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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Laura Rivera

Lisandra Medina

Technology In Your Classroom - 19 views

started by Lisandra Medina on 10 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
  • Laura Rivera
    Unfortunately, not as technology savvy as I would like. This semester has been particulary challenging in regards to the incorporation of technology. As we all well know, testing is in the forefront of all our minds and it's difficult to implement technology. I plan on using the time after testing to have my classes use GlogsterEDU and possibly Edmodo and Prezi. I know the 5th grade teachers use these Web 2.0 tools and I would like my students to have some knowledge how to use them.
Laura Rivera

Time for Technology? - 22 views

technology classroom
started by Laura Rivera on 02 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
  • Laura Rivera
    Since starting the MTT program, I have enjoyed collaborating with my colleagues in using the new technologies which we have been introduced to. In interacting with my fellow MTT's, I have found that one of the major obstacles in using technology in the classroom is time. We have the ideas and, for the most part, we have the hardware. We only lack in time. Should we go back to a scheduled technology period? What are other ways to ensure that technology is being used by our students in school?
Itza Moses

Favorite Classroom Technology Application - 23 views

classroom technology
  • Laura Rivera
    I also like using Glogster. It is unfortunate that I do not have the time to use it with my students the way I would like to. My hope is that once STAAR testing is done we can use it the way I would like. Glogster is very user-friendly and my students like so much. In close second is Prezi. I really enjoy using it for classroom presentations. It gives me an option other than powerpoint. That alone grabs my student's attention because it is new and different.

    I totally agree with you on having more time to use thses technologies. Hopefully, one day using technology will not be the exception but rather the rule.
  • Laura Rivera
    I also like using Glogster. It is unfortunate that I do not have the time to use it with my students the way I would like to. My hope is that once STAAR testing is done we can use it the way I would like. Glogster is very user-friendly and my students like so much. In close second is Prezi. I really enjoy using it for classroom presentations. It gives me an option other than powerpoint. That alone grabs my student's attention because it is new and different.

    I totally agree with you on having more time to use thses technologies. Hopefully, one day using technology will not be the exception but rather the rule.
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