Groups360™ Offers Industry-Wide Use of GroupSync™ Sourcing Technology Through... - 0 views
In the face of tumultuous changes in the meetings industry including the yet unknown impact of an evolving commission structure, Groups360 has announced its decision to open its proprietary GroupSync technology for free use by all meeting planners, hoteliers and intermediaries through March 31, for a sneak peek at the future of meeting planning technology.
Groups360's GroupSync searches more than 70,000 hotels to curate a list tailored to the planner's preferences and needs, reducing a weeks-long process to mere minutes. Not only does the GroupSync Market Estimate reveal how much a planner can expect to pay before contacting hotels, the Marketplace Advantage Program™ highlights available incentives offered by hoteliers for the specific dates under consideration, cutting down the need to sift through irrelevant paid placements and email spam.