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John Evans

Teaching Kids to Code: Text-Based vs Block-Based Programming - 4 views

    "About two decades ago The MIT Media lab introduced the concept of block-based programming. The idea was to develop an interface that allowed computer programs to be built by simply dragging and dropping puzzle blocks to represent complex programming constructs and commands. With this new method for teaching and learning computer science, the hugely popular Scratch platform was born. This approach lowered the bar for experimenting with programmatic thinking, making it possible for students to create interactive animations and small games without writing a single line of code. This simple concept removed the need to learn the syntax of a formal programming language, and made teaching and learning the basics of computer science accessible to younger learners and to teachers with no formal coding background. Outside of the classroom though, coding has always been, and still remains, a process of typing letters, numbers and symbols. This text-based programming, used in programming language such as C, Javascript and Python, requires coders to obey and conform to formal syntax. Despite the pain of dealing with typos in names of variables and inevitable syntax errors, no other coding method designed to be more "user friendly" has really caught on. Tools have been offered for managers to define business logic through a graphical user interface without writing lines of codes. Or for web developers to add interactive behaviors to their websites without learning Javascript. But in reality, neither of those substitute the power and flexibility of text-based programming. And with neither winning significant adoption, the demand for the classic skill of text-based coding continues to grow and grow."
John Evans

8 Good iPad Apps to Integrate Game-based Learning in Your Class ~ Educational Technolog... - 1 views

    "Game-based learning is an educational trend that has gained so much popularity in recent years. At its core, game-based learning involves the use of the learning principles underlying games' play in learning situations. In his book " What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy", James Paul Gee mentioned a number of these principles all of which are geared towards improving learners' critical thinking skills  and  enhancing their problem solving competencies. Marc Prensky is another thought leader in this field and his book "Digital Game Based Learning" provides a very good explanation of the basics of game based learning. For those of you using iPad in their teaching, here is a set of interesting apps you can use to incorporate the ethos of game-based learning in your classroom.   These are some excellent educational games  to engage students in different learning scenarios. We invite you to check them out and share with us what you think of them. Enjoy"
John Evans

What the Heck Is Inquiry-Based Learning? | Edutopia - 1 views

    "Inquiry-based learning is more than asking a student what he or she wants to know. It's about triggering curiosity. And activating a student's curiosity is, I would argue, a far more important and complex goal than the objective of mere information delivery. Nevertheless, despite its complexity, inquiry-based learning can be somehow easier on teachers, too. True, it's seemingly easier because it transfers some responsibilities from teachers to students, but it's really easier because releasing authority engages students. Teachers who use inquiry-based learning combat the "dunno" -- a chronic problem in student engagement.  Let's face it, when you ask a student something like, "What do you want to know about _______?" you are often met with a shrug, or a, "dunno." Inquiry-based learning, if front-loaded well, generates such excitement in students that neurons begin to fire, curiosity is triggered, and students can't wait to become experts in answering their own questions."
John Evans

Problem-based Learning Explained for Teachers + 6 Great Books to Read ~ Educational Tec... - 3 views

    "Problem based learning ( PBL) is a teaching strategy that involves the minimum amount of direct and formal instruction characteristic of lecture based teaching.  In a PBL model, students are provided with complex problems to work on and during the process they get to learn the lesson content and theoretical knowledge underlying the problem. In other words, unlike traditional content-based teaching where the primacy is put on the delivery of content and the imparting of knowledge to students, PBL foregrounds problem-based activities as a way to stimulate students cognitive skills and engage them in hands-on learning."
John Evans

Project-Based Engineering for Kids - 1 views

    "This is a collection of project-based engineering lessons for kids. Project-based learning allows students to control the direction and pace of their learning. Activities that promote investigation, critical thinking, and hands-on subject matter are also central to project-based learning. These project-based lessons focus on basic principles of physics, structural, and mechanical engineering. Physical models are built from a similar set of materials that can be easily sourced online (links are provided in-lesson). All of the project plans in this collection are designed to be used in an after school enrichment setting, though you may use and modify these ideas for other not-for-profit purposes provided you cite The Workshop for Young Engineers. This is a growing and improving collection of lesson plans. Please comment to share your ideas to improve lessons and photos of your designs."
John Evans

What project-based learning looks like in maths - 6 views

    "I wish geometry was taught in this way when I was in school. Curriki's new Project-based Learning (PBL) high school Geometry course is now available. For so many students, it's difficult to make a real-life connection between math and their everyday lives. By adopting a Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach, students learn that geometry is not only theoretical, but practical and necessary. Students will move beyond a basic understanding of concepts to an enjoyment of discovery. This free Geometry course not only leverages the popular PBL "active" approach but is also aligned to Common Core State Standards. Thom Markham, Ph.D., President of PBL International, is the designer of the course. He notes that Project-Based Learning points us toward the future of education. "It's a proven method for integrating the 21st century skills of communication and teamwork into the delivery of core subjects.""
John Evans

Technology Tidbits: Thoughts of a Cyber Hero: Excellent Resources for Project Based Lea... - 0 views

    "PBL or Project Based Learning is a method of teaching that has been around for a long time that is getting more and more attention due to all the tools technology leads itself to. Basically, PBL allows for teachers to "ask" a question that allows students to solve in a variety of a ways using many different analytical methods. Since, Project Based Learning incorporates a lot of different techniques and tools to use I've decided to create a list of resources rather then just one of sites or apps."
John Evans

10 Reasons To Use Inquiry-Based Learning In Your Classroom - - 1 views

    "We've talked about how and when to use inquiry-based learning-and apps for inquiry-based learning, too. What we haven't done-explicitly anyway-is looked at the reasons for doing so. While the benefits might seem obvious (student-centeredness, critical thinking, self-directed learning, etc.), the graphic above by famed sketch-noter Sylvia Duckworth based on a session by Trevor Mackenzie captures a lot of these ideas in a single visual."

ICT for Teachers - 135 views is a popular music streaming platform that lets you listen to millions of songs, albums, playlists, and podcasts from around the world. With both free and premium version...

John Evans

36 Core Teacher Apps For Inquiry Learning With iPads - 0 views

    "The interest in inquiry-based learning seems to ebb and flow based on-well, it's not clear why it ever ebbs. In short, it is a student-centered, Constructivist approach to learning that requires critical thinking, and benefits from technology, collaboration, resourcefulness, and other modern learning skills that never seem to fall out of favor themselves. Regardless, St Oliver Plunkett Primary School has put together two very useful images that can help you populate your iPad-or classroom of iPads-with apps that support both inquiry-based learning (the second image below), and a more general approach to pedagogy based on Apple's uber-popular tablet (the top image)."
John Evans

The 1-hour crash course on integrating project-based learning - Daily Genius - 3 views

    "One of the biggest learning trends you should know about is project-based learning. Basically, students are given a task and allowed to work in groups to deliver solutions to a problem. This is an applicable methodology in science, technology, math, arts, etc. You name it, project-based learning could likely be used. But how do you get started with a new way to teach? That's a major question that often stops teachers right in their tracks. It's hard to switch up what's been working in the past. It's impossible to figure out how to integrate a new classroom structure in the small amount of time available to educators around the world. In an effort to help solve this issue, our friends at EdTechTeacher have created what's essentially a crash course in project-based learning. The video is about an hour long and is by Suzy Brooks, a third-grade teacher in Massachusetts."
John Evans

Craig Kemp's Professional Reflection Blog: PBL in Mathematics - Creating a Board Game - 1 views

    "PBL (Problem Based Learning) has long been an important aspect of my teaching programme. This term in my Year 6 Mathematics Class we have been learning about Fractions and Decimals. After doing some learning about how to use and manipulate them effectively and developing an understanding of chance, the students have been set a problem based around filling a gap in the market.   The students were set a problem based on filling a gap in the market. The problem was: "The educational board game market is severely lacking fraction, decimal and chance based games to support learning"."
John Evans

Response: Different Ways Of 'Learning By Doing' - Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo - E... - 1 views

    "This week's question is: What are the differences between Project-Based, Problem-Based and Inquiry Learning? Thinker, educator, writer John Dewey suggested that we learned best by doing. Educators today are trying to implement that philosophy through a number of instructional strategies, including project based, problem based and inquiry learning. This series will explore the differences between the three of them."
John Evans

Picting, not Writing, is the Literacy of Today's Youth -- THE Journal - 3 views

    "Two interesting observations: In the K-12 classroom, today's youth spend 90 percent of the time with text-based materials and 10 percent of the time with image-based materials. Outside the K-12 classroom, today's youth spend 90 percent of the time with image-based materials and 10 percent of the time with text-based materials. (CN is saying that ES is exaggerating (again). OK, OK … The percentages aren't exact -but they are absolutely in the right ballpark.)"
John Evans

20 Questions To Guide Inquiry-Based Learning - 5 views

    "Recently we took at look at the phases of inquiry-based learning through a framework, and even apps that were conducive to inquiry-based learning on the iPad. During our research for the phases framework, we stumbled across the following breakdown of the inquiry process for learning on (who offer the references that appear below the graphic). Most helpfully, it offers 20 questions that can guide student research at any stage, including:"
John Evans

Project Based Learning with iPads |  IPAD 4 SCHOOLS - 0 views

    "Project-based learning is not 'doing projects'. PBL is student-driven and specifically open to interpretation to ensure students learn through carrying out a project and not doing a project pre-designed by the teacher. They are driven to answer a 'big' question and carry out their inquiry and design in teams. They are also under pressure to present their results to a third party of some kind. The students decide on how to achieve the goals and are not carrying out teacher-designed tasks."
John Evans

How Inquiry-Based Learning Works With STEM - Edudemic - Edudemic - 2 views

    "Learning through inquiry is not a new concept - at all. Much of the more general life- learning that we do as humans is based on inquiry. Here's a basic example: As a baby, you saw a 'thing' across the room. Your little brain wondered what it was, so you crawled over to it and inspected it. You looked at it, touched it, and determined you wanted to play with it. While babies may not be able to construct thorough explanations and communicate their questions and findings, the inquiry based learning concept is definitely there. As babies grow and turn into students, this style of learning can serve them well, especially in science. The handy infographic below takes a look at the steps of learning through inquiry, as well as some statistics on the importance of science education in the future. Keep reading to learn more."
John Evans

Everything Teachers Need to Know about Project Based Learning- 6 Must Read Books ~ Educ... - 2 views

    "echnology is proved to be an effective means of creating and enhancing a PBL-based culture in and outside class. We have already featured a wide variety of iPad and Android apps that are ideal for a PBL classroom. Today, we are grounding you in the theoretical as well as practical part of project based learning. We have selected for you some great books on PBL designed particularly for teachers and educators.  These reads will definitely help you construct an informed understanding of what PB is all about and guide you towards a better implementation of its ethos in your teaching."
John Evans

The 23 Best Game-Based Education Resources for 2014 | Edudemic - 2 views

    "Edudemic has covered game-based learning and gamification in the classroom on numerous occasions in the past. When learning becomes a game, it's an enjoyable, effective experience for students and teachers alike. We've curated 23 of the best game-based education resources for 2014. If your class hasn't gotten its game on yet, then now is the time."
John Evans

My Journey Teaching Through Passion-Based Learning - 1 views

    "Ed note: This is the first part of a two-post mini-series (can you call two posts a mini-series?) The second part of this post will be published tomorrow morning, and will focus on the design cycle of genius hour and passion-based learning. For the past eight years students in Year Six at Redlands have participated in a Personal Passion Project during Term Four. It is a way to finish their time in Junior School with a project that connects their passion with all they have learned about managing inquiry/design based projects to that point. Over the years it has proven to be a highlight of the year and has produced amazing results. With a change to the Australian & NSW syllabus we have had to revise our approach to the Personal Passion Project and so now is the perfect time to reflect on the past and identify the lessons learned."
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