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Buy Verified Cash App Account BTC Enabled Cash App Account - 0 views

    Buy Verified Cash App Account $150.00 - $750.00 ☑️ Email Login Access ☑️ 100% BTC Withdrawal Enabled ☑️Bank Added ☑️Card Verified ☑️Full SSN Provided ☑️ Phone Access ☑️Driving License Scan Copy ☑️ Date of Birth Provided ☑️ First Delivery ☑️ 24/7 Customers Support ☑️15 Days Replacement Guarantee. ☑️Replace Up-To 3 Times Guarantee.

Buy verified Payoneer account at a reasonable price - 0 views

    buy verified payoneer account $150.00 - $700.00 Buy Verified Payoneer Account With 15 Day`s Replacement Guarantee. Features For Our Services: ☑️ 100% Satisfaction & Recovery Guaranteed ☑️ US, UK, CA, Na, AUS Any Countries Phone Verify ☑️ Payoneer Email and password ☑️ Verify by: Full SSN/NID Provided ☑️ Verify by: Phone Access ☑️ Verify by: (Bank Verified) ☑️ Verify by: VCC (Card Verified) ☑️Verify by: Phone Access ☑️ Date of Birth Provided ☑️ Driving License Scan Copy ☑️ Bank Statement copy provided ☑️ Full Completed Profiles ☑️ 24/7 Customer Support ☑️ Documents [NID card scan copy + utility bill scan copy]
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: A Free Two Week Course on Google Maps and Earth - 4 views

    "Earlier this month Google announced that a new version of Google Maps is coming. Some of us have been lucky enough to get invitations to use the new version. If you want to get guaranteed access to the new version and learn all about how to use it for more than just virtually stalking your neighborhood getting directions, you should consider taking Google's free course Mapping With Google. "
John Evans

Whose light can you be? | Connected Principals - 1 views

    ""If you're doing all that, who's doing your job?" "People only present because they think it looks good on their resume." "She's obviously all about herself, I mean, look at what she does." IMG_5438These three statements literally were shared with me this year, along with a couple others. Some to me, some with me…all about me. It's hard to hear statements like this and NOT feel as if they are attacking you personally, even though I doubt that was the intention. (er…I hope.) Last Monday at #ISTE13 I was able to go to George Couros's sesson on "Leading Innovative Change". I'm not sure what I thought this was going to be about, but I knew I wanted to see the Couros show, :) His intent was to share how his school division created a powerful vision for innovation and share the steps to guarantee success. What I heard was a defense for all that I believe in and have tried to convey as a teacher, as a technology facilitator, and as an assistant principal. What I heard was the reason I blog, tweet, and share."
John Evans

iPadU: Slide to Unlock Learning - 0 views

    "On July 11 and 12, 2013, Grant Wood AEA will be hosting a conference to celebrate and expand upon innovative classroom integration strategies for the iPad. Join us for two days for workshops that will guarantee exciting, hands-on learning experiences that you can use to enhance teaching and learning in a K-12 classroom."
John Evans

Brits United in Support of Universal, Free Preschool - The Atlantic - 0 views

    "BRISTOL, England-Any child in England who has turned 3 by Sept. 1 is guaranteed 15 hours a week of free childcare or preschool for 38 weeks a year, or 570 hours total, paid for by the national government. "We don't think of it as socialism at all," said the Oxford University professor Edward Melhuish, who studies child development and was instrumental in conducting the research that largely led to England's current policies. "We think of it as common sense.""
John Evans

Why Kids Need Recess - The Atlantic - 1 views

    "n florida, a coalition of parents known as "the recess moms" has been fighting to pass legislation guaranteeing the state's elementary-school students at least 20 minutes of daily free play. Similar legislation recently passed in New Jersey, only to be vetoed by the governor, who deemed it "stupid." When, you might ask, did recess become such a radical proposal? In a survey of school-district administrators, roughly a third said their districts had reduced outdoor play in the early 2000s. Likely culprits include concerns about bullying and the No Child Left Behind Act, whose time-consuming requirements resulted in cuts to play. [1] Disadvantaged kids have been the most likely to be shortchanged: According to a 2003 study, just 56 percent of children living at or below the poverty line had recess, compared with 83 percent of those above the poverty line; a similar disparity was noted between black children and their white peers. [2] FROM OUR DECEMBER 2016 ISSUE Try 2 FREE issues of The Atlantic SUBSCRIBE The benefits of recess might seem obvious-time to run around helps kids stay fit. But a large body of research suggests that it also boosts cognition. Many studies have found that regular exercise improves mental function and academic performance. [3] And an analysis of studies that focused specifically on recess found positive associations between physical activity and the ability to concentrate in class. [4]"
John Evans

6 Techniques for Building Reading Skills-in Any Subject | Edutopia - 4 views

    "As avid lovers of literature, teachers often find themselves wanting to impart every bit of knowledge about a well-loved text to their students. And this is not just an ELA issue-other disciplines also often focus on the content of a text. However, teaching reading skills in English classes and across the disciplines is an almost guaranteed way to help students retain content. Unfortunately, the tendency to focus on the content is a real enemy to the ultimate goal of building reading skills. ADVERTISEMENT Without a repertoire of reading strategies that can be applied to any text, students are being shortchanged in their education. In order to teach students to read effectively, teachers must be sure that they are not simply suppliers of information on a particular text but also instructors of techniques to build reading skills. Here are some ideas on how to incorporate reading skills lessons into a curriculum."
John Evans

5 Reasons to Read for Reluctant Readers | Edutopia - 3 views

    "Teachers may offer up a killer classroom library and carve out class time for silent reading, but these two things do not guarantee prolific reading, or even moderate reading from your students. One of my goals when I was teaching high school was this: to have students fall in love with reading while they were in my classroom (or at least like it a little more). So how do you motivate secondary students in a deeper, lifelong reader way? It's not just about helping a student find that right book, as teachers often see as the ultimate mission, but it's about giving reasons for reading -- and really good ones. Because let's face it, there's plenty of stuff we all have to read that we may not be crazy about, but we know it's good for us. The following motivators are inspired by educator Kelly Gallagher's book, Reading Reasons: Motivational Mini-Lessons for Middle and High School."
Sheri Oberman

QuadBlogging - 2 views

    Make student blogging more successful by structuring posts such that an audience is guaranteed.
John Evans

Key strategies for tablet success | eSchool News | eSchool News - 0 views

    "It seems tablets are in more classrooms, in more districts, each day. But as experience shows, simply purchasing and distributing tablets doesn't mean students will be more engaged with their learning, and it doesn't guarantee teachers will embrace tech-enabled instruction. Implementing tablets and leveraging the tools to support teaching and learning goals might be easier with the right approach, according to Doug Fisher, professor of educational leadership at San Diego State University and teacher leader at Health Sciences High; Nancy Frey, professor of educational leadership at San Diego State University and teacher leader at Health Sciences High; and Alex Gonzales, technology leader at Health Sciences High. These three educators have devised a model they call the gradual release of responsibility (GRR) model, which imparts both instructional strategies and technology tips for educators planning for, deploying, and integrating tablets into classrooms."
John Evans

School Makerspaces: Building the Buzz | Edutopia - 0 views

    "If you build it, will they come? Just because you create a makerspace (PDF) in your school doesn't guarantee that your community will embrace it. Students who have had all personal choice removed by traditional educational models can be passive and feel overwhelmed when faced with real-world problems or design challenges. Academic passivity is common in schools where students swallow content and regurgitate it on multiple-choice tests. Students simply want to know how to get the "A." This type of learning does not stick. Teachers may find the role of facilitator (or "guide on the side") uncomfortable if they are used to being the "sage on the stage." New technology in these spaces may be intimidating. Teachers need encouragement and professional development to change their mindsets and become facilitators of learning. How do you change your culture and ensure that your shiny new makerspace will empower students to acquire 21st-century skills? How do you change the culture of student apathy to encourage a mindset of doing? Follow these steps and design tips to build a culture of making and active learning."
John Evans

Make a Stylish Flashlight Out of Kitchen Trash | Make: DIY Projects, How-Tos, Electroni... - 1 views

    "You could call it a trashlight, a handy and handsome AA flashlight made out of little more than a soda can and a cereal box (plus a bulb and two AA batteries). Before you say anything, yes, of course you can buy super-cheap penlights like this. But that would be largely missing the point here. This is about making something yourself, something out of nothing. And I guarantee you that if you take the time to do this project, to render literal garbage into an useful everyday tool, you will get the warmest, fuzziest feeling every time you illuminate some dark corner of your world with it."
John Evans

Build your own iPad charging cart out of office supplies - Innovation: Education - 0 views

    "It really all started with the 20+ iPads we loan out to educators. Those suckers are constantly in demand and constantly in need of charging. They're each firmly encased in Fintie Kiddie cases, which, laugh all you want, those things can stop a bullet. And they stand up. And they recline, have carrying handles and come in neon colors, perfect for locating 20+ loaned out units during the chaos of an event, but that's a whole other blog post. Anyway, we've been loaning these iPads out in tote bags, and just tossing the chargers in higgledy-piggledy. Mainly because if you have done any shopping around for charging carts you likely have needed to be resuscitated at least twice when looking at the prices. The cheapest we could find that works with our beloved Fintie cases started at $399.00, and there was no guarantee everything would fit. We've borrowed another department's iPad charging tray a couple times, but a) it cost them closer to $1,000.00, b) weighed close to 25 lbs and c) had no wheels, thus entailing that their tech guy** lug it four blocks each way. The thing about the Fintie cases is that part of their magic durability is that they surround the iPad in thick molded foam rubber - perfect for tossing in bags and bike panniers (guilty!) but problematic for trying to buy a pre-made charging cart, as the slots in those are generally cut for slimmer, uncased iPads. Plus can we get back to the whole cost thing? Are school districts really running around with so much cash? I know I'm not. And thus, with no more rambling, I present: How to Build Your Own iPad Charging Cart Out of Office Supplies"
John Evans

MakerEd Books Going Super Cheap on Amazon - 1 views

    "Amazon is currently having a massive sale on all Maker and DIY Electronics books! There is up to 40% off on digital and paperback books covering everything from 3D printing to electronics and Raspberry Pi. Regardless of what tools, languages, kits or operating systems you use to make, there is guaranteed to be some great learning material at a remarkable price. From a quick look through the items on sale, here are a few of the hot MakerEd books we have spotted:"
John Evans

School Makerspaces: Building the Buzz | Edutopia - 1 views

    "f you build it, will they come? Just because you create a makerspace (PDF) in your school doesn't guarantee that your community will embrace it. Students who have had all personal choice removed by traditional educational models can be passive and feel overwhelmed when faced with real-world problems or design challenges. Academic passivity is common in schools where students swallow content and regurgitate it on multiple-choice tests. Students simply want to know how to get the "A." This type of learning does not stick. Teachers may find the role of facilitator (or "guide on the side") uncomfortable if they are used to being the "sage on the stage." New technology in these spaces may be intimidating. Teachers need encouragement and professional development to change their mindsets and become facilitators of learning. How do you change your culture and ensure that your shiny new makerspace will empower students to acquire 21st-century skills? How do you change the culture of student apathy to encourage a mindset of doing? Follow these steps and design tips to build a culture of making and active learning."
John Evans

About Us | SchoolWAX TV - 0 views

    SchoolWAX TV was designed with students, teachers, and parents in mind. All uploaded videos are pre-screened and approved by our moderators before ever showing up on the site. It may take 1 to 2 days for an uploaded video to appear for that very fact, but we know that being able to guarantee 100% safe educational content makes it worth the slight delay.
John Evans

HeyCosmo (sm) - add a pinch of awesome to your life. - 0 views

    HeyCosmoSM is all about getting things done NOW! Can your friends hang out this afternoon? Where do they want to go? Need a limo, plumber, karaoke, or find a place to eat? Deliver your messages directly from your mobile phone and the web and get a confirmation in 60 seconds or less. "Guaranteed." HeyCosmo is absolutely free and no gimmicks. Get started now and you'll thank us for making your life awesome.
John Evans

Dimensions Home - 0 views

    A walk through mathematics! A film for a wide audience! Nine chapters, two hours of maths, that take you gradually up to the fourth dimension. Mathematical vertigo guaranteed! Background information on every chapter: see "Details".
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