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Tracy Watanabe

Attracting Blog Comments | Integrating Technology in the Primary Classroom - 0 views

  • Be part of the blogging community: To put it simply, you can’t expect people to comment on your blog if you don’t ever comment on theirs.
  • Finish your post with questions: Take some of the guesswork out of commenting and give readers some suggestions on what they could comment on
  • Make sure you include open-ended questions that appeal to a wide audience.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • Don’t write all the answers: I may be a little guilty of this with this post but if you write an open-ended/incomplete post then people feel like they have something to contribute and will be more likely to comment
  • Publish in a timely manner: People won’t be very interested in commenting on an event that happened three weeks ago. We try to publish a post as soon as possible after a class event on the 2KM and 2KJ blog. Students and families are more likely to comment when their enthusiasm about an event is high
  • Reply to comments: I have said this before but I believe that it is basic blogging etiquette to reply to all/most comments. Acknowledge your readers’ comments, interact with them and they will be encouraged to comment again
  • Be original and diverse: I encourage my students to post about not only what appeals to them but what they think might appeal to their audience.
  • Educate readers on how to comment: Don’t assume that all teachers/parents/students know how to leave a comment. I provide parent handouts and a video on how to comment. You might choose to have a “how to comment” page on your class blog like I have.
  • Publicly read and praise comments: We start each school day with 20 minutes of whole-class blogging. This provides a chance for students to read out the comments they have left at home and school in the past 24 hours. We have found that there was a big increase in comments when we started doing this. Students respond well to praise and are eager to get their five minutes of fame
  • Hold a commenting event: We have held a few special class events to stir up some new enthusiasm for commenting with great success. Some of these events included the Family Blogging Afternoon and Family Blogging Month competition
  • Invite people to comment:
  • Inform people of new posts:
  • Have a pattern to publishing:
  • Remember, it takes work and ongoing effort to attract comments on your blog, however once you build up the momentum the effort decreases and the rewards increase
Tracy Watanabe

There's Blogging and There's Blogging… | Primary Tech - 0 views

  • When it comes to classroom blogging, I am an advocate of a program that: begins with a class blog before allowing students to work on their own blogs is integrated into a literacy program on a regular basis (while incorporating other curriculum areas) sets high standards for writing, design, netiquette etc. is regularly maintained and is an evolving space allows students to express themselves while improving their educational outcomes provides feedback and explicit teaching to students begins with a high level of teacher guidance, before increasingly offering students more responsibility.
Tracy Watanabe

Managing Student Work in Google Apps | AJUSD Campus Blogs - 0 views

  • This is absolutely awesome for managing student work in Google Apps. Doctopus allows you to share a document with your entire class without having to share individually and without having to place it in the Template Gallery. Plus, it collects all of the data in one spreadsheet! You can share the document for the whole class to work on it, for group work, or for individual work.
    This is worth your taking the time to look at.
Tracy Watanabe

Voting for AJUSD Blog Finalists in Edublog Awards | AJUSD Campus Blogs - 0 views

    Support your AJUSD Collaboration Coaches, Shauna Hamman & Jason Davis, whose blogs are in Finalist Voting Round (last day to vote is December 18)
Tracy Watanabe

Visible Thinking Routines for Blogging | Langwitches Blog - 0 views

    Fab -- love the infographic for blogging conversation! Love this for academic (online written) conversations/quality commenting & Making Thinking Visible routine!
Tracy Watanabe

Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog: Staff Development Day: Blogging and the Google Teacher Aca... - 0 views

    Wow! Tons of resources for blogging and Google!
Tracy Watanabe

Student Blogs: Digital Portfolios | Primary Tech - 0 views

    Using blogs in classroom for literacy as well as digital fluency.
Tracy Watanabe

50 Must-See Teacher Blogs Chosen By You | Edudemic - 1 views

  • In a world of social media and connectivity, what role does a blog play for teachers? Is it worth having one?
  • . It’s a place for authors to craft their thoughts in long-form statements that wouldn’t be possible or appropriate for social networks. It’s also become quite apparent that some of the best articles I’ve read all year were on teacher blogs.
Tracy Watanabe

New Video: What is a blog? | The Edublogger - 0 views

    great for introducing what a blog is (for students, parents, colleagues, ...)
Tracy Watanabe

Kick Start Activity 1 - Beginner - Setting Up Your Blog | Teacher Challenge - 0 views

    Wanting to set up a class blog but don't know where to start? This walks you through all the steps and what to think through.

Free Technology for Teachers: Blog, Wiki, or Doc? Which Is Right for You? - 0 views

    This article links to a chart that describes when a blog, wiki, or document might be your best option.
    I dig this guy and follow him on Facebook and Twitter. I would recommend that you do the same!
Tracy Watanabe

Using Technology To Help Teach Poetry To Young Students - 1 views

    "Students analyze and explore poetry through a class blog and podcasting  Questions to Consider How do the "guiding reflection questions" support students' thinking? What skills are students practicing as they create their podcast? How did the class blog contribute to collaboration among students? Scroll down on this page to see the worksheet with reflective questions that they used Common Core Standards ELA.RL.6.4, ELA.RL.6.7, ELA.SL.6.5"
shana myers - About Kidblog - 2 views

shared by shana myers on 03 May 12 - Cached
    Kidblog is built by teachers, for teachers, so students can get the most out of the blogging process. Kidblog meets the need for a safe and simple blogging platform suitable for elementary and middle school students. Most importantly, Kidblog allows teachers to monitor and control all publishing activity within the classroom blogging community.
    I like that it is very safe, especially for younger students who are just learning to blog. I think a pitfall would be that it is only able to be seen by the teacher and class so you lose some of the power of connecting to learners outside of the class.
Tracy Watanabe

Global activities | Tasmanian Blogs - 0 views

    Lots of global collaborations listed here by Miss W, who creates the Edublogs Student Blogging Challenge
Elizabeth Francois

8 Big Ideas of the Constructionist Learning Lab « Generation YES Blog - 1 views

    I thought that you all would enjoy reading this blog post. It made me really think about how I teach in my classroom. I felt that these concepts really support the 21st Century skills that we are teaching. 
Tracy Watanabe

Education Week Teacher: The Courage To Blog With Students - 0 views

    How to start blogging in your classroom
Shauna Hamman

Blogging with Students - 1 views

    Another good set of resources about student blogging.
Tracy Watanabe

Fab Blogs to check out -- sorted by grade & subject - 0 views

    Several Coaches asked where to look for other blogs, here's a list to start ya off
Tracy Watanabe

Join Us For The 2014 Edublogs Teacher Challenge! - The Edublogger - 0 views

    This challenge will help you set up your own class/teacher blog. If you complete the challenge, you can also use it towards the PU Online Blogging Class.
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