It's Time To Let Teenagers Sleep The Way They Want--And Start School Later - 0 views
What if the moodiness and rebelliousness were, at least in part, caused by cumulative sleep deprivation over which adolescents and their parents have little or no control? What if there were easy policy and parental solutions that, at little or no cost, could improve both the health and academic performance of middle and high schoolers?
In one early pilot study involving a single school, starting school one hour later was found to have improved exam performance in core subjects by around 20%.
30-minute walk at the beginning of the school day
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Les études le montrent les besoins en sommeil des adolescents est important pour leur bien-être et leurs performances à l'école. Or le rythme actuel de l'école ne leur permettrait pas de combler ces besoins. Des études dans des collèges pilotes où l'on n'a fait démarrer l'école qu'à 10h00 voient le résultat de leurs élèves augmenter aux examens.