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Maggie B

Nine Elements - 3 views

  • one has the opportunity to communicate and collaborate with anyone from anywhere and anytime. Unfortunately, many users have not been taught how to make appropriate decisions when faced with so many different digital communicatio
  • communicate with other people. In the 19th century, forms of communication were limited. In the 21st
  • Digital Citizenship
  • ...23 more annotations...
  • citizenship can be defined a
  • to create rules and policy, we must teach everyone to become responsible digital ci
  • l uncomf
  • ic standards of conduct or procedure. Technology users often see this area as one o
  • oral goods and services are surfacing such as pornography and gambling. Users need to learn about how to be effective consumers in a new digital economy. 
  • t economy is being done electronically. Legitimate and legal exchanges are occurring, but the buyer or seller need
  • n electronic society. All people should have fair access to technology no matter who they are.  Places or organizations with limited connectivity need to be addressed as well.  To become productive citizens, we need to be committed
  • norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use. 
  • 1.   Digital Access:   full electronic participation in society. Technology users need to be aware of and support electronic access for all to create a foundation for Digital Citizenship.
  • s the
  • Digital
  • 2.   Digital Commerce:   electronic buying and selling of goods. Technology users need to understand that a large share of marke
  • 3.   Digital Communication:   electronic exchange of information.
  • One of the significant changes within the digital revolution is a person’s ability to
  • offer a wide variety of choices (e.g., e-mail, cellular phones, instant messaging).  The expanding digital communication options have changed everything because people are able to keep in constant communication with anyone else.
  • n options.
  • 4.   Digital Literacy:   process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology. While schools have made great progress in the area of technology infusion, much remains to be done. A renewed focus must be made on what technologies must be taught as well as how it should be used.
  • 5. Digital Etiquette:   electron
  • 9.   Digital Security (self-protection):   electronic precautions to guarantee safety.
  • We need to have virus protection, backups of data, and surge control of our equipment. As responsible citizens, we must protect our information from outside forces that might cause disruption or harm.
  • Digital Law:   electronic responsibility for actions and deeds
  • Digital Rights & Responsibilities:   those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world
  • Digital Health & Wellness:   physical and psychological well-being in a digital technology world.
    Most people make the wrong health decisions. When they make these decisions, they mess up their whole life. Online health is the same. If you mess up there, you mess up your life.
  • ...2 more comments...
    "Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship Digital citizenship can be defined as the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use. 1. Digital Etiquette: electronic standards of conduct or procedure. Technology users often see this area as one of the most pressing problems when dealing with Digital Citizenship. We recognize inappropriate behavior when we see it, but before people use technology they do not learn digital etiquette (i.e., appropriate conduct). Many people feel uncomfortable talking to others about their digital etiquette. Often rules and regulations are created or the technology is simply banned to stop inappropriate use. It is not enough to create rules and policy, we must teach everyone to become responsible digital citizens in this new society. 2. Digital Communication: electronic exchange of information. One of the significant changes within the digital revolution is a person's ability to communicate with other people. In the 19th century, forms of communication were limited. In the 21st century, communication options have exploded to offer a wide variety of choices (e.g., e-mail, cellular phones, instant messaging). The expanding digital communication options have changed everything because people are able to keep in constant communication with anyone else. Now everyone has the opportunity to communicate and collaborate with anyone from anywhere and anytime. Unfortunately, many users have not been taught how to make appropriate decisions when faced with so many different digital communication options. 3. Digital Literacy: process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology. While schools have made great progress in the area of technology infusion, much remains to be done. A renewed focus must be made on what technologies must be taught as well as how it should be used. New technologies are finding their way into the work place that are not being used in schools (e.g., videoconfer
    9 elements to digital citizenship
    In order for students to be achieve digital citizenship, we must know how to communicate properly.
    Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship Digital citizenship can be defined as the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use. 1. Digital Access: full electronic participation in society. Technology users need to be aware of and support electronic access for all to create a foundation for Digital Citizenship.
jesse p

8 Creative Social Awareness Campaigns : Which one of these pulled you? - 1 views

    We need to be aware. Information about society and its issues make us more responsible for the society. If more young people were taught about the adverse effects of global warming, they will surely keep an eye on fuel saving. If they are taught about social issues and problems, they will make an effort to do something about it, therefore improving society as a whole.
Liz D

UK online safety expert proposes Pet Society feature as dangerous to children - 2 views

  • Conway, a self-touted "online safety expert,"
  • stranger danger"
  • By being in the Cafe, you're bound to meet strangers. Even though all you can do once you get to another pet's home is some pre-set actions (e.g. hug, kiss, dance, laugh, and punch), there's also the option to visit the real Facebook profile of a someone you might not know at all. Conway demonstrated this by creating an avatar named "BunnyPig" to demonstrate to a group of foster care and social workers.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Because Facebook games require players to have lots of friends to earn virtual money and goods, Conway concludes that kids will be tempted to friend strangers
  • And in turn, he estimates that malevolent strangers can scope out kids who play the game. This "Go to profile" option is clearly a valid concern and does exist in the game.
  • kids under 13 years-old could still lie to Facebook about their age just to have a Facebook account.
    This article is by Charles Conway. He says that children must friend a lot of people to get coins or money for Pet Society , a fast growing Facebook game. This means children under the age of 13 are becoming interested in this website. They might even lie to create an account. Adding people they do not know will be a bad habit for children at this youngof age.
Jenna A

The Facts on Literacy - 0 views

    "The National Literacy Act of 1991 defines literacy as "an individual's ability to read, write, and speak in English and compute and solve problems at levels of proficiency necessary to function on the job and in society, to achieve one's goals, and to develop one's knowledge and potential." Research indicates that 17-20% of our nation's children experience substantial difficulties in learning to read, and that more than a third of students in fourth grade (and nearly 70% in some low-income urban schools) read below the basic level. Children who are not fluent readers by fourth grade are likely to continue struggling with reading into adulthood, making early identification and intervention of reading problems essential to a child's success in both school and society."
    This stresses the importance of childrens literacy & fluency.
Taylor B

Guide To Online Etiquette | - 1 views

  • Add in grammatically incorrect status updates and wildly inappropriate online photos, and Facebook represents a sort of maniac microcosm for the etiquette problems that exist in our everyday society.
    Add in grammatically incorrect status updates and wildly inappropriate online photos, and Facebook represents a sort of maniac microcosm for the etiquette problems that exist in our everyday society.
Woody H

Digital divide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The term digital divide refers to the gap between people with effective access to digital and information technology and those with very limited or no access at all. It includes the imbalances in physical access to technology as well as the imbalances in resources and skills needed to effectively participate as a digital citizen. In other words, it is the unequal access by some members of society to information and communication technology, and the unequal acquisition of related skills. The term is closely related to the knowledge divide as the lack of technology causes lack of useful information and knowledge. The digital divide may be classified based on gender, income, and race groups, and by locations.[1] The term global digital divide refers to differences in technology access between countries or the whole world.
  • Digital divide and education
  • Digital divide worldwide
    This is the Wikipedia page of the digital divide. This shows what the digital divide really is.
    gives alot of different facts about the digital divide
Riya P

Effects of Technology on Culture - 0 views

  • Technology has had an outstanding effect on modern society and culture.  It provides us with tools that enhance our ability to network through internet communities which includes anything from online gaming to applications such as Facebook or Twitter.  Internet communities promote freedom of expression that may not be as feasible in real life.  Real life, inevitably, contains many stereotypes and whether we believe in them or not, they are still in existence subconsciously
    Cultrual! This is a really long article about how cultures overlap. "Technology has had an outstanding effect on modern society and culture. It provides us with tools that enhance our ability to network through internet communities which includes anything from online gaming to applications such as Facebook or Twitter. Internet communities promote freedom of expression that may not be as feasible in real life. Real life, inevitably, contains many stereotypes and whether we believe in them or not, they are still in existence subconsciously"
Morgan G

Cultural literacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Cultural literacy is important because you need to know the importance of getting along with different cultures. Anyone can join social networks, so you need to learn how you can get along with everyone. "Cultural literacy is familiarity with and ability to understand the idioms, allusions, and informal content that create and constitute a dominant culture. From being familiar with street signs to knowing historical references to understanding the most recent slang, literacy demands interaction with the culture and reflection of it. Knowledge of a canonical set of literature is not sufficient in and of itself when engaging with others in a society, as life is interwoven with art, expression, history, and experience. Cultural literacy requires familiarity with a broad range of general knowledge and implies the use of that knowledge in the creation of a communal language and collective knowledge. Cultural literacy stresses the knowledge of those pieces of information that content creators will assume the audience already possesses."
Morgan G

How do people who are from different cultures live and get along with each other in NYC - 0 views

    The thing that stood out to me the most here, is the word respect. Everyone should have respect for different cultures online. Having respect can get you a long ways in life. "The best way I would believe would be open communication, respect for others beliefs, ethnicity, privacy, and the rights of an individual in general. An action of one person can make a negative or positive impact on society as a whole. If someone chooses to belittle another for something as serious as their beliefs or as trivial as the way they dress, they set in motion negative responses which will inevitably affect many others"
Summer T

Digital Citizenship Lessons & Activities - 0 views

    ". This suite of lessons for Kindergarten through high school actively engages students in exploring their personal, social, legal, and ethical responsibilities in today's digital society."
    Digital citizenship is for all ages
Kelby W

Did the Internet Kill Privacy? - CBS News - 0 views

    IN my opinion, if you didn't want people to see it you shouldn't put it on Facebook.  "The pictures were exactly what you'd expect from a European summer vacation: Cafes in Italy and Spain, the Guinness brewery in Ireland. So 24-year-old Ashley Payne, a public high school English teacher in Georgia, was not prepared for what happened when her principal asked to see her in August 2009. "He just asked me, 'Do you have a Facebook page?'" Payne said. "And you know, I'm confused as to why I am being asked this, but I said, 'Yes.' And he said, 'Do you have any pictures of yourself up there with alcohol?'" In fact, the picture that concerned the principal - showing Payne holding a glass of wine and a mug of beer - was on her Facebook page. There was also a reference to a local trivia contest with a profanity in its title. Payne was told a parent of one of her students called to complain. And then, Payne says, she was given a choice: resign or be suspended. "He told me that I needed to make a decision before I left, or he was going to go ahead and suspend me," she said. She resigned. Attorney Richard Storrs is fighting to get Payne's job back. "It would be like I went to a restaurant and I saw my daughter's teacher sitting there with her husband having a glass of some kind of liquid," Storr said. "You know, is that frowned upon by the school board? Is that illegal? Is that improper? Of course not. It's the same situation in this case." But here's the really troubling part: Payne had used the privacy settings on Facebook. She thought that only her closest friends could see her vacation photos or her use of the "B" word. "I wouldn't use it in a classroom, no," she said. "But Facebook is not the classroom. And it's not open to the students of my classroom. They are not supposed to see it. I have privacy in place so they don't see it." Privacy? What Ashley Payne or anyone of us who uses the Internet has to realize is this: Today our private lives are no longe
Kelby W

Online Privacy: Using the Internet Safely | Privacy Rights Clearinghouse - 0 views

    Knowing how to use the internet will help us be a little more private and keep our identity a little more safety.  "The Internet enables us to improve communication, erase physical barriers, and expand our education. Its absorption into our society has been extraordinary.  It touches nearly every part of our lives from how we apply for jobs and where we get our news, to how we find friends.  A few Web sites have virtually replaced some things, like the encyclopedia and the phone book.  But with acceptance comes a decrease in skepticism.  You may assume that the same laws or societal rules that protect your privacy in the physical world apply to the digital world as well.  But the Internet remains largely unregulated and the policies governing it underdeveloped.  Laws concerning online privacy are still being developed. To date, the U.S. Supreme Court largely has taken a hands-off approach to regulating the Internet and online privacy in favor of free speech.  However, the federal government is increasingly interested in regulating the Internet, for example through child pornography and gambling laws.  One important thing to keep in mind when relying on the law to protect you is that if U.S. law is broken in another country, prosecuting the criminal may prove difficult or impossible. "
Jenna A

What is the importance of literacy? - - 0 views

    "Literacy is fundamental for learning in school. It has an impact on an individual's ability to participate in society and to understand important public issues. And it provides the foundation upon which skills needed in the labour market are built. Technology, and the science behind it, permeates all aspects of our lives, from how we work and communicate to what we shop for and how we pay our bills. The complexity of today's world means that individuals need to have some level of proficiency in reading, mathematics and science in order to understand and participate fully in economic and social life. "
    This tells you that literacy is very important if you want to go anywhere in life.
jesse p

Top social awareness topics of national and international levels - 2 views

    all of these things are things to be aware of in our society and a lot of people underestimate the amount of problems in the U.S. But when it all comes down to it the list never ends here are just a few of the social problems in America now.
Abi W

Home Page - 1 views

    This website is about a Global Awareness Society. They have information that they've collected for other people. Also this website is from 2012 so it is has most current information.
Matt N

Student Research Center - powered by EBSCOhost: Etiquette - 0 views

    This is what netiquette is and how it affects society
Julie Lindsay

Born This Way Foundation - 0 views

    "Want to learn more about how to combat youth bullying, meanness, and cruelty? Our friends and partners, danah boyd and John Palfrey, have done research to provide a list of 20 elements that you must know in order to make a difference. Be informed so you can be brave when you seek to create cultural change. danah and John's Kinder & Braver World Project: Research Series will provide you with research-based recommendations to help you on the way to making a braver, kinder society."
Jerilyn J

4 Etiquette Tips in a 3D Virtual World - 0 views

  • A 3D virtual world is incredibly similar to everyday life. These virtual worlds bring people together to interact with one another in a community and society setting. As in any normal normal society, there are certain actions that are simply unacceptable.
  • Be Courteous and Respectful
  • Be a Team Player
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Never Cheat
  • Never Bully More Inexperienced Players
LucasA_mca MCA

Digital Law - 0 views

    . It deals with the ethics of the technology and the unethical uses it for the crimes and damage it does to society. These laws apply to everyone including kids who use it in school and try downloading things or stealing them also.
radhika chatterjee

Impact of Media on Learning - 1 views

  • All forms of media- the newspaper, radio, television and the internet are equally important in imparting education
  • Media literacy or education does not only mean to be entertained by media but to learn something from it.
  • Media Literacy: "the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and communicate information in a variety of formats." —David Considine
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Moreover, we have seen that a large number of people depend on the internet to collect information, read news, listen to music and download movies, play games and also for work. Newspaper, Radio, Television and the internet- all form part of the media and are important in imparting education. Media offers culture, sports, information, entertainment, current affairs and education.
  • Computer-based education has transformed the traditional offerings of distance learning.
  • The students can get a vast exposure to the pop-cultural references. They can get statistics and data from the news, which can be the basis for math and science learning. The teachers can also incorporate media analysis whenever the Internet, television or video are used in the classroom.
  • The first and foremost effect of media is definitely the accumulation of General knowledge, different dialects and cultures. Television boosts the social awareness of a child to a great extent. Sports channels develop the logical mindset of a child. Cartoon channels keep the children happy. News channels increase the vocabulary of the children and inform them about the positive and negative impacts on the society. It increases the concentration and retention power of a child, which benefits their studies to a great extent.
  • Children often learn certain things, which change their perspective towards life. For example, if they watch violent scenes on TV, their nature tends to be the same. There are many incidents where children try to imitate the super heroes and it results in death. Studies often get hampered and lapse of concentration occurs due to excessive watching of television. The advertisements shown in the media often captures the mood of the individuals. Generally, girls are very vulnerable and sensitive about their physical image. When an adolescent girl watches the ads that show unless we buy a product or carry the style statement or wash our hair with a specific shampoo and look smart like a slim model, we don’t get respect in the society or get a job.
    • radhika chatterjee
      This is really interesting: the negative effects of free and easy access to entertainment are presented alongside with the positive.
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