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William B

Internet addiction changes brain similar to cocaine: Study - HealthPop - CBS News - 0 views

  • iStockPhoto (CBS) Can a person be truly addicted to the Internet? A new brain scan study shows not only can that be the case, but also that Internet addiction might cause the same brain changes that are seen in alcoholics and drug addicts. For the study, published in the Jan. 11 issue of PLoS One, researchers studied 17 men and women who were diagnosed with Internet addiction disorder (IAD) and compared scans of their brains to scans of 16 healthy people who weren't addicted to the web. Study participants were between the ages of 14 and 21 and lived in China. Video Game-Obsessed Mom Neglects Kids, Starves DogsAre social networking sites turning teens into substance abusers? The researchers found more patterns of  "abnormal white matter" on brain scans of Internet addicts, compared with scans of non-addicts. White matter areas in the brain contain nerve fibers that transmit signals to other parts of the brain. These changes showed evidence of disrupting pathways related to emotions, decision-making, and self control. The researchers said earlier studies have found similar white matter changes in the brain scans of people addicted to alcohol, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, meth, and ketamine (also known as "Special K"). "The results also suggest that IAD may share psychological and neural mechanisms with other types of substance addiction and impulse control disorders," the researchers wrote in the study. Professor Gunter Schumann, chair in biological psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College, London, told BBC News that he's come across similar findings in brain scans of video game addicts. "For the first time two studies show changes in the neuronal connections between brain areas as well as changes in brain function in people who are frequently using the Internet or video games," he said. Dr. Henrietta Bowden Jones, consultant psychiatrist at Imperial College in London, who runs the U.K.'s only clinic for Internet addicts, said hardcore gamers are more likely to be addicted to the Internet. "The majority of people we see with serious Internet addiction are gamers - people who spend long hours in roles in various games that cause them to disregard their obligations," Jones told The Independent. "I have seen people who stopped attending university lectures, failed their degrees or their marriages broke down because they were unable to emotionally connect with anything outside the game." According to the independent, an estimated 5 to 10 percent of Internet users are unable to control their usage and are considered addicts.
    Internet addiction is just as harmful to your brain than alcohol. you don't need to damage you brain so dont drink or get addicted to anything. "(CBS) Can a person be truly addicted to the Internet? A new brain scan study shows not only can that be the case, but also that Internet addiction might cause the same brain changes that are seen in alcoholics and drug addicts. For the study, published in the Jan. 11 issue of PLoS One, researchers studied 17 men and women who were diagnosed with Internet addiction disorder (IAD) and compared scans of their brains to scans of 16 healthy people who weren't addicted to the web. Study participants were between the ages of 14 and 21 and lived in China. Video Game-Obsessed Mom Neglects Kids, Starves Dogs Are social networking sites turning teens into substance abusers? The researchers found more patterns of "abnormal white matter" on brain scans of Internet addicts, compared with scans of non-addicts. White matter areas in the brain contain nerve fibers that transmit signals to other parts of the brain. These changes showed evidence of disrupting pathways related to emotions, decision-making, and self control. The researchers said earlier studies have found similar white matter changes in the brain scans of people addicted to alcohol, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, meth, and ketamine (also known as "Special K"). "The results also suggest that IAD may share psychological and neural mechanisms with other types of substance addiction and impulse control disorders," the researchers wrote in the study. Professor Gunter Schumann, chair in biological psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College, London, told BBC News that he's come across similar findings in brain scans of video game addicts. "For the first time two studies show changes in the neuronal connections between brain areas as well as changes in brain function in people who are frequently using the Internet or video games," he said. Dr. Henrietta Bowde
Julie Lindsay

Study Finds Link Between Facebook Use, Lower Grades in College - 1 views

    College students who use Facebook spend less time studying and have lower grade point averages than students who have not signed up for the social networking website, according to a pilot study at one university. However, more than three-quarters of Facebook users claimed that their use of the social networking site didn't interfere with their studies. "We can't say that use of Facebook leads to lower grades and less studying - but we did find a relationship there," said Aryn Karpinski, co-author of the study and a doctoral student in education at Ohio State University.
William B

Internet Addiction & Health Effects | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Anna Cocke graduated from CUNY with a Master of Arts in Journalism, specializing in health and medicine reporting. She has helped produce segments for the Association of Health Care Journalists on health care reform and reported on diabetes in the South Bronx. She has been writing professionally for more than seven years. Photo Credit computer image by blaine stiger from The Internet has become an integral part of many people's work and personal lives. The number of people online daily has nearly doubled over the past decade, according to research conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project. While internet addiction as a specific disorder was being debated for inclusion in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as of 2010, treatment centers already exist throughout the U.S. and abroad, including China, Taiwan and Korea. Physical Effects Internet overuse can lead to sedentary lifestyles, weight gain and a decline in physical fitness. Other symptoms can include carpal tunnel syndrome, dry eyes, migraine headaches, a decline in personal hygiene and back aches, according to Maressa Hecht, founder of Computer Addiction Services and a member of the Harvard Medical School. if(typeof disable_adsense_2 === "undefined") { ad_order_2 = (typeof ad_order_2 === "undefined") ? "2" : ad_order_2; ad_client = "ca-livestrong_html"; num_ads = "1"; type = "text"; channels = "art_sub_top_Addiction_Recovery,article_top_diseases,article_top"; class_name = "adsense_afc"; print_google_ad(ad_order_2, num_ads, type, channels, ad_client , class_name ); } Sponsored LinksHow to Stay Asleep Obey this one weird trick to stay asleep all night long. Learn more. Depression Depression has also been linked to Internet overuse by researchers at the Institute of Psychological Sciences in Leeds, UK. Researchers found that study participants who exhibited signs of Internet overuse engaged disproportionately than the normal population in sites devoted to pornography, gaming, social networking and chat rooms. They theorized that Internet addicts' use of these sites as replacements for real-life socializing was resulting in depression. However, there is debate as to whether depression results from, or is a cause, or internet overuse. A study published in the "Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine" found depression, as well as ADHD and social phobia, to increase the chances of excessive Internet use in adolescents. Sleep Disturbances Evidence also suggests that internet overuse can contribute to sleep disturbances. Studies of Chinese and American children, published in the "Journal of Sleep" and the "Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics," found that computer use among adolescents was associated with later bed times, later waking times, less restful sleep and an overall decrease in sleep. The use of computers before bedtime has also raised concerns among sleep experts, including Phyllis Zee, a neuroscience professor at Northwestern University, that the light from screens is affecting circadian rhythms and possibly contributing to insomnia.
    Addiction can be very harmful to your life. You do not to be addicted to anything. Keep your health up and your body healthy. " Photo Credit computer image by blaine stiger from The Internet has become an integral part of many people's work and personal lives. The number of people online daily has nearly doubled over the past decade, according to research conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project. While internet addiction as a specific disorder was being debated for inclusion in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as of 2010, treatment centers already exist throughout the U.S. and abroad, including China, Taiwan and Korea. Physical Effects Internet overuse can lead to sedentary lifestyles, weight gain and a decline in physical fitness. Other symptoms can include carpal tunnel syndrome, dry eyes, migraine headaches, a decline in personal hygiene and back aches, according to Maressa Hecht, founder of Computer Addiction Services and a member of the Harvard Medical School. Sponsored Links How to Stay Asleep Obey this one weird trick to stay asleep all night long. Learn more. Depression Depression has also been linked to Internet overuse by researchers at the Institute of Psychological Sciences in Leeds, UK. Researchers found that study participants who exhibited signs of Internet overuse engaged disproportionately than the normal population in sites devoted to pornography, gaming, social networking and chat rooms. They theorized that Internet addicts' use of these sites as replacements for real-life socializing was resulting in depression. However, there is debate as to whether depression results from, or is a cause, or internet overuse. A study published in the "Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine" found depression, as well as ADHD and social phobia, to increase the chances of excessive Internet use in adolescents. Sleep Disturbances Evidenc
Garrett E

Why Cell-Phone Health Concerns Persist - 0 views

  • Arjen Witzel Feb 18, 2010 7:07 AM GMT Effects ofexposure to emf radiation/ mobile phone/ wireless and related technology at my body are :Headache Fatigue Stress Sleep disturbances Skin symptoms like prickling, burning sensations, rashes, muscle pains and aches and more.But Doctors can't emplane any of this in Nederland.I lost my lob two times now.And can't start a new one because of my state of health.To keep alive at home i have rebuild my rand house in a cage of Faraday.Outside it 800/2200 uW/m2 from cell-towers and radiated devices from next door.Inside 0,4uW/m2 where i now can sleep properly.Before that impossible to get to sleep.Around me many people have the same problems, and the don't no what is the problem jet!Taking many medicine for nothing just like me in the past.I have nu future any-more. Adam Nov 6, 2009 6:38 PM GMT I have used a number of cell phones over the past 10 years. Its easy for me to say that my eye twitching, localized piercing head aches, tremors, etc are the result of this phone but it can not be proven. I do not have a home phone, I use my cell as my primary phone end never really thought that it may be the cause of head/brain issued until recently. My question... are the blue tooth devices really any better? do they not still pick up and transmit the same waves as the hand held device I have spent so much time holding next to my brain? i wish a few real studies not conducted or funded by the phone companies would surface... we need the help. Virginia Farver Sep 22, 2009 9:45 PM GMT I'm writing in behalf of my Son, Richard Blaine Farver,(Rich). Rich, died of glioblastoma multiforme brain cancer Oct.11,08 at the age of 29. Rich always had his cell phone on his head or in his pocket! Like millions of other kids he had used it for the last several years. His tumor was on the right side of his head, and he was right handed! Rich was also a graduate student at SDSU in San Diego,CA. In March of 09, articles were written about Rich and one other man that died in 2008 from glioblastoma, one died in the 90's from glio, and one is currently battling a malignant brain tumor. The articles are about a particular building and room on SDSU campus. 'Nasatir, room 131.' I found these articles in August 09. I KNOW, cell phone use caused my Son's cancer and the public needs to take this Very seriously! There is a cell tower next to this building, room, also! The, "It won't happen to me," attitude needs to be changed!! Everyone heed my WARNING! It can happen to any one! This has destroyed our lives! Please, I DO NOT want anyone else to endure this, or their families!Sincerely,Virginia Farver
  • been around for over 20 years, and they're now used by more than 3 billion people
  • including cancer
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, who warned school employees to limit their cell-phone use
  • "Although the evidence is still controversial, I am convinced that there are sufficient data to warrant issuing an advisory to share some precautionary advice on cell-phone use," wrote Ronald Herberman in a memo to 3,000 faculty and staff in late July.
  • many studies
  • wireless industry, from Nokia (NOK) and Motorola (MOT) to Verizon Wireless and AT&T (T), says there is no cause for concern
  • "The overwhelming majority of studies that have been published in scientific journals around the globe show that wireless phones do not pose a health risk," said the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Assn., the wireless industry's trade group
  • definitive scientific proof is tough to come by
  • them hard to study
  • mainstream products for only 10 years or so, and it may take much longer than that for adverse effects to show up
  • "The most difficult thing to resolve is whether there is an effect with long-term mobile-phone use," says Rodney Croft, executive director at the Australian Center for Radio Frequency Bioeffects Research.
    "Mobile phones have been around for over 20 years, used by more than 3 billion people." "can contribute to health problems, including cancer?" director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, who warned school employees to limit their cell-phone use based on early unpublished data from scientific studies. "Although the evidence is still controversial, I am convinced that there are sufficient data to warrant issuing an advisory to share some precautionary advice on cell-phone use," wrote Ronald Herberman in a memo to 3,000 faculty and staff in late July. The wireless industry, from Nokia (NOK) and Motorola (MOT) to Verizon Wireless and AT&T (T), says there is no cause for concern. "The overwhelming majority of studies that have been published in scientific journals around the globe show that wireless phones do not pose a health risk," said the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Assn., the wireless industry's trade group, in a statement following Herberman's memo. Questions that there are adverse effects with long-term mobile phone use.
H McConaghy

Study finds no link between cellphone use and cancer | The Columbus Dispatch - 0 views

  • Denmark
  • no increased risk of brain tumors with long-term use.
  • largest-ever studies
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • major weakness of the study is that it failed to count people who had corporate subscriptions or who used cellphones without long-term contracts.
    • H McConaghy
      I think I would look at some of these other studies
    One of the largest cellphone use studies of users in Denmark found no link between cellphone use and brain cancer. However these results should be looked a closely as they did not distinguish between corporate subscriptions or those using cellphones without long term contracts.
William B

Help Protect Your Child's Online Reputation From Damage | Safetyweb - 0 views

  • Nearly every study performed on the topic has found not only a direct correlation between age and Internet addiction, but also one between age and neglect of work. That is to say that teenagers and young adults are more likely to be addicted to the Internet than any other age group, and among all people suffering from this addiction, teenagers and young adults are more likely to neglect work (school or employment) than older adults with similar addictive behavior. In fact, in the most widely recognized study of its kind, age was the only factor that was a direct and constant contributor to this addiction across all other factors.[1] While this may be good news, suggesting that teenagers and young adults might grow out of their addiction (or reduce their intake) as they age, because this is a new "genre" of behavior, this data might simply reveal that teenagers and young adults are "early adapters." What this means, essentially, is that they may have found this addiction before the rest of the population. If this is the case, today's Internet-Addicted teenagers and young adults may carry it with them into adulthood. In fact, Stanford University's School of Medicine found that nearly one in eight Americans suffers from at least one sign of problematic Internet abuse (although this does not in and of itself constitute addiction).[2] Internet abuse is so widespread that the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders), which is published by the American Psychiatric Association, is reported to be considering adding it to its next release, alongside such issues as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and borderline personality disorders.[3] Indeed, as children and teenagers are still developing their brains, they may grow accustomed to the speed and flashy graphics associated with the Internet and actually adapt their physiology, developing problems such as ADHD, and becoming generally more impatient than people raised without the instant gratification offered by the Internet
    Internet addiction is one of the main addictions. Many people are addicted to the Internet. Many people need to learn not to be addicted to the Internet cause it is a bad for your health. "Nearly every study performed on the topic has found not only a direct correlation between age and Internet addiction, but also one between age and neglect of work. That is to say that teenagers and young adults are more likely to be addicted to the Internet than any other age group, and among all people suffering from this addiction, teenagers and young adults are more likely to neglect work (school or employment) than older adults with similar addictive behavior. In fact, in the most widely recognized study of its kind, age was the only factor that was a direct and constant contributor to this addiction across all other factors.[1] While this may be good news, suggesting that teenagers and young adults might grow out of their addiction (or reduce their intake) as they age, because this is a new "genre" of behavior, this data might simply reveal that teenagers and young adults are "early adapters." What this means, essentially, is that they may have found this addiction before the rest of the population. If this is the case, today's Internet-Addicted teenagers and young adults may carry it with them into adulthood. In fact, Stanford University's School of Medicine found that nearly one in eight Americans suffers from at least one sign of problematic Internet abuse (although this does not in and of itself constitute addiction).[2] Internet abuse is so widespread that the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders), which is published by the American Psychiatric Association, is reported to be considering adding it to its next release, alongside such issues as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and borderline personality disorders.[3] Indeed, as children and teenagers are still developing their brains, they may grow accustomed to the speed and flashy graphics associate
Garrett E

Technology Concerns - 0 views

  • World Wide Web enables one to access volumes of information, earn graduate degrees on-line, submit mortgage applications, procure countless goods and services, and communicate instantaneously on a global basis. The increased use of technology in education is accompanied by concerns about technology's role in education.
  • One study by the Center for Applied Special Technology has shown that students with on-line access scored higher in the areas of information management, communication, and the presentation of ideas. According to one article the use of instructional technology offers great promise in helping "students become independent, critical thinkers, able to find information, organize and evaluate it, and then effectively express their new knowledge and ideas in compelling ways" (CAST, 2000).
  • In the CAST study the results revealed that students using on-line communication became more confident carrying out and presenting a research project over the course of the study.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The use of technology has also been beneficial for individuals with disabilities. I have personal knowledge of a young man with A.L.S. who slowly lost his ability to communicate verbally and used the computer as a communication tool. Later as the disease progressed he utilized additional technology which allowed him to use his eye movement as a type of input device.
    study showing that students with access scored higher in areas of information management, communication, and the presentation of ideas. "students become independent, critical thinkers, able to find information, organize and evaluate it, express knowledge and ideas in compelling ways" confidence young man with ALS and technology allowed him to communicate using the computer; later, used eye movement as a type of input device
Maggie H

Internet Overuse May Cause Depression - 0 views

  • Teenagers who are addicted to the Internet are more likely to develop depression or other psychiatric problems than teens who are classified as normal Internet users,
  • Researchers say that their work suggests that teens who use the Internet pathologically may be about 2.5 times more likely to develop depression than  teens who are not addicted to the Internet.
  • Researchers in Australia and China studied pathological or uncontrolled Internet use and later mental health problems in 1,041 teenage students in China. The students were free of depression and anxiety at the start of the study. Sixty-two of the teenagers were classified at the start of the study as being moderately pathological users of the Internet, and two were found to be severely at risk for uncontrollable urges to go online. Nine months later, the youngsters were evaluated again for anxiety and depression and 87 were judged as having developed depression. Eight reported significant
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The youths in the study were between 13 and 18 and attended high schools in Guangzhou, China.
    Teenagers that use the Internet pathologically are 2.5 times more likely to develop depression than teens that use it normally.
Garrett E

Women's Online Habits Study | WebProNews - 0 views

    Women are also inflicted with habits online. Microsoft studies have given us interesting findings: 16 percent would have a high tendency to shop, communicate, and employ digital devices; 86 percent share their "finds" to others in their time; If forced to, they would "throw out" their television or cell phone first; only 11 percent would throw out their personal laptop; email is overwhelmingly, 85 percent, the most important tool.
Garrett E

How wireless technology can affect the body - Health - CBC News - 1 views

    Phones send waves of radiation. About five billion wireless subscriptions world wide, which is given by WHO's estimate. Long-term exposure to the the electromagnetic fields (EMF), which cellphones communications create, has been given attention to by researchers. In May of this year, the WHO's International Agency for REsearch on Cancer found that the evidence was too inadequate to make any conclusions about risk. Many studies have been done, but no solid proof has been found. Another study was done on a case of glioma, a type of brain cancer, and acoustic neuroma,, a slow-growing non-cancerous tumour in the inner ear that results in hearing loss. Although the group found the evidence also lacking. however, the evidence was significant enough to warrant classifying radio frequency electromagnetic fields as "possibly carcinogenic to humans." WHO places this in a category known as 2B. Mind, coffee and pesticide DDT are also classified as "possibly carcinogenic to humans." Placing calls rather than emailing or texting has been proved that the risk is higher since the radio frequency energy is higher. Even though the evidence is limited, many countries advise children especially should limit their use of cellphones. The United Kingdom, German, Belgium, Israel, Russia, France, Canada, and India are all included. James McNamee, division chief for health effects and assessments in Health Canada's bureau of consumer and clinical radiation protection, said, "There has been relatively little science done on children and children's cellphone use, and children are going to be using these devices for a much larger period of their life span. Their brains and immune systems are still developing." Health Canada said cellphone users may take practical steps to reduce exposure, such as: Limit the length of cellphone calls. Replace cellphone calls with text messages or use "hands-free" devices. Encourage those under the age of 18 to limit the cellphone use.
Riya P

Kids and Electronics: New Study Shows Kids Spend More Than 7 Hours a Day With Electroni... - 0 views

  • The average kid sponges in 2.5 hours of music each day, almost five hours of TV and movies, three hours of Internet and video games, and just 38 minutes of old-fashioned reading
  • And that doesn't even include the hour and a half spent text messaging each day, and the half hour kids talk on the cell phone.
  • But what about homework?
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • members of the multitasking generation pays a price for their digital lives on their report cards.
    TECHNOLOGY>SCHOOLWORK? This article shows the studies on kids and how much time they spend with technology everyday. Average kid spends (everyday): 2.5 hrs. on music 5 hours of TV and music 1.5 hrs. on texting .5 hrs. on cellphone ONLY 38 minutes reading books!
William B

Video Game Addiction - Internet Gaming Addiction - 0 views

  • In this digital age, bullying is no longer relegated to the schoolyard. Bullies can now attack in the place kids should feel the safest -- their homes. Instead of physically harming or verbally attacking their victims, cyberbullies use the Internet, cell phones and other technology to hurt, threaten and embarrass others. Because it is done online, the effect of cyberbullying is more far-reaching and enduring than bullying that occurs at school. Cyberbullies can victimize their targets in a variety of ways, including the following: Creating websites that make fun of or criticize another person Sending mean or threatening emails, instant messages or text messages Pretending to be someone else to trick their victim into revealing personal information Lying about their victim online Breaking into their victim's email or instant messages Posting unflattering or offensive pictures online, without permission Using websites to rate their peers In most instances, the victims of cyberbullying know their attackers. They are often classmates, friends or online acquaintances. One study showed that only 23 percent of victims were bullied by someone they didn't know.
    You need to keep your private information private and not public. this is what causes Cyberbulling and to prevent it, you need to keep your personal life and activities private. "In this digital age, bullying is no longer relegated to the schoolyard. Bullies can now attack in the place kids should feel the safest -- their homes. Instead of physically harming or verbally attacking their victims, cyberbullies use the Internet, cell phones and other technology to hurt, threaten and embarrass others. Because it is done online, the effect of cyberbullying is more far-reaching and enduring than bullying that occurs at school. Cyberbullies can victimize their targets in a variety of ways, including the following: Creating websites that make fun of or criticize another person Sending mean or threatening emails, instant messages or text messages Pretending to be someone else to trick their victim into revealing personal information Lying about their victim online Breaking into their victim's email or instant messages Posting unflattering or offensive pictures online, without permission Using websites to rate their peers In most instances, the victims of cyberbullying know their attackers. They are often classmates, friends or online acquaintances. One study showed that only 23 percent of victims were bullied by someone they didn't know."
Peter J

Differences Between Tight and Loose Cultures: A 33-Nation Study - 1 views

    This article describes the differences between 33 different nation's cultures, and how some are stricter than others. With the diversity of cultures studied the article shows many perspectives.
Steve Madsen

BBC News - Technology linked to happiness, study claims - 0 views

    "There are positive links between access to technology and feelings of well-being, a study claims. "
    How does technology in rural areas assist in the feeling good?
kambry j

Student 'addiction' to technology 'similar to drug cravings' - 0 views

    "Withdrawal symptoms experienced by young people deprived of gadgets and technology is compared to those felt by drug addicts or smokers going "cold turkey", a study has concluded. "
Margaret O.

Teaching About the Web Includes Troublesome Parts - - 0 views

  • Teaching About Web Includes Troublesome Parts
  • When Kevin Jenkins wanted to teach his fourth-grade students at Spangler Elementary here how to use the Internet, he created a site where they could post photographs, drawings and surveys.
  • And they did. But to his dismay, some of his students posted surveys like “Who’s the most popular classmate?” and “Who’s the best-liked?” Mr. Jenkins’s students “liked being able to express themselves in a place where they’re basically by themselves at a computer,” he said. “They’re not thinking that everyone’s going to see it.”
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  • “You want to light a fire under someone’s fanny?” said Liz Perle, editor in chief of Common Sense Media. “Have your child post something that is close to a hate crime.”
  • And the Internet is where children are growing up. The average young person spends seven and a half hours a day with a computer, television or smart phone, according to a January study from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Considering that the time is mostly outside of school, the results suggest that almost every extracurricular hour is devo
  • The class listened as Mr. Jenkins read a story about a girl who got annoyed when her parents quizzed her about details from her online journal. Lucas Navarrete, 13, asked, “What’s their right to read her personal stuff?” “Maybe they’re worried,” suggested Morgan Windham, a soft-spoken girl. “It’s public!” argued Aren Santos. “O.K., O.K., if it was a personal diary and they read it, would you be happy?” Lucas asked. “They have no right, see?” Mr. Jenkins asked the class if there is a difference between a private diary on paper and a public online diary. But the class could not agree. “I would just keep it to myself and tell only people that were really, really close to me,” Cindy Nguyen said after class. “We want to have our personal, private space.” That blurred line between public and private space is what Common Sense tries to address. “That sense of invulnerability that high school students tend to have, thinking they can control everything, before the Internet there may have been some truth to that,” said Ted Brodheim, chief information officer for the New York City Department of Education. “I don’t think they fully grasp that when they make some of these decisions, it’s not something they can pull back from.”
  • “The messes they get into with friends, or jumping onto someone’s site and sending a message,” she said. “They don’t know, sometimes, how to manage the social, emotional stuff that comes up.”
    Students are now growing up online: we need to know that things we post can and will affect our personal and future business lives. It's not private, and we need to know to treat each other online.
Matthew T

The youngsters who prefer their virtual lives to the real world - 0 views

    kids are happier with their virtual lives than they are with their real lives "Children are often happier with their online lives than they are with reality, a survey has revealed. They say they can be exactly who they want to be - and as soon as something is no longer fun they can simply hit the quit button. The study also shows that, despite concerns about online safety, one in eight young people is in contact with strangers when on the web and often lies about their appearance, age and background. "
Blakelee H

How Do Computers Affect The Social Behavior Of Children? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 3 views

  • Effects of Moderate Use A moderate amount of computer use and game playing doesn't seem to affect social development. The social behavior of moderate computer users and nonusers was roughly the same in terms of sociability and relationships with friends and family. However, heavy computer users tended to believe they had less control over their lives than their classmates, a possible indication of inadequate socialization. Increased Hostility and Aggression After the massacre at Columbine High School in 1999, researchers and educators paid more attention to violent video games such as Doom, the daily game of choice for one of the two teenage killers. Many studies show that violent TV shows increase aggression and hostility in both children and adults. It appears the same is true of computer games. The key variable appears to be a preference for violent games, rather than the amount of time a child plays such games. Even playing Mortal Kombat for a short time increases a child's hostility and aggression. Violent computer games also desensitize children, who show less empathy and willingness to help others, according to research cited in "The Future of Children." Brain Drain In a small study of 18 Chinese university students, published in the "PLos ONE" journal and reported on Mail Online, kids who played games on their computers at least eight hours a day, six days per week showed alarming amounts of atrophy in parts of their brain, as measured by MRI scans. The scans also found abnormalities in the white matter of the brain, which coordinate communication between different areas of the mind. On Mail Online, Dr. Aric Sigman of the Royal Society of Medicine called the July 2011 report a "wake-up call." Experts fear that in addition to cognitive damage, heavy Internet use might reduce the inhibitions and decision-making ability of children, leading to damaged relationships with family members, peers and authority figures.
    Moderate use of internet and computers do not affect young people. Heavy use, however creates increased hostility and aggression, and can cause one to become "brain dead."
Vicki Davis

Internet Addiction: The Emergence of a New Clinical Disorder | Abstract - 0 views

  • addictive Internet use can be defined as an impulse-control disorder that does not involve an intoxicant.
    "Addictive internet use is defined as an impulse-control disorder that does not involve an intoxicant" -This is a research study from 1998.
Haley M

Famous Copyright Infringement Cases - 2 views

  • Copyright Infringement means using the original piece without the permission of the copyright holder, as such or in parts (without attributing the part to the owner). According to the US copyright laws, one can face heavy penalties in cases of copyright infringement. The infringement may also lead to a jail term or a penalty followed by a jail term.
  • Princeton University Press v. Michigan Document Services (1996) Michigan Document Services was involved in creating packages of study material for the students of the University. A professor supplied the course material and Michigan Document services, a photocopying organization, took photocopies of the material and converted it into a booklet for sale to students at the University. There was a clause of "Fair use" in this case. The photocopying company could have paid a nominal fee to the University and then used the material. This was available to anyone who wished to use the material. However, the photocopying company paid for only the original and then started making photocopies of the study material. The court considered that it was not "fair use" and penalized the photocopying company. A & M Records vs. Napster (2001) This is one of the most famous cases of copyright infringement related to the music industry. As peer to peer file sharing increased, Napster started a website. This website offered downloads of songs of all genre – new and old. You may know someone who used it. A & M Records brought in a joint copyright infringement case which accused Napster of stealing music and making it available to people worldwide. Before closing the site in 2002, Napster had to settle USD26 million to different recording companies and songwriters. It could have even more if Napster had not apologized and folded the site. Several websites still thrive on offering free music to people who can download it at no cost. As mentioned in our article on "Internet Ethics and Copyright Laws", the music industry faces most copyright infringement cases. The Napster case, though an example of the consequences, still does not act as a deterrent for other music websites that offer free music downloads. We hope these famous copyright infringement cases have clarified what is considered copyright violation to some extent. If you still have any questions, please free to contact us using the comments facility.
    On this website the author talks about what copyright infringement is and famous cases. Copyright infringement is when a person violates that intellectuals rights. Though once that copyright is sold it no longer belongs to them. This article discusses Feist Publications V. Rural Tele Services CO, Princeton University Press V. Michigan Document Services, A & M Records V. Napster.
    This article focuses on copyright infringement
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