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Jennie Snyder

What's Worth Investing In? How to Decide What Technology You Need | MindShift - 90 views

  • Lehmann is famous in progressive education circles for his quote: “Technology must be like oxygen: ubiquitous, necessary, and invisible.” His point: The best technology allows students to explore and create “artifacts of their own learning.”
Enid Baines

Top 10 Ways to Wake-up Students in Class - SimpleK12 - 51 views

  • . Require students to give answers in their best British accent.
  • Have Chuck Norris randomly appear in one of your Power Points roundhouse kicking a wolf. For some reason, students are obsessed with him.
  • Play a sound clip of the Mission Impossible theme, have them act as 007 until the music stops. Then, whoever they end up next to, that is their partner for the activity
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Place random discussion or reading comprehension questions on sticky notes underneath a handful of desks. When you are ready to ask questions, ask them to peek and read-aloud the questions.
Michele Brown

The 100 Best Learning Tools Of 2012 As Chosen By You - Edudemic - 198 views

    Jane Hart's top learning tools for 2012.  
Donal O' Mahony

…at the Intel Education Summit - 53 views

    I was recently invited to attend the Intel education Summit in Sweden. This blog posting cites the four best presentations from my point of view on teaching and learning.
Jeff Woodcock

Why do so many oil spills happen? - - 0 views

    • Jeff Woodcock
      hard part
    "n brief, because there are a lot of tricky steps to get oil from inside the Earth to inside, say, your gas tank. Oil spills can be caused by the accidental or intentional release of any form of petroleum during any point in the oil production process, from drilling, refining, or storing to transporting. Oil can be spilled when a pipeline breaks, ships collide or are grounded (as happened earlier this month along the Great Barrier Reef), underground storage tanks leak, or in the current case, when an oil rig explodes or is damaged. IN PICTURES: Big Environmental Disasters Some oil was spilled when the Deepwater Horizon rig first burst into flames on April 20 in the Gulf, injuring crew members and sending a billowing plume of black smoke into the sky that could be seen by satellite. The oil rig, located about 51 miles (82 kilometers) southeast of Venice, La., then sank into the Gulf waters Thursday morning, creating concern that more oil could spill. Oil spills can also happen naturally: Oil is released into the ocean from natural oil seeps on the seafloor. The best known such seep is Coal Oil Point along the California coast where an estimated 2,000 to 3,000 gallons (7,570 to 11,400 liters) of crude oil is released each day."
Elizabeth Resnick

The Early Results Of An iPad Classroom Are In. - Edudemic - 80 views

  • I’ve never observed anything else that has had the impact on teacher personal learning like the introduction of the iPad.
  • students having their own highly engaging and personalized learning device and their own space to learn in. They share better, problem solve better and most importantly learn that there is more than one way to solve a problem
  • The best examples to depict these points would be in the areas of math and writing
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  • I believe that the most successful of the students we are educating today will be those that can find information the fastest and know best what to do with that information.
  • formerly reluctant writers flourish when given the opportunity to work in apps like Book Creator
  • maximized student learning time and extended the learning day for all of our students
    "Our school has been working with iPads for three years now and I can easily say that these have been the most exciting years of my educational career. While the decision to share these positive results is a direct result of the positive impact on student learning, it is also important to realize the impact this initiative is having with teachers"
    A change in teaching style Direct impact Maximizing Student Learning Time The Journey Continues...
Sirkku Nikamaa-Linder

CBI: Change is possible - but we must be clearer about what we ask schools to develop i... - 1 views

    • Sirkku Nikamaa-Linder
      Question: What are the goals set out on the political level? What does Gove want to achieve?
  • lacks
  • guardrails
  • ...46 more annotations...
  • which makes transformational change
  • ifficult
  • In Finland, the goals of education are explicitly linked to competitiveness, research and innovation.
  • nowhere in the UK do they really drive the terms under which schools are assessed.
  • In England, the government has defined its approach as being based on curriculum rigour.
  • This lack of a comprehensive statement of the achievement we are looking for schools to deliver is a key failing.
  • best schools
  • areas of high disadvantage
  • define the outcome they need
  • in the face of the complex and inconsistent demands the system places on them.
    • Sirkku Nikamaa-Linder
      Clear indication that the system as a whole is not supporting a generally accepted set of goals. Instead, the schools are trying to achieve a goal they see as important at worst while fighting the systemic demands.
  • One such school leader told us they had taken a conscious decision with one group of young people to focus on five key subjects and some life skills, knowing that the accountability system would score them down for it, as it expected eight qualifications from all students at that time.
  • Our system should reward schools making brave decisions which focus on boosting long-term outcomes for pupils, not punish them.
  • It should be able to survive changes of government and provide the test against which policy changes and school actions are judged
  • shine the light on whether the system is truly addressing the needs of all students, rather than just the few required to meet a government target.
  • Focus on raising the ambition and attainment for every child as far as their abilities permit
  • guide young people effectively on their choice of enabling subjects…
  • thos and culture that build the social skills also essential to progress in life and work, and allow them time to focus on this
  • Have a school accountability and assessment framework that supports these goals rather than defining them.
  • social literacy
  • a range of core subjects
  • ncluding critically maths, English, the sciences
  • effective use and understanding of computer science.
  • ‘enabling subjects’
  • humanities, languages, arts, technical and practically-based subjects
  • equip a young person to move on
  • o university, or to an apprenticeship or vocational qualification
  • a set of behaviours and attitudes,
  • An exclusive focus on subjects for study would fail to equip young people with these, though rigour in the curriculum does help
  • ‘employability skills’
  • Behaviours can only be developed over time, through the entire path of a young person’s life and their progress through the school system.
  • right context at school
  • A supportive culture, pastoral care and the right ethos are all needed to make the difference.
  • a long tail of pupils failing to achieve the desired outcomes can no longer be accepted.
  • enable all of our young citizens to reach the desired standards.
  • conflicting expectations placed on schools.
  • renewed system should be able to judge performance against the goals based on more complex metrics.
  • judgement
  • on overall culture and ethos, teaching and governance
  • group of data points, including testing but also outcomes data.
  • Development of a clear, widely-owned and stable statement of the outcome that all schools are asked to deliver.
  • beyond the merely academic, into the behaviours and attitudes schools should foster
  • basis on which we judge all new policy ideas, schools, and the structures we set up to monitor them
  • Ofsted
  • asked to steward the delivery of these outcomes
  • resourcing these bodies to develop an approach based on a wider range of measures and assessments than are currently in use,
Tonya Thomas

Here's how Adobe Captivate 6 could have been a Game-Changer for mLearning | The mLearni... - 3 views

  • the new Fluid Grid Layout functionality in Dreamweaver
  • Responsive Design is the best way for us in eLearning and mLearning to develop learning experiences once and deploy them everywhere and on any device.
  • Adobe Shadow in my mind is one of the best pieces of technology to have come out from Adobe in recent memories. Shadow allows you to connect multiple devices to your desktop wirelessly and then as you browse pages on your computer, all of you devices display the same page accordingly. I use this all the time to test my Blog on my Mac, iPad, iPhone, Kindle Fire and Droid 2. It’s awesome.
Michelle Kassorla

Doodle - 54 views

    Want to set up a quick meeting? Lunch? Conference? Take a poll of who is available and what time is best--Free!
Paul Hieronymus

Rated Best App Maker, The Easiest Way to Create an App - appsbar - 76 views

    Looks interesting. 
Roland Gesthuizen

Strikes loom as heads put in charge of pay - news - TES - 10 views

  • In a move to link pay more closely with performance, the main pay scale for classroom teachers will be abolished, handing sweeping new powers to heads to decide pay levels.
  • the move would “effectively demolish the national pay framework”, and cause “inconsistency and unfairness” for teachers
  • changes would allow schools greater power to “reward their best teachers”.
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  • It will cause schools to spend more time concerned with appraisals and performance management than on curriculum and student behaviour
    "Schools face the prospect of widespread strike action after ministers announced a fundamental overhaul of teachers' pay that will scrap automatic rises for tens of thousands of staff."
Jennie Snyder

Learning "With" vs. Learning "About" - 90 views

  • What is extremely important though is that we recognize the difference between “learning about technology” and “learning with technology”.  Leaders need to understand that distinction.  The second statement opened my eyes to things that I honestly never knew existed in all elements of learning and leadership, and I believe has led me to do my best to help others learn along with me.
    Thoughtful post by George Couros on leading in a context of change. Moving forward -- key ideas knowing the distinction between learning about v. learning with technology. 
Nancy Schmidt

"What's Good" is Better than "What's New?" | Practical Theory - 1 views

    • Nancy Schmidt
      Don't always add because the media touts something as the best new trend in education. We must marry the best ideas of the past to our current world...must identify what students need to be success then identify what is the best technology that will help them achieve that knowledge.
    Let's not lose sight of what constitutes good teaching by following the hot trends.
Matt Renwick

The Genius Who Plays For A Living | Popular Science - 35 views

  • Hirsh-Pasek found that the second group—the ones engaged in what she calls guided play—came up with the most creative solutions. The same idea applies to scientists, she says: They do their best work when they’re free to play around with a known set of problems.
  • “Scientists actually are the few people who as adults get to have this protected time when they can just explore, play, figure out what the world is like.”
  • “We know each other so well that it makes for a really effective combination,” Erik says. “He’s always trying to reinject some playfulness into my serious work. It lets us do things that neither of us could do.”
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  • play is fundamental to science
  • When I ask him later why he chooses to teach the way he does, he answers simply, “I think this is a cool way of working, and more people should work this way. Sadly, not everyone does, so I try to pass it on.”
Roland Gesthuizen

your monkey called · You Are Boring - 89 views

  • Ask questions; the person you’re speaking with will respect your inquisitiveness and become more interested in the exchange. “Asking questions makes people feel valued,”
  • The people who were interesting told good stories. They were also inquisitive: willing to work to expand their social and intellectual range. Most important, interesting people were also the best listeners. They knew when to ask questions.
    "You are boring. So, so boring. Don't take it too hard. We're all boring. At best, we're recovering bores. Each day offers a hundred ways for us to bore the crap out of the folks with whom we live, work, and drink. And on the internet, you're able to bore thousands of people at once"
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