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Dennis OConnor

Information Fluency: Online Class: Investigate and Evaluate Digital Materials - 0 views

  • On Demand Classes help you meet the needs of your students. You know the need for 21st Century Information Fluency Skills has never been higher You also know you’re understaffed and overbooked Start the new school year with a customized online training experience that will teach your students critical reading skills as they learn to search and evaluate Internet resources. Our multimedia enhanced, interactive course is suited for students from middle school through adult.
    We combine performance evaluation with a series mastery quizzes to lock in the essential concepts delivered by the tutorials. As an educator you'll have access to performance evaluation and mastery quiz data. You'll have an online record of each student's performance that can be downloaded for data analysis.

Tube Mastery and Monetization - 0 views

    Tube Mastery and Monetization is the best YouTube course and community on the market. It reveals how Matt Par runs 9 different YouTube niche channels without even showing his face.
Professional Learning Board

Looking at Formative Assessments - 20 views

    Formative assessments are, by definition, assessments that are used constantly to determine student mastery. They are a tool that can be used to reshape teaching. In order to use formative assessment correctly, an educator must first understand both his/her curriculum and what the state/school district expects a student to know at the end of the course.
Alias Librarian

5 Fantastic, Fast Formative Assessment Tools | Edutopia - 0 views

    Great websites that allow for fast formative assessing. Helps to make sure ALL students have mastery before moving on with instruction.
Ace Web Academy

Top 10 Toughest SQL Interview Questions and Answers Guide 2018 | Ace Blog - 0 views

    SQL means structured query language that is used to communicate with the database, retrieve information and manipulate data stored in the database. It is the most in demand skill that will help you throughout your career, irrespective of the changes in technology that take place every day. So if you have the passion to work with data and want to be a web developer, business analyst, data analyst, data administrator or a data scientist, you must master all SQL concepts. Proficiency in this database programming language along with an analytical bent of mind can take you to great heights and help you achieve your career goals. Recruiters are on the lookout for those professionals who have mastery over their subject. So if you want to crack the interview and get your dream job you will need to prepare yourself with all kinds of SQL interview questions that are usually asked to test your technical skills.
Nigel Coutts

Confronting the fear and challenge of a new curriculum - The Learner's Way - 6 views

    Our learners will never now a world where Digital Technologies are not the norm. Using solutions developed within this space and with this mindset is already their normal. Unless they are to be slaves to this technology we must also empower them to be creators of digital solutions. To do this we must begin with recognising the challenges that a curriculum built around mastery of Digital Technologies brings to our teachers and seek to understand the supports they require.
Nigel Coutts

Becoming Learners: Making time for OUR Learning - The Learner's Way - 4 views

    At the heart of all that we do as teachers lies the act of learning. Our hope is that our actions inspire our students to engage in a process that results in their acquisition of new knowledge, mastery of new skills and the development of capacities and dispositions which will prepare them for life beyond our classrooms. Increasingly our focus is on developing the skills and dispositions our students require to become life-long learners. We recognise that in a rapidly changing world, the capacity to take charge of your personal learning journey, to become self-navigating learners is essential. 
Nigel Coutts

The art of modern writing - The Learner's Way - 7 views

    Learning to write is one of the fundamental skills we gain from our time at school. Writing is one of the cornerstones of learning and we devote significant time and energy towards its mastery. Skilled writing is a mark of an educated individual and a skill required for academic success. But in the modern world what makes a skilled writer? What has changed about writing and what literary skills should we focus our attention on. 

Secondary English Tuition Review - 0 views

    With EduEdge's Total English Mastery System in our Secondary English Tuition Review sessions with EduEgde in Singapore, any student can learn English more easily, quickly, and intelligently and score higher on exams.

Indoor Swim School Yishun - 0 views

    Welcome to OtterSwim, the best indoor swim school Yishun. Our primary goals are mastery of the swim stroke and safety within the water. Our cutting-edge indoor facility is made to offer swimmers of all ages and ability levels a secure, cozy, and enjoyable learning environment.
Steve Ransom

ScootPad :: Practice. Learn. Succeed. - 29 views

    Free for teachers, students, parents.
Sally Loan

Learning in the 21st century | TODAYonline - 38 views

  • Teaching is not simply presenting ideas and insights, nor filling students’ heads with what we know or transmitting information. Learning is not just committing facts to memory but the ability to critique, synthesise, analyse, use and apply information.
  • The addition of greater interactivity is essential to make knowledge transfer in universities more meaningful in today’s world
  • . But how do we integrate the digital world’s resources into classroom-based learning?
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  • A key element in any directed learning environment is the assessment of competence in that knowledge.
  • The first step — “knows” — is knowledge about a subject, such as recalling facts. The second is to “know how” to use the knowledge, such as in analysing a problem. The third step is to demonstrate proficiency in applying the knowledge — “shows how”.
  • The fourth step is to see how the knowledge is integrated into the real world.
  • The final step, “mastery”, refers to the competence of an expert who teaches the next generation.
Tero Toivanen

12 Findings on Mind, Brain & Education | Getting Smart - 24 views

  • Students’ brains continuously adapt to the environments where they live and work.  As students learning in these places, these experiences gradually sculpt the architecture of the brain.
  • Students’ genetic predispositions interact with learning experiences to give rise to a wide range of individual differences.
  • Students learning English as a second language are processing written information in somewhat different ways than native English speakers so standard reading instruction techniques may not be the right fit for their needs.
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  • Education should give students opportunities to practice setting goals, tracking progress toward them, adjusting strategies along the way, and assessing outcomes.
  • Emotions direct students’ learning processes, helping them gravitate toward positive situations and away from negative ones.
  • Mathematics is at least partially dissociable from other cognitive domains and abilities within the domain of mathematics can be dissociable from one another.
  • Education can support the development of emotional regulation skills, and this should be a priority as emotional regulation skills strongly predict academic achievement.
  • When students from disadvantaged backgrounds are in high-quality schools, their cortisol levels decrease throughout the day. The better the school, the more the cortisol levels decrease. Therefore, a quality learning environment can help students reach healthy cortisol levels, which lead to better emotional regulation and more favorable learning outcomes.
  • Environments that promote positive relationships and a sense of community promote learning.
  • Providing meaningful learning experiences with ongoing guidance can enable students at all levels to build toward mastery of a common set of skills.
  • This scientific evidence that emotion is fundamental to learning settles longstanding ideological debates concerning whether educators should be responsible for emotional development—if educators are responsible for intellectual development, they are inherently involved in emotional development as well.
  • Student-centered approaches to learning require students to be self-directed and responsible for their own learning, which requires executive functioning skills such as goal setting, planning, and monitoring progress.
    Important findings!
Randy Rodgers

How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses | Wired Busine... - 0 views

  • Decentralized systems have proven to be more productive and agile than rigid, top-down ones
  • And yet the dominant model of public education is still fundamentally rooted in the industrial revolution that spawned it, when workplaces valued punctuality, regularity, attention, and silence above all else.
  • We don’t openly profess those values nowadays, but our educational system—which routinely tests kids on their ability to recall information and demonstrate mastery of a narrow set of skills—doubles down on the view that students are material to be processed, programmed, and quality-tested. School administrators prepare curriculum standards and “pacing guides” that tell teachers what to teach each day. Legions of managers supervise everything that happens in the classroom; in 2010 only 50 percent of public school staff members in the US were teachers.
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  • In 1970 the top three skills required by the Fortune 500 were the three Rs: reading, writing, and arithmetic. In 1999 the top three skills in demand were teamwork, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills
  • Teachers provide prompts, not answers, and then they step aside
  • “schools in the cloud,”
  • There will be no teachers, curriculum, or separation into age groups—just six or so computers and a woman to look after the kids’ safety. His defining principle: “The children are completely in charge.”
  • as the kids blasted through the questions, they couldn’t help noticing that it felt easy, as if they were being asked to do something very basic.
    Must. Read. Such a valuable lesson and another example of how we are doing it wrong.
Maggie Verster

8 easy steps to put even your most reluctant faculty on the pathway to social media mas... - 43 views

    In spite of the fact that web 2.0-enabled tools and services are supposed to be easy to set up and simple to use, some faculty in higher ed never got that memo. They don't know a tweet from a tag, identify Ning as a four-letter word for "river in China"; and would probably guess that Squidoo is a friend of SpongeBob and Patrick. This guide shares foolproof, unintimidating methods for incorporating social media apps into the classroom-guaranteed to work for even the most squeamish scholar.
Sheri Edwards

Education Week: Backers of '21st-Century Skills' Take Flak - 0 views

  • Unless states that sign on to the movement ensure that all students are also taught a body of explicit, well-sequenced content, a focus on skills will not help students develop higher-order critical-thinking abilities, they said at a panel discussion here in the nation’s capital last week.
  • Array of Skills In the Partnership for 21st Century Skills’ vision for K-12 education, the arches of the rainbow depict outcomes, while the pools represent the resources needed to support those outcomes. But critics contend that states implementing this vision might focus too heavily on discrete skills instruction, at the expense of core content. SOURCE: Partnership for 21st Century Skills
  • Ten states have agreed to work with P21 to incorporate a focus on technology, analytical and communication skills into their content standards, teacher training, and assessments.
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  • “We’ve been having this curriculum war for years.”
  • Mr. Kay, in contrast, painted the P21 vision as one that transcends this debate. The partnership tries to encourage states to be more deliberative about how they help students learn the skills,
  • “[But] the liberal arts movement, which we embrace, has not been as purposeful and intentional about the skill outcomes as we need to be.”
  • Mr. Willingham argued not only that the teaching of skills is inseparable from that of core content, but also that it is the content itself that allows individuals to recognize problems and to determine which critical-thinking skills to apply to solve them.
  • Students become proficient critical thinkers only by gleaning a broad body of knowledge in multiple content domains, he said.
  • Those techniques include student-directed methods such as project-based learning, which requires students to work in groups to solve a specified problem, relying on teachers for guidance rather than for explicit instruction.
  • “Teachers will rise to the challenge given the kind of supports they need.”
  • “If [curriculum] is just picking up a manual, or a series of nonconnected or nonsequenced experiments in science or literary works with no connection and no background knowledge, it’s not going to help our kids think any better,” she said in an interview.
  • Academics like Ms. Darling-Hammond said that setting forth a clear understanding once and for all about what students should know, and which teaching methods best help students engage that content in depth, will be crucial to putting such debates to rest.
  • The highest-scoring countries on international exams, she said, undertook efforts to outline such goals specifically 20 to 30 years ago. “When you really think about delivering a rich curriculum, it takes a very skillful type of teaching,” Ms. Darling-Hammond said. “It can be done badly; we have to acknowledge that. But we don’t really have a choice, if we want to join other nations.”
  • Meanwhile the critics go about squawking while promoting their own panaceas
  • he majority of kids just go right on tuning out, dropping out, or just getting by
  • I challenge what I read by looking at source material. These are timeless skills. It's the technology that is 21st century.
  • As for the topics we are unfamiliar with, the poster just before me rightly points out that the Internet is out there for just that purpose. Real teachers are also learners, and should be constantly seeking to know more.
  • Many recent studies have concluded that the current system is broken beyond repair and that point solutions like those being advocates above cannot fix it. We know that people learn best when they teach others so small groups that encourage peer-to-peer mentoring should be encouraged. Those same small groups require the students to learn and use the high-performance skills advocated by P21. At the same time, there is a body of knowledge that has been determined to be important to a student's future - represented by the state academic content standards. Robust, in-depth discussions of academic content help achieve the mastery of academic content. To ensure the content has meaning, it is best learned in a multi-disciplinary environment. By embedding a selected set of content standards from a variety of disciplines into a realistic setting/project the students get the opportunity to use the knowledge and go beyond the standards as their interest leads them.
  • The fact is, while "experts" pore over the fabric of pedagogical delivery methods, online teaching and learning is quietly replacing classroom environments globally. Educators better make some quick adjustments or the very definition of what an "education" means nowadays will make many of these folks irrelevant.
    What do you think? How do we envision the future and teach for it?
Roland Gesthuizen

Paula Smith: Education 2020 -- An Emerging Consensus About Learning - 0 views

  • we need to add a truly human dimension to our educational benchmarks
  • First, an increasing number of people have concluded that we need to add a truly human dimension to our educational benchmarks.
  • if a lower school subject area like hands-on science is taught in a way that students understand, they go on to high school and college and explore biology, chemistry and physics with greater enthusiasm
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  • the new key metrics must be whether students find school interesting; whether the material challenges them; and whether they actually like school enough to continue their studies.
  • there are no limitations on what children can learn
  • children are preparing themselves to become lifelong learners when they question, analyze, compare, collaborate and listen in the classroom
  • teaching must be individualized and responsive to each student's talents, way of thinking and level of understanding
  • teachers act as coaches who model thinking, planning, risk-taking and reflection for children
  • Technology is transforming how we think about education today.
  • practice over time, plus motivation and mentoring, yields excellence and mastery
    "as we contemplate 2020, I'm certain that there won't be one model, one benchmark, one standard, one curriculum, or one teacher training program that ultimately helps us reach our educational goals. But I strongly believe that a decade from now we'll be able to look back and know that we made learning more interesting for each and every child in our country"
    How to make learning interesting for everybody.
Paul Beaufait

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA):Department - 10 views

    "The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA ) is an internationally standardised assessment that was jointly developed by participating countries and administered to 15-year-olds in schools. PISA assesses how far students near the end of compulsory education have acquired some of the knowledge and skills that are essential for full participation in society" (¶1, retrieved 2011.04.15).
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