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Brian Massey

Stay Informed: 39 Conversion Optimization Blogs for You to Follow | The Invesp Blog - 0 views

    In their own words:8. Conversion Sciences Blog Conversion Sciences is another A/B testing conversion optimization agency that has stood the test of time (it was founded in 2007). In this blog you can find some remarkable and noteworthy ideas about A/B testing and conversion optimization. What to read: AB Testing JavaScript: Great Power, Great ProblemsHow to Avoid Mobile-Friendly Redesign DisastersAB Testing Inspiration: Using Emotional TriggersHow Google Reviews Drive Conversions for Local Businesses
Brian Massey

Tests Go First. Usability Testing in Design. - UX Planet - 0 views

    Kinds of user tests include Explorative, Assessment and Comparative. The article discusses "Hallway Testing", "Remote Usability Testing", "Expert Reviews", "Paper Prototype Testing", and "Thinking Aloud".
Brian Massey

8 Easily Avoidable Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Landing Page Tests | The Daily Egg - 0 views

     @crazyegg hits us over the head with a list of mistakes we make when testing our site. The most brutal is "#8: You're testing a crappy site."

    Fear not, especially if you're shepherding a new testing initiative for your company. There's great advice and encouragement here.

    To avoid these mistakes in your business, consider a Conversion Catalyst program from Conversion Sciences. Your first call is free.
Brian Massey

Science of Conversion Rate Optimization * Yoast - 1 views

    @yaost offers some good advice in this article. In particular, there are some testing "elephants in the room" that he points out. These include the fact that the Z score used by testing tools assumes a normal distribution -- a bell curve -- in the data. That is often not the case.

    He also recommends ending tests on week boundaries. If you start a test on Friday and end it on a Tuesday, you may be exaggerating your results as Tuesdays are often bigger conversion days for ecommerce sites.

    This article is just nerdy enough for most marketers, and you're going to have to add some nerdy to your repertoire if you're not already there.
Brian Massey

Big Data is Good-But Big Testing is Better | Chief Marketer - 0 views

     @chiefmartec "out of 12,000 experiments that Google ran in 2009, only about 10% of them resulted in adopted changes." You are not Google. But you must realize that in every industry, an online leader is going to emerge, and it will be the company that adopts a testing culture.

    Intuition is no longer your friend. Your intuition cannot comprehend the variety of ways our visitors are coming at us. Data and testing are your friends, or your online audience will continue to abandon you.

    Get excited about testing and taking that leadership role in your marketplace.
Brian Massey

Quick Actionable Tests To Increase Conversions| SnoopTank Blog - 0 views

    @pallavkaushish offers a nice check list for things to test. However, you should use this list to develop a list of hypotheses. Rather than just testing these, use your analytics to see if these might really be the problem.

    I would add one more to the top of the list: headlines and copy around calls to action. This has proven more effective than testing CTA buttons for us.
Brian Massey

Experiments at Airbnb - Airbnb - 1 views

    Why does Airbnb test? What are their challenges?

    This article does a great job of explaining the thinking behind testing at Airbnb. Homeaway and other competitors better be doing this kind of work, too.

    For those of you who are testing, this article gives a great overview why you should test longer before calling a winner.
Brian Massey

How Images Become Viral on Google+ | MIT Technology Review - 0 views

    While we never do tests to achieve social virality, I think we can learn something from how people interact with images on social networks.

    Don't take the results of this report as meaning that you should make the images on your website animated or vertical or eliminated. You may find the exact opposite for more engaged audiences.

    Instead, add this bit of information to your knowledge base when testing social campaigns. You may want to test image orientation, brightness or animation.

    But always test to the bottom line.
Brian Massey

11 A/B Split Testing Mistakes I See Businesses Make All The Time - 0 views

     @peeplaja has put into one blog post most of the hard lessons we've learned over the years of testing here in the Conversion Lab. Peep doesn't mince words ("There is no best color").

    Don't let all of this scare you. It's better to try and learn from your mistakes than to not make any mistakes at all. Test away!
Brian Massey

How I used A / B testing to hack my kids - Dad on the Run - Medium - 0 views

    A parent after my own heart. There are several important lessons about A/B Testing here: Alternate the children so that you eliminate natural differencesAlways declare a control before testing something elseYou must have a knowledge of statistics to do this rightAccurate measurement and tracking are critical
Brian Massey

Bye, Bye Burger! - Startup Grind - Medium - 0 views

    While this article discusses the bottom navigation bar for andriod apps, we often test "sticky" headers and footers on mobile websites. We call these kinds of tests "lead tophats" and "sticky shoes".

    Our tests often don't favor the hamburger menu, so we are always looking for alternatives. This sticky shoe approach has the footer navigation change with context. Given the results, such an approach may increase mobile conversion and call rates for your mobile website.
Brian Massey

Illustrated Guide To Web Experiments | SEOmoz - 0 views

    This is a great place to start if you're not familiar with testing. This illustrated guide tackles the simplest to the most advanced testing methods without leaving beginners in the dust. Well done.
Brian Massey

Storyboarding for Cost Effective B2B Marketing Videos | « acS... - 0 views

    Video has a relatively small part in my book, so I wanted to give you some more depth with this article by Joe Watson.

    One of the things that freezes us when we're going to do video is the question, "what will we do?" From a conversion standpoint, the question is, "what will we test?" This implies more than one version of a video. There are ways to cut a video to test for length, style and focus, but testing implies multiple treatments. That's why we've been offering a video piloting service called Video Science.

    Storyboarding may be the thing that gets you past considering. I know it works for me.
Brian Massey

Visual Website Optimizer - A/B Testing | Multivariate Testing | Split Testing - 0 views

    A/B and Mulitivariate Testing Platform
Brian Massey

8 Rules of A/B Testing - The Art in Marketing Science - Search Engine Watch (#SEW) - 0 views

     @uribarjoseph If you are getting into the split testing game (a sure sign that you want to dominate your niche on the Web) then you will find these eight rules invaluable.
Brian Massey

45 Awesome Posts on A/B, Multivariate, and Usability Testing - 0 views

    Testing is part science, part art, part perseverence. Here is a comprehensive list of resources for the new and experienced alike.
Brian Massey

The Product Page 2012: 7 Must-Test Elements - 0 views

     @TheGrok  says "Test your product headline to be benefit oriented as opposed to just product name." I hadn't considered that. Good lists always tell you something you hadn't thought of and Bryan has such a list for Online Stores and Publication sites who feature their offerings on Product Pages. Product pages are the money pages on your site, and are one of the first places to look for optimization opportunities.
Brian Massey

Are You a CRO Junkie? | The Invesp Blog - 0 views

    Do you get a shot of adrenaline every time you see an uptick in conversions? We do. However, we often find our early excitement tempered when a test turns out to be inconclusive.

    It can be hard to announce to a customer that you didn't find a winner. In fact, it's a discipline here.

    Find out what you can do to keep from getting addicted to good test results.
Brian Massey

Why Split-Testing is Like Sex in High School | Copyblogger - 0 views

    This is just one example of how copy on techniical topics can be made fun, interesting and easy to read. Split-testing is an important tool, but notice how Danny presents the topic and keeps you reading. This is how your site should work.
Brian Massey

Flat Design: Why you should question Nielsen Norman's research on the trendy design style. - 0 views

    Even experienced research groups like Nielsen Norman can get testing wrong by adding too many variables. The author argues that too many variables changed in these tests

    And he's right.
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