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Tracy Watanabe

Free Webinars | Project Based Learning | BIE - 0 views

    Webinar Wednesdays occur twice a month and shine a spotlight on all things PBL.  The upcoming webinars are highlighted below and are open for registration.  Future webinar topics will include service learning, math, literacy, globalization, web 2.0, leadership, and many more.  The presenters are members of BIE's National Faculty & Staff and special guests. Registration for these 60-minute events is free. We will broadcast them twice on the designated day at 12pm and 3pm Pacific Time. The webinars will be recorded and uploaded to BIE's YouTube Channel shortly after each broadcast.   Webinar Schedule Wednesday, October 5, 2011 STEM and PBL Wednesday, October 12, 2011 Online Learning Environments and PBL Wednesday, November 2, 2011 PBL in Advanced Placement Classes Wednesday, November 16, 2011 Differentiated Instruction and PBL
Tracy Watanabe

Getting Started with Project-Based Learning (Hint: Don't Go Crazy) | Edutopia - 1 views

  • Here are a few tips to consider.
  • Start Small
  • Instead of targeting a million standards, focus on a few power standards.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Ensure authenticity and public audience, but keep it focused.
  • As you get begin to master PBL as a teacher, you can then use technology to manage the process. But as a PBL beginner, focus on the PBL process itself.
  • Once you plan it, you're free to differentiate instruction and meet the immediate needs of your students
  • Limited Technology
  • Plan Now One of the challenges of PBL, but also one of the joys, is the planning process.
  • Know the Difference Between PBL and Projects
  • With PBL, the project itself is the learning (1), not the "dessert" at the end. If you are doing projects in the classroom, you may or may not be doing PBL. In fact, many teachers think they are doing PBL, but are actually doing projects. Again, in PBL you are teaching through the project, not teaching and then doing the project.
Tracy Watanabe

How to use a Need to Know List - YouTube - 1 views

    After you've hooked your students on the PBL with a special entry event, and you've done the initial launch of the PBL with the driving question, you then go into gathering the Need to Know List of questions of the students. First, students need to understand what good questions are. (Bloom's is a good starting point). Then they should ask questions about the content, the skills, and the process required in the PBL.
Tracy Watanabe

Experts & NewBIEs | Bloggers on Project Based Learning: Get Your Community on Board wit... - 0 views

  • Lay the groundwork. Inform community members about the benefits of PBL. Use your district website or Facebook page to explain how projects prepare students for college and careers. Look for opportunities to have students talk about their projects with the media.
  • Recruit content-area experts. Inquiry is at the heart of PBL, and that means students are constantly asking questions. They often need to consult with content-area experts as part of their investigations. Recruit community members to share their expertise, and think broadly about the different experts you may want to enlist.
  • Recruit community clients. Give community members a close-up look at PBL by recruiting them as project clients.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Offer students as problem-solvers. Encourage community members to share problems or issues that would benefit from student problem solving
  • Open your doors. Invite community members to take part in PBL events, such as end-of-project celebrations and exhibitions of learning. Solicit their feedback as audience members. Chances are, they’ll come away with a new appreciate for how much students learn through PBL.
Shauna Hamman

What Is PBL Really? - 2 views

  • Do you want to engage your students in Project Based Learning (PBL)? Maybe you are asking yourself what is PBL really?  Am I doing it right? Well, first of all, the most important thing to understand is that PBL is a construct made up by human beings and so there are lots of variations!  And you are entitled to construct your own version, too, within some parameters.
Tracy Watanabe

Reinventing Project-Based Learning: Essential Question: How did it come to be this way? - 0 views

  • I wonder if instead of personal action projects and awareness campaigns students should practice collective action that has a concrete and measurable result.
    I love this idea of having the PBL measurable -- not only a PSA, and an action step, but MEASURING the changes in behaviors/beliefs through tangible measurements. (Makes me think about Kirkpatrick)... It also makes me think about how this is a great CommonCore unit too! I would love to see an authentic school-wide (or grade level) PBL. How innovative would that be? While also causing us to behave as a PLC.
Tracy Watanabe

PBL Units | Powerful Learning Practice - 0 views

    awesome pbl units here
Tracy Watanabe

Twenty Ideas for Engaging Projects | Edutopia - 0 views

  • 1. Flat Stanley Refresh
  • 2. PBL is No Accident:
  • this CNN story
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • Teach21 project library.
  • 3. Defy Gravity
  • Separate NASA programs
  • 6. Rethink Lunch:
  • 4. Connect Across Disciplines:
  • Kinetic Conundrum.
  • 5. Honor Home Languages:
  • , "English Language Learners, Digital Tools, and Authentic Audiences."
  • , NASA aircraft that produces periods of micro and hyper gravity
  • Get connected at ePals, a global learning community for educators from more than 200 countries.
  • 7. Take a Learning Expedition
  • . Check out the gallery for project ideas about everything from the tools people use in their work to memories of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • 8. Find a Pal: If PBL is new to you, consider joining an existing project.
  • 17. Angry Bird Physics:
  • including informative essays and downloadable planning guides. Get more ideas from this video about a middle-school nutrition project, "A Healthy School Lunch."
  • The Inquiry Project s
  • . Companion videos show how scientists use the same methods t
  • 10. Learn through Service:
  • Their project demonstrates what can happen when service-learning principles are built into PBL. Find more ideas for service-learning projects from the National Youth Leadership Council.
  • 11. Locate Experts:
  • National Lab Network. It'
  • STEM projects th
  • 12. Build Empathy: P
  • 13. Investigate Climate Science
  • 14. Problem-Solvers Unite:
  • Math fairs
  • 15. Harvest Pennies :
  • 16. Gather Stories:
  • 9. Get Minds Inquiring:
  • 18. Place-Based Projects:
  • 19. News They Can Use: S
  • 20. The Heroes They Know:
    20 Ideas for Engaging Projects via @edutopia
Tracy Watanabe

Connecting PBL and STEM… 40 Free Engaging Resources To Use In The Classroom |... - 1 views

    Soooooo many amazing resources and sites for PBL! WOW!
Tracy Watanabe

Reinventing Project-Based Learning: Chatting about PBL - 0 views

  • The next PBL Chat happens Tuesday, Jan. 31, 6 p.m. PST/9 p.m. EST. Join (or follow) the conversation by following the hashtag #pblchat.
Tracy Watanabe

PBL Suzie Boss Mon ISTE13 - Google Drive - 1 views

    Here's my notes from the PBL session from ISTE13.
    Thanks for sharing! There are some great ideas. I did the Marshmallow Challenge at the beginning of the year. It was a blast. I had a student come in the next day and tell me he had talked about it with his older sister, and the next time, he would have a better plan a build the tallest tower. What? Something happened at school and you went home and talked about it?!
Tracy Watanabe

Online Collaborations - 9 views

    These are online collaborations (PBL) that we can join. We will use this during Session 8 because Partners in Learning is not allowing us to access our Notebook right now.
    FYI -- I have an update on some of the PBLs/global collaborations to join. There are some deadlines for some of these that are in the near future, so please take a look. Also, please forward to someone you believe might be interested also. =)
Tracy Watanabe | Making Projects Click - 1 views

    Free PD by Buck Institute (BIE)! Sign up through Edmodo. PBL aligned with Common Core.

Disney's Planet Challenge - 1 views

    PBL opportunity
    To share with your elementary science teachers...
Tracy Watanabe

Experts & NewBIEs | Bloggers on Project Based Learning: How Does PBL Support Authentic ... - 0 views

  • To incorporate authentic literacy, be sure to answer these questions when you design and implement a project:Does the project include an authentic written product that someone outside the school context would create?Does the project include a written product that meets a real need?Does the project set students up to generate their own questions to frame their investigation into the Driving Question?Does the project enable students to find answers to their questions?Does the project include critique, ideally by an expert or the product recipient?Does the project allow students to present their work to the intended recipient?If you can answer “yes” to these questions, you’ve got it: a fully authentic literary experience for your students.
  • For example, in the Small Acts of Courage project at King Middle School in Portland, Maine, students researched and wrote about local stories of the Civil Rights Movement. In response to the Driving Question, “What was Maine’s contribution the Civil Rights Movement?“, they created a book for a public audience which included people who participated locally in the struggle for civil rights.
  • Learn more about this topic in BIE’s “Webinar Wednesday” on Authentic Literacy, which may be found on BIE's YouTube Channel.
    Awesome on authentic learning.
Tracy Watanabe

Free Webinar On Project Based Learning And STEM… Join Me For Webinar Wednesda... - 1 views

    tons of resoures and ideas for STEM and PBL
Taylene Bell

Project Based Learning - 2 views

    This site offers a plethora of ideas and examples of PBL. It goes across the curriculum and is also K-12. This site will either provide you with what you need or jumpstart your brain. There are a lot of resources at your fingertip. Possible pitfall? The projects are already structured for you.
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