’ve prioritized anything that has to do with automation,” Mr. Edwards said.
  • A key on your phone, voice-activated digital assistants that can order fresh towels, electrostatic sprayers—hotels are piling on tech workarounds to keep guests safe from Covid-19
  • U.S. hotel companies are doubling down on automation and fast-tracking technologies such as digital room keys and voice-activated digital assistants to minimize contact between guests and hotel staff amid the coronavirus pandemic.
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  • Guests can use the AI-based devices to control the lighting and operate the television, while avoiding touching light switches and remote controls.
  • any recovery could depend on how safe guests feel.
  • “The reality is the pandemic has impacted all of our staffing levels and budgets and forecasts,” said John Edwards, chief information officer at the Denver-based company, which is also known as Red Lion Hotels Corp.
    This article focuses on the ways AI and automation can help the hospitality industry get back on track by helping guests to feel safe while they travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. By using different software guests can have a contactless check-in, request digital room keys, use AI based devices to control lighting/TV and/or make housekeeping/front desk requests, and housekeeping can use electrostatic sprayers to help mitigate the chances of guests contracting or spreading COVID. It notes the losses in revenue and occupancy by several major hotelier groups, especially some Las Vegas properties, as well the high number of furloughed employees that COVID has caused while showcasing ways that hotel groups can help get back on track by easing the fears of guests. It offers data to show that through these technologies, guests are returning because the feel their safety concerns have been addressed. comment by Jwilc019 "
Yichen Yang

Online Reservations Streamline Event Planning for Iconic Hotel - 1 views

  • In order to streamline and simplify event planning for meeting professionals working with their hotel, The Red Lion Hotel on the River - Jantzen Beach has implemented the GroupMAX online reservation system from Passkey.
  • Planners that choose Red Lion Hotel on the River for their event will be equipped with a powerful set of tools that include various templates and themes, libraries, bundles and customized event websites
  • The booking process for each event also includes a dedicated social network, which helps drive attendance and extend the event lifecycle, allowing attendees to connect before, during and after the event. An event-centric social networking option dramatically boosts the perceived value of the event.
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  • While guests enjoy the convenience of online booking and networking, meeting planners can track the progress of their events via their own set of online dashboards that provide automated email alerts and other tools helping to mitigate the difficulties of managing room blocks and bookings.
    According to the article, the Red Lion Hotel on the River - Jantzen Beach has implemented the GroupMAX online reservation system in order to streamline and simplify event planning for meeting professionals. Planners that choose Red Lion Hotel on the River for their event will be equipped with a powerful set of tools that include various templates and themes, libraries, bundles and customized event websites. The booking process for each event also includes a dedicated social network, which helps drive attendance and extend the event lifecycle, allowing attendees to connect before, during and after the event. An event-centric social networking option dramatically boosts the perceived value of the event. While guests enjoy the convenience of online booking and networking, meeting planners can track the progress of their events via their own set of online dashboards that provide automated email alerts and other tools helping to mitigate the difficulties of managing room blocks and bookings.
    The Red Lion Hotel has implemented the GroupMAX online reservation system to streamline and simplify the event planning. For hosting the events and also using the related facilities, Red Lion has became the convention destination. Now GroupMAX may combine the housing management, communications, booking processes and logistics together and working with the hotel. Red Lion has a lot of powerful tools to guarantee the event. Also, the mobile version of booking website can be accessed from other mobile devices. Booking process for each event is more like a social network. The event will present the value. Meeting planners will track the progress of the events through the dashboards that provide automated email alerts. Those things all make sure the events going smoothly.
yuzhu li

Station Casinos Bolsters Service Levels for Meetings and Events with Deployment of Pass... - 0 views

  • Its live event dashboards give planners access to real-time event information
  • email alerts can be set to automatically notify planners and resort staff when critical event milestones are reached,
  • y lets planners link their preferred registration system to an event's customizable booking website, which makes for a seamless registration and hotel reservation process.
    To gain a competitive advantage in Vegas, Station Casinos set up a new platform calls GourpMAX for profession and occasional meeting planners. The added ease of use helps planners maximize bookings by accelerating their booking pace, increasing reservations within contracted group blocks and mitigating attrition risk. 28GroupMAX even helps planners with the very granular details of event planning by giving them an easy way to capture individual guest information, such as meal preferences, arrival and departure times, RSVP details and more.

Safety Security and Loss Prevention During Hospitality Emergencies - Disaster Recovery ... - 0 views

  • Emergency preparedness should be a major part of the hospitality managers’ duties; they must work side by side with other tourism organizations to be prepared well to assist and save the lives of the tourist before, during and after the catastrophic events, and should adopt an updated effective emergency plan.
  • Safety and security are classified as the most important factors in the hospitality industry. Pizam et al., (1997) argued that safety and security are the most important factors to the tourist, and the first in mind when planning to travel.
  • The effective usage of safety surveillance such as closed circuit television (CCTV), electric emergency generators, body guards, fire extinguishers, fire sprinklers, emergency lights will maintain the security procedures adopted by the hotels to ensure their guests' safety, and updated emergency plans to confirm the emergency preparedness and effective planning to overcome the potential risks.
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  • Furthermore, it is important to consider the proper dress for the security staff to be in line with the hospitality management philosophy.
  • Safety is a term which relates to protecting guests and staff within the hotel from the potential hazards, injury, and death by dealing with dangerous materials and different kinds of accidents. In contrast, security regards the protection of property from criminal accidents and terrorist activities.
    • lvela051
      Main goal with safety.
  • Providing the highest levels of safety standards and security ensures good marketing for the hotels by preventing an accident before it becomes a major issue causing loss of life and property.
  • effective information system and being well prepared for emergencies could prevent or minimize loss for the hotels.
    • lvela051
      Preparedness helps to know the situation better.
  • four-phase model to plan for the crisis and to deal with the emergencies; this model proposed reduction, readiness, response, and recovery phases to deal with the crisis.
  • Many practitioners imply that regarding the technology evolution in the last decade, Information Technology has become a fundamental part of the hospitality industry,
    • lvela051
      The use of technology is becoming a part of how to prevent the problem.
  • the importance of an updated emergency plan
    • lvela051
      things change over time, its important to continuously update the plan.
  • The hospitality industry is one of the most vulnerable industries to crises.
  • is vulnerable to both internal and external emergencies.
    • lvela051
      Need plan for both to be prepared.
  • updated regularly, and a direct communication system should be employed to respond to and overcome the crisis.
  • The importance of continuous emergency training for the employees is also emphasized.
  • ole of the media, information, and the social media should be reviewed and evaluated continuously
    • lvela051
      With the use of technology becoming a bigger factor, its important to have someone assigned to handle the media.
  • causing negative impacts not only for the hospitality players, but also for the tourists and the local community.
    • lvela051
      It affects more than just the establishment.
  • biometric technologies could ensure the hotel security and increase the effectiveness of hotel information systems. This will reduce the costs, improve management of the employee and guest activities, and improve the ability to recognize the criminal activities.
  • Preparedness and an updated emergency plan with managers' awareness will help the hospitality industry to provide the necessary resources, as well as effective training to avoid or minimize risks. Safety surveillance and security systems are very important to save guests' lives and hospitality properties. These factors can also be used as a marketing tool for guests and meeting planners. Finally, it's very important to understand the crisis emergency frameworks to mitigate effects and be well prepared before the crisis strike, and furthermore, to minimize losses during evacuation when the disaster happens.
    • lvela051
      What can be done.
  • susceptible to epidemics movements,
    • lvela051
      Word of mouth is a big marketing tool that can either hurt of help an industry.
  • Hotels should issue a check-list concerning a hotel’s vulnerability to emergencies caused by natural disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis) or man-made crises (terrorist attacks, explosions, fires, spill, food poisoning).
  • This will transmit a positive image: hospitality may gain a lot by using its safety and security as a marketing tool to attract more tourists to the destination.
    This article was very interesting and it was about how safety security is very important to the hospitality industry. This article also explained how a study shows the safety and security systems work in the hospitality industry. They also said that it is very important to update the emergency plan because you never know when something going to happen in the hotel and you always have to be ready for anything. This study just showed how an effective information system could prevent and being well prepared can definitely help prevent any emergency.
    The article is a study that was conducted in regards to the security management within a hotel and how an effective security system can help in preventing accidents or emergencies from occuring. The main priority of a hotel or any establishment, besides the service provided, is having an effective emergency plan set in place to be able to respond and overcome a crisis. International hospitality being a focus over the recent years, has suffered crises, risks, and disasters causing negative impacts on tourism and the community. Hotels should "issue a check-list concerning a hotel's vulnerability to emergencies caused by natural disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis) or man-made crises (terrorist attacks, explosions, fires, spill, food poisoning)." Another part of the plan is to focus on the loss prevention aspect of a hotel by implementing information technology to secure or improve security. On technology mentioned was biometric to increase the hotel information system and also to help reduce cost and improve the way we recognize criminal activities. With the hospitality industry being one of the most vulnerable industries to crimes and disasters, it is important to recognize, improve and update the plans set into place to ensure accurate information. While it's impossible to say that these preventions are going to stop these problems from happening, it can help other learn about the proper steps to handling these situations. I personally think that as much as employers suggest different way, it's the job of the loss prevention team in every industry to construct a plan that address as many issues and conduct trainings that would help to prepare us for these occasions. Trainings are going to be the best way to properly analyze a problem and improve on the emergency plan set.
Rebecca Pichora

TSA-like hotel security is not the answer | TheHill - 0 views

  • One lone gunman committing an unpredictable, horrific act of mass murder has set off a predictable debate about how government can prevent such an event from “ever happening again.”
  • While hotels and casinos are indeed soft targets for terrorism, and measures can be taken to prevent attacks similar to the Indonesia's 2003 Jakarta Marriott bombing, the concept of implementing TSA-like procedures at hotels and casinos is impractical, costly and mind-numbingly ill conceived.
  • Most American hotels and casinos still have close-in driveways allowing patrons to check-in and drop off luggage with bellmen. While this remains an obvious vulnerability in terms of car-bombings,
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  • The hospitality industry has yet to recognize that vulnerability and change the way vehicles approach their properties.
  • o publicly available intelligence sources indicate that this soft target is on the list of any domestic or foreign terrorist organization.
  • pending capital on mitigating against this vulnerability (absent any indication it is a target) is a waste of money and only increases hotel and casino costs without any discernible benefit. Those costs will ultimately be borne by hotel and casino customers and I find no indication of a willingness to pay extra for those costs.
  • The family vacation just became more expensive with minimal, if any, increased security. But most importantly, why would anyone endure that type of intrusive screening at a hotel or casino based on one outlier event?
  • Before we continue down the route we’re on of an ever-increasing security state, both citizens and politicians need to become better at assessing risk and narrowly but effectively mitigating against that security risk.
  • Instead, let’s make rational decisions about security based upon legitimate, fact-based risk assessment. And let’s not allow one crazed individual further restrict freedom of movement of ordinary citizens.
    In the recent event of the shooting happening in Las Vegas in a hotel it has made the issue of hotel security on everyones mind as everyone is trying to figure out how to make sure this never happens again. The idea of implementing a TSA- like approach to security in a hotel would not be advantageous for a hotel as the cost to implement this would be very high which would lead to higher prices for the guests and also guests definitely would not appreciate this type of security. One thing that hotels should look at, is the car access to the property. Most hotels do have drive up drive ways where guests can conveniently valet their car and check in, but this style leads the hotels open to car bombings and hotels will not recognize this vulnerability until an intelligence agency declares this as a target by terrorists. Instead of making radical changes in hotel security and the actual property we should focus more on fact-based risk assessment to figure out the best solution.
Henrique Rodrigues

Where Should You Be Spending Your Cybersecurity Budget? - 0 views

    • Henrique Rodrigues
      This article focuses on what should be the goal on a cyber security budget. Cyber security has become a very sensitive matter these days and even though there is an in creasing number of software to protect the companies, there are also newer attacks going on. Therefore, how do we choose and evaluate what should be the focus of this budget? The article displays different threats and how companies should identify the most critical material and data that should be protected and how to do so. Many of the risks will come from the three main vectors: external threats, internal threats, or the supply chain threats. The importance of employee training, cyber insurance, risk management framework, and other allocations that the cyber budget should be geared for.
  • The goal of cybersecurity is to help mitigate or prevent a cyber attack that could cause significant harm to your business, your operations, your financial performance, or your customers.
  • But organizations with mature cybersecurity programs are increasingly aware of the fact that they cannot address every cyber threat since bad actors will continually find ways to hack and mine data. Instead, they choose to focus on preventing catastrophic attacks from taking place.
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  • With this in mind, your cybersecurity budget should be geared toward identifying the most critical material risks to your organization which could be caused through cyber means—and reducing, mitigating, or transferring those risks.

Environmentally-friendly practices in hotels - 1 views

  • As an important component of the accommodation sector, hotel operations are characterised by a massive number of activities that collectively exert a significant impact on global resources (Kirk 1995:3)
  • he considerable environmental effects of hotels contribute to problems, many of which are international in scope, with the major one being climate change
  • According to estimations, an average hotel releases between 160 kg and 200 kg of CO2 per square metre of room floor area per year and the water consumption per guest per night is between 170 and 440 litres in the average five-star hotel. On average, hotels produce 1 kg of waste per guest per night
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  • With the negative impacts that hotels exert on the environment, greater pressure is placed on governments and role players in tourism to reinforce eco-friendlier enterprises and green consumption in hotels (Moreo 2008:1). This compels hotels to demonstrate responsible behaviour to become 'eco-friendly hotels' or 'green hotels', which refers to accommodation establishments that have made a commitment to implementing or following various ecologically-sound practices, such as saving water and energy as well as reducing solid waste
  • Because hotels exert a negative environmental impact, it is imperative that the management of hotels take action to mitigate their impact on the environment
  • Within the hotel sector, the areas of concern for the environment include pollution through solid and liquid waste, high energy consumption and the increasing release of greenhouse gases that cause changes in the atmosphere.
  • Consequently, practices such as recycling of waste, waste management, supplying clean air, energy and water conservation, environmental health, adopting a purchasing policy and environmental education are being considered in various hotels in mitigation of the negative impacts on the environment
  • Demands from governments or regulators require hotels to implement green practices (Kim & Choi 2013:159). Green practices are ways to use products and methods that would not negatively impact on the environment through pollution or by the depletion of natural resources (Smith & Perks 2010:3). These green practices include sustainable management of water, energy conservation, solid waste management, ensuring air quality, environmental purchasing, community awareness and maintenance of permits (see Table 1).
  • It is recommended that hotels implement and monitor the progress of the green initiatives in their establishments. The initiatives to be implemented may include any or some of the following:
  • • Water - Water may be saved by flushing toilets using a flushing system fed from rainwater harvesting. In addition, hotels can use low-flow shower heads and taps to reduce waste.
  • Energy - Occupancy sensors can be used in hotels so as to use energy in occupied rooms only. Also, hotels can use renewable energies such as solar power and wind energy.
  • Reuse of linen - Reuse of linens and towels save water, detergent and energy which reduces the release of greenhouse gases. Water saving information cards should be placed in rooms for guests to read.
  • Solid waste - Recycling is one way by which hotels can begin to participate in waste management. Composting at the establishment is also encouraged. • Air quality - Air filtration can be installed in hotels. In addition, the creation of smoking sections for guests to avoid involuntary exposure to second-hand smoke can also be helpful. • Installation of green roofs improves air quality, which includes the use of recycled material in the growing medium. • Environmental purchasing - Hotels should avoid procuring plastic-based packaging, which contributes to high levels of pollution and should rather use paper bags made from recycled products.
  • This research study determined the environmentally friendly practices adopted in 3- to 5-star-graded hotels in Zimbabwe and South Africa.
  • Against this background, this study was conducted to examine issues relating to environmentally-friendly practices of hotels in these two developing countries
    This article takes a look at 3 to 5 star hotels in Zimbabwe and South Africa and their environmentally friendly practices. Research shows that the hotel industry has a huge impact on the environment and the use of natural resources. The hotel industry has been negatively impacting the environment by consuming large amount of energy and water, and by producing large amounts of waste. The government has been demanding that hotels implement green practices, these are methods and products that do not negatively impact the environment. The results from the data collected from these two countries showed that none of the hotels had a written green management policy. Even though some of the hotels insisted that there is a green management policy in effect, it was not written down. It is important for policies like this to be written so there is a clear understanding of what is expected.
    It seems the main motivation to implement more eco-friendly practices would be legislation/regulation but I wonder how that would be received? Outside the hotel industry,. I wonder how much focus is generally given to environmental concerns? Interesting research.

Why Cybersecurity Isn't Only a Tech Problem - 0 views

  • By now, most accept that they need to invest significant cash and resources into cybersecurity capabilities
  • ather than the full C-suite and board.
  • we’re failing at cybersecurity
  • ...27 more annotations...
  • today as comparable to trench warfare in World War I.
  • First, no company has all of the resources to fix every cybersecurity issue, and not all fixes are equally important.
  • starting with a company’s most critical business activities and how cyber attacks could disrupt them that one can start to prioritize this whole process of risk mitigation.
  • skip the ste
  • focusing on individual technologies t
  • without ever addressing the fundamental issue, which is protecting the business activities for which the computers were procured.
  • hey translate in their minds being compliant with requirements as equivalent to being adequately protected.
  • nds up actually diminishing the security of these companies, as opposed to achieving its goal of increasing protection.
  • cybersecurity has been, it’s come out of the technology department.
  • versus one that’s related to any other complex business risk that a company might face.
  • eally large cybersecurity budgets, don’t nearly get the cyber protection benefit that they should, given the dollars that they spend.
  • with r
  • Another avenue that companies can take is, is there anything about the business that the company is in, the way in which it operates, that might attract some sort of attacker.
  • And that really starts with looking at cyber risks as a business risk that could come and occur as a result of a cyber attack.
  • to help quantify what those risks are, and bringing an IT department and your cybersecurity resources to understand what the threat environment might by that might affect those risks in some way or make them to come about.
  • this perception on the part of non-technical business leaders that the cybersecurity field is so complex, so impenetrable that they would never be able to understand
  • And so, the cybersecurity team decided to put the network used for the development of new automobiles inside their corporate network, because they thought, ah, at attacker would need to go through two networks in order to be able to then steal information.
  • cybersecurity people had no idea how the companies that they worked for actually design cars, and so they proposed security mechanisms that both interfered with work and ended up resulting in the company being more vulnerable because all of these outsiders now had complete access to the corporate intranet globally.
  • You know, we’ve found that cybersecurity writ large is full of platitudes that seem obvious and compelling at first read, but if you think about them more thoughtfully, they’re sometimes misinformed.
  • , informing employees about the cybersecurity implications of their own work
  • but also who your adversaries are. H
  • $3 million a year on cyber threat intelligence.
  • In all areas of risk, whether it be financial risk, physical risk, or cyberrisk, there are no guarantees that what you do will be sufficient to fend off the attack that you actually face.
  • , you need to have cybersecurity reviews as you change your business, just like you look at other risks when you’re making changes to your business.
  • Based on our experience, when a company is looking for a home for the cybersecurity organization, they should first look at where their most significant cyber risks reside.
  • A company needs to have the technical capabilities to respond to the most likely forms of cyber attack on their most critical business activities.
  • instead of telling me what vulnerabilities need to be fixed with whatever priority
    This article talks about how companies make the grave mistake of thinking that cybersecurity is merely an issue that should be addressed by an IT team and that no one else is responsible for addressing risks and understanding them. Most C-suite employees don't understand what the risks are, and usually these risks vary from company to company. It is not that you should only consider that you can get hacked, but you should consider and identify what kinds of information can get hacked and why. The article denotes an example of an Asian automobile company that needed to implement a new system to mitigate security risks and in the process, ended up locking up other companies who needed to use their systems to find out about their products. So those companies started to create fake profiles to try and access the information -- all so that they could just do their job. This showed that people are more interested in just getting their job done than understanding cybersecurity and why certain systems are in place. The way of thinking up security systems should be creative and involve all parts of an organization. Departments won't know what their role is until they identify what information is important to them, what their purpose is in the company, and what is valuable to them. By identifying this, they can come up with ways to secure this information and monitor its delivery. Businesses don't look at cybersecurity as a risk of their business just as a shipping company would look at weather risks as a potential threat to their revenue. It is looked at as more of an abstract concept and this stops people from implementing successful strategies to keep their information safe. Cybersecurity shouldn't be viewed as "so impenetrable" that no one would ever understand it. This requires everyone to get involved and understand the implications of cybersecurity on their own work, specifically, and identify who their main adversaries may be.

Ransomware: One of Hospitality's Biggest Threats in 2017 | News | Hospitality Magazine ... - 1 views

  • After the attack made headlines for locking guests out for their rooms, the hospitality industry felt the first shockwaves of the top cyber security threat for 2017.
    Ransomware is a modality that takes digital devices hostage and prevents the user from accessing or generating information. Hackers then request the user to pay a ransom in order to recover access. Ransom money is requested in digital currency, usually Bitcoins. In 2016, an Austrian Hotel experienced ransomware for the first time. Devices were hacked and encrypted in a way that prevented hotel staff from programming room key cards and kept some guests out of their rooms. This risk could be mitigated by recognizing and acting fast at the signs of an attack. When the first devices have been compromised, staff can act by disabling other devices from being held hostage. Back ups can also save a company from being unable to access them in the event of an attack.

Reimagining the future of travel and hospitality with artificial intelligence - 0 views

  • primary sales processes
  • ustomer personalisation
  • assimilating patterns in image, voice, video, and text, and turns it into meaningful and actionable insights for decision making.
  • ...41 more annotations...
  • One great example of an AI concierge is Hilton World wide’s Connie, the first true AI-powered concierge bot.
  • Connie is powered by IBM’s Watson AI and uses the Way Blazer travel database.
  • it can learn and adapt
  • Mezi,
  • It talks about bringing on a concept of bleisure (business+leisure) to address the needs of the workforce.
  • With AI and NLP, Mezi collects individual preferences and generates personalised suggestions
  • provides on-demand travel services
  • instantly connect people to their team of travel agents
  • Chatbot technology
  • Skyscanner is just one example, creating an intelligent bot to help consumers find flights in Facebook Messenger.
  • Deutsche Lufthansa’s bot Mildred
  • connecting with consumers in their own time and in the social media spaces they most frequently visit.
  • Aero Mexico started using Facebook Messenger chatbot to answer very generic customer questions.
  • 80 percent
  • KLM Royal Dutch Airlines uses AI to respond to the queries of customers on Twitter and Facebook.
  • Digital Genius,
  • Trivago acquired Hamburg, Germany machine learning startup Tripl as it ramps up its product with recommendation and personalisation technology,
  • voice-activated search,
  • customer-centric
  • trends in users’ social media activities
  • customised pictures and text
  • KePSLA’s travel recommendation platform is one of the first in the world to do this by using deep learning and NLP solutions.
  • Dorchester Collection is another hotel chain to make use of AI.
  • analyse customer behaviour deeply in the form of raw data.
  • Metis.
  • surveys and reviews
  • measure performance and instantly discover what really matters to guests.
  • intelligent algorithms that monitor and send out timely alerts with hot deals are currently in high demand in the travel industry.
  • The AltexSoft data science team has built such an innovative fare predictor tool for one of their clients, a global online travel agency,
  • elf-learning algorithm, capable of predicting future price movements
  • automated disruption management is somewhat different.
  • time-sensitive task, requiring instant response.
  • predict such disruptions and efficiently mitigate the loss
  • 4site tool, built by Cornerstone Information Systems
  • Thus, Amadeus, one of the leading global distribution systems (GDS), has introduced a Schedule Recovery system,
  • AI could start to infiltrate business travel even more so than leisure in the next 12 months.
  • request travel recommendations and random suggestions.
  • Trends, outliers, and patterns are figured out using machine learning-based algorithms that help in guiding a travel or hospitality company to make informed decisions.
  • Due to the greater need for structure and less of a desire for discovery, it certainly makes sense that AI would be more suited to business travellers.
  • it could help to simplify the booking process for companies, and help eliminate discrepancies around employee expenses.
  • The travel and hospitality industry transformation will morph into experience-driven and asset-light business, and wide adoption of AI will usher a new-age customer experience and set a benchmark for other industries to emulate.
    This article examines the current and upcoming updates in AI technology and how hospitality companies are using AI to their advantage. From helping airline companies deal with disruptions in real time to improving the breakfast experience at a hotel, AI is being employed successfully to instantly solve problems and mitigate new ones from occuring.
    This article mainly describes examples of how the hospitality industry uses intelligent data to influence its value chain. Such as intelligent travel planning customization, intelligent travel search, travel assistant, intelligent social media data analysis, intelligent forecasting, and so on. With the continuous development of the intelligent trend, many tourism and hotel organizations have begun to continuously introduce AI equipment, which has also promoted the transformation of enterprises to experience-driven and asset-light businesses.

The Importance of Offsite Backups - IT Directorship - 0 views

  • Just as saving a file periodically is good practice, keeping an offsite backup will help to mitigate the business risks associated with corrupt or lost data. Offsite backups combined with a disaster recovery plan allow businesses to get back up and running faster
  • The key to protecting your business and its stakeholders, is the proactive prevention of data loss – never keep all your data in one basket.
  • A cold site is usually an empty space with basic facilities which may or may not have equipment available.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • A hot site is the most expensive option but requires the least amount of time to get back to capacity following a disaster.
  • Its important to stay up to date on policy changes to ensure you are protecting both the business and business stakeholders.
  • Monitoring, reporting and testing your business's backup solution are all best practices to mitigate the risk of data loss for your business.
    This ariticle briefly summarizes the important of offsite backups for business. A couple offsite backup solutions are provided as cloud backups, remote disaster recovery sites, tape backups. The concerns of policy changes and improving backup practices are mentioned as well.

RCCL, Carnival Corp. CEOs offer a glimpse of return to sea: Travel Weekly - 0 views

    Carnival's and Royal Caribbean's CEOs agree that cruising will resume when "society decides it's ready for social gathering." They emphasized that the decision to resume cruises is not theirs alone, but will be guided by the CDC and other regulatory groups across the globe. Initially, they believe that shorter sailings will probably drive the markets. They stressed that that can and will establish screening and hygiene protocols but will be guided, once again, by the authorities in charge, as well as, by the people who actually do the traveling. In other words, when the people decide that the likelihood of contracting the virus has been mitigated and only poses a reasonable risk, then they will be more likely to resume traveling.

Cybersecurity: A Hospitality Industry Reality - AETHOS Consulting Group - 0 views

  • Cyber thieves are crafty and persistent in finding ways to breach security to gain access to personal information. The hospitality industry, hoteliers, restaurants and other such businesses that rely on the use of personal information to provide service to their customers are particularly at risk.
  • Initial steps in the risk-management process Hospitality companies should first focus on developing a robust internal risk-management program, including the establishment of strong policies and procedures; training and insurance can reduce the chances of a data breach and mitigate the damages if a breach occurs.
  • In general, an organization should review the following areas to begin developing a well-rounded risk-management program: Corporate security policy Asset classification and control Personnel security Computer-network and management protocols for vulnerability System access controls Privacy and regulatory compliance
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Then, ask yourself, “What does our company have in place to mitigate our exposures?”
  • Do we have an effective privacy policy?
  • Do we have an effective privacy-breach response plan?
  • Do we continuously test our disaster-response and business-continuity plans?
  • Franchise concerns
  • Franchise agreements should address several important data-security concerns, cyber-insurance, breach notification and PCI (payment card industry) compliance.
  • Franchise agreements should require franchisees to purchase a specified amount of cyber insurance coverage in the event of a data breach.
  • In addition, the franchisee should be required to promptly notify the franchisor of all breaches in security and immediately notify the franchisor of all breaches of sensitive information.
  • The franchisor may also want to consider being notified of any impermissible uses or disclosures
  • Cyber attack realities The ramifications of a cyber breach could be both financially and operationally catastrophic to any hospitality company. Losses could include costs associated with litigation expenses and fines as well as defense. The cost of business interruption and loss of income could be debilitating.
    This is an article providing a very high-level introduction to the potential risks faced by the hotel industry from cybersecurity. It outlines some initial steps that hotel companies might consider in their risk-management process and also gives some very specific examples of risk related to franchise contracts.

Why Assessing and Mitigating the Security Risks of PMS Data Should be a Top Priority fo... - 0 views

  • here are two components of the puzzle: the booking engine used by hotels, and the actual PMS. Since guest data can be self-hosted by hotels, managed on-property by a third party, or handled entirely off site, it’s up to hoteliers to decide what works best for their property.
  • To stay informed on the status of your property’s data storage, operators should become familiar with the management at work in their hosting facility. Request information on the hosting facility’s certifications for GDPR, PCA, SOC 2, and others. It will also be useful for learning who oversees rolling updates out to your hotel’s machines, as well as firewall rules, antivirus requirements and more.
  • However, even if your hotel’s data is out of sight, it is a hotel’s responsibility to keep their data partners accountable.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • No matter how a hotel stores its data, operators will always be liable for securing it on some level. This is particularly true for PCI compliance, as hotels still physically handle credit cards properly and store guests’ card data well locally.
  • In general, hosted environments, whether multi tenanted or dedicated, reduce some of the operational load of your IT team in various ways, dependent on the level of interaction coming from your data partner. A fully managed implementation could absolve hoteliers from overseeing updates, watching alerts for threat monitoring, and more. These systems also give operators the benefit of accessing their systems from anywhere, often through and ideally via browser-based user interfaces.

How (And Why) To Move From A Tech-Enabled Services Business To A True SaaS Platform - 0 views

  • According to Gartner, SaaS, the biggest portion of the cloud market, is expected to grow to $113.1 billion in revenue by 2021.
  • companies are likely wary of undertaking the process of transitioning their organization from a tech-enabled service provider to a true SaaS platform out of concern over the challenges that may arise.
  • it’s unwarranted given the vast resources available to help in the process, including lessons learned from individuals who have experienced (and excelled at) these transitions.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • While our team was aware that the potential for things to go wrong existed, they focused on delivering value and service to clients and end users, which was the driving force that motivated the team during and following the process.
  • SaaS benefits users across the board, including compliance, security, scalability, redundancy and cost efficiencies.
  • SaaS solutions offer tremendous savings, from both a cost and human labor perspective.
  • Companies can enjoy flexible pricing models and choose to pay as they go, use a subscription-based model or handpick the features they desire.
  • SaaS subscribers benefit from a more secure, constantly monitored environment and from on-demand rapid development and break-fix protocols.
  • added level of security SaaS models provide around an organization’s proprietary data as well as rapid development and innovation.
  • SaaS solutions create significant efficiencies by enabling self-service and personalization that is driven by the user.
  • Be resolute in the value proposition your customers and end users will experience after transitioning.
  • you must be regimented in communicating the value of making the transition while creating transparency to ensure that clients are informed, heard and happy.
  • • Make customers aware of potential risks. 
  • Be transparent about any drawbacks or material risks customers will experience by sticking with dated infrastructures and approaches.
  • • Don’t be bashful about a sense of urgency.
  • The fear of transition and change was far outweighed by the security and service risks that had previously been invisible to our client base.
  • In today’s complex world, providers must prioritize the needs of their customers as well as mitigate their risks.
  • SaaS solutions are the way of the future, maximizing a client’s benefits as well as their risk mitigation.
    Why you should move from a Tech-Enabled Service to a SaaS Platform and some things to keep in mind if you do decided to make the transition.
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