Design your own cookie cutters and print them on a 3D printer. You can draw your own or start with an existing image.
Suggested by Corey Kilbane, 12/12/2013
Resources for teaching Plagiarism from Rutgers University, shared by Gretchen Schroeder in Spring 2009, with the following caveat: "There are a couple of things in the "Quiz" video that are not precisely accurate e.g. they don't cover common knowledge quite right."
from 3/4/2011 cyber-bullying presentation; lessons, videos, and other resources for teachers, parents, and students about responsible and safe online use, from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Mission: Leadership and opportunities in technology, innovation, design and engineering. Members apply STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) concepts through co-curricular programs.
Suggested by Deb Rottinger, 5/11/2012
Primarily written to encourage schools to share information via Twitter, but also contains suggestions of how teachers can benefit (and fwiw, I found the article from one of the people I follow on Twitter)
The author reflects on student evaluations, citing a study that asked students what they expect from their professors (also talks about how it applies to K-12 schools)