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LaToya Morris

Step Back into History - 95 views

    This source includes primary sources on copyright dating from 1450 to 1900. Some of these historical facts date back to the days when the printing press what used.
Ryan Trauman

Paige - Closing Argument - 0 views

  • Freeman wrote in the research article
    • Ryan Trauman
      Nice job coming back to Freeman. I would like to have seen more of this back-and-forth between the authors.
  • Mark Fenton expressed in the article “Battling America’s Epidemic of Physical Inactivity: Building More Walkable, Livable Communities” many different things we can do to help the obesity problem in America. Fenton states, “We must create environments in which physical activity becomes a routine part of the day for more Americans.” By creating a more pedestrian friendly atmosphere it will encourage people to walk or bicycle to their destination instead of always using their automobiles. I agree with what Fenton is trying to explain within in his research. Children learn by the examples that are being set around them. If they see everyone driving in their cars every where they go the only thing they have in their heads is, “I can’t wait until i can drive.” Instead of realizing they can go the same exact distance on their bike and be much more healthy than if they were driving a car. Fenton expresses, “We all must become role models by walking and cycling whenever possible and inviting others to do so with us.” People don’t like feeling abnormal; they want to do what other people are doing around them. Which is a very true assumption on Fentons part, we must become the role models for the youth around us. We set the standards of what is acceptable and what isn’t. We need to change the “norms” while it’s still possible and contribute to reversing the obesity problem
    • Ryan Trauman
      Great job here dealing with your source material. You quote, come-to-terms, reflect on the material you've introduced, and offer your own position. Then you come back to another quote by Fenton, and do much of the same. Excellent!
Derrick Grose

Ballads Not Bullets - 8 views

    School Libraries in Canada provides links to free documentaries on food-related topics with a particular focus on "Ballads Not Bullets" which focuses on how First Nations singer and actor Tom Jackson escaped from the streets to use his music to fight against poverty and homelessness; the film demonstrates the importance of using personal talents and skills to give back to society.
    School Libraries in Canada provides links to free documentaries on food-related topics with a particular focus on "Ballads Not Bullets" which focuses on how First Nations singer and actor Tom Jackson escaped from the streets to use his music to fight against poverty and homelessness; the film demonstrates the importance of using personal talents and skills to give back to society.
Clint Heitz

Edu Leadership:Tech-Rich Learning:The Basics of Blended Instruction - 38 views

  • Blended learning, with its mix of technology and traditional face-to-face instruction, is a great approach. Blended learning combines classroom learning with online learning, in which students can, in part, control the time, pace, and place of their learning. I advocate a teacher-designed blended learning model, in which teachers determine the combination that's right for them and their students.
  • Tip 1: Think big, but start small.
  • Tip 2: Patience is a virtue when trying something new.
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • Tip 3: Technology shouldn't be just a frill.
  • Tip 4: Weaving media together makes them stronger.
  • Tip 5: Students need to know where they can get online.
  • Student-centered classrooms are the goal of my teacher-designed blended learning model. Giving students control over the learning process requires that they know how to communicate, collaborate, and solve problems in groups, pairs, and individually. This work can be messy, loud, and disorganized, but in the end, the learning is much more meaningful.
  • Then I found Collaborize Classroom, a free, dynamic discussion platform. I used it to replace many of my pen-and-paper homework assignments with vibrant online debates, discussions, writing assignments, and collaborative group work.
  • Remember that mistakes lead to learning. The best resources I've designed and the most effective strategies I've developed were all born from and refined through mistakes.
  • I anticipated that students might hit some bumps as they navigated their first TED-Ed lesson, so I set up a TodaysMeet back channel so students could ask questions, make comments, and access a support network while going through the online lesson. A back-channel tool makes it possible for people to have a real-time conversation online while a live presentation or real-time discussion is taking place.
  • I asked students to reference specific details to support their assertions, as did one student who commented on the town's poverty by noting that the local doctor often took potatoes as payment for his work. She also showed how the characters nevertheless reflected the country's "cautious optimism" about its future: That same doctor was still able to support himself, she pointed out, and he enjoyed his work. Students posted their responses, complimenting strong points made, asking questions, and offering alternative perspectives.
  • I asked students to analyze examples of strong discussion posts and revise weaker posts. I also realized that I needed to embed directions into our discussion topics to remind students to respond to the questions and engage with their peers. I started requiring them to thoughtfully reply to at least two classmates' posts, in addition to posting their own response to the topic.
  • It's crucial for students to see that the work they do in the online space drives the work they do in the classroom so they recognize the value of the online conversations.
  • For example, during the To Kill a Mockingbird unit, we researched and discussed the death penalty in preparation for writing an argument essay. The students debated online such issues as cost, morality, and racial inequality and then delved into these topics more deeply face-to-face in class.
  • In the classroom, the teacher might give small groups various topics to research. Then he or she could ask students to go online to research and discuss their topic on a shared Google Doc and create a presentation using Glogster, Prezi, or Google Presentation Maker.
  • When we read Romeo and Juliet, I use this strategy to encourage students to research such topics as the monarchy, entertainment, and gender roles in Elizabethan England so they have a better understanding of the historical context in which Shakespeare wrote. Back in the classroom, each group then presents its findings through an oral presentation.
  • Compared with traditional in-class group work, which typically yields a disappointing finished product, online work provides the time necessary for students to complete quality work together.
  • Some teachers think that incorporating online work means they have to be available 24 hours a day. This is not the case. When students are connected online, they have a network of peers they can reach out to for support, and they begin to see one another as valuable resources in their class community.
  • I've embedded a Google map in my website that has pins dropped in all the locations on our campus and in our community where there are computers with public access to the Internet.
  • I even wrote the local computer recycling center to request a computer for my class.
Martin Burrett

Change4Life teaching resources help pupils cut back on sugar - 7 views

    "New Change4Life teaching resources will support teachers to use English and Maths lessons to help children cut back on sugar. This comes as Public Health England (PHE) reveals the average 10 year old has already consumed at least 18 years' worth of sugar.[1] While children's sugar intakes have declined slightly in recent years, they are still consuming around eight extra sugar cubes each day[2], equivalent to around 2,800 excess sugar cubes per year."
Martin Burrett

Back To School After Holidays: Teacher Survival Guide by @richardjarogers - 26 views

    "I happened to be very ill for almost the entirety of the three weeks that I was off school for Christmas. Bad luck I guess, but I still managed to squeeze in a 3-day trip to Jeju Island, South Korea (highly recommended). I didn't get everything done on my list that I wanted too, but I did manage to get a few items checked off (including writing a reference for a former colleague - so pleased I could that done)."
Clint Heitz

ASCD Express 13.16 - The Keys to Content-Area Writing: Short, Frequent, and Shared - 17 views

  • Examine your students' background knowledge on a new topic of study by asking them to write about it. Pass out index cards and instruct students to fill only one side with their related thoughts and experiences. Provide a minute to write followed by a minute to discuss their ideas with a nearby partner. Collect the cards and set them aside until the end of the unit. Then, ask students to revisit their original notes and, on the backs of their cards, describe how their thinking has expanded or changed on this issue. The initial card writing gives you an insight into background knowledge, while the final card writing offers students insight into their thinking and learning.
  • If we continue to believe that we must collect and grade every piece of student writing, our exhaustion will result in students writing far less. Sure, if necessary, we can award points, checks, or stamps, but these should simply be records of whether the students gave a good-faith effort (full credit) or not (no credit), not grades that attempt to assess the writing (Vopat, 2009).
  • Offer students an intriguing content-area prompt. For example, if the topic was e-waste, you might ask students to write about the importance of e-devices in their own lives or you might project a photograph of a mountain of discarded, obsolete cell phones. Let students think and write for a minute or two. Then, working with a partner, have each student read aloud what they wrote and discuss their ideas. Another very social writing activity is written conversation. Starting in groups of three or four, students silently respond to a content-related prompt, writing for several minutes until most class members have about a third or half a page of writing. Then, within the group, students pass their papers to their right. Now, each student must read the previous writer's thoughts and expand the conversation by exploring ideas and asking questions. After a few minutes of writing, papers are passed again, and the conversation continues to blossom as more and more ideas and responses are added. When the paper returns to the owner after several passes, each student gets to read a very interesting conversation that began with their initial written response. Of course, this written conversation could continue as an out-loud discussion, as well.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • If you want students to be better readers, writers, and thinkers in every content area, then writing every day in every class is key. Be sure to make that informal and spontaneous writing short, frequent, and shared.
    "Examine your students' background knowledge on a new topic of study by asking them to write about it. Pass out index cards and instruct students to fill only one side with their related thoughts and experiences. Provide a minute to write followed by a minute to discuss their ideas with a nearby partner. Collect the cards and set them aside until the end of the unit. Then, ask students to revisit their original notes and, on the backs of their cards, describe how their thinking has expanded or changed on this issue. The initial card writing gives you an insight into background knowledge, while the final card writing offers students insight into their thinking and learning."
Martin Leicht

Distracted Minds: 3 Ways to Get Their Attention in Class - 11 views

  • Attention is reciprocal.
  • The more distracted I am in my interactions with you, the less likely you are to give me your full attention.
  • importance of having students share their strengths and values with you at the beginning of a semester
    • Martin Leicht
      NOTE - Everyone is their own individual and bring a lot to your class. The more you know about them, the better chance you can find out how to motivate them.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Recognize their individuality
  • The researchers also asked students whether it mattered to them that the instructors knew their names, and more than 85 percent of them said it did
  • because making good use of the full physical space of a classroom is one of the most straightforward ways to keep both professor and students attentive.
    • Martin Leicht
      NOTE - I taught from the back. We showed a lot of videos and did demonstrations. So, it was easy to "teach" from the back. ON ZOOM - how do you teach from the back of the class?
  • One advantage of the Zoom classes that many of us are teaching right now is that the names are all right there on the screen
  • Speak to all corners of the room
  • They bring their unique life stories and experiences, which can help provide new perspectives on familiar questions and challenges.
  • Tell you about an important value
    • Martin Leicht
      NOTE - Maybe it doesn't need to be all writing? Maybe it can be images and audio or video recordings to accompany them.
  • Tell you about a unique perspective or life experience
  • Describe their greatest academic strength
  • The obvious solution here is to break that barrier
  • Use their names regularly.
    • Martin Leicht
      NOTE - Notoriety means power or maybe at least the power to capture their attention.
  • She encourages children first to recognize and write their own names and then to compare the letters and syllables in their own names with those of the other names on the grid
    • Martin Leicht
      NOTE - Author's previous post about CLOSE READING. Really spend some time on the name.
  • What is most deserving of our attention in the classroom, of course, are the other human beings in our presence

Internet Archive: Wayback Machine - 9 views

  • Browse through over 150 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago. To start surfing the Wayback, type in the web address of a site or page where you would like to start, and press enter. Then select from the archived dates available. The resulting pages point to other archived pages at as close a date as possible. Keyword searching is not currently supported.
    type in an internet address, and explore its evolution! You can go way back! Check out your school site, local business, etc
Martin Burrett

ICTmagic Advent 2012 - 91 views

    The ICTmagic Advent Calendar is back for 2012! Get a new Christmas resource, activity or game to use in your class every day in December up to the big day.
Trevor Cunningham

IniTECH :: Solutions Driven - 3 views

    Great site for evaluation practice with digital literacy...if only I could get my stapler back.
David Hochheiser

Let's Go Back to Grouping Students by Ability - Barry Garelick - The Atlantic - 3 views

    • David Hochheiser
      Terribly generalized.  
  • treated accordingly.
    • David Hochheiser
      Mistreated accordingly.
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Students were tracked into the various curricula based largely on IQ but sometimes other factors such as race and skin color.
  • public schools have done away with "tracking"
  • deemed low achievers or of low cognitive ability?
  • Jonathan Kozol brought accusations against a system they found racist and sadistic.
    • David Hochheiser
      He condemns a lot more than the eduction system.  His approach to reform is much more like Finland's, holistic.
  • to restore equity to
    • David Hochheiser
      As if it ever existed?!
    • David Hochheiser
      This is an essential issue.  Are we doing it well?
  • Kozol and others did not go away, and the progressive watchword in education has continued to be "equality."
    • David Hochheiser
      I never knew that equality had such a nasty undertone to it.
  • -- a practice viewed by many in the education establishment as synonymous with tracking
    • David Hochheiser
      It is "tracking." I'm not sure what his point is here.
  • Unfortunately, the efforts and philosophies of otherwise well-meaning individuals have attempted to eliminate the achievement gap by eliminating achievement.
    • David Hochheiser
      Again, a nasty generalization.  Not only that, but the following practices he cites aren't products of heterogeneous grouping.  
  • In other words, the elimination of ability grouping has become a tracking system in itself that leaves many students behind.
    • David Hochheiser
      Now he's just not making sense.
  • Dallas Independent School District
    • David Hochheiser
      Ed research from Texas??  They want to teach evolution in science classes.
  • The rise of computer-aided learning might make it easier for them to instruct students who learn at different rates.
    • David Hochheiser
      Is this a for or against grouping statement?
  • this enables students placed in lower-ability classes to advance to higher-ability classes based on their performance and progress.
    • David Hochheiser
      Practices do not support this assertion.  Upward trajectory is very limited.
    "Mark Bowden on Being in the Slow Kids' Class"
Dimitris Tzouris

Hypercities - 6 views

    HyperCities is a collaborative research and educational platform for traveling back in time to explore the historical layers of city spaces in an interactive, hypermedia environment. Paula R. Lupkin (independent scholar), "Mapping the Great Southw...
Martin Burrett

Musink - 59 views

    This is a lovely downloadable programme to compose pieces of music on a digital stave which will play you creations back to you. Just drag the note and rests into the positions you want.
Martin Burrett

Number line - 120 views

    This is a superb maths number line resource. Choose the scale and then run calculations of counting on and counting back.
Marc Patton

e-Learning Acupuncture: 5(+1) Biggest Mistakes in Online Education - 45 views

    Guillermo Ramirez from Politecnico Grancolombiano in Bogota Columbia has shared a provocative presentation on SlideShare that attempts to bring us back to the basics of what education is and what education is not.
Jac Londe

Google Correlate - 122 views

    A new experimental learning tool. With Google Correlate, you enter a data series (the target) and get back queries whose frequency follows a similar pattern.
Mark Gleeson

iPurpose before iPad - 200 views

    I've started creating a table of important skills, some derived from the Padagogy Wheel, and actions, some derived from iPad As… What I am planning to highlight is that there are many apps that can be use for many purposes and for developing many skills. For example, I have already added "Explain Everything" to 9 categories as I see it as a multifunctional app and one worth its price because of the educational benefits it provides. Over the coming months I plan to add text descriptions to each category to explain how the apps listed address the skill or action they have been linked to and may also link them to other online sources that show them in action. I'll also provide direct links to the App Store, as I always do on this blog when I mention apps so you can check them out yourself if you want. Now this sounds like a big task and it is. So I do need some help. What do I want from you? Anything you can give. Just add them to the comments of this post. Examples of apps that help to develop specific skills Additional skills I haven't listed here Examples of apps that are multifunctional. Explanations of good pedagogical practice with apps. Don't worry, all credit will go to you when I include your suggestions. Links to blog posts, websites, Youtube tutorials, open wikis, nings etc that promote good practice that I can link to from here. Examples on add ons like bookmarklets for curation sites, websites that work well with iPads ( Flash-free) that can still be categorised under these headings for iPad use. Spread the word regularly through Twitter, Facebook, Curation sites like Pinterest and Scoop-It to keep educators coming back.
Sydney Lacey

Union Backs 'Bar Exam' For Teachers : NPR - 0 views

    National Public Radio / All Things Considered transcript and audio for a story on teacher certification requirements and a proposal by AFT for a teacher "bar exam." "The system for preparing and licensing teachers in the U.S. is in such disarray that the American Federation of Teachers is proposing a "bar exam" similar to the one lawyers have to pass before they can practice."
    National Public Radio / All Things Considered transcript and audio for a story on teacher certification requirements and a proposal by AFT for a teacher "bar exam."
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