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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Margaret O.

Margaret O.

Cyberbullying Is Prevalent But Young People Are Unaware Of Its Deadly Impact | ThinkPro... - 0 views

  • Cyberbullying Is Prevalent But Young People Are Unaware Of Its Deadly Impact
  • The suicide of 14-year-old Jamey Rodemeyer has moved Lady Gaga to confront President Obama about bringing an end to the anti-gay bullying that led the young “It Gets Better” video-maker to take his own life
  • In fact, young people are twice as likely to suggest that biased slurs are used “to be funny” or “to sound cool” than to actually express hateful feelings toward a group of p
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  • Perhaps more disconcerting is that 54 percent of young people think it’s OK to use discriminatory words within their own circle of friends, because “I know we don’t mean it.
  • eople
  • And if we didn’t have all these social networks out there — the Facebook, you know, and the Internet in general — that is where a lot of the bullying occurs
    He didn't have to do that. He didn't have to let those kids drive him to do that. It's up to us as students that when we see something like this happening online, we stand up for the victim, let them know they are on this Earth for a reason.
Margaret O.

Officials: Suicidal Teen Was Cyber-bullied - CBS News - 0 views

  • Officials: Suicidal Teen Was Cyber-bullied
  • CBS)  Officials in Massachusetts believe there's been another deadly case of cyber-bullying in the apparent suicide of 15-year-old Phoebe Prince of South Hadley, Mass.
  • Prince moved last year to the area from Ireland. While making the transition to a new town and a new country, Prince, officials believe, became the target of intense cyber-bullying, which may have contributed to her apparent suicide.
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  • A friend who did not want to be identified told CBS News, "She was being bullied because she was pretty and people were just jealous."Prince's classmate also said he was one of her closest friends, but she never revealed her pain.
  • Meline Kevorkian, the author of "101 Facts About Bullying" told CBS News, "Cyber-bullying can be so dangerous because it can lead to cyber-mobbing, which means kids can come together to attack another kid, 24 hours a day, seven days a week."
  • Prince's unidentified friend said, "It just makes me sad that it takes the life of a young teenager who had everything going for her to bring the community together to have them realize how bad bullying is."
  • kids should "know that they are loved and that people care about them, and they can make it through this."
    This is completely out of hand. There is no reason that this girl should be dead. Cyberbullying is, I believe the worst form of bullying, because some of the people who bully others online don't have the guts to admit it face-to-face with their victims.
Margaret O.

Student Who Created Facebook Group Critical of Teacher Sues High School Over Suspension... - 0 views

  • Student Who Created Facebook Group Critical of Teacher Sues High School Over Suspension
  • A former Florida high school student who was disciplined for "cyberbullying" a teacher on Facebook is suing the school principal on allegations of violating her free speech rights.
  • The case highlights the legal challenges facing courts and school administrators as they grapple with campus civil order and free expression in an online world.
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  • "We’re in the very first generation of this and there’s nothing ripe for the U.S. Supreme Court to hear," said Frank LoMonte, executive director of the Virginia-based Student Press Law Center.
  • The lawsuit, filed Monday in a Florida federal court, concerns Katherine Evans, now 19, who was suspended as a senior last year after creating a Facebook group devoted to her English teacher. The group was called "Ms. Sarah Phelps is the worst teacher I’ve ever met!," and featured a photograph of the teacher, and an invitation for other students to "express your feelings of hatred." After people’s comments derided Evans for the online stunt, and expressed support for the teacher, she deleted the group. But Pembroke Pines Charter High School, which did not respond for comment, suspended Evans for three days for "disruptive behavior" and for "Bullying / Cyber Bullying Harassment towards a staff member," according to the lawsuit, which is backed by the American Civil Liberties Union.
  • The lawsuit (.pdf) is one of about a dozen across the United States that are part of the fallout as schools confront cyberbullying and the explosion of social networking sites. A Texas high school volleyball coach in September went so far as to declare a ban on student Facebook and MySpace profiles, a decision the Northside Independent School District reversed (.pdf). Last month, Tennessee State University blocked the online gossip site JuicyCampus at the school firewall. In June, Missouri enacted a law against "cyberbullying" in the wake of the Megan Meier suicide tragedy, which was triggered by a hoax MySpace account.
  • There’s no bright-line rule on what constitutes free, student speech in the online world. And as schools start to regulate off-campus student speech on the internet, lawsuits are following.
    The internet bullying has got to stop. It's created a dogma for our government: they haven't seen anything like this before and they don't know how to handle it.
Margaret O.

Nine Elements - 3 views

  • 1.   Digital Access:   full electronic participation in society. Technology users need to be aware of and support electronic access for all to create a foundation for Digital Citizenship.
  • s the
  • Digital
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  • 2.   Digital Commerce:   electronic buying and selling of goods. Technology users need to understand that a large share of marke
  • 3.   Digital Communication:   electronic exchange of information.
  • One of the significant changes within the digital revolution is a person’s ability to
  • offer a wide variety of choices (e.g., e-mail, cellular phones, instant messaging).  The expanding digital communication options have changed everything because people are able to keep in constant communication with anyone else.
  • n options.
  • 4.   Digital Literacy:   process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology. While schools have made great progress in the area of technology infusion, much remains to be done. A renewed focus must be made on what technologies must be taught as well as how it should be used.
  • 5. Digital Etiquette:   electron
  • 9.   Digital Security (self-protection):   electronic precautions to guarantee safety.
  • We need to have virus protection, backups of data, and surge control of our equipment. As responsible citizens, we must protect our information from outside forces that might cause disruption or harm.
  • Digital Law:   electronic responsibility for actions and deeds
  • Digital Rights & Responsibilities:   those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world
  • Digital Health & Wellness:   physical and psychological well-being in a digital technology world.
    In order for students to be achieve digital citizenship, we must know how to communicate properly.
Margaret O.

Be Web Aware - Cyberbullying - 2 views

  • Cyberbullying
  • In school ... you don't want anyone to think of you as a "gossip" or someone who says things about other people. Everyone wants to be "nice." You don't have to be nice if you don't want to online. 13 year old girl, Edmonton
  • There is little doubt that cyberbullying, which can be the equivalent of "social death" for many young people, is traumatic. It differs from traditional, face-to-face bullying in that it is relentless and public and at the same time anonymous. Cyberbullying has turned the usual image of "the bully" on its head; it's no longer only the "tough kids" who may act aggressively – it can just as easily be the shy, quiet types, hidden behind their computers. Added to this is the potential presence of countless, invisible witnesses and/or collaborators to the cyberbullying, which creates a situation where victims are left unsure of who knows, and whom to fear.
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  • Technology also extends the reach these young people have, enabling them to harass their targets anywhere and at anytime. While these situations should be reported, it can be difficult for young people to step forward: how do you report an attack that leaves no physical scars and is committed by a nameless attacker? Will the consequences of telling an adult that you are being cyberbullied be worse than the bullying itself? Adults want to help, but many feel ill-equipped to handle bullying in a digital world.
  • On social networking sites, you can now tag images with the names of people who are in the photo. This simple act can lead to cyberbullying, as these photos will appear in any search into this person’s name and it could be that misappropriated profile settings do not protect access to them.
  • Multiplayer online games and virtual worlds can be venues for harassment and cyberbullying when kids are playing or using the chat features to talk to other players. According to a 2008 Pew Internet & American Life Project report, more than half of teens who play games report seeing or hearing “people being mean and overly aggressive while playing”; a quarter of them report that this happens “often.”
    Students need to know that cyberbullying is dangerous: it can take lives, it can ruin lives, and it is not acceptable behavior for us. We are supposed to be the enlightened generation, so why don't we act like it?
Margaret O.

Teaching About the Web Includes Troublesome Parts - - 0 views

  • Teaching About Web Includes Troublesome Parts
  • When Kevin Jenkins wanted to teach his fourth-grade students at Spangler Elementary here how to use the Internet, he created a site where they could post photographs, drawings and surveys.
  • And they did. But to his dismay, some of his students posted surveys like “Who’s the most popular classmate?” and “Who’s the best-liked?” Mr. Jenkins’s students “liked being able to express themselves in a place where they’re basically by themselves at a computer,” he said. “They’re not thinking that everyone’s going to see it.”
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  • The class listened as Mr. Jenkins read a story about a girl who got annoyed when her parents quizzed her about details from her online journal. Lucas Navarrete, 13, asked, “What’s their right to read her personal stuff?” “Maybe they’re worried,” suggested Morgan Windham, a soft-spoken girl. “It’s public!” argued Aren Santos. “O.K., O.K., if it was a personal diary and they read it, would you be happy?” Lucas asked. “They have no right, see?” Mr. Jenkins asked the class if there is a difference between a private diary on paper and a public online diary. But the class could not agree. “I would just keep it to myself and tell only people that were really, really close to me,” Cindy Nguyen said after class. “We want to have our personal, private space.” That blurred line between public and private space is what Common Sense tries to address. “That sense of invulnerability that high school students tend to have, thinking they can control everything, before the Internet there may have been some truth to that,” said Ted Brodheim, chief information officer for the New York City Department of Education. “I don’t think they fully grasp that when they make some of these decisions, it’s not something they can pull back from.”
  • And the Internet is where children are growing up. The average young person spends seven and a half hours a day with a computer, television or smart phone, according to a January study from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Considering that the time is mostly outside of school, the results suggest that almost every extracurricular hour is devo
  • “You want to light a fire under someone’s fanny?” said Liz Perle, editor in chief of Common Sense Media. “Have your child post something that is close to a hate crime.”
  • “The messes they get into with friends, or jumping onto someone’s site and sending a message,” she said. “They don’t know, sometimes, how to manage the social, emotional stuff that comes up.”
    Students are now growing up online: we need to know that things we post can and will affect our personal and future business lives. It's not private, and we need to know to treat each other online.
Margaret O.

Digiteen 11-3 - home - 6 views

    Digiteen Wiki page
Margaret O.

How Students Use Technology to Cheat - 0 views

  • How Students Use Technology to Cheat
  • Academic dishonesty—ahem, cheating—has only gotten easier in the digital age. Students have Wolfram Alpha, Google, and crowdsourced question-and-answer sites like Quora at their fingertips. Students have cameras on their phones that let them take pictures of a test in an instant. Even Microsoft Word has built-in functionality that helps them game the system.
  • There's an old saying that students who cheat in their academic work are only cheating themselves. Today's professors still largely agree with this statement, with one telling me that it's like weight-training: "I can give them the information and I can coach them through the process, but if they don't put in the work, they will never see results."
    "I can give them the information and I can coach them through the process, but if they don't put in the work, they will never see the results." Students who cheat in their academic work by using technology to get past teachers who don't understand it are only cheating themselves.
Margaret O.

What Scares Students and Parents This Time of Year? No, Not Spiders, Witches, or Ghouls... - 0 views

  • About Sylvan Learning: Sylvan Learning is the leading provider of tutoring to students of all ages, grades and skill levels with over 30 years of experience and more than 850 centers located throughout North America. Sylvan's trained and Sylvan-certified personal instructors provide individualized instruction in reading, writing, mathematics, study skills and test-prep for college entrance and state exams. For more information, call 1-800-31-SUCCESS or visit
    Students can benefit their learning by taking a technological approach on a personally fitted website
Margaret O.

Tech Talk with Tamika: Google+: The Educational Game Changer - 0 views

  • For the past few years educators have sought a way to utilize social networking to communicate and collaborate with other teachers, parents and students.  From Twitter to Facebook teachers have created streams to alert parents of upcoming assignments, Q&A pages and be available for students long after the school doors have closed
  • Security and privacy issues have run amuck with teachers ‘friending’ students on Facebook.  In fact, teachers have lost their job for placing school administratively deemed inappropriate photos on their wall. My school district has mandated that educators follow certain guidelines for teachers to adhere to when students or their parents attempt to become our social network friend. Some people may call this extreme but I view said guidelines as a form of protection for all involved.
    Teachers have lost their ability to teach effectively by friending their students online
Margaret O.

Global Classrooms Use Technology to Prep Students for Workforce - US News and World Report - 0 views

  • Global Classrooms Use Technology to Prep Students for Workforce
  • A library is no longer a place you go to read," says Jagmeet Sekhon, a political science and commerce student, who uses the new library several times a week for solo work and group projects. "These collaboration rooms are a reflection of what's really out there in the real world,
    Using technology in classrooms helps prepare students for the real world.
Margaret O.

If We Can Change The Way We Communicate, We Can Change The Way We Educate | Fox News - 0 views

  • If We Can Change the Way We Communicate, We Can Change the Way We Educate
  • Steve Jobs' passing last week encouraged Americans to consider how technology has transformed our lives.  Fueled by the creative genius of men like Jobs, new technology has emerged allowing us to better keep in touch with friends and family, access entertainment and information, and perform work from home or wherever we happen to be at that moment.  While we've successfully integrated technology into our workplaces and personal lives, we've been comparatively slow to apply technology's power to other areas of life, like education.  That needs to change.
    This article is about changing our environment to meet modern needs
Margaret O.

Tech program in north Georgia inspires Houston school system - Living - - 0 views

  • “We’v
  • e got to create a relevant educational situation for our kids, so when they go off to college and the working world, it won’t be a foreign world to them,” said Robin Hines, superintendent of Houston County schools. “We’re preparing our students for jobs that haven’t even been created yet.”During the trip, they saw fo
    Schools need to use technology to help kids learn
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