Study Finds the Internet Makes Youth More Engaged Citizens - 74 views
improved media literacy dramatically increased students' exposure to diverse perspectives and increased the likelihood of youth online engagement
among adults as well, Internet users were more civically-engaged
outh engagement in interest-driven online communities was associated with increased volunteer and charity work and in increased work with others on community issues. The Internet can serve as a gateway to online and offline civic and political engagement, including volunteerism, community problem-solving, and protest activity.
"Arguably, the upheaval, activism and revolutions in of the last two months may serve to counter what has been a longstanding stereotype: youth are largely apolitical. Moreover, those that do participate in politics and activism online do so in shallow ways, the so-called "slacktivism." But recent findings from a longitudinal study of high school-age students challenges these notions, suggesting that youth who pursue their interests online are more likely to be engaged in civic issues."
Interesting to read that time spent by many youth online can still promote engagement with the broader society.