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Digital Natives: Do They Really THINK Differently? - 41 views

    by Marc Prensky Our children today are being socialized in a way that is vastly different from their parents. The numbers are overwhelming: over 10,000 hours playing videogames, over 200,000 emails and instant messages sent and received; over 10,000 hours talking on digital cell phones; over 20,000 hours watching TV (a high percentage fast speed MTV), over 500,000 commercials seen-all before the kids leave college. And, maybe, at the very most, 5,000 hours of book reading. These are today's ―Digital Native‖ students. 1 In Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants: Part I, I discussed how the differences between our Digital Native students and their Digital Immigrant teachers lie at the root of a great many of today's educational problems. I suggested that Digital Natives' brains are likely physically different as a result of the digital input they received growing up. And I submitted that learning via digital games is one good way to reach Digital Natives in their ―native language.‖ Here I present evidence for why I think this is so. It comes from neurobiology, social psychology, and from studies done on children using games for learning.
    by Marc Prensky Our children today are being socialized in a way that is vastly different from their parents. The numbers are overwhelming: over 10,000 hours playing videogames, over 200,000 emails and instant messages sent and received; over 10,000 hours talking on digital cell phones; over 20,000 hours watching TV (a high percentage fast speed MTV), over 500,000 commercials seen-all before the kids leave college. And, maybe, at the very most, 5,000 hours of book reading. These are today's ―Digital Native‖ students. 1 In Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants: Part I, I discussed how the differences between our Digital Native students and their Digital Immigrant teachers lie at the root of a great many of today's educational problems. I suggested that Digital Natives' brains are likely physically different as a result of the digital input they received growing up. And I submitted that learning via digital games is one good way to reach Digital Natives in their ―native language.‖ Here I present evidence for why I think this is so. It comes from neurobiology, social psychology, and from studies done on children using games for learning.
    Hi. I wrote a paper about digital natives as part of an anthropology assignment for a doctoral course. Researchers from around the world have empirically proven that Prensky's theories are false. Additionally, while neuroscience has shown that brains do change as a result of neuroplasticity, to argue that it is generational is also a false claim. Though cognitive theory shows that learners bring their prior experiences to the interpretation of new educational opportunities - impacting attention and interpretation - all generations have had this occur. There is merit to the point that we should take learner's prior experience into consideration when designing instruction; however, Prensky's digital native claims may have done more to create tension between students and teachers than to provide instructional support. If you would like any of the scholarly studies, I have a published reference list at Beth
Marc Safran

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants - 1 views

  • Our students have changed radically. Today’s students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach.
  • today's students think and process information fundamentally differently from their predecessors
  • we can say with certainty that their thinking patterns have changed
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • The importance of the distinction is this: As Digital Immigrants learn - like all immigrants, some better than others - to adapt to their environment, they always retain, to some degree, their "accent," that is, their foot in the past.
  • There are hundreds of examples of the digital immigrant accent. 
  • our Digital Immigrant instructors, who speak an outdated language (that of the pre-digital age), are struggling to teach a population that speaks an entirely new language
  • Digital Immigrant teachers assume that learners are the same as they have always been, and that the same methods that worked for the teachers when they were students will work for their students now. But that assumption is no longer valid. Today's learners are different.
  • So what should happen?  Should the Digital Native students learn the old ways, or should their Digital Immigrant educators learn the new? 
  • methodology
  • learn to communicate in the language and style of their students
  • it does mean going faster, less step-by step, more in parallel, with more random access, among other thing
  • kinds of content
  • As educators, we need to be thinking about how to teach both Legacy and Future content in the language of the Digital Natives.
  • Adapting materials to the language of Digital Natives has already been done successfully.  My own preference for teaching Digital Natives is to invent computer games to do the job, even for the most serious content.
  • "Why not make the learning into a video game!
  • But while the game was easy for my Digital Native staff to invent, creating the content turned out to be more difficult for the professors, who were used to teaching courses that started with "Lesson 1 – the Interface."  We asked them instead to create a series of graded tasks into which the skills to be learned were embedded. The professors had made 5-10 minute movies to illustrate key concepts; we asked them to cut them to under 30 seconds. The professors insisted that the learners to do all the tasks in order; we asked them to allow random access. They wanted a slow academic pace, we wanted speed and urgency (we hired a Hollywood script writer to provide this.)   They wanted written instructions; we wanted computer movies. They wanted the traditional pedagogical language of "learning objectives," "mastery", etc. (e.g. "in this exercise you will learn"); our goal was to completely eliminate any language that even smacked of education.
  • large mind-shift required
  • We need to invent Digital Native methodologies for all subjects, at all levels, using our students to guide us.
    Our students have changed radically. Today's students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach.
Annika Russell

Digital-Natives - 2 views

  • practice developmental advising if we will not expand our comfort zones? Are we helping students when we force them to meet us
  • One major difference between Natives and Immigrants is the way we process information.
  • Our students look to us to incorporate these new technologies into our advising practice. Students increasingly want to contact us via email, text messaging, and instant messaging rather than meet with us in our offices.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • We must remember that students feel that a digital meeting is just as real as an office meeting, and they take away the same meaning and feeling as from an office meeting. If we only offer services in ways in which we are comfortable, then students may never feel that we are meeting them at their level. How can we practice developmental advising if we will not expand our comfort zones? Are we helping students when we force them to meet us in the same manner?
  • We can no longer decide for our students, but instead we must decide with them (Prensky, 2005).
  • Place more importance on how we communicate over what we communicate
  • We should be willing to laugh at our “accents” and move on. Listen to what students tell us about how technology can be beneficial to how we conduct our lives, work with them, and value their knowledge.
  • How do we bridge the gap between Natives and Immigrants? There are strategies we can employ that will help us reach our Native students
  • On the other hand is the Digital Immigrant .
    Very good article on Digital Natives in post-secondary settings.
Siri Anderson

About Native Knowledge 360° | Native Knowledge 360° - Interactive Teaching Re... - 9 views

  • Native Knowledge 360° (NK360°) provides educators and students with new perspectives on Native American history and cultures.
    Wonderful find for teaching resources.

The absurd and unfounded myth of the digital native - Enrique Dans - Medium - 59 views

    This article is a MUST read for educators. The author states that digital natives do not know the power of the Internet beyond social media. The article contains studies and other information to back up the statement. The author states "Simply being born into the internet age does not endow one with special powers. Learning how to use technology properly requires learning and training."
Roland Gesthuizen

On Facebook, Bullies 'Like' if You Hate - - 27 views

  • It is too late to establish distance. To end cyberbullying, we must use the closeness we’ve allowed to breed to our advantage. We must teach them that if one is a cowardly, bullying, rage-baiter online – no matter how many laughs had or page views generated or ad space sold – then one is a bully off-screen, too.
  • Both the older set of digital natives and the generation above us assume that the Internet is a bubble – a space with limits
  • Rage-baiting is commonplace and infuriatingly successful, so the most prevalent language of the Internet is at its best cynicism and its worst outright meanness
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • there is no wariness, no understanding, no concept of an Internet identity. There is no such thing for them, for example, as “Internet famous.” There is only fame, and the allure of instant gratification.
    For the digitally native generation, self-worth is accrued in likes.
Tu Loan Trieu Trieu

Hechinger Report | Q&A with Lisa Gillis: Rethinking how we educate 'digital natives' - 38 views

    - more thoughts on educating digital natives
Donal O' Mahony

An Immigration once again… | eLearning Island - 26 views

    How many of us have that heart-sinking experience when a presenter talks at us older people as immigrants and the younger as natives, when in fact, we are all in this together.
Wendy Carlson

educational-origami - home - 0 views

shared by Wendy Carlson on 17 Jul 09 - Cached
    Educational Origami is a blog , and a wiki, about the integration of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) into the classroom, this is one of the largest challenges that I feel we as teachers face. It's about 21st Century Learning and 21st Century Teaching. Marc Prensky coined the now popular and famous phrase "Digital natives and digital immigrants" in his two papers by the same name. Ian Jukes talks about Digital Children. The world is not as simple as saying teachers are digital immigrants and students digital natives. In fact people fit into both camps. We know that experience, like using a computer, will change the structure of our brain, This is a concept called Neuroplasticity. We also know that, the more intense the experience, the more profound the change. Our students, who often have a greater exposure to technology, are likely to be more neurologically adapted, but adults can as easily be "Digital Natives". I made this wiki on request from Miguel Guhlin after I blogged about matching ICT tools to traditional classroom practice and Bloom's Taxonomy.The wiki has grown a little since then.
Kalin Wilburn

Forvo: the pronunciation guide. All the words in the world pronounced by native speakers - 55 views

    The thing that worries most non-specialists teaching language is pronouncing words correctly from a book. This is where Forvo is is priceless. Native speaker users and the site itself have uploaded audio clips of word for us non native speakers to copy. The site has 250+ languages uploaded. I tested the Mandarin section, as I understand that, and it was faultless. An amazing resource.
Kelvin Thompson

Fallacy of Digital Natives - 103 views

    A robust rebuttal of Prensky, Tapscott, et al's assertions that contemporary generations are more technologically proficient than their predecessors. The counter-argument is that our society has become more technological and individuals are more or less well adapted to this change. The author of this rebuttal (Pontefract) makes a case based upon logic, personal experience, and several recent research studies.
Nigel Coutts

Revisiting Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants - 66 views

    In 2001 Marc Prensky divided the world into two broad groups, Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants. His idea struck a chord with popular culture and has become a dominant paradigm in education. Given the core concept remains a feature of educational dialogues it is worth re-visiting and seeing how the idea might evolve to better serve our needs and understandings of how people born after the internet, learn with and think about, technology.
Ruth Sinker

How 10 Year Olds Explain Cloud Computing - 4 views

    Awesome promotional video produced by Accenture to explain Cloud computing. The best part is that it features kids -- digital natives -- who are "the future employees of the workforce."

Hispanic Culture - Latin American Culture - Spanish Culture - 14 views

  • efer to the set of values, standards, beliefs, art, music, and practices shared by a particular group.
  • Thus, Mexico, Central and South America, and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean countries are referred to as Hispanic America.
  • Hispanic or Latino culture encompasses the traditions, language, idioms, religious beliefs and practices, legends, arts, music, literature, cuisine, history, social and family values of the Hispanic people.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • The different "Hispanic cultures" share many things in common, including these religious observances.Navidad (Christmas)Like in many other cultures – Christmas is one of the most important religious celebrations among Hispanics. A unique characteristic of a "Latino" Christmas is the prominent role of the "nacimiento" (the nativity scene). La Semana Santa (Holy Week) This is another important and deeply religious Hispanic holiday. The Holy Week is the last week of Lent and the week before Easter. Not surprisingly, some of the most notable celebrations of the Holy Week occur in Latin American countries, including: Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, and Perú.
  • May 1 - Día del Trabajo May 5 - Cinco de MayoMay - Día de las MadresSep 15 - Oct 15 - Hispanic Heritage Month

Hainault Forest Website - 2 views

    A website that explores the native trees of the UK
Marc Patton

Project Learning Tree - 0 views

    Do you have an idea for a school/community native plant garden, a forest improvement project, a streamside restoration plan, a recycling program, or energy conservation project for your students? Need funds to implement it? Apply for a Project Learning Tree GreenWorks! grant!
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