How to Create Credibility and Trust on Twitter | Jeffbullas's Blog - 0 views
How to Create Credibility and Trust on #Twitter #SocialMedia #SMM
Top 100 Tools for the Twittering Teacher - 6 views
5 tactics to safely engage children in social networking | SmartBlog On Social Media - 3 views
So, how do you provide social satisfaction to children while keeping them safe?
PolicyTool for Social Media - 6 views
AACE Global U - Social Media Seminar Series - 0 views
AACE Global U is pleased to announce and organize "Social Media: Trends and Implications for Learning," a monthly online seminar series. The seminar series, led by George Siemens and David Cormier, is without fee and will include live interactive sessions, in addition to discussions with guest speakers and participants. All sessions are co-sponsored by and will be archived in the Education & Information Technology Library (EdITLib).
"How to use Twitter for Social Learning" - 0 views
Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator: The Social Media Game Elementary School Students... - 0 views
"I'm a student voice advocate. Fortunately, my employer supports this and as such, we have been incorporating the voice of students in the guidelines around social media (You can see the teen guidelines at Most recently I had the opportunity to speak with hundreds of elementary students about social media and which platforms they are using. Admittedly, I'm not much of a user of social media platforms for the under 13 set, so I knew I had a lot to learn. Interestingly, across the board, one platform rose to the top and I had never heard of it before."
Social Media is the New Normal for Educators | edSocialMedia - 4 views
5 Key Things Needed To Improve Your Digital Identity - Forbes - 0 views
5 Key Things Needed To Improve Your Digital Identity