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William B

Cyber Bullying Statistics - Bullying Statistics - 0 views

  • Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online, and about the same number have engaged in cyber bullying. More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyberthreats online. Over 25 percent of adolescents and teens have been bullied repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet. Well over half of young people do not tell their parents when cyber bullying occurs.
  • Over 80 percent of teens use a cell phone regularly, making it the most popular form of technology and a common medium for cyber bullying About half of young people have experienced some form of cyber bullying, and 10 to 20 percent experience it regularly Mean, hurtful comments and spreading rumors are the most common type of cyber bullying Girls are at least as likely as boys to be cyber bullies or their victims Boys are more likely to be threatened by cyber bullies than girls Cyber bullying affects all races Cyber bullying victims are more likely to have low self esteem and to consider suicide
  • Talks to teens about cyber bullying, explaining that it is wrong and can have serious consequences. Make a rule that teens may not send mean or damaging messages, even if someone else started it, or suggestive pictures or messages or they will lose their cell phone and computer privileges for a time. Encourage teens to tell an adult if cyber bullying is occurring. Tell them if they are the victims they will not be punished, and reassure them that being bullied is not their fault. Teens should keep cyber bullying messages as proof that the cyber bullying is occurring. The teens' parents may want to talk to the parents of the cyber bully, to the bully's Internet or cell phone provider, and/or to the police about the messages, especially if they are threatening or sexual in nature. Try blocking the person sending the messages. It may be necessary to get a new phone number or email address and to be more cautious about giving out the new number or address. Teens should never tell their password to anyone except a parent, and should not write it down in a place where it could be found by others. Teens should not share anything through text or instant messaging on their cell phone or the Internet that they would not want to be made public - remind teens that the person they are talking to in messages or online may not be who they think they are, and that things posted electronically may not be secure. Encourage teens never to share personal information online or to meet someone they only know online. Keep the computer in a shared space like the family room, and do not allow teens to have Internet access in their own rooms. Encourage teens to have times when they turn off the technology, such as at family meals or after a certain time at night. Parents may want to wait until high school to allow their teens to have their own email and cell phone accounts, and even then parents should still have access to the accounts.
    Many people get Cyber Bulling over online activities. People need to make their websites and pages private and know how to use it. "Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online, and about the same number have engaged in cyber bullying. More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyberthreats online. Over 25 percent of adolescents and teens have been bullied repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet. Well over half of young people do not tell their parents when cyber bullying occurs."
Matthew T

Popular virtual worlds for tweens and teens - 0 views

    This is some more of the virtual worlds teens are on. "Virtual worlds for teens Kids don't outgrow virtual worlds when they hit their teenage years. Many virtual worlds are geared toward the teenage set and they are gaining popularity every day. Meez - With over 80 casual games and multimedia sharing, Meez is a great site for teens. Avatars can navigate different neighborhoods, interact with friends, leave messages and watch videos. Teens can customize avatars that can be exported to other social networks and gaming sites. RuneScape - The RuneScape world is a medieval fantasy realm where players travel through different kingdoms and cities. Users create customizable avatars, fight monsters, complete quests, play games, chat and trade with others, and much more. Both free and premium memberships are available. IMVU - Intended for the teen crowd, IMVU boasts over 100 million users in 88 different countries and has a virtual goods catalog of over 10 million items. Users can search for people based on gender, location and age or join groups based on interests or personal opinions. SuperSecret - In SuperSecret, players start at age 10 and grow up to age 18 by achieving things in a variety of games. As users get older within the games, they get more privileges - at 16 they can drive a virtual car, at 18 they can vote, etc."
Joseph Edore

GetNetWise | Safety By Age 14-17 - 0 views

  • Safety By Age 14 to about 17: This can be one of the most exciting and challenging periods of a child's (and parent's) life. Your teen is beginning to mature physically, emotionally, and intellectually and is anxious to experience increasing independence from parents. To some extent that means loosening up on the reins, but by no means does it mean abandoning your parenting role. Teens are complicated in that they demand both independence and guidance at the same time. Teens are also more likely to engage in risky behavior both online and offline. While the likelihood of a teen being abducted by someone he meets in a chat room is extremely low, there is always the possibility that he will meet someone online who makes him feel good and makes him want to strike up an in-person relationship. It is extremely important that teens understand that people they meet online are not necessarily who they seem to be. Although it's sometimes difficult to indoctrinate teens with safety information, they can often understand the need to be on guard against those who might exploit them. Teens need to understand that to be in control of themselves means being vigilant, on the alert for people who might hurt them. The greatest danger is that a teen will get together offline with someone she meets online. If she does meet someone she wants to get together with, it's important that she not go alone and that she meet that person in a public place. It's important for parents to remember what it was like when they were teenagers. Set reasonable expectations and don't overreact if and when you find out that your teen has done something online that you don't approve of. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't take it seriously and exercise appropriate control and discipline, but pick your battles and try to look at the bigger picture. If your teen confides in you about something scary or inappropriate that he encountered online, your first response shouldn't be to take away his Internet privileges. Try to be supportive and work with your teen to help prevent this from happening in the future. And remember that your teen will soon be an adult and needs to know not just how to behave but how to exercise judgment, reaching her own conclusions on how to explore the Net and life in general in a safe and productive manner.
Brandon B

Teen Safety on the Internet - 0 views

  • Teen Safety on the Internet More and more teenagers are logging on to the Internet every day. Although the Internet is a great source for research projects and other information, there are also dangers involved with surfing the Web. For example, a study conducted in 2000 found that 25 percent of kids 10 to 17 years of age received unwanted pornographic material.The Web allows you to be completely anonymous. Someone who says that he is a 15-year-old boy may actually be a 50-year-old man pretending to be a teen for inappropriate reasons. As a result, agreeing to meet in person with someone you met over the Internet is extremely dangerous, as this can result in sexual assault or even murder. How to Stay Safe on the Internet E-mail Safety Chat Rooms Assessing a Web Site Blogging How to Stay Safe on the Internet Never give out personal information, such as your name, home address or phone number, the name of your school, pictures, credit card numbers or the names of your parents without permission from your parents.Do not meet in person with someone you met online. Do not give out your password to anyone.In chat rooms, use a name that is not gender-specific so you are less likely to receive pornographic material or other forms of harassment. If you do receive pornographic material, report it to your local police department. Back to top E-mail Safety
  • Do not open links or files from people you do not know.Never respond to e-mails with pornographic or other inappropriate material.Do not respond to advertisements -- this confirms that you have a working e-mail account, and you will only receive more junk e-mail.
    This page talks to teens about how to be safe on the internet. On e man pretended to be a 15 year when he was really 50. Some people are out there that are actually trying to talk and harm teens so be careful. Quote:"The Web allows you to be completely anonymous. Someone who says that he is a 15-year-old boy may actually be a 50-year-old man pretending to be a teen for inappropriate reasons. "
Vicki Davis

Teens, Kindness and Cruelty on Social Network Sites - 3 views

    "Fully 95% of all teens ages 12-17 are now online and 80% of those online teens are users of social media sites." This important report that just came out November 8, 2011 looks into how studens are using these online sites. "88% of social media-using teens have witnessed other people be mean or cruel on social network sites." -- We have bystanders we need them to speak out. 25% of social media teens have had an experience on a social network site that resulted in a face-to-face argument or confrontation with someone. * 22% have had an experience that ended their friendship with someone. * 13% have had an experience that caused a problem with their parents
Brody C

digiteen2008 - Digital Security and Safety - 0 views

  • Middle/ High School Aged Students A lot of middle and high school students are members of websites like Myspace and Facebook. To some teens, these websites become addictive and they become so obsessed with talking to people that they start talking to anybody. They need to learn to not put personal information on their page like their phone number or their address because some of the people who look at that would want to hurt them. Another problem with teens is that some of them download illegal music and videos. Two of the most common sites are Frostwire and Limewire. Another thing some teens do is download free software and then their computers run really slow. That's because spyware is usually packaged with the free software. Three ways to keep your computer safe is "only download free software from reputable sites, kids and teens should be told to ask permission before downloading anything, and you can eliminate most spyware by downloading the free Microsoft Windows Defender and scanning your PC." [2]
  • Many people don't realize how important it is to have a secure password. A password is like a key to the door of your personal space on the internet. It is extremely important to keep your password safe. Some ways to choose a secure password are to use a word(s) that is totally unrelated to you. DO NOT use your maiden name, your dogs name, your phone number, your birthday, or any other things that could be related to you. A word on its own isn't very strong, so to increase strength you can add numbers and or symbols. An example of this is if you use the word " apple ", on its own it won't be very secure. If you were to put some numbers and symbols, then it would make it " apple321 " and it would be more secure. If you were to make some of the lower case letters capitals, "aPpLe321 " then it would be even stronger. If you wanted the most secure password possible, then you could insert some symbols, making it " (aPpLe321) "After 30-60 days of using the same password, it would be wise to alter or change your password. You should also use different passwords for different applications. If you would like to test your password, click here
  • 2. How safety and security positively and negatively impacts people How safety & Security positively impacts people you can know where you can rely on some of the website or blogs you feel comfortable to talk to each other sometimes when you are in a reliable website you don't have to tell every single thing about yourself to people online How safety & Security negatively impacts people sometimes strangers can put weird/inappropriate pictures online of you in other sites without your permission you may accidentally reveal your personal information to other strangers and might get in danger people sometimes bully other people they don't know sometimes, the predators make websites to attack you. They make you think the website is reliable and forces you to tell them your personal information
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  • Cyber Stalking: This one of the most dangerous things on the internet; people every day are blackmailed into giving personal info like Accounts, credit card numbers, and others info. If you receive or see: · Threatening E-Mails · Post showing you differently to destroy your character · Info About your life posted on the internet
  • Middle/ High School Aged Students Teenagers everywhere use blogs such as Myspace and Facebook. They need to be safe and secure while they do these, as online predators with bad intents can find you if you give to much information. We as teens must obey online laws and common sense.When online teens usually disregard things there parents tell them. Sexual and online predators can ruin a person's childhood if they are able to find them. They can also put the wrong ideas into the minds of children, making them unwanted and bad for your health.
  • Middle/ High School Aged Students Teens use Myspace and Facebook to talk to their friends and stuff. Although, others that they don't know just might become interested in them. Online predators try their best to find out where you live. If they do, it can be bad for your health and childhood. On one website, I found a story in which a real life person fell in love with someone on the Internet. It turned out she left with him for a while and it turned out he was a sexual predator. Always be safe on the Internet.
  • Middle/ High School Aged Students One possible solution is to be safe while blogging. Also, never have a personal meeting. Never include your full name, address, or school, as they can look up your name and find you. Never put pictures online that could help online predators find you. If someone who talks to you online does not seem right or makes you nervous just stop talking to them and tell an adult. Just let them handle it because they are smarter and wiser in those kind of situations.
  • B. Middle / High School Aged Students Teens need to be safe and never give out information Be careful what they download. Be their selves because they don't need to be what they're not. Not talk to strangers.
  • Blogging Tips for Teenagers Being safe on blogs and other websites is very important. I have found some tips to help us be safer on the Internet, which is an important part of a teenager’s everyday life. The first way to be safe is to avoid posts that enable online predators to find and locate you. This means to not give information out like where you go to hang out, your name (last name especially), where your school is and its name, and especially where you live, because everybody can see what you write including the predator. Most people don't know this, but if you give out your phone number, than anybody, including a predator, can type your phone number into google and then they can see where you live. This helps a predator lead straight to you. If someone asks you for private information, DO NOT give it to them. It should be a red flag for you to ignore him or leave the chat room. Also, in chat rooms, if you feel something is going wrong and you feel uncomfortable with anything, leave the chat room immediately. Never have your screen name the same as a nick name. Online predators can sometimes track you down by screen names, which are private unless you give them out. Remember, if your going to have a blog or belong to a chat room, be safe and follow the rules. Also if you find something abnormal online, tell an adult you know and someone you can trust 100%. Always be yourself when on an online blog, which means never put fake information about yourself. In addition, always be respectful to others. If you write a bad comment, it might come back to you. Also, don’t put many pictures about yourself unless you can trust who your sending pictures to. It only helps online predators having a picture of you. Never, never have an in-person meeting. You never know if the person you are meeting has bad intentions. Be honest about your age. If there is an age limit on a chat room then there is probably a reason for one. You never know what you are getting into on the internet. The last tip is that you shouldn't meet anybody without your parent's permission. The reason is because even though you think you know very well the person by catting with them online for few years, it might be the predator that wants to harm you. The predator might told you the false information that he/she is the same age as you or live near your house. So you have to be careful if you are meeting the right person. Adults Although adults are able to have a form of independence, safety and security is very important. They have to be cautious about doing things like online banking or putting personal information online. Adults who put credit card numbers and other personal information should be aware of pharming and phishing. Many adults believe because they are experienced, they know how to be safe. They need to make sure the website they are putting personal information on is secure. You need to look for the "https" at the link of the website. When adults commonly think of online safety they think of online fraud. Identity takers feed off information given out online. If you are a victim of identity fraud it could have an effect on your future. Other than just internet fraud another thing adults have to worry about while online is cyber stalking. Cyber stalking is another way of harassment through the computer. Cyberstalking includes threatening emails, people posting private information about you for others to see, and posing as you online. Many adults seem to feel like they're older so they are less likely at risk for having predators after them. This is not the case. Websites such as and are websites that leave predators open to find people. If you do plan on meeting someone you meet at one of these sites you should make your date at a public place and make sure not to be alone.
  • Digital Security and Safety is an issue that relates to a person's well-being and safety on a computer. Safety and security are two topics that are closely related. Security is the condition of being protected against danger, loss, and criminals. Safety is the condition of being protected against non-desirable events. Some studies have shown "The odds of becoming a cyber victim have dropped to 1 in 6, from 1 in 4 last year.[1] Some examples of potentially unsafe sites online are Facebook and Myspace, which can sometimes can be dangerous because there can be bullying online. On facebook and myspace you can put your picture or pictures on and some people put inapporaite pictures on, which is not safe because thier are always predators out there on the internet and they could see your picture and ask to meet. If you agree to go and meet them then you could be injured.
Merritt D

How to be a better Cyber Citizen and stay safe online - Fort Lauderdale Parenting Teens... - 0 views

    How do your teens treat their friends - online? Teaching our kids and teens respect starts from a young age, however when it comes to technology, parents need to understand it is just as important to continue the lesson of respect digitally.
    How to be a cyber citizen and stay safe online are major topics in this day and age. Many people (not just teens) need to learn that respect should be carried into the digital world. Ten ways to be a better cyber citizen: 1.) Understand the technology available to protect you and your family's digital identity 2.)Consider using a personal security device when going online 3.)Use antivirus and antispyware software 4.)Teach family & friends about the importance of strong passwords 5.)Get involved in your child's online life 6.)Report cybercrime 7.) Protect your home or small business Wi-Fi network 8.) If you're a parent, consider parental control systems for Internet access on 3G mobile phones 9.) If your bank does not provide a smart bankcard, know the other safe ways to shop online 10.) Don't share information with web sites you don't trust
Maggie H

Teens addicted to internet 'more likely to be depressed, angry and use drugs' | Mail On... - 1 views

  • In findings that will worry parents across America, researchers said going online was such a compulsion for some High School students that withdrawing could cause serious medical and psychological consequences.
  • Researchers found that one in every 25 teens had 'problematic Internet use' - and these students were most likely to report serious problems when not online.
  • Asian and Hispanic students were most likely to qualify as problematic users --
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  • irls were more likely to answer yes to one of the questions on problematic Internet use, but more boys said they spent in excess of 20 hours a week online -- about 17 per cent of boys, compared to 13 per cent of girls.
    Boys are more likely to spend more than 20 hours a week on the internet. One in every 25 teens are extremely addicted to the internet and might have health issues if they are forced to stop using it.
Maggie H

Internet Overuse May Cause Depression - 0 views

  • Teenagers who are addicted to the Internet are more likely to develop depression or other psychiatric problems than teens who are classified as normal Internet users,
  • Researchers say that their work suggests that teens who use the Internet pathologically may be about 2.5 times more likely to develop depression than  teens who are not addicted to the Internet.
  • Researchers in Australia and China studied pathological or uncontrolled Internet use and later mental health problems in 1,041 teenage students in China. The students were free of depression and anxiety at the start of the study. Sixty-two of the teenagers were classified at the start of the study as being moderately pathological users of the Internet, and two were found to be severely at risk for uncontrollable urges to go online. Nine months later, the youngsters were evaluated again for anxiety and depression and 87 were judged as having developed depression. Eight reported significant
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  • The youths in the study were between 13 and 18 and attended high schools in Guangzhou, China.
    Teenagers that use the Internet pathologically are 2.5 times more likely to develop depression than teens that use it normally.
Rachel H

Video Game Addiction - Internet Gaming Addiction - 0 views

  • eased
  • rnet us
  • e is associated with
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • poor eating habits, lessened physical activity and behavioral issue
  • ew study published in the journal Injury Prevention shows that
  • Internet addiction can also lead teens to cause themselves har
  • through pulling their own hair or hitting, pinching or burning themselves
  • Though self-injurious behavior can be attributed to many different factors, such as depression, stressful life events or family problems, the study found that Internet addiction on its own can lead to teens harming themselves.
  • An Internet addiction is classified the same as other addictions, such as those to drugs, alcohol or gambling. If your teen simply goes on the Internet frequently, it is unlikely you have anything to worry about. But if your teen is exhibiting any of the following signs of an Internet addiction, you may want to take action: Excessive time spent devoted to using the Internet Depression, moodiness or nervousness when not online Fantasizing about or being preoccupied with being online A change in sleeping patterns or habits Sudden weight loss or weight gain Lying about time spent on the Internet or denying use Neglecting family, friends or activities they used to enjoy Using the Internet to avoid problems Internet addicts can also experience physical symptoms such as dry eyes, backaches, migraine headaches and carpal tunnel syndro
Mary Westbrook

Texting Addiction Negatively Impacting Female Teens | Addiction - 1 views

  • These teens, when they receive a text, feel they must respond to it right away.
  • In addition, 12 percent of all students are able to have cell phones at school anytime during the day; 62 percent of students are allowed a cell phone at school, but not in class; 64 percent of teens have texted in class; 24 percent attend schools that ban cell phones from school grounds, but 65 percent bring their phones to school anyway.
Vicki Davis

Definitions of Cyberbullying from Stop Cyberbullying - 1 views

    This organization has some good definitions of cyberbullying. Look here for definitions. Cyberbullying - ""Cyberbullying" is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones."
Ashley B.

BBB offers parents tips to keep children safe while online | Wichita Eagle - 1 views

  • * Set privacy options.
  • * Explain to your children that they can't take back what they've written.
  • * Know who is looking at your profile
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  • * Don't "friend" everyone
  • Don't let your child's profiles on social websites be available to everyone. Explain to your child why it's important to have the highest security and privacy settings. Parents should monitor their children's use of the computer while they're on the Internet.
  • Children and teens should think about who will be looking at their profile. Many people will be able to see their page, including parents, teachers, coaches, the police and the college or the job they might want to apply for in the next few years. They should post only the information they are comfortable with others seeing about them.
  • Merely deleting a post doesn't mean it's not still available for others to see in cyberspace. It is important for children and teens to know that once you press the "send" or "post" button, there is no going back. Think about keeping some control over the information you post. Consider restricting access to your page to a select group of people — for example, your friends or your family.
  • Unfortunately there are dangerous people who may be creeping
  • * Don't divulge too much information.
  • Now that school has started children and teens are spending more time online doing school work, research, and socializing. As soon as a child starts using the computer and Internet, it's time to talk with them about online behavior, safety and security. Parents need to know what to do to ensure their child is safe online, in texting, blogging, Facebook and visiting other Internet sites.
  • Better Business Bureau
    This website talks about how parents can make sure their children are safe online.
Caitlin Roberts

Be Web Aware - Cyberbullying - 2 views

  • Cyberbullying
  • In school ... you don't want anyone to think of you as a "gossip" or someone who says things about other people. Everyone wants to be "nice." You don't have to be nice if you don't want to online. 13 year old girl, Edmonton
  • There is little doubt that cyberbullying, which can be the equivalent of "social death" for many young people, is traumatic. It differs from traditional, face-to-face bullying in that it is relentless and public and at the same time anonymous. Cyberbullying has turned the usual image of "the bully" on its head; it's no longer only the "tough kids" who may act aggressively – it can just as easily be the shy, quiet types, hidden behind their computers. Added to this is the potential presence of countless, invisible witnesses and/or collaborators to the cyberbullying, which creates a situation where victims are left unsure of who knows, and whom to fear.
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  • Technology also extends the reach these young people have, enabling them to harass their targets anywhere and at anytime. While these situations should be reported, it can be difficult for young people to step forward: how do you report an attack that leaves no physical scars and is committed by a nameless attacker? Will the consequences of telling an adult that you are being cyberbullied be worse than the bullying itself? Adults want to help, but many feel ill-equipped to handle bullying in a digital world.
  • On social networking sites, you can now tag images with the names of people who are in the photo. This simple act can lead to cyberbullying, as these photos will appear in any search into this person’s name and it could be that misappropriated profile settings do not protect access to them.
  • Multiplayer online games and virtual worlds can be venues for harassment and cyberbullying when kids are playing or using the chat features to talk to other players. According to a 2008 Pew Internet & American Life Project report, more than half of teens who play games report seeing or hearing “people being mean and overly aggressive while playing”; a quarter of them report that this happens “often.”
    Students need to know that cyberbullying is dangerous: it can take lives, it can ruin lives, and it is not acceptable behavior for us. We are supposed to be the enlightened generation, so why don't we act like it?
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    Cyberbullying is probably one on the worst kinds of bullying. Its a type of bullying that never stops and never goes away. Bullies who are online can cause people to take their own lives. This isnt acceptable behavior for anyone.
    I agree with Brenna Edwards. It is one of the worst also because at school, only a hand full of people may see it, but online everyone can see it. No one should cyberbully
    I think that Brenna is right. It is really bad that people bully on the internet.
    Cyberbullying is probably one of the worst types of bullying because you can't figure out who the bully is to put a stop to it. Cyberbullies don't know how serious this is, people take their own lives because of it.
William B

Internet addiction changes brain similar to cocaine: Study - HealthPop - CBS News - 0 views

  • iStockPhoto (CBS) Can a person be truly addicted to the Internet? A new brain scan study shows not only can that be the case, but also that Internet addiction might cause the same brain changes that are seen in alcoholics and drug addicts. For the study, published in the Jan. 11 issue of PLoS One, researchers studied 17 men and women who were diagnosed with Internet addiction disorder (IAD) and compared scans of their brains to scans of 16 healthy people who weren't addicted to the web. Study participants were between the ages of 14 and 21 and lived in China. Video Game-Obsessed Mom Neglects Kids, Starves DogsAre social networking sites turning teens into substance abusers? The researchers found more patterns of  "abnormal white matter" on brain scans of Internet addicts, compared with scans of non-addicts. White matter areas in the brain contain nerve fibers that transmit signals to other parts of the brain. These changes showed evidence of disrupting pathways related to emotions, decision-making, and self control. The researchers said earlier studies have found similar white matter changes in the brain scans of people addicted to alcohol, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, meth, and ketamine (also known as "Special K"). "The results also suggest that IAD may share psychological and neural mechanisms with other types of substance addiction and impulse control disorders," the researchers wrote in the study. Professor Gunter Schumann, chair in biological psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College, London, told BBC News that he's come across similar findings in brain scans of video game addicts. "For the first time two studies show changes in the neuronal connections between brain areas as well as changes in brain function in people who are frequently using the Internet or video games," he said. Dr. Henrietta Bowden Jones, consultant psychiatrist at Imperial College in London, who runs the U.K.'s only clinic for Internet addicts, said hardcore gamers are more likely to be addicted to the Internet. "The majority of people we see with serious Internet addiction are gamers - people who spend long hours in roles in various games that cause them to disregard their obligations," Jones told The Independent. "I have seen people who stopped attending university lectures, failed their degrees or their marriages broke down because they were unable to emotionally connect with anything outside the game." According to the independent, an estimated 5 to 10 percent of Internet users are unable to control their usage and are considered addicts.
    Internet addiction is just as harmful to your brain than alcohol. you don't need to damage you brain so dont drink or get addicted to anything. "(CBS) Can a person be truly addicted to the Internet? A new brain scan study shows not only can that be the case, but also that Internet addiction might cause the same brain changes that are seen in alcoholics and drug addicts. For the study, published in the Jan. 11 issue of PLoS One, researchers studied 17 men and women who were diagnosed with Internet addiction disorder (IAD) and compared scans of their brains to scans of 16 healthy people who weren't addicted to the web. Study participants were between the ages of 14 and 21 and lived in China. Video Game-Obsessed Mom Neglects Kids, Starves Dogs Are social networking sites turning teens into substance abusers? The researchers found more patterns of "abnormal white matter" on brain scans of Internet addicts, compared with scans of non-addicts. White matter areas in the brain contain nerve fibers that transmit signals to other parts of the brain. These changes showed evidence of disrupting pathways related to emotions, decision-making, and self control. The researchers said earlier studies have found similar white matter changes in the brain scans of people addicted to alcohol, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, meth, and ketamine (also known as "Special K"). "The results also suggest that IAD may share psychological and neural mechanisms with other types of substance addiction and impulse control disorders," the researchers wrote in the study. Professor Gunter Schumann, chair in biological psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College, London, told BBC News that he's come across similar findings in brain scans of video game addicts. "For the first time two studies show changes in the neuronal connections between brain areas as well as changes in brain function in people who are frequently using the Internet or video games," he said. Dr. Henrietta Bowde
William B

Top 10 Cases of Extreme Game Addiction - 1 views

  • Video games can be very addicting; in fact, some people accuse developers of making the games addictive on purpose. The following are 10 cases of video game addiction that get more and more extreme. 10 Skipping School I’ve skipped school before, but this kid takes the cake for the most elaborate excuse. A 15-year-old from Perth, Australia, skipped school to play online games for over 16 hours a day, over a full three weeks. How did he do this? Every morning he put on his school uniform until his mother went to work. As soon as she left, he would change out of it and started playing. His mother would return home after he was supposed to have come home from school. To cover for himself at school, he had informed the school he was having surgery. His parents finally caught on to his ruse when the school contacted them to check up on him. 9 Teen Burns Classmate How many of us have gotten into a schoolyard scuffle? We’ve all been there, but a boy in Beijing took it to the next level. Apparently having lost himself in the game, World of Warcraft, he “became” a fire mage in his mind, and set his classmate on fire. For those who don’t play World of Warcraft, I’m sure it’s fairly easy to deduce what a fire mage does by putting two and two together. 8 Fifty-Hour Starcraft Session I’ve pulled all-nighters before while playing games, but a man in South Korea almost pulled off three all-nighters…in a row. After a 50-hour Starcraft session, the South Korean man collapsed and died from heart failure. It was presumed that his death was caused by exhaustion, because he had only stopped to use the washroom and for short periods of sleep. There have been other cases in China where people have been playing anywhere from 3 to 15 days. However I chose to include this one because it received attention from a major news agency. 7 Suicide over a Game On December 27, 2004, Xioyi left a suicide note saying he wanted “to join the heroes of the game he worshiped.” The thirteen-year-old then jumped off a tall building after playing World of Warcraft for 36 hours straight. His parents are now suing the Chinese distributors of the game for $12,500. 6 Girl Dies Because of Neglect A three-year-old South Korean girl died of neglect when her parents spent more time raising a virtual girl than her. The game they had been playing was Prius Online, a game similar to Second Life where players work virtual jobs and well… live a second, virtual, life. The couple had left for a 12-hour gaming session at an internet café, leaving their daughter unattended. Upon returning home, they found her dead. googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1350520431768-2');
    Video games can be very addicted. It can cause people to hurt themselves and kill themselves because they are so addicted. Many people eat so addicted to a game they only care about the game and nothing else. "Video games can be very addicting; in fact, some people accuse developers of making the games addictive on purpose. The following are 10 cases of video game addiction that get more and more extreme. 10 Skipping School skipping school.jpg I've skipped school before, but this kid takes the cake for the most elaborate excuse. A 15-year-old from Perth, Australia, skipped school to play online games for over 16 hours a day, over a full three weeks. How did he do this? Every morning he put on his school uniform until his mother went to work. As soon as she left, he would change out of it and started playing. His mother would return home after he was supposed to have come home from school. To cover for himself at school, he had informed the school he was having surgery. His parents finally caught on to his ruse when the school contacted them to check up on him. 9 Teen Burns Classmate firemage.jpg How many of us have gotten into a schoolyard scuffle? We've all been there, but a boy in Beijing took it to the next level. Apparently having lost himself in the game, World of Warcraft, he "became" a fire mage in his mind, and set his classmate on fire. For those who don't play World of Warcraft, I'm sure it's fairly easy to deduce what a fire mage does by putting two and two together. 8 Fifty-Hour Starcraft Session starcraft-2-logo.png I've pulled all-nighters before while playing games, but a man in South Korea almost pulled off three all-nighters…in a row. After a 50-hour Starcraft session, the South Korean man collapsed and died from heart failure. It was presumed that his death was caused by exhaustion, because he had only stopped to use the washroom and for short periods of sleep. There have been other cases in China where people have bee
October H

Teen Hackers: 10 Stories Of Young Code-Crackers - 0 views

    "Over the past two years, we've seen a ton of stories about teenage tech geniuses who have pushed legal boundaries by cracking the codes of governments and other major institutions, sometimes from their own bedrooms"
    Now hacking has spread to kids under the age of 20 yrs. old, what is next??
Vicki Davis - Florida Teen Commits Suicide Before Live Webcam Audience - Local News | N... - 0 views

  • "He was blogging between 3 and 4 a.m. on the 19th, Wednesday, at which time he inserted a link in the blog to a live webcam and posted a suicide note, and then was seen lying down on the bed," Crane told
  • But he acknowledged that an investigation into the delay in notifying authorities was "possible."
  • A message posted to his final MySpace blog by his mother Friday mentioned a history of mental illness.
    We need a way to report online crime.
    Oh my goodness - this is terrible. A florida teen committeed suicide via webcam. This is horrible. Knowing how to report online crime is something we need to be able to do - a sort of e911 for online is what we need.
Ashley M

digiteen2008 - Digital Literacy - 0 views

  • Some teachers are trying to use digital literacy in there classrooms daily to try to help students become involved. Our teachers use overhead projectors, smartboards, and televisions.Many of us use computers in our classes. If we do not learn how to use computers we could soon be separated by the digital divide. The digital divide could end up leaving some of us jobless. We need to be able to use all of the technology we have access to so we can succeed. In a article called "Digitally addicted kids threaten to return to civilization to the dark ages" a girl named Megan Meier committed suicide due to Cyber bullying. A kid named Josh Evans did this, who later turned out to be Megan's ex boyfriends mom Lori Drew. There are so many examples of digital literacy. We use them in everyday life. We use computers all the time, don’t we? I know if you work in an office then you do. Also, Teens are in love with text messages, although text messaging can be very harmful. While texting you could be bullying someone. Like I said before about computers, not only do business people use them, but parents and teens, and maybe some younger children. Teens get in chat rooms all the time. Some probably don’t even know what they are getting into. In chat rooms people can be pushed to do something or even be bullied. Chat rooms and the use of text messaging can be harmful.
    • Ashley M
      This information is very informative.
  • The digital divide could end up leaving some of us jobless
    • Ashley M
      This sentence is very true. The information in the following paragraph explains how the digital divide could leave some of us jobless.
  • Tasks are being accomplished with the use of technology more than ever.
    • Ashley M
      I find this fact very true.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Relying too much on technology is a problem because it isn't always reliable.
    • Ashley M
      I also find this very true..The following statement explains how relying on technology too much could be a negative thing.
  • Digital literacy is trying to teach basic computer concepts and skills. Literacy isn’t being able to read and write, like used to be. It deals with being able to tell the difference between a real and fake website.
    • Ashley M
      This is a great definition of what Digital Literact is.
  • Teachers are beginning to use overhead projectors, clickers, and television more
    • Ashley M
      This statement explains how our world is relying more on technology each day.
    This page shows that things bookmarked digital_literacy through the group automatically go to the students in the project. The teachers (who all use diigo) just tag throughout the year to have things ready to go into the wiki when it is time for the project.
    This is last years information on digital literacy.
Callie S

Online Safety - 0 views

  • How could we live without the Internet?
  • Smart Surfing First rule of smart surfing? Remain as anonymous as possible. That means keeping all private information private. Here are some examples of private information that you should never give out on the Internet: full name home address phone number Social Security number passwords names of family members credit card numbers Most credible people and companies will never ask for this type of information online. So if someone does, it's a red flag that they may be up to no good.
    safety and security
    How could we live without the internet? The internet plays a big role in our lives. Teens surfing the internet is a big problem now days because they are looking at things that they don't need to be looking at. Quotes: 'But besides the millions of sites to visit and things to do, the Internet offers lots of ways to waste time - and even get into trouble. And just as in the non-cyber world, some people you encounter online might try to take advantage of you - financially or physically.' From the Website.
    educational website for teens, parents and kids
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