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SusaPitk Pitkänen

Miten netti tukee oppimista? - 31 views

Vähän jälkijunassa tässäkin keskustelun pätkässä jota on näemmä käyty jo kesähelelteillä: Juu moodle kaipaa kovasti interaktiivisuutta ja liekö kehittäjiensä näkemys todella noin yksisuuntainen...

oppiminen internet

SusaPitk Pitkänen

Tietohallinto (IT- tai ATK-tuki) ja opettajan tarpeet - 24 views

Seurailen tässä keskustelua ja ymmärrän hyvin tuskan. Itse olen työskentelyoikeudella Työterveyslaityoksella ja nyt on mahdollista katsoa miten siellä tehty ATK-tuen ja infran ulkoistus alkaa pelat...

harppaus_it tietotekniikka selaimen

A Rongas

Käyttöjärjestelmät ja tietokoneet (+ mobiililaitteet) - 24 views

Leena, tuo OPE.FI-taitotasoista käytävä keskustelu on tosi tarpeellista. Tero heitti tuonne Sometu-verkostoon aloitteen, että nostettaisiin some mukaan, kehittelyä saa mielihyvin jatkaa: http://www...

harppaus_it käyttöjärjestelmät tietotekniikka mobiili opefi sosiaalinen media

Tero Toivanen

Diigon käyttö sosiaalisena mediana - 18 views

Avokurssi loppui juuri ja tänään käytiin keskustelua vielä videokonferenssissa asiaan liittyen. Siinä Tarmo Toikkanen kyseli minulta Harppaukseen liittyen. Sanoin, että ollaan eletty vähän hiljaise...

harppaus_aika sosiaalinen media oppiminen harppaus web2.0 sosiaalinenmedia

Leena Helttula

Ajankäytöstä ja informaatiotulvasta - 6 views

    Oma panokseni viikon tehtävään. Omaelämäkerrallinen tarina siitä, miten ajan käyttöä voi oppia hallitsemaan
Mervi Jansson

Resources | EDUCAUSE - 3 views

    educause resource center
Tero Toivanen

Readability - An Arc90 Lab Experiment - 3 views

    Tämä on työväline, jota käytän jatkuvasti. Mielestäni tämä myös säästää aikaa, sillä se tekee sivut helppolukuisiksi. Minulla se on selaimen palkissa koko ajan esillä ja sitä painamalla web-sivu muuttuu valitsemaani fonttiin, fonttikokoon ja rivin pituuteen. Loistava ja yksinkertainen!
    Täytyy myöntää, että hyvä työväline onkin. Testasin mielenkiinnosta useilla sivuilla ja kyllä luettavuus parani valtavasti.
Tero Toivanen

e-competencies - 2 views

    Erinomainen Cristóbal Cobon esitys tulevaisuuden vaatimuksista ja tulevaisuuden yhteiskunnasta.
Minna Artimo

Keittokirja aloittelevalle verkko-opettajalle - eNorssi - 2 views

    Näyttäisi olevan perusasiaa selkeän näköisesti. Ainakin äidinkieleen lyhyt vinkkiluettelo, ei siis mene paljon aikaa :)
Mervi Jansson

Learning with 'e's: Teaching with Twitter - 2 views

    teaching with twitter
Tero Toivanen

61 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For - Thanksgiving - Lifehacker - 2 views

    Tässä lista hyviksi havaituista ilmaisohjelmista, joista suurin osa on kyllä jo käytössä. Ehkä näistä löytyy myös jotain uutta.
A Rongas

PubSubHubbub (Mitäh?) - ,sanoi Erkka. - 2 views

    "PubSubHubbub on nimihirviö, johon verkkoviestinnästä kiinnostuneiden kannattaa kiinnittää huomiota. Sana sisältää viittaukset julkaisemiseen (publish), tilaamiseen (subscribe) ja hubiin (="keskitin", hub)."
A Rongas

blogeista - Esitys - Discussion - Blogi yksin ei riitä - 2 views

    Mitä tulee mieleen blogeista ja oppimisesta? Tue mukaan dialogiin. Tässä poimintoja dialogista.
Tero Toivanen

Writer - Windows Live - 1 views

    Live Writerilla kirjoittelet helposti omaan blogiisi, jos olet Windows-käyttäjä.
Tero Toivanen

Nexus | the human network - 1 views

  • a leap
    • Tero Toivanen
  • The next twelve months will be crucial. If we can only change the way we think about what is possible, we will change what is possible. It’s a big ask. It’s the challenge of our times. Will we rise to meet it? Can we make an agreement to share what we know and what we do? That’s all it takes. So simple and so profound.
  • When the histories of our time are written a hundred years from now, sharing is the salient feature which historians will focus upon.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Another example of sharing, just as relevant to educators, comes from a site which launched back in 1999 as Like Wikipedia, it grew slowly, and went through ownership changes, emerging finally as, which is owned by MTV, and which now boasts ten million ratings of one million professors, lecturers and instructors. This huge wealth of ratings came about because attached itself to the innate desire to share. Students want to share their experiences with their instructors, and gives them a forum to do just that.
  • Knowledge seems to have a gravitational quality; when enough of it is gathered together in one place, it attracts more knowledge. That’s certainly the story of Wikipedia, which has grown to encompass more than three million articles in English, on nearly every topic under the sun. Wikipedia is only the most successful of many efforts to produce a ‘collective intelligence’ out of the ‘wisdom of crowds’.
  • This is the era of sharing
  • That shared knowledge, put to work, changes the power balance within the university. For the last six hundred years, universities have been able to saddle students with lousy instructors – who might happen to be fantastic researchers – and there wasn’t much that students could do about it except grumble. Now, with, students can pass their hard-won knowledge down to subsequent generations of students. The university proposes, the student disposes. Worse still, the instructors receiving the highest ratings on have been the subjects of bidding wars, as various universities try to woo them, and add them to their faculties. All of this has given students a power they’ve never had, a power they never could have until they began to share their experiences, and translate that shared knowledge into action.
  • The Government wants us to adopt a different point of view. With the National Broadband Network (NBN), they intend to build a fibre-optic infrastructure which will deliver at least 100 megabit-per-second connections to every home, every school, and every business in Australia. Although no one has come out and said it explicitly, it’s clear that the Government wants this connection to be unmetered – the Internet will finally be freely available in Australia, as it is in most other countries.
  • The next event – and perhaps the most salient, in the context of this conference – is the Government’s commitment to provide a computer to every student in years 9 through 12.
  • First, it radically alters the power balance in the classroom. Most students have more facility with their computers than their teachers do. Some teachers are prepared to work from humility and accept instruction from their students. For other teachers, such an idea is anathema.
  • Second, these computers are being handed to students who may not be wholly aware of the potency of these devices. We’ve seen how a single text message, forwarded endlessly, can spark a riot on a Sydney beach, or how a party invitation, posted to Facebook, can lead to a crowd of five hundred and a battle with the police.
  • We are all being given an opportunity to start again – to throw out the old rule book and start over with another one. But in order to do this we’ll have to take everything we’ve covered already – about sharing, the National Broadband Network, the Digital Education Revolution and the National Curriculum, then blend them together. Together they produce a very potent mix, a nexus of possibilities which could fundamentally transform education in Australia.
  • A teacher might normally prepare their curriculum and pedagogical materials at the beginning of the school term; during that preparation process they would check into a shared space, organized around the National Curriculum (this should be done formally, through an organization such as Education.AU, but could – and would – happen informally, via Google) to find out what other educators have created and shared as curriculum materials. Educators would find extensive notes, lesson plans, probably numerous recorded podcasts, links to materials on Wikipedia and other online resources, and so forth – everything that an educator might need to create an effective learning experience. Furthermore, educators would be encourage to share and connect around any particular ‘string’ in the National Curriculum. The curriculum thus becomes a focal point for organization and coordination rather than a brute mandate of performance.
  • The student sits in the middle of an nexus of resources designed to offer them every opportunity to succeed; if the methodology of their own classroom is a poor fit to their learning style, chances are high that they’ll find someone else, somewhere else, who makes a better match.
  • We must stop thinking of the classroom as a solitary island of peace and quiet in the midst of a stormy sea, and rather think of it as a node within a network, connected and receptive. We must stop thinking of educators as valiant but solitary warriors, and transform them into a connected and receptive army. And we must recognize that this generation of students are so well connected on every front that they outpace us in every advance. They will be teaching us how to make this transition seem effortless.
Tero Toivanen

ScreenToaster - ScreenToaster Screencast Video - 1 views

    Demo about how to use ScreenToaster.
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