The 5 Most Persuasive Words in the English Language | Copyblogger - 0 views
@copyblogger Here are the five most persuasive words we can use. Indivdually, each of these words appeals to a certain kind of person. If we use the Eisenberg Modes of Persuasion as a guide, we can assign each to a different mode.
"You" - Humanists are relationship oriented. When your voice shifts from "We" and "our company" and you speak to them in the first person, it feels more human -- and more Humanistic.
"Free" - This word appeals to the Spontaneous reader. These visitors are just looking for an excuse to take action.
"Because" - Methodicals want to understand the details. They make decisions deliberately and logically. Credible proof is important.
"Instantly" - This also appeals to our Spontaneous reader, who wants immmediate gratification.
"New" - This appeals to the Competitive, who wants to know what will make them better. New technologies, new versions, new looks get their attention.
So, two of the words are very Spontaneous, and we tend to act spontaneously when we've decided to buy something. "Free" and "Instantly" are bottom of the funnel words.
Read the research in this excellent post.
The Ultimate UX Design of Form Validation - Designmodo - 0 views
Forms are a key component of Landing Pages (in addition to Offer, Image, Trust and Proof). When a visitor considers completing a form — for lead gen, to subscribe or to purchase — it is the moment of truth.
So, it is sad that so many forms work to chase these ready customers and prospects away.
This article will give you some things to consider as you guide development of your website forms in these areas: Right time of informing about problems/success Right place for validation messages Right color Clear language
What Spending $252,000 On Conversion Rate Optimization Taught Me - 0 views
@neilpatel While it may sound self-serving to share with you an article on why you should spend money with a company like ours, a conversion optimization company, I think you'll find the points made by Neil Patel are a great guide to choosing your conversion optimization strategy.
Yes, you need a conversion optimization strategy, even if you don't hire consultants.
Given Neil's background of creating companies in the online marketing optimization space (KISSmetrics and CrazyEgg), I hope we'll see some more from him in the form of tools.
Regular Expressions Guide for SEO, Google Analytics & Google Tag Manager - 0 views
Regular expressions rear their ugly head in more and more places. Google Analytics is just one.
For me the regular expression showed up in the excellent Yoast SEO plugin for Wordpress. I needed to redirect a URL that had parameters, like this:
To do this, I could not use a regular redirect, as everything after the ? would be stripped away. I needed to use a Regular Expression Redirect. However, this sort of thing -- using query parameters -- wasn't covered in any of the Yoast documentation.
This article gave me the hint I needed, and the technique that ended up working. To summarize, I used the following regular expression to match my URL with the parameters:
The parentheses save the matching contents into a variable, which I can access using $1 in the new URL, like this:
It worked great. Give it a try:
Thanks to Himanshu.
Stay Informed: 39 Conversion Optimization Blogs for You to Follow | The Invesp Blog - 0 views
In their own words:8. Conversion Sciences Blog Conversion Sciences is another A/B testing conversion optimization agency that has stood the test of time (it was founded in 2007). In this blog you can find some remarkable and noteworthy ideas about A/B testing and conversion optimization. What to read: AB Testing JavaScript: Great Power, Great ProblemsHow to Avoid Mobile-Friendly Redesign DisastersAB Testing Inspiration: Using Emotional TriggersHow Google Reviews Drive Conversions for Local Businesses
Why Landing Pages Are Important - Online Copywriting 101 - 0 views
The Ultimate, Epic Guide to Create a Successful Online Business in 2015 - Ecommerce Pla... - 0 views
10 Sites With Stunning Visual Data That Will Change Your World View | CIO - 0 views
Just because you have the data that proves you are "right" about something, don't expect anyone to believe you.
It's not about the data, it's about how you present the data.
Since Conversion Optimization is ONLY about generating data to guide decisions, I love to explore the various ways of presenting it.
Here is some awesome eye candy from some amazing sites.
5 Lies Website Conversion Consultants Tell - Get the Truth - 0 views
Whenever someone writes an article about Conversion Consultants (like us), we are always nervous that we might cross some of these lines.
We know that we have made these mistakes in the past.
The issue is exacerbated when the author is someone like Amy Africa, who has the experience and likes to tell things like they are. Her middle name could be "Frank".
I'm happy to report that we have evolved beyond these "lies" and firmly embrace the matching truths.
If you are looking for someone to guide your optimization efforts, have a conversion with a Conversion Scientist.
Increase conversion rate by making your site ugly. . . « Conversion Voodoo De... - 0 views
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So, I'm pleased that my column on the Backward Landing Page was included in this roundup of AdWords and SEM guides. After all, the top half of your conversion rate fraction is the number of conversions. Landing pages have everything to do with that.