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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Salina V


Favorite Classroom Technology Application - 23 views

started by Itza Moses on 29 Mar 12 no follow-up yet
  • Salina V
    I like a lot, but if I had to chose I think I would say Prezi. While at first I really just thought about it as a different moving Power Point Presentation, as I started using it I noticed that the kids paid more attention to it then Power Points. I guess it is because the slides move in different ways and because the colors and shapes are more vibrant. It is also easy to use one you get the hang of it.

School Library Online Resources - 20 views

started by Adriana G Hernandez on 21 Mar 12 no follow-up yet
  • Salina V
    What is good about our library is that they have all the passwords and links for these resources on bookmakers at the circulation desk. Even with this though, I do agree that students do not use all the resources that are more educational then just researching with Google. I think if teacher pointed out these bookmarks at the circulation desk however, and modeled the use of one of the databases given, students would be more prone to go to those databases for research. I think items such as EBSCO is a little above age level for the students I have right now, but the other ones that are good for kids can be used well in the class and library.

Reading Comprehension and Technology - 29 views

started by Olivet Castillo on 01 Mar 12 no follow-up yet
  • Salina V
    Items that I have used for this is Google Docs. A co-worker and my self would work on tutorials and used this to incorporate technology in their reading. We learned that many kids prefer having their own computer where they can read from, instead of having a book in front of them. We would put their reading assignment on Google docs, convert it into a PDF file so they can't change anything, we learned that the hard way, and then had them use Wallwisher to read questions for the story, and then post their answer/discussion for it on there. I think this helped a lot in keeping the students interesting because being in ESL, it can be really hard to not only get these kids to want to read, but to understand what they are reading as well. We also allowed them to type in a word they didn't know into Google translator, this really helped a lot with the lower level students.

Tablets Haven't Killed the PC Yet -- Campus Technology - - 17 views

started by Adriana G Hernandez on 26 Mar 12 no follow-up yet
  • Salina V
    I can see how they would replace PCs in the future. I know that my laptop replaced my desktop here in my house. While I think they would still have the items available for those who do prefer PCs, I think the vast majority would switch to a tablet if they get more powerful in the future. They would really have to go all out to make them PC game compatible with the same graphics as good PC graphics card. There was actually something like these mentioned in a T.V. show that I watch called Supernatural. In the scene, the character as for a computer to complete research and they guy gives him an iPad. They character, who is an older fellow, probably 55, looks at it and says, "What is this?" "I asked for a computer." Then the guy replays, "But, that is a computer." The character is confused but continues working on the iPad anyways with no problems. This goes to show that many already think of it as a computer instead of a tablet, and are replacing their computers with them.

Time for Technology? - 22 views

started by Laura Rivera on 02 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
  • Salina V
    I think most middle school students and up have a technology time already. 6th grade begins with the basics in keyboarding, and then they go into a different tech class when they are in 7th and 8th grade. I believe high school even had BCIS 1 and 2. Besides these classes though, I think making sure technology is used well in the classroom would have to come from the teachers planning time. Time is a hard thing to work with most of the time since their doesn't seem to be enough of it during the day, but I think make full use of any off time given can help with this.

How much do you let your students use technology in the classroom? - 12 views

started by Maria Izquierdo on 18 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
  • Salina V
    I think I could let them use more then I do know. They use it when possible, when we get library days or internet lab days. I have 4 terminals that work when they chose too, but even with that I think I could find other items that they could use. That is my ESL class, but for my journalism kids I think I let them use technology a good amount. they are always at a computer researching for their next article, while also going around the school and interviewing people with the Flip camera, or taking picture with the camera for the school paper. They have also been using publisher to design the newsletter from time to time, and working with Weebly to create a newsletter website.

The Near Future - 27 views

started by Pedro Torres on 13 Mar 12 no follow-up yet
  • Salina V
    This is the coolest thing I have ever seen. Books, movies and video games set in the distant future have always displayed technology like this and I was always fascinated by it. I have always wanted a glass wall that I can touch and use it as a computer, T.V., screen etc. It always reminded me of Fahrenheit 451, the giant wall T.Vs they were said to have. I really like the the fact that students each had their own portable glass thing and were able to do so much with it. I think in the next 10-15 years we might have a small version of this, I hope have it all but you never know. I can defiantly see this as the future of where technology is heading and if not 15 year, I hope I live to see when ever it will happen.

Japanese School Tests Robot Teacher - 6 views

started by Delilah Alegria on 08 May 12 no follow-up yet
  • Salina V
    Wow, I can only imagine what that would be like if we had that hear. I think thi robot sub teacher is a good idea if they use it the way they are saying in the video, not to replace teachers but to teach student about technology. it really kept the students engaged. The reason I would not recommend this as a sub to teach on anything else with no other adult supervision in the classroom is because kids will be kids. Behavior will be an issue and the robot will not be able to deal with it correctly, or at all. I think it is good to use in a lesson, but not as a replacement for anything.

Technology In Your Classroom - 19 views

started by Lisandra Medina on 10 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
  • Salina V
    I think my class has become more tech savy. I think it could be much more, but with this being the first year of STAAR testing and having a really bad internet connection in the portables where I am at, I think it can be better. Also, it was my first year back in ESL so a lot of my time was getting used to the curriculum. I did have my students create more presentations and project based learning lessons. For journalism we also came up with a paperless voting system were the students take go on the computer and put their vote. I don't think I would have thought about this before MTT. I hope to use Edmodo next year though and more web tools.

Professional Development and Administrator Support - 30 views

started by Esther Sauceda on 02 Mar 12 no follow-up yet
  • Salina V
    While I agree with all that is said about an administrator's role in technology integration, I think the one that I agree with the most is allow teachers time to experiment and learn about new technology that they can use in the classroom. Teachers are given a lot to do as is, so it is understandable how technology in the classroom gets forgotten, but administration needs to help teachers with this by reminding about the importance with proper professional development. I cannot even think of one technology professional development that my school has really prompted and enforced. Administration also has to realize that they need to be models of technology use also. In an article I recently read titled, "The Administrator's Role in Technology Integration," by Linda Starr, Starr discusses that although teachers do play a huge role in technology integration in the classroom, just like our students need to see the modeling of the technology by the teacher to get its importance and use, so do teachers by administration.

    Starr, L. (2009). The administrator's role in technology integration. Education World, Retrieved from

Response To Dr. Butlers Question - 41 views

started by janie martinez on 30 Jan 12 no follow-up yet
  • Salina V
    Teachers are afraid to move their lessons into the 21st century way of learning with technology. I think a ways that we can move past these issues to it educated teachers through professional development on how these issues can be avoided with proper planning. A video example of a technology integrated lesson can help a lot as well. Many times as teachers we are told how to technology lessons, but without an example of how it should look I can understand how many teachers get confused and just decide not to do it and go back to their old way of teaching. Another item that I think can help is by putting more accountability on librarians and technology teachers. Librarians are now supposed to be considered "media specialist," and technology teachers are supposed to also be the top people who should be preforming professional development to teachers, yet many just teach their keyboarding class and do nothing for the rest of those having trouble with technology in the classroom. It is not anyone's fault, but teachers need to know that they can go to the technology teachers and librarian for technology lesson help.

Week 8 discussion - 38 views

  • Salina V
    After reading the article, "Teachers adopting tools of the 21st century," by Ami Mizell-Flint, I realized that there are many different tech tools that students use outside of class, that can benefit them with their learning in class. In this article, different teachers tell of items purchased with grant money, iPads, Kindles, books for Nook, and how they helped bring their students into the 21st century way of learning.

    Being that most of us have a needs assessment due soon, in your response, please discuss the needs of your school, and how a grant can help your school meet these needs. How would meeting these needs help your school, and help your students?

    Work Cited:

    Mizell-Flint, A. (2012). Teachers adopting tools of the 21st century. San
    Angelo Standard Times, Retrieved from
  • Salina V
    After thinking about the needs assessment that we have to create, I realized that some of the key areas that my school scored low on the STAR Chart was in the areas of Educator Preparation, & Development, and Infrastructure for Technology.

    When it came to Educator Preparation, it seems that many teachers are not well prepared in handing new technology in the class for educational purposes. It seems that this is due to a lack of training, and importance being shown towards technology integration within the campuses.

    With infrastructure for technology, one of the main items of concern is the working computers in the campus. Many computers in our lab seem to not be working well, or very slowly. Also, the 6th grade lab has been turned into the READ 180 classroom, since the school did not want to add 3 more drops to a room, this really puts a limit on the space in labs for teachers to take their kids. Since space for students to use a computer can be hard to find at times, and since teachers are lacking the appropriate knowledge in using new tech items, I feel that the best way a grant can help us meet our needs is by putting more drops in a regular classroom for READ 180, in order to get the lab back, purchasing portable items, such as laptops for students, or iPads, and provide a training to teachers on the various ways they can use them in the classroom to improve student learning.

    Once we have meet these needs, we will have closed the gap from being at Advanced Technology Stage in the STAR chart to a Target technology Stage. These new tools, and more tech savvy teachers, can also increase student learning since students now will have a more engaging, and 21st century way of learning.

How has becoming an MTT change you? - 45 views

started by Claudia MARQUEZ on 19 Feb 12 no follow-up yet
  • Salina V
    I think the main item that this journey has taught me is patience. I always thought technology in the classroom was important, however, I never had the patenice to teach it. I always felt that I would get frustrated in showing students how to do certain WEB 2.0 tools, but as I got more comfortable with them, I realized that if planned well, it is not only much easier to teach, it is a way for kids to retain more information.

    I feel that trainning to be an MTT is slowly changing me into a more social, and more confident person. I was iffy about signing up for MTT, since I still feel that those who have been teaching longer than me as higher than me, and tend to be afraid to speak. I was always the quite kid in class in the background who had the answer, but was too afraid to say it outloud. Now, I am getting better at raising my hand, or just discussion something with a co-working. Since my first year, I was always in a subject that had no team, no department structure, ESL Inclusion, READ 180, so it was basically every man for himself. Now, I am building more and more professional relationships, which will help me when applying for librarian positions, and when teacher come to me for technology intergration help.

Web 2.0 - 31 views

started by Maria Izquierdo on 06 Feb 12 no follow-up yet
  • Salina V
    I too had much difficulty with having technology items in the classroom. I am in the portables, where no wireless was even present. On top of that, I had no student computers. Once I finally got student computers, there was issues with not having the right chords. When finally having the right chords, months later, I finally have student computers and can plan stations with the use of them. I got them in yesterday, so I plan on showing the kids Prezi, I tried showing them before in the library, but with out stations, it was too many kids at one time having problems. Now, with more technology in the classroom, it will be much eaiser. What really bothers me, is when teachers in core classes have all this technology given to them, yet they don't use it. I think the reason for this is because teachers right now are worried about the STAR test, and do not want to waste time with anything else.
1More - 31 views

started by Corina Carmona on 30 Jan 12 no follow-up yet
  • Salina V
    I think it is a little hard classifying all teacher under one category to determine how we see technology differently then our students. I suppose it depends on the generation we grew up in. According to the charts from the article you provided it, the teachers who are labeled under Generation X, such as my older sister, would probably see technology as a good tool to make life easier, and use it more as a convince to get work done, but of course, everyone is different so it depends on the person. My generation however, the "Net Generation," seem to see technology more as a necessity, and are much more depended on it. Although we are capable to do common items without it since our studies in our younger years did not revolve around much technology, if you look at any 24 year old today, you will no doubtingly see them on their phone, laptop, iPad, iPod, etc. Even while being next to my boyfriend right now, who is 24 as well, I am on my laptop, the PS3 is running Netflixs in the background, and he is playing a game on his new PSP Vita. I can't imagine life without many of these items today. I believe that our students however, the older teens, younger teens, and tweens, see technology as more of a god send then my generation does. Although we are able to do items without technology, just wish not too, it seems that when looking at my 16 year old niece and my 12 year old nephew, their generation, the "iGeneration," can't do anything without the use of technology. They use it so much, that like Corina put in the quote she got, they don't even realize that they are using it. Our students defiantly see technology much differently then we do in the sense that they are so depended on it, that they don't even know it, we can at least acknowledge the fact when we use technology, but they don't even notice when they do. Technology to our students at this point is beyond second nature to them, it is who they are.

Do you know about TED? - 49 views

started by Shannon Reynolds on 07 Feb 12 no follow-up yet
  • Salina V
    One video that I have seen is to help educators see the many uses smartphone have in the classroom.

    The reason I think many people can get inspired by this video, is because I recall hearing a great deal about pros and cons of having smartphones in the classroom. Many teachers are worried about allowing smartphones in the classroom and working them into their curriculum because they are capable of so much. However, I think because they are capable of so much that they should be embraced in the classroom, and not feared. In this video, different uses for the smartphone are given such as calculators, being able to go to classroom blogs, and even the use of new educational apps that are in the smartphone market.
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