Transformative Questions : 2¢ Worth - 0 views
“How do we create a culture of learners that thrive in the 21st century?”
Those qualities are, That the experience is responsive, It provokes conversation, It inspires personal investment, and It’s guided by safely-made mistakes.
Classroom Teachers: How might I alter this assignment or project so that it “Responds” to the learner? How can the experience “Talk Back?” How might I plant barriers within the assignment that force learners to “Question” their way through — to value the “questions” not just for “answers?” How can I ban silence in my classroom, provoking “Conversation” with my assignments and projects, expecting learners to exchange ideas and knowledge? How can I make their learning worth “Investing” in? How might the outcomes of their learning be of value to themselves and to others? How am I daring my students to make the “Mistakes” that feed the learning dialog?
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