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Anne Baird

digitalstorytelling » home - 0 views

    this is a wiki that considers the power of digital story telling
 Lisa Durff

NECC 2009 Attendees | NECC 2009 | Welcome! - 0 views

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Tod Baker

CARET - 0 views

    The report concludes that effective uses of technology to enhance student achievement are based on four building blocks which are alignment, assessment, accountability, and access and analysis. Its definition of student achievement includes 21st Century skills. The report describes 21st Century skills as "a new set of skills necessary to prepare students for life and work in the digital age. These skills include digital literacy, inventive thinking, effective communication and high productivity abilities" (p. 32).
Clif Mims

EdTech Action Network - 0 views

    "ETAN provides a forum for educators and others to engage in the political process and project a unified voice in support of a common cause - improving teaching and learning through the systemic use of technology. ETAN's mission is to influence public policy-makers at the federal, state and local levels and to increase public investment in the competitiveness of America's classrooms and students."

NECC 2008 | National Educational Computing Conference - 0 views

    NECC is the place for hands-on, interactive learning about how technology and the latest Web 2.0 innovations can transform teaching and learning. Join more than 18,000 teachers, technology coordinators, library media specialists, teacher educators, administrators, policy makers, industry representatives, and students from all over the world.
Anne Bubnic

21st-Century Skills: Evidence, Relevance, and Effectiveness - 17 views

    Several states have taken the NETS standards one to several steps further in identifying what K-12 education must achieve in terms of facilitating student proficiency in the defined skills. These efforts have, in some cases, led to standards being issued by each state for its own students to meet, including:
Dean Mantz

NETS*A Self Assessment Survey - 4 views

    ISTE's self-assessment for administrators based on NETS-A.
tee1962 Reagan

Video: "Wired Administrators Engage Teachers" Session | ISTE Connects - Educational Tec... - 0 views

    Administration, wired, elementary
Anne Bubnic

ISTE storytelling - No Future Left Behind [Video] - 0 views

    Excellent video from Peggy Sheehy. When kids at the Suffern Middle School were asked to talk about education and their future, they gave Peggy Sheehy, the SMS media specialist, an earful. Listen and learn the bits of wisdom that can be gleaned from the students, if we only dare to ask them
Vicki Davis

I wasn't there, but I was CONNECTED | Connected Principals - 1 views

    As more people connect via Skype, the demand for live streaming is there. I think conferences can either acknowledge this and make it possible or they will continue to see us do it ourselves, taking bandwidth. The tough thing is that sometimes licenses are tricky and presenters may not want it recorded - this information is not usually shared publicly as it should be. Great read for administrators
John Marr

Copyright Clarity: Using Copyrighted Materials for Digital Learning - 16 views

    Great overview of the copyright issue and alternatives.
John Marr

Recovering from the Need to Achieve - HBS Working Knowledge - 2 views

  • e is an HNAP, or a high-need-for-achievement professional, according to Harvard Business
  • DeLong believes the tendency to be a high-need-for-achievement type is embedded in the DNA, an addiction that spans across socioeconomic groups. Instead of experiencing happiness or well-being, HNAPs seek "relief in the accomplishment of tasks." Moving immediately to the next task on the list, they never savor accomplishments for long, he says. This creates a vicious cycle marked by a feeling of little or no real sense of purpose and a "flatness"—in career and in life. They often go through patches of life without creating or enhancing meaningful relationships, and even lack strength to deal with life's failures.
  • So is there relief for HNAPs from all this obsessive comparing and competing?
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Letting go—or flying without a net—is a big part of DeLong's prescription. He calls for the reader to stop and reflect with self-awareness; let go of the past; create a vision or specific goal with an agenda; seek support through mentors and a network; don't blink (or fall back on old behaviors); and take action that makes you vulnerable.
  • I realize that most hard-driving managers and executives have been socialized to believe they cannot admit vulnerability to themselves or others. I would urge you to get past this misconception and realize that such admissions will enhance your productivity and career. So, consider: Do you regret any significant decisions you've made about your career? If you had to do it over again, would you do it differently? Have there been times when you treated your people unfairly? When you failed to listen and learn and instead directed and dictated? Do you feel you've been working at peak capacity in recent years? If not, why not? Are you unwilling to admit your mistakes to your direct reports? To your bosses? To your colleagues? Have you asked anyone for help recently? Have you admitted you didn't know something and needed to learn it? Have you asked for coaching? If you were to be completely honest with your boss and knew that there would be no negative repercussions, what secret fear or anxiety would you admit to him? Do you believe that you're in the right job, in the right group, and in the right organization? Or do you feel there's a mismatch between where you are now and what you want to accomplish
  • Copyright © 2011 President and Fellows of Harvard College
    • John Marr
      Do you know any students that are high-need-for-achievement?
    Harvard Business School Blog about high need for achievement professionals. Can this be applied to some of our students?
John Marr

Patriot Acts: 10 Cool, Crazy Superhero Nationalists | Underwire | - 3 views

    10 nationalist superheroes for U.S. comic books.
John Marr

Digital Natives, the Mushroom Kingdom and the Global Village by Anastasia Salter on Prezi - 9 views

    Fantastic presentation on digital natives.
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