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Tracy Watanabe

Transformative Questions : 2¢ Worth - 0 views

  • “How do we create a culture of learners that thrive in the 21st century?”
  • Those qualities are, That the experience is responsive, It provokes conversation, It inspires personal investment, and It’s guided by safely-made mistakes.
  • Classroom Teachers: How might I alter this assignment or project so that it “Responds” to the learner? How can the experience “Talk Back?” How might I plant barriers within the assignment that force learners to “Question” their way through — to value the “questions” not just for “answers?” How can I ban silence in my classroom, provoking “Conversation” with my assignments and projects, expecting learners to exchange ideas and knowledge? How can I make their learning worth “Investing” in? How might the outcomes of their learning be of value to themselves and to others? How am I daring my students to make the “Mistakes” that feed the learning dialog?
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  • Administrators: How does the learning here “Respond” to the learner? How does the learning “Talk Back” to the learner and to the community? Have my classrooms banned silence? Do the learning experiences “Provoke Conversation” by expecting learners to exchange knowledge? Are my classrooms places that student “Questions” as much as their answers? How do the learning environments in my school inspire learners to invest their time and skills for something larger? How are learners being dared to make the “Mistakes” that feed the learning dialog and how am I a part of that dialog?
    Awesome questions to ponder and apply
Tracy Watanabe

How Can Teachers Create a Learner Centered Environment? - Leading From the Classroom - ... - 1 views

  • The report advocates that a culture shift to a learner centered classroom environment is needed to prepare students to meet the challenges and demands of a global economy, that: 1) Learning needs to be rigorous and based on college and career-ready expectations. 2) Learning is personalized. 3) Learning is collaborative, relevant, and applied. 4) Learning is flexible, taking place anytime, anywhere
  • 1) Effective teachers have always created a learner centered environment.
  • 2) We need meaningful publisher and teacher collaboration
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • 3) Learner centered environments will require technology
  • 4) New roles are needed for the teacher profession.
  • The Alliance for Excellent Education report highlighted new professional responsibilities and roles for teachers: a) Teachers as Facilitator of Learning b) User of Data and Assessments c) Collaborator, Contributor, and Coach with Peers d) Curriculum Adapter and Designer
  • 5) Transparency in classrooms will drive the change.
    I always love learning from Ledesma. Here's another one that I so agree with.
Tracy Watanabe

Twenty Ideas for Engaging Projects | Edutopia - 0 views

  • 1. Flat Stanley Refresh
  • 2. PBL is No Accident:
  • this CNN story
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • Teach21 project library.
  • 3. Defy Gravity
  • Separate NASA programs
  • 6. Rethink Lunch:
  • 4. Connect Across Disciplines:
  • Kinetic Conundrum.
  • 5. Honor Home Languages:
  • , "English Language Learners, Digital Tools, and Authentic Audiences."
  • , NASA aircraft that produces periods of micro and hyper gravity
  • Get connected at ePals, a global learning community for educators from more than 200 countries.
  • 7. Take a Learning Expedition
  • . Check out the gallery for project ideas about everything from the tools people use in their work to memories of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • 8. Find a Pal: If PBL is new to you, consider joining an existing project.
  • 17. Angry Bird Physics:
  • including informative essays and downloadable planning guides. Get more ideas from this video about a middle-school nutrition project, "A Healthy School Lunch."
  • The Inquiry Project s
  • . Companion videos show how scientists use the same methods t
  • 10. Learn through Service:
  • Their project demonstrates what can happen when service-learning principles are built into PBL. Find more ideas for service-learning projects from the National Youth Leadership Council.
  • 11. Locate Experts:
  • National Lab Network. It'
  • STEM projects th
  • 12. Build Empathy: P
  • 13. Investigate Climate Science
  • 14. Problem-Solvers Unite:
  • Math fairs
  • 15. Harvest Pennies :
  • 16. Gather Stories:
  • 9. Get Minds Inquiring:
  • 18. Place-Based Projects:
  • 19. News They Can Use: S
  • 20. The Heroes They Know:
    20 Ideas for Engaging Projects via @edutopia
Krystal Holyoak

Journey North - 0 views

    This website is an amazing collection of global wildlife migration for several different species within different animal kingdoms. I really like how many resources there are for each area of study. Teacher resources are provided to integrate with reading and writing as well as the social science areas. I became particularly interested in the Gray Whales Migration because it has many terms 4th graders need to know. It also dicusses the migration of whales in their science book. I think it would be neat to share what we learn with others as we move through the project and monitor the migration of the whales. Places that are along the coast may actual get to see and report a sighting. We can share through our class blog and perhaps find other classes to skype with. One pitfall I see is the amount of time that could potential go into this project. But, it would be worth it.

Mystery Class - 0 views

    The Mystery Class investigation is an eleven week hunt in which students try to find ten secret "Mystery Classes" hiding around the globe. The changing amount of sunlight at each site is the central clue.
    I think that this could potentially be a great anchor activity for students.
    I've seen it done with 5th grade years ago and it was great! Mrs. Hamman's class did it this year also. See her post
Tracy Watanabe

4 Tools for Building Academic Vocabulary - Getting Smart by Susan Oxnevad - 2 views

  • There is a wealth of research to suggest that vocabulary knowledge is the single best predictor of student academic achievement across all curriculum areas.
  • Technology is an effective and engaging tool that can be used to improve vocabulary acquisition for all learners and engage them in the learning process.
  • Engaging students in activities to build vocabulary is all about the learning that occurs during the process of creating, not about ending up with an impressive final project.  Use student centered learning activities like these to make good use of technology as an efficient and effective tool for learning.
Krystal Holyoak

Journey North Citizen Science: A Global Study of Wildlife Migration and Seasonal Change - 2 views

    Journey North is a global study of wildlife migration and seasonal change. Journey North is an online science education project in which students track spring's journey across the northern hemisphere. There are so many great objectives linked to the different studies. This is a great activity for a primary and an intermediate class to work together on. A possible pitfall may be spending too much time on these fabulous activities.
    Krystal, What a great project. This would be something great to do with a kindergarten class because I know kindergarten does a whole unit on Monarch butterflies.
Tawnya Woronec

Journey North Mystery Class: A study of sunlight and the seasons - 0 views

    The Mystery Class investigation is an eleven week hunt in which students try to find ten secret "Mystery Classes" hiding around the globe. The changing amount of sunlight at each site is the central clue. Students take an inspiring journey from knowing only sunrise and sunset times to discovering exact locations of the ten sites. Benefit: This sounds like problem-based learning at its best!
    Wow T.O., This project sounds great! I think it is a great way to get our students to become problem solvers.
shana myers - About Kidblog - 2 views

shared by shana myers on 03 May 12 - Cached
    Kidblog is built by teachers, for teachers, so students can get the most out of the blogging process. Kidblog meets the need for a safe and simple blogging platform suitable for elementary and middle school students. Most importantly, Kidblog allows teachers to monitor and control all publishing activity within the classroom blogging community.
    I like that it is very safe, especially for younger students who are just learning to blog. I think a pitfall would be that it is only able to be seen by the teacher and class so you lose some of the power of connecting to learners outside of the class.
Karen Bliss

Journey North Citizen Science: A Global Study of Wildlife Migration and Seasonal Change - 0 views

    Journey North is a global study of wildlife migration and seasonal change. Journey North is an online science education project in which students track spring's journey across the northern hemisphere.
Shauna Hamman

Journey North Mystery Class: How to Participate - 1 views

    Mystery Class starts January 30! This is a fun 11-week project that engages students science, technology and global collaboration.
Tracy Watanabe

Education Week: Educators Evaluate 'Flipped Classrooms' - 1 views

  • the flipped-classroom technique has also garnered criticism from some who believe that flipping is simply a high-tech version of an antiquated instructional method: the lecture
  • "My concern is that if you're still relying on lecture as your primary mode of getting content across, … you haven't done anything to shift the type of learning that's occurring," said Andrew Miller
  • "That's not how all of us learn," he said. "Just because you flipped your classroom doesn't mean your students will watch the videos. How are you engaging your kids?"
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  • "Everyone initially thought that [flipping] was an innovative way [to teach] because we're so rooted in this idea that students don't like homework," he said. "However, when you step back a little bit, what you're looking at is simply a time-shifting tool that is grounded in the same didactic, lecture-based philosophy. It's really a better version of a bad thing."
  • 2. Be thoughtful about what parts of your class you decide to “flip” and when.
  • Tips for Flipping
  • "It's a thing you do in the context of an overarching pedagogy," not the pedagogy itself, he said.
  • 1. Don’t get hung up on creating your own videos.
  • What's the best use of your face-to-face instruction time?
  • 4. Address the issue of access early
  • 5. Find a way to engage students in the videos. Just having students watch videos instead of listening to lectures doesn’t guarantee that they will be more engaged. Requiring students to take notes on the videos, ask questions about the videos, or engage in discussion about them will help ensure that they watch and absorb the material.
  • mastery-based model
  • made adjustments to the flipped classroom, moving from what they call the "traditional" flip to the "mastery based" flipped classroom.
  • 3. If possible, find a partner to create videos with. Students enjoy hearing the back-and-forth conversation of two teachers, especially when one teacher plays the role of mentor while the other plays the role of learner.
  • work through the material at their own pace
  • "For students who had not been challenged in the classroom, this was an opportunity for them to just fly," she said. "For others, it was an opportunity to take the time that they needed to move slower. And for some, self-paced became no pace," and teachers had to step in and create deadlines.
Tracy Watanabe

YouTube - Education Evolution - 4 views

    This one is fabulous!
    I love the ending!
    Very powerful!
Elizabeth Francois

Coaching Chronicles Video - 7 views

    Being a visual learner, this was perfect. I was imagining my year's experience as I listened to your presentation. Yep, so many of us were all locked up at the beginning of the year and have since allowed ourselves to be unlocked to what technology has to offer. I know I'm somewhat unlocked. My lock is still rusty and the inside mechanisms don't move smoothly, but then there's next year for that! Thank you.
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    This was a terrific video. Not only was a sense of humor used, but it was right on as far as how we felt as coaches at the beginning and how the teachers were feeling when we started. Now it truly is a collaboration process for all teachers, students, and the school as a whole. If I was not a Collaboration Coach, I would want to be one now! I am excited to be apart of this program again next year!
    Collaboration Coaching at AJHS has allowed us to better use our instructional time and resources to effectively engage and inspire students. Through training sessions and frequent interactions, we have been able to share ideas, receive encouragement, and seek guidance on lesson plans. In looking forward we anticipate creating a stronger support system, increasing student achievement and accountability, and discovering resources to better teach 21st Century skills.
    You hit a major point when you discuss the isolation that teachers feel. We used to be alone--but with coaching it brings us out of our "dungeons" and gets us together. The coaching and the technology have been the light at the end of the tunnel for so many of us! Great video! Very nicely done.
    I love the visuals! The symbolism of being isolated on an island is something we can call relate to. Your video made the collaboration process seem positive and exciting. You chose a great narrator, too!
    Love the analogy! It's great to see the different ways an "assignment" can be interpreted. Your video did a perfect job of describing how it can come together, and we can all (students and teachers) share success from collaboration. Thank you for sharing.
    Loved the video. It does a great job of showing the journey and how the excitement spreads when collaboration is involved. I'm wondering how we can "free" those still locked in the dungeon.
    Superb summary of your/our experiences for this year.
Meaghan Davis

E Pals - 1 views

    "The mission of ePALS Classroom Exchange is to offer safe, innovative ways for learners to make contact with other cultures. They currently connect over 4.5 million users from 191 countries, speaking 136 languages, by providing built-in Webmail language translation and safety features such as monitored e-mail and profanity filters. All of the tools and resources on the site are free to anyone with a computer, anywhere in the world. The site also offers collaborative projects that students can join, as well as tools for creating projects and contacting students in remote locations."
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    This is the site that I found our Kenya buddies project.
    ePals is the social network optimized for K-12 learning. Over half a million classrooms in 200 countries and territories have joined the ePals Global Community to connect, collaborate and exchange ideas. ePals now translates in 35 languages! It looks like a great way to connect with other students and classes around the world. It had projects you can collaborate on with other classrooms. I noticed many of these topics were about content we worked on this year in second grade.
    ePals is the social network optimized for K-12 learning. Over half a million classrooms in 200 countries and territories have joined the ePals Global Community to connect, collaborate and exchange ideas. ePals now translates in 35 languages! The benefits of the site are that the students can connect with other students and classrooms around the globe. You connect with them by the projects that you are working on in the classroom. This gives the common ground to talk about back and forth. The possible pitfalls are if you get a classroom that is not as involved as yours. It could be a let down and you may have to find another classroom that you could connect with.
    This site is free and connects you with other educators seeking to connect classrooms for global projects. It has great safety features and has a variety of projects for all content areas and grade levels. You can form e-mail pen pal connections with classrooms around the world. Very cool!
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