The Blockchain: A Promising New Infrastructure for Online Commons | David Bollier - 0 views
Move beyond the superficial public discussions about Bitcoin, and you’ll discover a software breakthrough that could be of enormous importance to the future of commoning on open network platforms.
Blockchain technology
can validate the authenticity of an individual bitcoin without the need for a third-party guarantor such as a bank or government body
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Torus Governance Network - Commons Transition Wiki - 0 views
What a Commons-Based Economy Looks Like - Commons TransitionCommons Transition - 0 views
The Sharing Economy: Capitalism's Last Stand? - Our World - 0 views
Access over ownership. After decades of excessive consumerism, this prospect sounded revolutionary.
more critical voices are appearing
I’d like to set something straight: the collaborative economy and sharing economy (or collaborative consumption) are not the same concept.
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Rebooting Work: Programming the Economy for People - Commons TransitionCommons Transition - 0 views
The incomplete, true, authentic and wonderful history of May Day - Peter Linebaugh - 0 views
Indeed, the native Americans whom Captain John Smith encountered in 1606 only worked four hours a week. The origin of May Day is to be found in the Woodland Epoch of History.
people honored the woods
Trees were planted. Maypoles were erected. Dances were danced. Music was played. Drinks were drunk, and love was made. Winter was over, spring had sprung.
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Herätkää vallankumoukseen: älykkäät koneet vievät työt, mullistavat yhteiskun... - 0 views
Automatisaatio ja koneoppiminen ei lähivuosina mullista vain työelämäämme, vaan koko elämäntapamme ja yhteiskuntamme.
MIT:n professori Erik Brynjolfssonin pääviesti
kirjanThe Second Machine Age.
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Teollinen vallankumous korvasi fyysistä, mekaanista työtä. Nyt ensimmäistä kertaa koneet ovat alkaneet laajassa mitassa korvata ajattelutyötä. Kaikenlainen rutiinitietotyö postin lajittelusta röntgenkuvien analyysiin on siirtymässä koneille. Koska ne tekevät sen tehokkaammin ja varmemmin kuin ihmiset. Koneet alkavat muodostaa itseoppivia verkostoja, jotka kehittyvät kokeilemalla ja epäonnistumalla. Uudet ratkaisut tilanteeseen kehittyvät ennen kaikkea kokeellisen yrittäjyyden kautta. Tällä hetkellä tilanne uhkaa kuitenkin johtaa prekariaatin ja köyhälistön kasvamiseen. Siksi olisi luotava uudenlainen koulutus- ja tulonjakojärjestelmä. Perustulon toteuttaminen on avainasia.
Transnational Republics of Commoning | David Bollier - 0 views
The nation-state as now constituted, in its close alliance with capital and markets, is largely incapable of transcending its core commitments to economic growth, consumerism, and the rights of capital and corporations -- arguably the core structural drivers of climate change.
Because the piece -- "Transnational Republics of Commoning: Reinventing Governance Through Emergent Networking" -- is nearly 14,000 words long, I am separating it into three parts. You can download the full essay as a pdf file here.
In moments of crisis, when the structures of conventional governance are suddenly exposed as weak or ineffectual, it is clear that there is no substitute for ordinary people acting together.
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Europe's Left after Brexit | Yanis Varoufakis - 0 views
This article
addresses left-wing critics of DiEM25 claiming that DiEM25 is pursuing the wrong objective (to democratise the EU) by means of a faulty strategy (focusing at the European rather than at the national level).
The question is not whether the Left must clash with the EU’s establishment and current practices. The question is in what context, and within which overarching political narrative, this confrontation should take place. Three are the options on offer.
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The Revolution will (not) be decentralised: Blockchains - Commons TransitionCommons Tra... - 0 views
Decentralised topologies and non-discriminatory protocols have been all but replaced by a recentralisation of infrastructure, as powerful corporations now gatekeep our networks. Everything might be accessible, but this access is mediated by a centralised entity. Whoever controls the data centre exercises political and economic control over communications. It’s difficult to see how we can counteract these recentralising tendencies in order to build a common core infrastructure.
These centralising tendencies have also reared their head in cryptocurrencies.
powerful mining pools now control much of the infrastructure and rent-seeking individuals control a lion’s share of Bitcoin’s value.
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Oikeusprofessori Koskenniemi: TTIP-sopimuksessa piilee oikeusjuttujakin suurempi uhka |... - 0 views
Investointisuoja murentaa käytännössä valtioiden itsenäisyyttä lakien säätämisessä, sanoo Helsingin yliopiston kansainvälisen oikeuden professori ja Erik Castrén -instituutin johtaja Martti Koskenniemi. EU-komissio ja Yhdysvallat aloittivat salaiset TTIP-neuvottelut heinäkuussa 2013, ja investointisuoja on määrä sisällyttää vapaakauppasopimukseen. Julkinen huomio on keskittynyt voittopuolisesti vastaavien sopimusten nojalla nostettuihin kanteisiin, mutta Koskenniemen mukaan ne eivät ole pääasia: investointisuojajärjestelmä uhkaa neuvottelutasapainoa.
yksittäisiä juttuja tärkeämpää on se, että järjestelmä on olemassa
toinen osapuoli voi sanoa, että jos ette suostu meidän ehtoihin, niin ’see you in court’
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Owning is the New Sharing | Open Co-op Commons - 1 views
“I’m working to find a steady economic base,” he said. “I don’t really want to put it into the hands of the VCs.” Venture capitalists, that is — the go-to source of quick and easy money for clever tech entrepreneurs like him. He’d get cash, but they’d get the reins.
new company,Swarm, the world’s first experiment in what he was calling “cryptoequity.”
Swarm would be a crowdfunding platform, using its own virtual currency rather than dollars; rather than just a thank-you or a kickback, it would reward backers with a genuine stake in the projects they support.
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Ihmiskunta ekologisen kriisin partaalla - onko liian myöhäistä? - 0 views
Nykytutkimuksen mukaan ihmiskunnan toiminta on johtanut siihen, että maapallon kantokyvyn suhteen olemme ylittäneet kolmessa tapauksessa tärkeänä pidetyn riskirajan: ilmakehän hiilidioksipitoisuus (ilmastonmuutos), typen maailmanlaajuinen kierto ja biodiversiteetin väheneminen.
olennainen rajaehto on aika, joka raportissa nähdään yhdeksi kaikkien niukimmaksi voimavaraksi.
Tasa-arvo ja ihmisoikeudet ekologisen kriisin aikakaudella
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Worker-Owned Cooperatives: Direct Democracy in Action - 3 views
Flashpoints—those unexpected events that movements gather around, when everything is accelerated, exciting, and energizing—fizzle.
The cooperative movement is experiencing a string of these moments now, and is burgeoning with renewed activity. I see this firsthand as a co-owner of the Toolbox for Education and Social Action (TESA), a worker-owned cooperative
It’s our philosophy that cooperatives enable direct democracy and local control over the economy. As participants in the coop movement, we help to turn flashpoints into lasting social change.
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What do Bosnia, Bulgaria and Brazil have in common? | ROAR Magazine - 1 views
Once again, it’s kicking off everywhere: from Turkey to Bosnia, Bulgaria and Brazil, the endless struggle for real democracy resonates around the globe.
What do a park in Istanbul, a baby in Sarajevo, a security chief in Sofia, a TV station in Athens and bus tickets in Sao Paulo have in common?
Each reveals, in its own particular way, the deepening crisis of representative democracy at the heart of the modern nation state.
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Sao Paulo and Istanbul: a visitor's guide to the coming social mobilization - 0 views
Today, the Turkish press opened with the news of the final clearing of Gezi park, after a night of pitched urban battles. The world comments while the mobilizations in Sao Paulo grow in intensity.
But, what’s new? These are urban mobilizations, both of which are about resistance to municipal decisions, which, never the less, quickly involved the State and became part of the news agenda because they are a concrete example of a specific and understandable demand: rejection of global state politics.
It’s no coincidence that they are happening in the heart of two “emerging” states that try to follow alternative models and social discourse, and try to combine a strong internal nationalism with a policy of regional hegemony.
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