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Tracy Watanabe

#46 YouTube Teachers | Teach Gen Now - 0 views

  • the main purpose of this post is to discover the new YouTube Teacher’s channel, launched on the 21st of September in 2011. YouTube Teacher is not a separate additive to YouTube. It is a resource for teachers, by teachers; that HELPS teachers understand how they can use YouTube as a powerful resource in their student’s learning.
  • The main purpose of the YouTube Teachers site is to help teachers discover the enormous benefits of YouTube. It has 3 different areas designed to help you use YouTube more effectively in your classroom. Why use YouTube Getting Started Submit a Playlist
Tracy Watanabe

Student Film Festival | The White House - 0 views

  • We’re looking for videos that highlight the power of technology in schools. Your film should address at least one of the following themes: How you currently use technology in your classroom or school. The role technology will play in education in the future.
  • Submissions for the White House film festival will be accepted from November 25 through January 29, 2014. Videos must be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo to be submitted. You and a parent/guardian must complete the form below and submit a link to your video.
    The White House is looking for videos that highlight the power of technology in schools. *Submissions for the White House film festival will be accepted from November 25 through January 29, 2014. Videos must be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo to be submitted. You and a parent/guardian must complete the form below and submit a link to your video.* (See site for more details). -- Note: It's a 3 minute video. Your film should address at least one of the following themes: How you currently use technology in your classroom or school. The role technology will play in education in the future. (See site for more themes)
Meaghan Davis

17 Free YouTube Tools Every Teacher Should Know - 1 views

    Great information to make showing and finding videos easier.
Tracy Watanabe

YouTube - Education Evolution - 4 views

    This one is fabulous!
    I love the ending!
    Very powerful!

Museum Box - YouTube - 1 views

    Watch this to learn how to use it.
Shauna Hamman

A Cleaner Internet - Browser Extensions and Add-ons for YouTube, Amazon and more - 2 views

    This extension gets rid of the comments, searches, etc. on YouTube, so all you see on the screen is the video. I installed it and it works amazingly well (at least with Chrome---haven't tried it with other browsers.) 
Tracy Watanabe

How to use a Need to Know List - YouTube - 1 views

    After you've hooked your students on the PBL with a special entry event, and you've done the initial launch of the PBL with the driving question, you then go into gathering the Need to Know List of questions of the students. First, students need to understand what good questions are. (Bloom's is a good starting point). Then they should ask questions about the content, the skills, and the process required in the PBL.
Tracy Watanabe

Experts & NewBIEs | Bloggers on Project Based Learning: How Does PBL Support Authentic ... - 0 views

  • To incorporate authentic literacy, be sure to answer these questions when you design and implement a project:Does the project include an authentic written product that someone outside the school context would create?Does the project include a written product that meets a real need?Does the project set students up to generate their own questions to frame their investigation into the Driving Question?Does the project enable students to find answers to their questions?Does the project include critique, ideally by an expert or the product recipient?Does the project allow students to present their work to the intended recipient?If you can answer “yes” to these questions, you’ve got it: a fully authentic literary experience for your students.
  • For example, in the Small Acts of Courage project at King Middle School in Portland, Maine, students researched and wrote about local stories of the Civil Rights Movement. In response to the Driving Question, “What was Maine’s contribution the Civil Rights Movement?“, they created a book for a public audience which included people who participated locally in the struggle for civil rights.
  • Learn more about this topic in BIE’s “Webinar Wednesday” on Authentic Literacy, which may be found on BIE's YouTube Channel.
    Awesome on authentic learning.
Laurie Gateb

SMES - 4 views

    I really like your xtranormal presentation. Well worth the effort you put into it!
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    I like the use of videos. It is a great way to drive the point!
    I love the Xtranormal! Way to stick with it and figure out how to embed it from YouTube to Prezi. The time you took problem solving that will end up being less than a minute in the future. =)
    Too cool! I'm interested in the Xtranormal.
    Great job with your xtranormal. Think how much you learned today and how easy it will be next time.
    Love, love love it!
    Xtra normal video was very funny and relevant. Nice work.
    Xtra normal is a great site to use!!! To bad they are charging to use it now, my students liked it but not sure they would pay now to use it for the reports....
    I've never even heard of xtranormal! Great inclusion. Using both that and the youtube AND including them in a Prezi show how we can use different forms of tech together. Great job. I wonder what other resources would fit in as seamlessly?
Tracy Watanabe

Free Webinars | Project Based Learning | BIE - 0 views

    Webinar Wednesdays occur twice a month and shine a spotlight on all things PBL.  The upcoming webinars are highlighted below and are open for registration.  Future webinar topics will include service learning, math, literacy, globalization, web 2.0, leadership, and many more.  The presenters are members of BIE's National Faculty & Staff and special guests. Registration for these 60-minute events is free. We will broadcast them twice on the designated day at 12pm and 3pm Pacific Time. The webinars will be recorded and uploaded to BIE's YouTube Channel shortly after each broadcast.   Webinar Schedule Wednesday, October 5, 2011 STEM and PBL Wednesday, October 12, 2011 Online Learning Environments and PBL Wednesday, November 2, 2011 PBL in Advanced Placement Classes Wednesday, November 16, 2011 Differentiated Instruction and PBL
Elizabeth Francois

Coaching Chronicles Video - 7 views

    Being a visual learner, this was perfect. I was imagining my year's experience as I listened to your presentation. Yep, so many of us were all locked up at the beginning of the year and have since allowed ourselves to be unlocked to what technology has to offer. I know I'm somewhat unlocked. My lock is still rusty and the inside mechanisms don't move smoothly, but then there's next year for that! Thank you.
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    This was a terrific video. Not only was a sense of humor used, but it was right on as far as how we felt as coaches at the beginning and how the teachers were feeling when we started. Now it truly is a collaboration process for all teachers, students, and the school as a whole. If I was not a Collaboration Coach, I would want to be one now! I am excited to be apart of this program again next year!
    Collaboration Coaching at AJHS has allowed us to better use our instructional time and resources to effectively engage and inspire students. Through training sessions and frequent interactions, we have been able to share ideas, receive encouragement, and seek guidance on lesson plans. In looking forward we anticipate creating a stronger support system, increasing student achievement and accountability, and discovering resources to better teach 21st Century skills.
    You hit a major point when you discuss the isolation that teachers feel. We used to be alone--but with coaching it brings us out of our "dungeons" and gets us together. The coaching and the technology have been the light at the end of the tunnel for so many of us! Great video! Very nicely done.
    I love the visuals! The symbolism of being isolated on an island is something we can call relate to. Your video made the collaboration process seem positive and exciting. You chose a great narrator, too!
    Love the analogy! It's great to see the different ways an "assignment" can be interpreted. Your video did a perfect job of describing how it can come together, and we can all (students and teachers) share success from collaboration. Thank you for sharing.
    Loved the video. It does a great job of showing the journey and how the excitement spreads when collaboration is involved. I'm wondering how we can "free" those still locked in the dungeon.
    Superb summary of your/our experiences for this year.
Tracy Watanabe

Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog: Staff Development Day: Blogging and the Google Teacher Aca... - 0 views

    Wow! Tons of resources for blogging and Google!
Bonnie Barrett

Marcy, Bethany, Bonnie, Laurie, & Karen CC Prezi - 5 views

    Love the progression from boring stuff to fun stuff. Excellent pictures.
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    Wonderful artifacts and mix of media to show the progression of your year. We wonder of the group of students who made the commercial had a student record them or if it was a teacher.
    The quality of the photos and the sequencing was beautiful. This was a very professional presentation. Was the last YouTube from your own classes?
    The prezi with all the photos was especially helpful to see your year chronicled.
    Yes, it was my 2nd grade class!
    Wow!!! It is great to see what you are doing with the elementary students!!! Great use of technology and 21st century learning!!! I can not wait to get those kids at the high school!!!
    This was an amazing presentation. I truly enjoyed the kids' commercial to come west. Great Job with pictures and capturing the essence of each classroom.
Tracy Watanabe

A Sticking Plaster Mentality to Open Web Access in Schools | - 2 views

    Great discussion on keeping content open or not. -- For bandwidth issues, I wonder what would happen if it would help if they became part of the solution by educating everyone on why there are issues when streaming and that's part of netiquette ****This would be a cool service learning PBL -- but students (via teachers) would have to come up with the solutions
Tracy Watanabe

Free Technology for Teachers: Try WeVideo to Create and Edit Videos Online - 2 views

  • I discovered and tried WeVideo as an alternative to JayCut which was bought out and subsequently closed by RIM. At that time WeVideo was in a beta phase. Last week they opened to the world. Now anyone can create and edit videos online using WeVideo. WeVideo is a collaborative online video creation tool. In the video editor you can upload your own media clips or use stock media clips to produce your video. The video editor provides tools for trimming the length of display and or sound of each element you add to your video project. What makes WeVideo collaborative is that you can invite other people to create and edit with you. WeVideo offers four different user plans. The free plan allows you to upload your videos to YouTube and Vimeo but does not allow local downloads.
    Finally! An alternative to Jaycut!
    Finally! An alternative to Jaycut! I haven't tried it, but looks like there is potential here. If you try, please let the rest of us know how it works out.
Shauna Hamman

Apple Recruiter Video - 1 views

    Video about Apple's workplace; an example of 4 C's in use in a real-world setting.
Tawnya Woronec

DVES Group Google Site - 8 views

    Our introduction of Collaborating Coaching to our staff.
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    You guys outdid yourself! Nice work. :)
    Thank you for sharing the tagul site. Very shiny!
    Fantastic videos to get ideas across!
    I really liked that! Awesome job! I will have to use Tagul next time!
    That was fantastic! Love the Mustang:)
    Wow! Nice use of technology! What a great demonstration of all the fun things to learn and use.
    OMgosh! I LOVE it! So, I can't wait to use Tagul (I think that is spelled right?). I've read about it from Byrne on Free Tech for Teachers, but have never used it. The power of having it link to another site is fabulous. Thanks so much! PS the YouTube is being bookmarked in my library
    A powerful presentation! Everything was great. I especially liked the tagel? words.
    VERY cute. I LOVED how you did the wordle and the music was a great addition. Lots of information. I also loved the beginning how you introduced yourselves. Engaging...
    Your collaboration tagul and google search and horse voki were very fun to watch. I enjoyed it and got the message loud and clear!
    So impressive! Just from watching your video it's clear you're comfortable with some of the different ways to make a site exciting. Your personal pictures were also a great inclusion to help build the relationships with the teachers at your school. Do you have plans to update and keep this site going throughout the year?
Elizabeth Francois

The Evolution of Peer Coaching at AJHS - 0 views

    This is the corrected version of our peer coaching video.
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