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John Evans

Three Awesome Educational Games Hiding in Plain Sight | MindShift - 1 views

    "Game-based learning, and the developers who identify with it today, have come a long way since then and gotten much closer to closing the gap. And there's still a need to communicate core content through games, a need that the consumer market just doesn't have incentive to fill. Yet at Common Sense Graphite, when we evaluate games for learning, what we find is that many of the highest scoring 'learning' games aren't aimed at the educational market. They're more at-home, consumer-oriented games. Because these games are free from the constraints of school standards and traditional curriculum, they flourish, featuring rich cross-disciplinary and truly 21st century learning experiences. Here are just a few favorites that reviewed well on Graphite this year:"
David McGavock

Education for learning to live together | The Nation - 0 views

  • 16 years ago, a UNESCO world commission came up with a blue-print of Education For the 21st Century. It was headed by J. Delors, a former prime minister of France and included 12 outstanding education leaders and experts from all over the world.
  • (1) Learning to Know----(fomal/informal education) (2) Learning to do—(skills) (3) Learning to Live Together-----and Learning to Be-----(self-realization)
  • in the present day and age, crucial that we addressed the need to learn about other people, their history and cultures and thus by “recognizing interdependence as well as the risks and challenges involved, we will be able to develop more effective solutions to manage and minimize conflicts
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The report also spoke about 7 over-arching tensions, these being:1.    The tension between the global and the local.2.    The tension between the universal and the individual.3.    The tension between tradition and modernity.4.    The tension between long term and short term considerations.5.    The tension between competition and concern for equality of opportunity.6.    The tension between expansion of knowledge and our capacity to assimilate it.7.    The tension between the spiritual and the material.
  • proposed the promotion of citizenship values, respect for others’ cultures, appreciation of differences, creating awareness of commonalities leading to resolving conflicts through dialogues and working peace and development.
  • He made a spirited plea for making concerted efforts to ensure that Learning To Live Together (LTLT) is universally accepted as an educational response to resolving of differences and conflicts.
  • Pakistan today is a frightfully faction-and-conflict-ridden society. We have to reckon with a daily toll of a number of innocent lives all over the country.
  • More than perhaps, any other country, Pakistan needs to take up without delay, besides other necessary measures, well-devised educational programmes aimed at imparting the art and strategies of Learning To Live Together
    7 over-arching tensions, these being: 1. The tension between the global and the local. 2. The tension between the universal and the individual. 3. The tension between tradition and modernity. 4. The tension between long term and short term considerations. 5. The tension between competition and concern for equality of opportunity. 6. The tension between expansion of knowledge and our capacity to assimilate it. 7. The tension between the spiritual and the material.
John Evans

What teachers need and reformers ignore: time to collaborate - 3 views

    "Concern for 21st century learning has driven the adoption of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) by more than 40 states. These new standards recognize that the premium in today's world is not merely on students' acquiring information, but on their being able to analyze, synthesize, and apply what they've learned to address new problems, design solutions, collaborate effectively, and communicate persuasively. Achieving these goals will require a transformation in teaching, learning, and assessment so that all students develop the deeper learning competencies that are necessary for post-secondary success."
John Evans

There's No Such Thing as Being Bad at Math: How Neuroscience Is Changing the Equation |... - 1 views

    "Imagine a parent telling a child, "I'm just not a reading person." Sounds odd, doesn't it? Now reread the same cartoon, substituting "math" for "reading." Suddenly it doesn't seem so absurd. But it should! As a society ever more reliant on technology and STEM-based careers, we must shatter the myth that math skill is inborn and reinforce that it is the result of intention and practice. It's common to hear well educated adults declare themselves "not a math person," sometimes proudly. Indeed, many people of all ages believe that mathematical ability is something you are either born with or not, rather than something to be mastered with focused effort. This belief is wrong. What's more, it's harmful to kids as they have their first experiences learning math; the attitude that "I can't learn math" quickly becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. As a society ever more reliant on technology and STEM-based careers, we must shatter the myth that math skill is inborn and reinforce that it is the result of intention and practice. Reforming these perceptions needs to be a priority for teachers, parents, and creators of new learning tools that align to the way these digital-savvy students learn."
John Evans

Search 13 Search Engines for Creative Commons Images from one Single Page ~ Educational... - 7 views

    "Using multimedia resources in class does pose some serious challenges and one of them is finding the right content licensed under a Creative Commons or in public domaine. Of course some of the major search engines offer this service in their advanced options, an instance of this is Google Image and Flickr. But sometimes it becomes time-consuming searching each engine separately for images licensed under CC and this is where Creative Commons search engine comes in handy."
John Evans

A Great Tool to Help Students Appropriately Attribute Flickr Images ~ Educational Techn... - 0 views

    "Flickr CC Attribution Helper is a great tool that students can use to accurately format the attribution of Creative Commons Licensed images found on Flickr. With this handy app installed on their bookmarks bar, students will be able to properly attribute Flickr creative commons photos with a single cut and paste. Another good thing about Flickr CC Attribution Helper is that it shows users whether a picture is licensed under a Creative Commons or not."
John Evans

15 Mistakes You're Probably Making With Technology In Learning - - 7 views

    "The role of technology in learning isn't entirely clear-or rather, is subjective. While it clearly is able to provide access to peers, audiences, resources, and data, it also can be awkward, problematic, distracting, performing more strongly as a barrier to understand than anything else. Why this happens also isn't clear, but there are some common patterns and missteps to look for while designing or evaluating a learning process."
John Evans

Definition / Definition - 1 views

    "To counter common misconceptions and bring clarity to discussions about "Flipped Learning," the governing board and key leaders of the Flipped Learning Network (FLN) announced a formal definition of the term. They also released the Four Pillars of F-L-I-P™ and a checklist of eleven indicators that educators must incorporate into their practice. The group of experienced flipped educators also draws a distinction between Flipped Learning and a Flipped Classroom.  "
John Evans

25 Teaching Tools To Organize, Innovate, & Manage Your Classroom - 2 views

    "Over the years, many of us have personally experienced the growth of technology in today's classrooms. Instead of taking notes, students are now occupied by surfing the Internet, scrolling through Facebook, and messaging their friends on their smart phones, tablets, and laptops. Instead of focusing on the instruction, teachers are constantly required to interrupt class in order to remind those students again and again, that class time is for learning, not texting. However, as today's students are using more technological devices, it is imperative that teachers have access to the resources to keep pace with the growing tech culture. The use of smart phones, tablets, and other tech items in the classroom do not necessarily have to have a negative impact on student achievement. On the contrary, the increasing accessibility and growth of technology presents teachers with the unique opportunity to take advantage of those once distracting gadgets, and use them to facilitate academic achievement in new and innovative ways. In this capacity, teachers do not need to be constantly fighting for student attention, but can freely accept it, by introducing a new educational environment that will automatically encourage student participation. Below are some resources that teachers may find useful when attempting to implement technology into their classrooms, separated by 5 common areas that are increasingly important for teachers, and for an effective learning environment-Organization, Project Based Learning, Class Management, Presentations, and Assessment. "
John Evans

Helping Learners Move Beyond "I Can't Do This" | User Generated Education - 0 views

    "I work part-time with elementary learners - with gifted learners during the school year and teaching maker education camps during the summer. The one thing almost all of them have in common is yelling out, "I can't do this" when the tasks aren't completed upon first attempts or get a little too difficult for them. I partially blame this on the way most school curriculum is structured. Too much school curriculum is based on paper for quick and one shot learning experiences (or the comparable online worksheets). Students are asked to do worksheets on paper, answer end-of-chapter questions on paper, write essays on paper, do math problems on paper, fill in the blanks on paper, and pick the correct answer out of a multiple choice set of answers on paper. These tasks are then graded as to the percentage correct and then the teacher moves onto the next task. So it is no wonder that when learners are given hands-on tasks such as those common to maker education, STEM, and STEAM, they sometimes struggle with their completion. Struggles are good. Struggles with authentic tasks mimics real life so much more than completing those types of tasks and assessments done at most schools. Problems like yelling out, "I can't do this" arise when the tasks get a little too difficult, but ultimately are manageable. I used to work with delinquent kids within Outward Bound-type programs. Most at-risk kids have some self-defeating behaviors including those that result in personal failure. The model for these types of programs is that helping participants push past their self-perceived limitations results in the beginnings of a success rather than a failure orientation. This leads into a success building upon success behavioral cycle."
John Evans

Patrick Larkin Interview: Are Tablets Solutions or Problems? | Royal Reports - 5 views

    "Patrick Larkin, Assistant Superintendent for Learning, Burlington Public School District, Burlington, Ma, recalls a question someone posed to him: "Is the tablet an education solution, or an education problem?" His answer, and common sense approach to changing the school and learning environment is a professional development lesson for all. Enjoy my interview with Patrick Larkin, and learn why he's become one of the most respected tablet education voices today-and for the future."
John Evans

Leading for Deeper Learning: 10 Proven Strategies - Getting Smart by Tom Vander Ark - b... - 6 views

    "Over the summer we interviewed two dozen school and network leaders producing strong academic results and developing powerful young people. Considering their leadership stories, we found ten things in common:"
John Evans

15 Essential Netiquette Guidelines to Share with Your Students ~ Educational Technology... - 7 views

    "Netiquette ( net + etiquette) is the code of proper conduct applied to virtual online spaces. This code is dictated by common sense rules ( manners ) and social conventions. Teaching students about netiquette is just as important as teaching them to use technology in their learning. Crafting a netiquette memo for your class and informing your students about the importance of these rules will definitely help you create an engaging, respectful, and meaningful learning environment where collaboration and diversity of opinions are celebrated."
John Evans

School Makerspaces: Building the Buzz | Edutopia - 0 views

    "If you build it, will they come? Just because you create a makerspace (PDF) in your school doesn't guarantee that your community will embrace it. Students who have had all personal choice removed by traditional educational models can be passive and feel overwhelmed when faced with real-world problems or design challenges. Academic passivity is common in schools where students swallow content and regurgitate it on multiple-choice tests. Students simply want to know how to get the "A." This type of learning does not stick. Teachers may find the role of facilitator (or "guide on the side") uncomfortable if they are used to being the "sage on the stage." New technology in these spaces may be intimidating. Teachers need encouragement and professional development to change their mindsets and become facilitators of learning. How do you change your culture and ensure that your shiny new makerspace will empower students to acquire 21st-century skills? How do you change the culture of student apathy to encourage a mindset of doing? Follow these steps and design tips to build a culture of making and active learning."
John Evans

How To Add Rigor To Anything - 2 views

    "Rigor is a fundamental piece of any learning experience. It is also among the most troublesome due to its subjectivity. What does it mean? What are its characteristics? Rigorous for whom? And more importantly, how can you use to promote understanding? Barbara Blackburn, author of "Rigor is not a 4-Letter Word," shared 5 "myths" concerning rigor, and they are indicative of the common misconceptions: that difficult, dry, academic, sink-or-swim learning is inherently rigorous."
John Evans

School Makerspaces: Building the Buzz | Edutopia - 1 views

    "f you build it, will they come? Just because you create a makerspace (PDF) in your school doesn't guarantee that your community will embrace it. Students who have had all personal choice removed by traditional educational models can be passive and feel overwhelmed when faced with real-world problems or design challenges. Academic passivity is common in schools where students swallow content and regurgitate it on multiple-choice tests. Students simply want to know how to get the "A." This type of learning does not stick. Teachers may find the role of facilitator (or "guide on the side") uncomfortable if they are used to being the "sage on the stage." New technology in these spaces may be intimidating. Teachers need encouragement and professional development to change their mindsets and become facilitators of learning. How do you change your culture and ensure that your shiny new makerspace will empower students to acquire 21st-century skills? How do you change the culture of student apathy to encourage a mindset of doing? Follow these steps and design tips to build a culture of making and active learning."
John Evans

The 6 Drivers of Inquiry-Based Learning - Cooper on Curriculum - 3 views

    "As an administrator, whenever I walk into a teacher's classroom, one of the first things I almost always subconsciously look for is whether or not the students are engaged in inquiry. However, telling a teacher, "Your students need to engage in more inquiry," is comparable to letting a comedian know she needs to be funnier or asking a pizzaiolo to make a better dough. And, vague directives in the absence of explicit instruction typically generate anxiety. To avoid these anxieties, and for progress to actually take place, we need to drill down to the nitty gritty and be as explicit as possible. In other words, we need to be explicit about being explicit and leverage specific strategies to comfortably move forward for the benefit of our students. With these thoughts in mind, I've been obsessing over inquiry's common denominators - the strategies or drivers we should always consider when implementing an inquiry-based lesson. That being said, here are the six drivers of inquiry-based learning. And, while I don't think every lesson or activity must have all six, I do believe that once we (and our students) become comfortable with an inquiry approach, all drivers will naturally find a way into learning experiences on a regular, if not daily, basis."
John Evans

Resources to Transform Math Mindset | Common Sense Education - 3 views

    "We frequently hear students (and even teachers) make comments such as "I'm not good at math" or "I'm just not a math person." Interestingly enough, we rarely hear adults say "I'm not good at reading" or "I'm just not someone who reads." Math, like reading, is a basic life skill that we use on a daily basis in almost everything we do. According to growth mindset, no one is simply "bad at math." Just as you learned to read, ride a bicycle, or have a conversation, you can also learn to solve equations and apply mathematical concepts. In an effort to support student growth mindset in math classrooms, Amazon Education has teamed up with Common Sense Education, Edutopia, Teaching Channel, Stanford University's PERTS (Project for Educational Research That Scales), and others to develop and share meaningful resources for teachers to access anywhere."
John Evans

ccLearn - 0 views

    ccLearn is a division of Creative Commons dedicated to support open learning and open educational resources. Our mission is to minimize barriers to the creation, sharing, and reuse of educational materials-legal barriers, technical barriers, and social barriers.
John Evans

The Strength of Weak Ties » On Common Ground - 3 views

  • What is in the window is a sign that makes clear the “design principles” of the school, written from the perspective of student expectations.  There are ten statements, printed on a transparent piece of plexiglas, which in itself sends a message. Here they are: I make choices that help me learn and do my best work. I am aware of the needs of others and do great things for them. I learn about myself and all that I can do by trying new things. I think of new ideas and share them with others. I think about people’s feelings and help take care of others. I learn from my mistakes and build on the things that I do well. I work with others to learn and complete a task.  I push myself to do my personal best and keep improving. I learn about and respect different people and include everyone. I care for and learn from nature. I take time by myself to think about what I have learned.
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