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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Bob Rowan

Bob Rowan

YouTube - The Flipped Classroom - 68 views

    example of a "Flipped" classroom + ad for TechSmith's Camstasia video capture software
Bob Rowan

Cheating Poll - 44 views

    Study suggests 1/3 of teens admit cheating at least once on a test using a cell phone. What does this suggest about our assessments? Are they authentic evaluations of skills we want our students to learn?
Bob Rowan

Chris Anderson of WIRED on tech's Long Tail | Video on - 26 views

    describes how books that previously wouldn't have been available in bookstores now outsell the better known books that sell larger quantities (there a lot of these "niche" books that sell to smaller audiences)
Bob Rowan

Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles" | Video on - 16 views

    Interesting topic to think about, as sites identify things we might be interested in and tailor information to our existing likes, will that prevent us from being exposed to ideas that don't back up what we already think? Will that further the existing polarization in our society?
Bob Rowan

Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom: Tips for Twitter Trainers... - 25 views

    subtitled: Tips for Twitter Trainers
Bob Rowan

Scratch Lessons - 112 views

    Good lessons for students learning Scratch programming
Bob Rowan

Disney's Planet Challenge - 89 views

    student projects for grades 3-5 and 6-8; sponsored by Disney
Bob Rowan

Desktop QR Code Reader | dansl - 78 views

    Potentially useful application for Windows, Mac, and Linux to read QR Codes, includes detailed instructions on how to use the program (assuming your computer has a camera)
Bob Rowan

Shift to the Future: Technology Powered Meetings - 89 views

    Good ideas for making meetings more efficient, though some items presume that people will do their "homework" and read items before the meeting begins
Bob Rowan

Twitter Reacts To Massive Quake, Tsunami In Japan - 25 views

  • Twitter users shared the tsunami’s estimated times of arrival on U.S. shores — before an official government tsunami warning
    worth noting for volume of Twitter posts following 2011 tsunami in Japan, use of Twitter following phone outages, and sharing expected arrival time of waves in US before official government announcements
Bob Rowan

Weblogg-ed - 2 views

    Will Richardson is Mr. Utopian Education to a lot of people. Even if you don't agree with everything he says, most folks agree that he offers thought-provoking topics.
Bob Rowan

Steve Hargadon: Thoughts on Social Networking in Education - 46 views

  • the act of blogging, and becoming a part of the blogging conversation, were important for teacher professional growth
  • blog "to the empty room" for 9 months
  • It would take away the personal benefit of the journeys that they had been on to get where they were
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • "I don't know anyone here."
  • threaded discussion forum
  • On a blog, the main author is on a pedestal, and blogs tend to favor posts which reflect the self-importance of the blogger or comments which tend toward extremism
  • What makes social networking for professional development so powerfu
  • not geographically or physically bounded
  • takes place 24X7
  • llows for asynchronous contribution
  • contribution by those who would never previously have written an article for a journal or made a formal presentation
    Comments on the founding of Classroom 2.0 and how teachers who were not previously participating in online social networking were more comfortable using the Classroom 2.0 site than maintaining and otherwise participating in blogs
Bob Rowan

Google For Educators - SketchUp - 109 views

    lessons for students to get started using Google Sketchup, follow-up activites, classroom posters, and a forum to contact other teachers. Also mentions lessons available through Discovery Education
Bob Rowan

NCREL - 36 views

    North Central Regional Educational Laboratory; good source for academic research related to technology
Bob Rowan

MAGPI - 38 views

    Lists web sites with good video conferencing resources for schools
Bob Rowan

Technology Driven Diff Instruction - 109 views

    Vicki Davis' presentation from PETE&C 2011
Bob Rowan

OpenSimulator - 46 views

    Alternative to Second Life, mentioned by Vicki Davis at PETE&C 2011, cheaper than Second Life, allows archiving of "islands"
Bob Rowan

Te@ch Me: Building your own PLN with Twitter - 55 views

  • Personal Learning Network (PLN).
    suggested via Twitter during PETE&C 2011
Bob Rowan

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills - State Initiatives - 84 views

    Examples of states that have incorporated 21st century skills into state standards. See links to individual state profiles on the left of the screen. West Virgina and North Carolina cited as particularly good examples
Bob Rowan

PETE&C Ning Site - 34 views

    Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE&C) shared ning web site. Includes handouts from presentations and follow-up discussion from the conference
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