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Connected Science Learning - Linking in-school and out-of-school STEM learning - 1 views

    Primer numero de la Revista online gratuita de la "National Science Teacher Association" americana sobre enseñanza STEM: Connected Science Learning is an online journal that highlights STEM education experiences that bridge the gap between in-school and out-of-school settings. It features articles about highly effective preK-12 STEM learning programs that promote collaboration between the in-school and out-of-school communities, and shares research that supports such efforts. The journal is a joint initiative of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC). Funding to pilot and evaluate the effectiveness and demand for the first two issues is provided through a National Science Foundation (NSF) EAGER award (DRL-1420262).

Coal Knew, Too - 0 views

    "A newly unearthed journal from 1966 shows the coal industry, like the oil industry, was long aware of the threat of climate change. "Exxon knew." Thanks to the work of activists and journalists, those two words have rocked the politics of climate change in recent years, as investigations revealed the extent to which giants like Exxon Mobil and Shell were aware of the danger of rising greenhouse gas emissions even as they undermined the work of scientists. But the coal industry knew, too - as early as 1966, a newly unearthed journal shows."

Close Reading and Argument Writing - Authentically Across the Curriculum - Gu... - 0 views

    "Close Reading and Argument Writing - Authentically Across the Curriculum 7/16/2015 0 Comments Close reading of informational texts and non-fiction articles is not - and should not be - reserved for language arts classes. Every content area would be immensely enhanced if science teachers, social studies teachers, physical education teachers, welding teachers, woodworking teachers (in other words, "all technical subjects," as Common Core states) would not push aside the textbook, but instead embrace it, along with content area and trade articles. Students would then simultaneously learn how to dissect the readings while gaining knowledge in these content areas. What often happens is that teachers feel that students can't handle the text books or can't read the articles independently - and often that is true. However, when teachers instead go into a survival mode, of sorts, and read aloud the whole chapter or article or summarize it with a slideshow, it ends up doing a disservice to students - students are not learning HOW to read these complex texts. They are not learning how to acquire the information on their own. They are not being given the skills to read the sometimes intricate information within a particular content area or even within their possible future trade. They are not being given the opportunity to read, understand, articulate, and discuss or even debate topics within their area of study. Teachers sometimes feel that they can't do these things with students because they are not language arts teachers, or because they don't have time, or simply because they don't know how. Alternatively, a simple solution is to let go of the control and let students do…..with the guidance called close reading. Close reading is a guided reading approach. It is guided because 1) the close reading strategy is reserved for complex texts that are often too high for students to be left with independently and 2) students don't use close reading strateg

Brain Drain: The Mere Presence of One's Own Smartphone Reduces Available Cognitive Capa... - 0 views

    "Our smartphones enable-and encourage-constant connection to information, entertainment, and each other. They put the world at our fingertips, and rarely leave our sides. Although these devices have immense potential to improve welfare, their persistent presence may come at a cognitive cost. In this research, we test the "brain drain" hypothesis that the mere presence of one's own smartphone may occupy limited-capacity cognitive resources, thereby leaving fewer resources available for other tasks and undercutting cognitive performance. Results from two experiments indicate that even when people are successful at maintaining sustained attention-as when avoiding the temptation to check their phones-the mere presence of these devices reduces available cognitive capacity. Moreover, these cognitive costs are highest for those highest in smartphone dependence. We conclude by discussing the practical implications of this smartphone-induced brain drain for consumer decision-making and consumer welfare."

Proyecto EDIA: 75 rúbricas para Primaria, Secundaria y Bachillerato - 1 views

    "Estas rúbricas permiten evaluar y también guiar el diseño y aplicación en clase de diferentes tareas, actividades y proyectos de aula. Alumnos y profesores pueden utilizarlas para desarrollar nuevos modelos de aprendizaje y evaluación en el aula: aprendizajes activos, coevaluación, heteroevaluación… Las rúbricas del ProyectoEDIA son recursos educativos abiertos que cada profesor y grupo de alumnos puede adaptar a sus necesidades y situación. De esta forma se convierten en origen de nuevos documentos de evaluación y propuestas de aprendizaje. Secundaria y Bachillerato Actividades de aula Debate en en el aula Exposición oral Trabajo en grupo Exposición oral con apoyo de presentación de diapositivas Creación de una página web Elaboración de un podcast Álbum de fotos Informes de actividad Correo electrónico Investigación científica Interpretación de paisajes Investigación sobre consumo familiar Recursos de aprendizaje Mapa conceptual Informe apoyado en mapa conceptual Presentación de diapositivas Cartel-resumen Mural virtual Mural virtual con Smore Mural virtual con Proyectos Creación de una organización, empresa u ONG Organización de una feria de la salud Diseño de una empresa Video-resumen de un proyecto Guía de viaje Videoblog Investigación documental Informe sobre un grupo de países Juego de mesa Assestment rubric (My town) Assestment rubric (Sports and Journalism) Productos digitales Grabación de vídeo Página web Archivo virtual de obras de arte Videoguía de una obra de arte Archivo de documentos históricos Videoresumen Anuncio de voz o vídeo Itinerario con google maps Mapa con Google maps Historia digital Línea del tiempo Productos Diario personal Texto ensayístico Informe escrito Informe escrito y gráfico Artículo de opinión

134694625105_BECERRAyMASTRINI_periodistasymagnates.pdf - 0 views

    "Periodistas y Magnates Estructura y concentración de las industrias culturales en América Latina"

Juego de tronos y cómo se difunden las mentiras, por @_jmelendez_ - 0 views

    "Juego de tronos es una excusa para hablar de cómo aceptamos la historia oficial o la que promueve una figura de autoridad. El tema no es nuevo, pero no está agotado. Cada día, una institución pública o un medio de comunicación o un partido político tergiversa hechos propios y ajenos. Cada día, hay personas corrientes que difunden las mentiras por fanatismo o por pereza o por creer que promueve la verdad. La excusa para hablar de esto está en la representación de teatro a la que asiste Arya Stark en la sexta temporada de la serie HBO. ..."
    "Juego de tronos es una excusa para hablar de cómo aceptamos la historia oficial o la que promueve una figura de autoridad. El tema no es nuevo, pero no está agotado. Cada día, una institución pública o un medio de comunicación o un partido político tergiversa hechos propios y ajenos. Cada día, hay personas corrientes que difunden las mentiras por fanatismo o por pereza o por creer que promueve la verdad. La excusa para hablar de esto está en la representación de teatro a la que asiste Arya Stark en la sexta temporada de la serie HBO. ..."

Survey Shows Decline in U.S. Educational Technology Progress -- THE Journal - 2 views

    SIIA's 2011 Vision K-20 finds schools should do a better job of meeting students' personalized needs and provide higher-caliber assessment tools. The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) has released the results of its fourth annual national education survey.

iJourney - 2 views


RT es financiado total o parcialmente por el estado ruso (?) - 1 views

    "¿Pero quién financia a CNN, Televisa o El País? Todo el mundo sabe quién financia a los medios estatales, pero ¿lo tenemos tan claro cuando se trata de los grandes medios privados?"
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