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Tracy Watanabe

How to use a Need to Know List - YouTube - 1 views

    After you've hooked your students on the PBL with a special entry event, and you've done the initial launch of the PBL with the driving question, you then go into gathering the Need to Know List of questions of the students. First, students need to understand what good questions are. (Bloom's is a good starting point). Then they should ask questions about the content, the skills, and the process required in the PBL.
Tracy Watanabe

Transformative Questions : 2¢ Worth - 0 views

  • “How do we create a culture of learners that thrive in the 21st century?”
  • Those qualities are, That the experience is responsive, It provokes conversation, It inspires personal investment, and It’s guided by safely-made mistakes.
  • Classroom Teachers: How might I alter this assignment or project so that it “Responds” to the learner? How can the experience “Talk Back?” How might I plant barriers within the assignment that force learners to “Question” their way through — to value the “questions” not just for “answers?” How can I ban silence in my classroom, provoking “Conversation” with my assignments and projects, expecting learners to exchange ideas and knowledge? How can I make their learning worth “Investing” in? How might the outcomes of their learning be of value to themselves and to others? How am I daring my students to make the “Mistakes” that feed the learning dialog?
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Administrators: How does the learning here “Respond” to the learner? How does the learning “Talk Back” to the learner and to the community? Have my classrooms banned silence? Do the learning experiences “Provoke Conversation” by expecting learners to exchange knowledge? Are my classrooms places that student “Questions” as much as their answers? How do the learning environments in my school inspire learners to invest their time and skills for something larger? How are learners being dared to make the “Mistakes” that feed the learning dialog and how am I a part of that dialog?
    Awesome questions to ponder and apply
Tracy Watanabe

Using Technology To Help Teach Poetry To Young Students - 1 views

    "Students analyze and explore poetry through a class blog and podcasting  Questions to Consider How do the "guiding reflection questions" support students' thinking? What skills are students practicing as they create their podcast? How did the class blog contribute to collaboration among students? Scroll down on this page to see the worksheet with reflective questions that they used Common Core Standards ELA.RL.6.4, ELA.RL.6.7, ELA.SL.6.5"
Tracy Watanabe

Experts & NewBIEs | Bloggers on Project Based Learning: How Does PBL Support Authentic ... - 0 views

  • To incorporate authentic literacy, be sure to answer these questions when you design and implement a project:Does the project include an authentic written product that someone outside the school context would create?Does the project include a written product that meets a real need?Does the project set students up to generate their own questions to frame their investigation into the Driving Question?Does the project enable students to find answers to their questions?Does the project include critique, ideally by an expert or the product recipient?Does the project allow students to present their work to the intended recipient?If you can answer “yes” to these questions, you’ve got it: a fully authentic literary experience for your students.
  • For example, in the Small Acts of Courage project at King Middle School in Portland, Maine, students researched and wrote about local stories of the Civil Rights Movement. In response to the Driving Question, “What was Maine’s contribution the Civil Rights Movement?“, they created a book for a public audience which included people who participated locally in the struggle for civil rights.
  • Learn more about this topic in BIE’s “Webinar Wednesday” on Authentic Literacy, which may be found on BIE's YouTube Channel.
    Awesome on authentic learning.
Tracy Watanabe

Project Overview: Square of Life -- Studies in Local and Global Environments - 2 views

    This global collaborative project at -- Registration closes SEPT 30 Driving questions: Why HERE and not THERE? Presents students with a world map and two animals/insects from different areas (EG Monarch butterfly and Australian stick insect specimens). Pose a challenging question: Why here and not there? Why there and not here? How can we find out? Register class on Square of Life, an Internet-based collaborative project that has students investigate their local environment and share information with students from around the world. Students examine a square yard of local ground and organize what they find into categories they define themselves: living and nonliving, plants and animals. Through close examination, they organize small creatures into groups by shared characteristics, and learn to discriminate between classes of animals, including insects and isopods. Theorize about the role of habitat and niche in insect distribution. Share their findings with Australian students (or students from around the glove) and report their conclusions about Why here and not there? Why there and not here?
Tracy Watanabe - 1 views

    question stems for DOK
Tracy Watanabe

The 9/12 Generation Project - 0 views

    "Please see the (link) New York Says Thank You and The 9/12 Generation Project Hurricane Sandy School Penny Drive! WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOUR SCHOOL PARTICIPATE! We are looking for a huge push through the next 30 days as a second round of storms are on the way this week!!    We will have updates on NY and NJ schools latter this week at and on our Facebook page! Over the next 30-60 days we will also have a more detailed needs assessment completed with projects that meet specific needs but at this time the 912GP Hurricane Sandy Penny Drive is the quickest way to provide fuel, lumber, cleaning supplies, and meals, etc. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. We look forward to working with you and your youth! Remember to send us your stories and your goals and we will keep you updated on the recovery!!    Best,  Lori   Lori Sullivan The 9/12 Generation Project*Project Manager/ Educator New York Says Thank You Foundation"
Tracy Watanabe

Reinventing Project-Based Learning: Essential Question: How did it come to be this way? - 0 views

  • I wonder if instead of personal action projects and awareness campaigns students should practice collective action that has a concrete and measurable result.
    I love this idea of having the PBL measurable -- not only a PSA, and an action step, but MEASURING the changes in behaviors/beliefs through tangible measurements. (Makes me think about Kirkpatrick)... It also makes me think about how this is a great CommonCore unit too! I would love to see an authentic school-wide (or grade level) PBL. How innovative would that be? While also causing us to behave as a PLC.
Shauna Hamman

TodaysMeet - 1 views

    Simple backchannel site with no ads. Students can ask/answer questions and make comments while observing a presentation or video. 
    This is really neat! Have you used it yet?
Tracy Watanabe

Common Core | November Learning - 0 views

  • Inherent Skills: Global Empathy Questioning Problem Solving Creativity and Innovative Thinking Self-direction
  • Explicit Skills: Critical Thinking Global Communication Collaboration Information Literacy Information Management Media/Technology Literac
  • “Maximizing the Common Core involves a change in creativity, critical thinking, and a fundamental shift in relationships. It is where the role of the teacher becomes more essential than ever, as students develop their capacity to question, discover, connect, collaborate and contribute on a global scale, and where they are empowered by an increase in direction and management of their own learning.”
Shauna Hamman

National Optical Astronomy Observatory: Project ASTRO Tucson - 1 views

  • Developed by the Astronomical Society of The Pacific and coordinated in Tucson by NOAO, this unique educational program offers teachers instruction in conducting hands-on inquiry-based science activities in their classrooms plus an astronomer partner with whom to present the activities.
    This is a fantastic program for anyone who teaches about space/astronomy. You get matched with an astronomer partner for a whole year and get lots of great resources. If you want to participate you have to attend both days of the workshop in Tucson, but it's worth doing (and it's free). I did it a few years ago if you have any questions. 
Tracy Watanabe

Create Experiences. Build Relationships. - 0 views


    So, I had the opportunity to present to approximately two dozen New Hampshire administrators recently.  I started our conversation with the following question:
    Share with us your most memorable day, event, or time in school as a student.
    I was intentionally vague to elicit as wide a res
Tracy Watanabe

Attracting Blog Comments | Integrating Technology in the Primary Classroom - 0 views

  • Be part of the blogging community: To put it simply, you can’t expect people to comment on your blog if you don’t ever comment on theirs.
  • Finish your post with questions: Take some of the guesswork out of commenting and give readers some suggestions on what they could comment on
  • Make sure you include open-ended questions that appeal to a wide audience.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • Don’t write all the answers: I may be a little guilty of this with this post but if you write an open-ended/incomplete post then people feel like they have something to contribute and will be more likely to comment
  • Publish in a timely manner: People won’t be very interested in commenting on an event that happened three weeks ago. We try to publish a post as soon as possible after a class event on the 2KM and 2KJ blog. Students and families are more likely to comment when their enthusiasm about an event is high
  • Reply to comments: I have said this before but I believe that it is basic blogging etiquette to reply to all/most comments. Acknowledge your readers’ comments, interact with them and they will be encouraged to comment again
  • Be original and diverse: I encourage my students to post about not only what appeals to them but what they think might appeal to their audience.
  • Educate readers on how to comment: Don’t assume that all teachers/parents/students know how to leave a comment. I provide parent handouts and a video on how to comment. You might choose to have a “how to comment” page on your class blog like I have.
  • Publicly read and praise comments: We start each school day with 20 minutes of whole-class blogging. This provides a chance for students to read out the comments they have left at home and school in the past 24 hours. We have found that there was a big increase in comments when we started doing this. Students respond well to praise and are eager to get their five minutes of fame
  • Hold a commenting event: We have held a few special class events to stir up some new enthusiasm for commenting with great success. Some of these events included the Family Blogging Afternoon and Family Blogging Month competition
  • Invite people to comment:
  • Inform people of new posts:
  • Have a pattern to publishing:
  • Remember, it takes work and ongoing effort to attract comments on your blog, however once you build up the momentum the effort decreases and the rewards increase
Tracy Watanabe

Bugscope: Home - 0 views

    You sign up, ask your students to find some bugs, and mail them to us. We accept your application, schedule your session, and prepare the bugs for insertion into the electron microscope. When your session time arrives, we put the bug(s) into the microscope and set it up for your classroom. Then you and your students login over the web and control the microscope. We'll be there via chat to guide you and answer the kids' questions.
Sandy Lorance

Rube Goldberg project: Motion and Physics of Change middle/high school - 1 views

    Driving question: How do we describe motion and change in our world scientifically? In the Rube Goldberg Project, students will build a Rube Goldberg Machine (by definition, "of, relating to, or being a contrivance that brings about by complicated means what apparently could have been accomplished simply....") and explain the phyics of motion in that machine. Some examples of rube goldberg devices in the past, in both movies and pop culture, are the device that Pee Wee Herman uses to make breakfast in the movie "Pee Wee's Big Adventure," or the game "Mousetrap." Students will be able to explain and demonstrate the physics of motion (specifically Newtons Three Laws, Velocity, Acceleration, Kinetic and Potential Energy, and Momentum) through running their machine and will be able to calculate the velocity, acceleration, and energy generated by their machines as they run to complete simple tasks. They will have a working knowledge of simple motion equations and how to calculate in real life situations. This project has activities, assessments and resources included Requires a considerable amount of time and materials, but very engaging and student centered
Tracy Watanabe

Degree Confluence Project - 0 views

    Degree Confluence Project The goal of this volunteer-run project is to post a photograph on this Web site of each of the 13,584 latitude and longitude degree intersections in the world (whole-number values only!). Confluences in the oceans and some near the poles have been excluded. There is a confluence point within 49 miles of wherever you're standing. You can join the fun with a camera and GPS receiver. Participants must create an account or log a plan Here's my question -- is this just a 21st Century collaborative learning oportunity, or is it pbl? Did I tag it right?
Gina Fraher

Cover It LIve - 0 views

    Instant response from students to questions posed.

ePals Global Community - Digital Story Telling Classroom Project - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 03 May 12 - Cached
    Essential Questions What is digital storytelling? What are the elements of a good story? Why do people tell stories? How is my personal story the same or different from others? Objectives Students will understand that digital storytelling is an effective way to have their voices heard and make a meaningful connection with others.
Tracy Watanabe

Education Week: Educators Evaluate 'Flipped Classrooms' - 1 views

  • the flipped-classroom technique has also garnered criticism from some who believe that flipping is simply a high-tech version of an antiquated instructional method: the lecture
  • "My concern is that if you're still relying on lecture as your primary mode of getting content across, … you haven't done anything to shift the type of learning that's occurring," said Andrew Miller
  • "That's not how all of us learn," he said. "Just because you flipped your classroom doesn't mean your students will watch the videos. How are you engaging your kids?"
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  • "Everyone initially thought that [flipping] was an innovative way [to teach] because we're so rooted in this idea that students don't like homework," he said. "However, when you step back a little bit, what you're looking at is simply a time-shifting tool that is grounded in the same didactic, lecture-based philosophy. It's really a better version of a bad thing."
  • 2. Be thoughtful about what parts of your class you decide to “flip” and when.
  • Tips for Flipping
  • "It's a thing you do in the context of an overarching pedagogy," not the pedagogy itself, he said.
  • 1. Don’t get hung up on creating your own videos.
  • What's the best use of your face-to-face instruction time?
  • 4. Address the issue of access early
  • 5. Find a way to engage students in the videos. Just having students watch videos instead of listening to lectures doesn’t guarantee that they will be more engaged. Requiring students to take notes on the videos, ask questions about the videos, or engage in discussion about them will help ensure that they watch and absorb the material.
  • mastery-based model
  • made adjustments to the flipped classroom, moving from what they call the "traditional" flip to the "mastery based" flipped classroom.
  • 3. If possible, find a partner to create videos with. Students enjoy hearing the back-and-forth conversation of two teachers, especially when one teacher plays the role of mentor while the other plays the role of learner.
  • work through the material at their own pace
  • "For students who had not been challenged in the classroom, this was an opportunity for them to just fly," she said. "For others, it was an opportunity to take the time that they needed to move slower. And for some, self-paced became no pace," and teachers had to step in and create deadlines.
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