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Tracy Watanabe

Video Contest for Collaboration Coaching - 2 views

    Peer-Ed Video Contest, March 1 - April 15. Join the Peer Coaching Video contest! Share YOUR 60 second video that focuses on coaching roles and responsibilities, the value of administrative support, making time for coaching, or coaching impact on student learning or school culture. ------------------------------ I am so excited about this! I had to share!
Elizabeth Francois

Coaching Chronicles Video - 7 views

    Being a visual learner, this was perfect. I was imagining my year's experience as I listened to your presentation. Yep, so many of us were all locked up at the beginning of the year and have since allowed ourselves to be unlocked to what technology has to offer. I know I'm somewhat unlocked. My lock is still rusty and the inside mechanisms don't move smoothly, but then there's next year for that! Thank you.
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    This was a terrific video. Not only was a sense of humor used, but it was right on as far as how we felt as coaches at the beginning and how the teachers were feeling when we started. Now it truly is a collaboration process for all teachers, students, and the school as a whole. If I was not a Collaboration Coach, I would want to be one now! I am excited to be apart of this program again next year!
    Collaboration Coaching at AJHS has allowed us to better use our instructional time and resources to effectively engage and inspire students. Through training sessions and frequent interactions, we have been able to share ideas, receive encouragement, and seek guidance on lesson plans. In looking forward we anticipate creating a stronger support system, increasing student achievement and accountability, and discovering resources to better teach 21st Century skills.
    You hit a major point when you discuss the isolation that teachers feel. We used to be alone--but with coaching it brings us out of our "dungeons" and gets us together. The coaching and the technology have been the light at the end of the tunnel for so many of us! Great video! Very nicely done.
    I love the visuals! The symbolism of being isolated on an island is something we can call relate to. Your video made the collaboration process seem positive and exciting. You chose a great narrator, too!
    Love the analogy! It's great to see the different ways an "assignment" can be interpreted. Your video did a perfect job of describing how it can come together, and we can all (students and teachers) share success from collaboration. Thank you for sharing.
    Loved the video. It does a great job of showing the journey and how the excitement spreads when collaboration is involved. I'm wondering how we can "free" those still locked in the dungeon.
    Superb summary of your/our experiences for this year.
Tracy Watanabe

2012-2013 Collaboration Coaching -- Day 1 Training A by Tracy Watanabe on Prezi - 0 views

    Session 1 Introduction to 2012-2013 Collaboration Coaching

CCJH Coaching Chronicles - 13 views

    This year our coaching experiences ranged from nervous anticipation to almost feeling like we knew what we were doing. The redeeming facet of our task was that so many of our peers benefited from the collaborative efforts from each house/team, the grade level, and throughout the school. As a result, our students have demonstrated amazing academic results. Please see the website to learn more about our perspectives from this school year.
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    Very well done and comprehensive. I really liked all the different presentation tools used for the chronicles. It's refreshing to learn that we alll had the same apprehensions and the same successes!
    Wow! I like the way you all added your take on how you felt about collaboration coaching. The fact that each of you utilized a different piece of technology. I got many ideas of things to use in my own classroom.
    Even the presentation was a collaborative extravaganza! To have all the different technologies showcased as each group member shared their experience is a wonderful touch and offers the opportunity to experience a new resource. Well done!
    I love it! Very visual and from so many different points of view, but all with the same idea, what to expect? The approach you took to represent how you felt in the beginning and how you feel now was done perfectly. Thank you for sharing.
    This was very grabbing! If I didn't know about Collaboration Coaching and what it entailed, I sure do now. :) This would be a great thing to share at Meet the Teacher night and get parents excited about things going on in our classrooms and schools. Great visuals!
    It is refreshing to know that others felt the same way I felt when beginning this collaboration journey. The nervous anticipation was there as well as a feeling of dread because of the unknown. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
    I love how everyone contributed something different to your Chronicles. It really showcased all the resources that are out there to fit every personality and teaching style. Your presentation showed that the collaboration process works! I love the animation---I'm going to have to try that.
Tracy Watanabe

Coaching Conversations focus on pedagogy - 1 views

    71% of WI coached teachers change their practice for the better. Hear recorded Webinar by Mary Lou Ley
Tracy Watanabe

Collaboration Coaches Make Up Cornerstone of Arizona District Tech Efforts - 2 views

    Converge wrote about Collaboration Coaching in AJUSD and our 21st Century classrooms
Tracy Watanabe

Collaboration Coach Brochure - 0 views

    2012-2013 Collaboration Coach Brochure
Tracy Watanabe

Coaching Chronicles | AJUSD Campus Blogs - 1 views

    Presenting..... ...... this year's Coaching Chronicles!
Tracy Watanabe

Collaboration Coaching Word Cloud -- Wordle - 4 views

    The Wordle based on what the coaches sent me.
Tracy Watanabe

2011-2012 Training Links for Year 1 Coaches - 7 views

    Here are the links I'll be using for the trainings this year -- for the Year 1 Coaches.
Jason Davis

CCJH Coaching Prezi - 6 views

    Wonderful job! I love it!!
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    Super cool dude. Can't wait for the music and picture magic!
    Very focused and a nice flow to the presentation.
    I liked how you clearly defined the roles of a collaboration coach.
    JD- I love the visual representation on Prezi. The organization and content is fabulous. I can't wait to see the Final Draft! Nicely done!
    Cool way to present the CCJH coaching collaboration outline!!
    Nice job! Very useful information... :)
    Great introduction! The blue is so nice...
    I really liked the way that you were able to hit all of the components nicely. I can't wait to make my first Prezi Presentation!
    Fabulous Prezi so far, once you add your final touches it will be A+. You hit all the components.
    Right to the point. Very clear and well organized.
    Great job with the Prezi, AND with the information! From reading the other comments I hear you're going to add sound. That will be a great addition! Seeing this makes me excited to see the ways we can make prezis even more engaging than the kids already find them!
Shauna Hamman

Elementary Coaching Chronicles - 9 views

    Technology is in the forefront of everything we do as collaborators in the classroom. Teachers incorporating the use of technology while lesson planning increases engagement and rigor. Lessons are enhanced and students are focused. Many of the projects we were involved in incorporated technology and we collaborated with others at the school site and across the district. Valuable relationships were formed among the students and the teachers. Teachers not involved with the collaboration process also benefited from this through observing what was taking place in our classrooms. These teachers then requested to be involved in the program. Relationships were built, the use of technology was increased, and a 21st Century classroom was created.
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    Your video was outstanding. It was encouraging to see so many students engaged with so many different types of technology. These activities would not have been happening if it weren't for the coaching that took place to support the teachers in implementing the technology. I wonder how you feel about your accomplishments?
    It was great to watch this video and see so many different instructors using so many different types of technology, at multiple locations! Since my son is one of the people that has benefited because of the changes that have been made I want to thank you not only as a member of your community but as a parent! Thanks for doing what is best for kids!
    This is an awesome video. It does a great job of depicting how far we have come as a district in using technology to create a 21st Century learning environment. I am wondering how we can still reach the hesitant few that haven't yet embraced technology.
    Another great presentation. Wow, AJUSD really uses technology to help students learn! It was really interesting seeing the students use technology in different ways! Great day.
    I am in awe over what you have achieved with your students. It was encouraging to know that the students that are heading up to the high school will already have so many of the basic skills necessary to be ready for year thirteen. I love vimeo, too, and am going to incorporate it into my lessons next year. Thanks for sharing!
    This really does a wonderful job of showcasing how effective collaboration coaching has been for not only those coaches directly involved, but how much the students have benefited as well. Excellent job in presenting the experiences of your year.
    Those students are going to be coming up to the junior and senior high so prepared. Thank you! Knowing that they are coming up to the higher grades with the ability to work with technology and work with each other at the same time is reassuring. Excellent work, guys!
    I love how your video focuses on how becoming a 21st C classroom is a process that we (teachers & students) are somewhere along the spectrum.
Elizabeth Francois

The Evolution of Peer Coaching at AJHS - 0 views

    This is the corrected version of our peer coaching video.
Tracy Watanabe

Collaboration Coaching AJUSD 2010-2011 - 3 views

    Our Coaching Chronicles
Tracy Watanabe

ISTE | Put me in, coach! I'm ready to teach with technology - - 0 views

    Great insight about coaching from Les Foltos
Bonnie Barrett

SMES Coaching Chronicles - 2 views

    Here is the SMES Coaching Chronicles...
Tracy Watanabe

wwwatanabe: Microsoft Peer Coaching - 0 views

    My blog...
    Here's the video that we didn't get to watch completely. Responses are welcome (they make me feel loved) :-)
Tracy Watanabe

Peer-Ed Peer Coaching Byte-Leadership Support | LearnCentral - 3 views

    Just wanted to let you all know about this... -- I'm a bit nervous. :-)
    You will do great!
    What a super opportunity for you!!! You'll rock it & I can't wait to hear how it goes!!!
Tawnya Woronec

DVES Group Google Site - 8 views

    Our introduction of Collaborating Coaching to our staff.
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    You guys outdid yourself! Nice work. :)
    Thank you for sharing the tagul site. Very shiny!
    Fantastic videos to get ideas across!
    I really liked that! Awesome job! I will have to use Tagul next time!
    That was fantastic! Love the Mustang:)
    Wow! Nice use of technology! What a great demonstration of all the fun things to learn and use.
    OMgosh! I LOVE it! So, I can't wait to use Tagul (I think that is spelled right?). I've read about it from Byrne on Free Tech for Teachers, but have never used it. The power of having it link to another site is fabulous. Thanks so much! PS the YouTube is being bookmarked in my library
    A powerful presentation! Everything was great. I especially liked the tagel? words.
    VERY cute. I LOVED how you did the wordle and the music was a great addition. Lots of information. I also loved the beginning how you introduced yourselves. Engaging...
    Your collaboration tagul and google search and horse voki were very fun to watch. I enjoyed it and got the message loud and clear!
    So impressive! Just from watching your video it's clear you're comfortable with some of the different ways to make a site exciting. Your personal pictures were also a great inclusion to help build the relationships with the teachers at your school. Do you have plans to update and keep this site going throughout the year?
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