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Jessica Green

RubiStar (Authentic Assessment Activities) - 2 views

    The purpose of this site is to create many different kinds of rubrics. A workshop participant can use a rubric to determine how much they learned during the workshop and self-assess if they have met the workshop's objectives. This site is exemplary because it leads the user step-by-step through the creation of a rubric. The site contains templates for all subject areas. Users can also search for and use rubrics that have already been created.
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    RubiStar is a website that I have been using as a classroom teacher for year to create well designed and well worded rubrics. It is a simple free website that allows you to choose from a long list of pre-created categories. Final products can be downloaded and further enhance in a word processing program. The rubric created will be an example of essential learning because through the rubric the leaner will have better understanding of what is required of their digital story.
    RubiStar is a resource which provides users to design and individualize rubrics for classroom use. This tool is very easy to use, where you have access to templates and publicly posted rubrics of others. Essential learning can take place through the learner being aware of course/project requirements and expectations. I have used this resource many times in both my classroom, with parents and for assignments and have enjoyed the available templates and examples.
    Rubistar is a free site that allows the user to either create their own rubric or view and adapt an existing rubric. The library of existing rubrics is lengthy and best searched by topic and date. I have utilized the site many times to create a rubric for PBL lessons and real life lessons taught within the curriculum. I prefer this site over others as it is easy to use and provides the option for a printed hard copy to be used during the project.
    Since the final product of the workshop will be to draw a portrait, this site allows teachers to create rubrics to evaluate the finished portraits.
    Rubistar is a well-known rubric creation site. The site is at the generative level, as users are required to create their own categories and criteria for assessing products. At the essential level, teachers can browse through thousands of rubrics created by other educators to see how they might appear and be applied. The site is useful because it is fairly intuitive to learn and because it leverages the shared products of its members.
    This is an excellent site to develop or take idea about how asses any project using or assigning criteria focused on what is actually measured.
    Rubi Star - This site allows teachers to create rubrics for various types of assignments (writing, performatnce assessments, projects for groups or individuals). This site easy very simple to use. The user can choose from premade rubrics or create ones of their own. What make this site even better is that is has an on site tutorial for new users.
    *Create assessment rubrics *Brief explanation of why you found this site to be better than others you found (e.g., more effective, creates better products, easier to use, and so on)
    Rubric creator for making quality rubrics for learning. Easy to use with templates and pre-determined number scaling descriptors based on subject.
    RubiStar is a tool that allows users to create rubrics online that can then be downloaded, printed, or shared online. The user can choose from a variety of products to create rubrics for in addition to choosing which categories will be scored and the descriptors for each category. This tool would be useful in the workshop for creating a rubric to show participants the expectations for their final product. As a teacher, I have used this tool many times to create rubrics for student assignments, so I can attest to its ease of use and the quality of rubrics it can be used to create.
    This free rubric creator allows educators to create rubrics aligned to the content that is being taught, for students to self assess their performance, and for students to assess the quality of instruction received. This site provides step by step directions through the creation of the rubric as well as the option for users to search and modify rubrics that have already been created.
    * This site aids in the creation of Rubrics which allows both grading and a guide for authentic learning activities. This site is better than many of the other tools and templates in that tool is easy to understand and easy to use. There are many templates to choose from allowing the teacher to make more informed choices for assessment.
    This site is a must see for all educators who are creating problem based learning or projects. Teachers can create their own template or use the read- made templates. The file can be exported for use or saved for future editing.
    * Brief description of Web site: A free tool to help users (i.e. educators) create quality rubrics. Registered users can save and edit rubrics online. They can also access these created rubrics from any location. * Brief explanation of why you found this site to be better than others you found: Besides the fact that this is a free resource, users have the option of using templates provided by the site or creating their rubric from scratch. The site also offers step by step tutorials.
Rashida Brown

Google Sites for Authentic Assessment Activities - 3 views

    Google Sites are, first and foremost, versatile. Sites can be created for a variety of purposes, and Google has templates to make creation easy. Once a site is created using a template, it can be completely edited and personalized to fit the needs of the user. One way that Google Sites can be used for authentic assessment is to create portfolios. Since templates allow the user to customize their site, the teacher can create a template for the portfolio that each student could adapt to their own taste. Portfolios created using Google Sites can promote generative processing by encouraging students to organize the information they learned and integrate the new content with prior knowledge as they create authentic products. Google Sites is better than other sites for portfolio creation because it is user friendly and can be used with Google Apps for Education.
Laura Wojciechowicz

Cacoo - Edmodo - 0 views

    * Brief Description: Allows you to create graphic organizers and templates that can be shared with others.  People can access shared templates and make a copy of it.  People can also collaborate in real time to create templates and graphic organizers. * Brief Explanation: I find it easy to use and like the real time collaboration features as well as the ability to easily share and embed.  

Free K-12 Education Graphic Organizer Template/Creately - 1 views

    Easy to use fully interactive web interface. Filled with easy start graphic organizers templates: You can share and collaborate on graphic organizer with friend. Allow you to organize your class assignments in shared projects. You can also create mindmap, circle diagrams and storyboards. it is great for generative learnig and collaboration with others. I found this website to be better than other because there are multiply multimedia you can create. All you have to is sign up for an account,
Carmen Conley

Holt Interactive Graphic Organizer - 2 views

    Holt Interactive Graphic Organizers This site has pre-made graphic organizers that students can fill in. There are different organizers for different types of brainstorming. This site would be best for lower elementary school students or for students who need more assistance (EIP or Sp. Ed.) The PDF document is easy to download and add text to the sections of the organizer. This site also allows for printing a hard copy or the ability to save the filled in GO to be shared later.
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    I chose this site because of its ease of use and the ability to type information right into the PDF template. The different organizers could be used by the participants themselves throughout the workshop. Each graphic organizer also provides tips on how to use the organizers in class.
    Provides downloadable templates to create graphic organizer in a variety of formats. This site was chosen because it has a large variety of templates and they are easy to use.
    I chose this site because of the number of options that are made available on there and the fact that the templates are in editable pdf format. The templates are categorized by purpose and are accompanied with tutorials and lecture notes. You can actually download them and start typing. Great resource!
    This site is a source for graphic organizers. It allows students/teaches to visually organize data in ways that make sense to them. This site if better than other because it offer several free organizers.
    * Brief description of Web site: A free tool that offers various types of graphic organizers in PDF form that can be typed into and printed out. Each graphic organizer includes teaching notes with lessons and tips on how to use the graphic organizers in the classroom. * Brief explanation of why you found this site to be better than others you found: Besides the fact that this is a free resource, it offers an array of graphic organizers for users to use. Users can either type necessary content into the organizer and then print it out, or simply print it out first.
    * Brief Description: A variety of different graphic organizers that have already been created and are organized by purpose.  The graphic organizers can be downloaded with the feature to add text to enter in your own information to be saved for later use and printed.   * Brief Explanation: The graphic organizers all have a very clean design without extraneous information.   I also really like the feature that you can type directly into the graphic organizers.  
    With this website, participants can create graphic organizers online with premade PDFs. Graphic organizers can be saved. Participants are able to choose which graphic organizer is best for them.
    This site shows different graphic organizers and their perspective names that can be used to organize information and how the information can be organized. I especially like this site and how you can actually click on each organizer to use for future use.
 Lisa Durff

Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling - 3 views

    This website gives instructions and templates for storyboarding, a crucial prestep to using any tool to make a story, text, audio, or video. Students produce much superior products when they storyboard first. This is part of a learner-centered curriculum on digitalstorytelling, not a how to manual or part of a technology-centered curriculum, although technology tools can be used to create storyboards (one can also use paper templates).
Rachel Bell

Websites for Creating Multimedia - 9 views

There are many effective websites that exist to help create multimedia materials, however there are many websites that are not effective based on containing extraneous information. I have chosen ei...

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started by Rachel Bell on 14 Jan 12 no follow-up yet
Carol Lee

RUBISTAR - 0 views

    Rubistar is an online tool that allows you to create rubrics for any purpose. There are a number of good themes and template examples created by others that you can search for. The site gives you assess to these templates and allows you to save your rubrics online and even print them. I can use this site to create a rubric for assessments and a guide for students. Rubistar is user-friendly and gives you a tutorial on how to use the site. This would be very effective for first time users.
Alexandra Salas

free management and training templates, resources and tools - 0 views

    This web site provides a variety of templates and diagrams in pdf format that may be useful as supplemental materials.
karen connell

Templates for PowerPoints - 0 views

    This is a site that provides free templates to make interactive PowerPoints. The pre-training activity will need to demonstrate active and engagement. The PowerPoint templates will provide a service to complement the Microsoft PowerPoint programs already purchased.
Jeriann King

Have Fun Teaching: Lesson Plans - 1 views

    This site is a resource that provides templates for building lesson plans. Teachers can explore the different templates to find one that helps them organize materials and communicate objectives. The templates provide a variety of styles and are easy to download. The combination of text and graphics will help present the material in a dual coding mode.
Michelle MartensDragalin

Multimedia tools - 18 views

Pre-training: I selected the following sites to use for pre-training because you want to get the audience's attention. You tube is a great way to do that. You can use it to highlight the key co...

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Amanda Langston

Slide Rocket - 0 views This program has presentation templates that are not generic. The templates are unique t what the presentation is trying to sell or the point that it is getting across t...

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started by Amanda Langston on 14 Oct 12 no follow-up yet
Brenda Mckoy

Websites for Creating Multimedia - 0 views

Web Sites for Creating Multimedia Pre-training URL: - This extraordinary website is intended for trainers who are looking either to source off-the-shelf interactiv...

8847_multimedia 8847_pre-training 8847_presentations 8847_activities 8847_graphic_organizers

started by Brenda Mckoy on 01 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
John Smith

Module 3 Creating Multimedia - 0 views

Web Sites for Creating Multimedia Pre-Training * This popular technology can be used as a tool for opening workshops with videos or presentations. This would be effective in hook...

8847_pre-training 8847_graphic_organizers 8847_presentations 8847_activities

started by John Smith on 09 Jan 14 no follow-up yet
MaryFriend Shepard

educational-origami - starter sheets - 1 views

    Starter Sheets for making templates for your web resources. Many samples are included here.
Amy Cravey

Assignment 3 - Amy Cravey - 10 views

Pre-Training Learn the - Email Basics Tutorial - My pretraining activities will require st...

8847_pre-training 8847_graphic_organizers 8847_presentations 8847_activities

started by Amy Cravey on 16 Oct 10 no follow-up yet
Rashida Brown

Gliffy for Graphic Organizers - 0 views

    Online graphic organizer creation tool. Great for generative learning processes helping students make connections to prior learning. Explanation of choice: Recommended because it is online, free, and unlike other tools, no signup is required.
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    This site allows you to create diagrams and graphic organizers online. It is great for essential learning to help participants with understanding of key concepts. It is easy to use the only drawback, is that it requires a fee.
    Gliffy provides the typical "flowchart" type graphic. Sometimes, these are the best manners of organizing information prior to learning, since it clearly identifies the "big" ideas, as well as supporting details. It is better than many graphic organizers since it also enables the user to create Venn Diagrams, SWOT analysis, or floor plans. This free version is available for only a limited number of uses.
    Gliffy provides users with an online interface for creating flowcharts, diagrams, and other graphic organizers. This site allows users to either choose from predesigned templates or to build graphic organizers from scratch. The diagrams can be easily saved as .jpeg files or published to the Internet. This online interface makes is possible for users to visually depict essential material and then develop the necessary connections for generative processing. This website is better than other sites that offer access to graphic organizers because users have the choice between preformatted templates and creating their own diagrams. In addition, users are responsible for inputting the relevant information related to their project. In addition, this website allows users to create their diagrams on the computer rather than simply printing off templates and completing them by hand.
    Gliffy allows users to create custom graphic organizers. Starting with a basic design, users can edit the graphic organizer to fit their needs, based on the content. Customization includes additional boxes, connections, or color. A teacher could also begin to fill in the graphic organizer with major topics or key terms. With a pro account, users can add collaborators or publish the graphic organizer to the web. Gliffy can contribute to essential and generative processing by allowing learners to manage and organize the information being presented to them. It is better than other similar sites because it allows the user to customize the graphic organizer to the needs created by the content.
Luis Aviles

Printable Storyboard Templates - 1 views

    Free printable storyboard templates. Excellent resource for those who prefer to complete drafts of their storyboards by hand.
Amy Ward

Websites for Creating Multi-Media - 0 views

Pre-Training: Flash Templates: This website uses flash software to help create crisp photos, video and music clips for multi-media purposes during presentations, or personal use. Each of these feat...

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started by Amy Ward on 16 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
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