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John Evans

10 Tips for Introducing Blogging into Your Classroom | Primary Tech - 0 views

    "With the new school year beginning in Australia, many teachers will be introducing blogging into their classrooms. Some teachers will be continuing an established blogging program with a new cohort of students, while others will be introducing blogging for the first time."
John Evans

Introducing Design Thinking to Elementary Learners | User Generated Education - 1 views

    "Design thinking is an approach to learning that includes considering real-world problems, research, analysis, conceiving original ideas, lots of experimentation, and sometimes building things by hand. The projects teach students how to make a stable product, use tools, think about the needs of another, solve challenges, overcome setbacks and stay motivated on a long-term problem. The projects also teach students to build on the ideas of others, vet sources, generate questions, deeply analyze topics, and think creatively and analytically. Many of those same qualities are goals of the Common Core State Standards. (What Does 'Design Thinking' Look Like in School?) I use the following activities to introduce elementary students to the design thinking process. The ultimate goal is for the learners to work on their own, self-selected problems in which they will apply the design thinking. Introducing the general design process to elementary student occurs through showing the following video about the engineering process:"
John Evans

Design Challenge | User Generated Education - 0 views

    "This year I have been focusing on design challenges and design thinking with my gifted elementary students, grades 2nd through 6th. Last semester I introduced a series of activities to have them explore, learn about, and interact with design thinking principles and strategies. For a description of those activities, see To re-introduce design thinking again for this spring semester, this week I asked them to do the Extraordinaire Design Studio:"
John Evans

Kodable to Introduce Programming Skills | Class Tech Tips - 1 views

    "Coding and programing are two important STEM skills that you can introduce to children at an early age. Two of my favorites apps for doing just this are Hopscotch and Daisy the Dinosaur but another to add to your list is Kodable. Kodable introduces basic programming skills to students as it pushes them to problem solve. This colorful app is totally free!"
John Evans

Introducing Young Children To Digital Citizenship - 0 views

    "I sometimes learn more about my own practice in the classroom from the questions I am asked than I do from my own reflection. There is something about the lenses through which others see our work that helps us to see ourselves more clearly.  That was the case earlier this month at the Building Learning Communities Conference in Boston. At the end of the first day of a two-day session I was leading on Building Learning Communities in elementary classrooms, I asked the participants what they specifically wanted to talk about on the second day. One of the attendees asked me to address the way I introduce the idea of digital citizenship in my classroom. What a great question! Unfortunately, I didn't have a great answer. I did though, have the evening to think about my response."
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: Nearpod Introduces New Options for Delivering Lessons on ... - 0 views

    "Nearpod is a service for delivering lessons, quizzes, and polls to students through iPads. I reviewed Nearpod when it launched to the public in May. This week Nearpod introduced some convenient updates to their offerings. One of the the new features that I like is Web Share which lets teachers share websites with students in a safe browser environment. Another option that I like is a PIN system that allows students to access content that teachers share with them before a class meeting."
John Evans

So You're Ready to Start a Makerspace… - krissy venosdale - 3 views

    "Hold up.  Before you ask me what kind of 3d printer to buy, I want to introduce you to something even better. Someone, actually. Seymour Papert.  Let me guess, if you're like me, you were NOT introduced to him in your college coursework on education.  Then one day, you discovered his work and started reading it.  Articles dated from around the year you started kindergarten, talking about empowering children to use their creativity and how technology's role plays into all of that in a beautiful way. Then you realize this Maker Movement unfolding around us?  It's so NOT about products. It's not about the flashy kits and lists of things to order.  In fact, that STUFF is an INSULT to what it really is.  You don't need tons of expensive stuff or a special room where creativity is allowed.  You need to make the environment, wherever it may be, the kind of place that brings the makerspace OUT of each child.  And to do THAT? You just need to know your kids. What are their needs? What do they like? What are their passions? Empowerment comes out of connecting with kids and then letting them steer the ship."
John Evans

Apple introduces summer coding camp for kids - Business Insider - 0 views

    "This summer, Apple will introduce an addition to its usual Apple Camp program: a coding course for children ages 8 to 12. Besides its usual interactive storytelling and iMovie classes, kids will have the option to enroll in Coding Games and Programming Robots. The class will use Tynker's software to teach the basics of coding using blocks that can animate characters and move robots. In May, Tynker raised $7.1 million in funding."
John Evans

Maker Movement: Let Them Build it & They'll Learn! | - 1 views

    "At first, I was not sure how to introduce elements of the Maker philosophy into my English classroom. Much of the conversation around this movement focuses on technology and STEM subjects, but I see value in getting students to design and create in all subject areas. Since I don't have any actual technology in my classroom, I had to get creative in my approach. We were reading (performing is more accurate) Shakespeare's play, Othello. I usually do a mini-lesson on the Globe Theatre to introduce its design, layout, symbolic spaces, and genius construction. That's when I had an idea! Why not ask students to build replicas of the Globe Theatre? To build a model of the Globe, they would have to complete research, get creative with their materials and work collaboratively in groups. I realized that through the act of making their replicas they would probably learn more and have more fun."
John Evans

Coding with Paper: Printable Space Race Game for Students - 1 views

    "There are thousands of different ways to introduce programming to your class in fun and interactive ways for the upcoming Hour of Code (December 8-14). While most apps and tutorials do require internet connected computers or mobile devices, it does not mean that schools without this level of technology cannot get involved. In fact, coding with paper can be an even more engaging and meaningful way to introduce students to early programming concepts."
John Evans

Printable A to Z Alphabet QR Code Game for Preschool & Kindergarten! | The Preschool To... - 4 views

    "If you are a subscriber to this blog, you are probably aware that we champion the use of appropriate and integrated technology in ECE. As we begin a new school year, I wanted a technology center for our kids that we could use throughout the year. The QR Code Alphabet Games below will not only help introduce your kids to QR Code technology, but they will also allow for mobile technology integration as letters/words are introduced. "
John Evans

Why 3D Printing Needs to Take Off in Schools Around the World - - 4 views

    "Where 3D printing has yet to really make a huge impact, but provides an ample amount of opportunity, is within educational institutions. These range from elementary schools to high schools, universities, and maker spaces around the globe. One reason that 3D printing has been quite slow in making its impact in these institutions is simply because of the lack of knowledge of the technology by the decision makers in charge. Because the technology is so relatively new, the greatest impact may come via the introduction of 3D printing into public and private grade schools. The younger a person is, the easier it usually is to introduce new ideas and methodologies. This is why young children are so quick to learn new languages, when compared to their older adult counterparts. This is what makes elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools the perfect place to begin really introducing a curriculum based around 3D printing. Just about every subject within a school curriculum could benefit from 3D printing technology. We will outline a few of these below:"
John Evans

Minecraft For Teachers Introduced By Microsoft (video) - 3 views

    "Microsoft has today introduced a new Minecraft Educational portal which has been specifically designed for teachers to be able to use the block building game to help their students learn. The new Minecraft for teachers portal is still currently in the final stages of development but any teachers interested in signing up for updates can do so over on the Education Minecraft website which has been launched by Microsoft this week."
John Evans

Official Google Reader Blog: Google Reader for Beginners - 0 views

    The Google Reader Team is proud to introduce several new help resources designed specifically at introducing beginners to using Reader: Google Reader Help Videos and the Google Reader Getting Started Guide, both accessible directly from our Help Center.
John Evans

Government ready to drop copyright bomb - 0 views

    The government is ready to introduce controversial new copyright legislation that experts believe will introduce harsh new restrictions on downloading, copying songs to CDs and music players, unlocking cellphones and time-shifting of television shows.
John Evans

Kids must code on iPads |  IPAD 4 SCHOOLS - 3 views

    "This post is about a topic and app close to my heart. Computer programming is the engine of modern life and dream maker for tens of thousands. More and more countries are introducing the subject as compulsory schooling at surprisingly young ages. The UK is introducing a national school programme in september this year whilst also funding to increase momentum. is pushing an international message with big-name endorsement. Even small countries like Estonia have their 5-year-olds taking their first steps into logical problem solving. A site I've used for years is"
John Evans

Fun and Tactile Coding for Students with Hopscotch - 0 views

    "Hopscotch is a free app created specifically for the iPad that introduces students to programming using a visual touch interface and drag-n-drop code blocks. With bright colors, friendly characters and a library of different functions and programming statements, Hopscotch is an excellent way to introduce the logical concepts of programming to learners."
John Evans

Google 101 - 4 views

    "Teachers will be introduced to Google Apps for Education as a resource to enhance collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity with students, colleagues and their school community. Emphasis will be placed on introducing resources that provide best practices when using Google Apps for Education. The course is online and divided into 10 self paced modules. Each module can be completed individually. Staff will demonstrate completion of each module through a Google Form. "
John Evans

From sceptic to convert using iPads in my classroom - Educate 1 to 1 - 2 views

    "At first, I have to admit I was not the greatest fan of the iPad. Aside from its obvious advantages, like the battery life and the time gained from not having to get the class to 'log on', it seemed like an expensive gimmick. However, after experimenting with iMovie, I began to see some of its potential and I was hooked. I soon found that many of the content-free apps, such as iMovie, Keynote and PuppetPals provided me with a medium through which I could teach in an inspiring and innovative way. Three years on, the school now has one iPad between two children and the opportunities to use the technology in a creative way have multiplied. The iPad is a valuable and powerful resource which has changed my approach to teaching and learning. My lessons are now more dynamic, with greater opportunities for the children to make decisions and choices for themselves. The pupils are often scattered around the school working in small groups to develop creative ways to record, present, evaluate and explain. My role as a teacher has also changed as I have become a facilitator and guide, providing quality control and advice. I have been able to introduce longer integrated projects combining different subjects and skills where the iPad is a key tool in the process. The iPad has been invaluable in enabling me to make the curriculum change I wanted. I can now say the skills of curiosity, collaboration, critical thinking, reflectiveness and creativity are being practised on a daily basis through this technology. However, it is the ease with which you can create on the iPad that has had the most impact in my classroom. The controls are so intuitive that very little time, if any once an app has been introduced, is spent teaching the children how to use the technology. This means that tasks that would have seemed too complicated or time consuming in the past are now possible."
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