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The Hitchhiker's Guide To Internal Linking Strategy - 0 views

  • think more about how your users navigate websites, and consider which information they would find valuable based on their current location. Is the information on Page A related to Page B? Would someone reading Page A also want to read Page B?
  • In general, e-commerce sites do this really well
  • The result is an internal linking structure that is intuitive to users and that naturally prioritizes the most important pages for the most relevant keywords.
    A nice overview of how to think about internal linking in web design. although this advice is presented for Search Engine Optimization, it also helps us think about how and why we use links to navigate - including prioritization of content
Anneke Chodan

The International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet - 1 views

    • alexandra m. pickett
      see my comment Anneke
    • Anneke Chodan
      (I'm not planning to use this specific link directly, but I am definitely planning to use "Cynthia Says!" in my class, and linked this as well as a reminder of where I found "Cynthia Says!".)
    (Are we supposed to link the resource as found in Merlot, or the link out? I'm doing both just in case, though it's actually the link out that I would like to use.
    i would like to see something highlighted or a sticky note that explains why you chose this resource and how you plan to use it in your course.
Anne de la Chapelle

Curriculum & Instruction - All Programs Degrees - 0 views

    Interested in a career or education in Curriculum & Instruction? Find online, distance learning, and campus based programs and courses best matching your goals. Search from thousands of programs offering associate's degrees, bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, graduate certificates and diplomas from top colleges, universities and trade schools." />N5RZ9LHY4M3AH7X/e8xHeryksaGvJLuBZ9p3ZOGojOo=
Amy M

The Links Between Testing and Teaching - 0 views

  • Why We Test
  • Figure 1.1. Educational Testing as an Inference-Making Process
  • Using Tests to Determine How Long to Teach Something
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Figure 1.2. A Common Model for Determining Instrumental Impact
    Making links between teaching and testing.  A variety of suggestions.

Collaborative annotation of images | speakingimage - 0 views

    An interactive tool for group annotations of images - great for art, maps, anatomy, diagrams and more. Allows embedded wiki pages linked to points within the image, advanced selection and highlighting tools, links to video within the image.
    This is a very robust tool, when it works. Early versions were not capable of handling too many people and the group function broke down. However subsequent communication with the authors of this software revealed they had invested quite a bit of effort in the new beta to overcome some of the early issues. I want to test this for my class.

Microsoft Educator Network - Hot Topics : Personalized Learning : Flipped Learning: tec... - 0 views

  • . Understanding the details of the world in which a learner lives allows the learner to the ability to shape and manipulate that world to his advantage. Content mastery must be accompanied by healthy relationships in a learning community that fosters curiosity within learners. Focusing only upon content can lead to a cold, rote learning environments; spending all our energies on relationships can be done at the expense of content mastery; and developing curious learners without strong relationships can lead to learning in isolation. Essentially, the flipped learning approach allows teachers to spark interest, provide initial exposure, and deliver content through easy to make teacher created video so class time can be used to foster healthy relationships and engage students in higher levels of cognition to help ignite curiosity. Simply using video as a teaching tool will not fundamentally change a classroom. But rethinking how class time can be used for things other than direct instruction and lectures will transform a classroom from a teacher-centered instructional environment to a learner-centered laboratory of learning. Flipped learning is a transitional tool for teachers who know they want to move the attention away from themselves and on to student-centered learning. Flipped learning is not an end, but a means to greater teaching and deeper learning. You can read more about Flipped Learning in our upcoming book: Flipped Learning: Gateway to Student Achievement which can be pre-ordered here: Jonathan Bergmann &amp; Aaron Sams Flipped Learning, Gateway to Student Achievement, Bergmann, Sams piln.hottopic.onPostDisplayInLineLoaded(); Pictures and videos var thumbRatio = [1, 1]; $(function () { initializeGallery('/Gallery/Media/', '138408f4-616a-4cc9-ab2c-9e7543cf50e4') }); Cover of Jon Bergmann &amp; Aaron Sams' book: Flipped Learning $('.galleryDescription').hide(); $('#bigImage').load(function () { var newHeight = $('#bigImage').height() + $('.galleryDescription').height() + 60; if (newHeight < 360) { newHeight = 360; } $('#progressbar').hide('blind', {}, 300); $('#loading').animate({ height: newHeight + 'px' }, 300); $(this).fadeIn('slow'); }); $('.galleryDescription').fadeIn('slow'); gallery created by Jon Bergmann {{if error}} ${name} ${sizef} Error: {{if error === 1}}File exceeds upload_max_filesize (php.ini directive) {{else error === 2}}File exceeds MAX_FILE_SIZE (HTML form directive) {{else error === 3}}File was only partially uploaded {{else error === 4}}No File was uploaded {{else error === 5}}Missing a temporary folder {{else error === 6}}Failed to write file to disk {{else error === 7}}File upload stopped by extension {{else error === 'maxFileSize'}}}The resolution of this image is too big {{else error === 'minFileSize'}}The resolution of this image is a little small. The minimum size is 160x160 {{else error === 'minResolutionSize'}}The resolution of this image is a little small. The minimum size is 160x160 {{else error === 'tooWide'}}This image is too wide for our gallery to display correctly. You will need to replace it with something that is proportional to your monitor. {{else error === 'tooTall'}}This image is too tall for our gallery to display correctly. You will need to replace it with something that is proportional to your monitor. {{else error === 'acceptFileTypes'}}Filetype not allowed {{else error === 'maxNumberOfFiles'}}Max number of files exceeded {{else error === 'uploadedBytes'}}Uploaded bytes exceed file size {{else error === 'emptyResult'}}Empty file upload result {{else}}${error} {{/if}} {{else}} {{if thumbnail_url}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{if type === 'image'}} ${description} $('.galleryDescription').hide(); $('#bigImage').load(function () { var newHeight = $('#bigImage').height() + $('.galleryDescription').height() + 60; if (newHeight < 360) { newHeight = 360; } $('#progressbar').hide('blind', {}, 300); $('#loading').animate({ height: newHeight + 'px' }, 300); $(this).fadeIn('slow'); }); $('.galleryDescription').fadeIn('slow'); {{html ""}} {{else}} ${description}
  • a situation in which lower order thinking is removed from whole-class teaching time and placed upon the individual regardless of whether video or any other technologies are being used.
  • Content is important in that it is the structure upon which learning is built
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Content mastery must be accompanied by healthy relationships in a learning community that fosters curiosity within learners.
  • so class time can be used to foster healthy relationships and engage students in higher levels of cognition to help ignite curiosity

Test-Taking Cements Knowledge Better Than Studying, Researchers Say - - 0 views

  • students who read a passage, then took a test asking them to recall what they had read, retained about 50 percent more of the information a week later than students who used two other methods.
  • the illusion that they know material better than they do.
  • “I think that learning is all about retrieving, all about reconstructing our knowledge,” said the lead author, Jeffrey Karpicke, an assistant professor of psychology at Purdue University. “I think that we’re tapping into something fundamental about how the mind works when we talk about retrieval.”
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • These other methods not only are popular, the researchers reported; they also seem to give students
  • The final group took a “retrieval practice” test. Without the passage in front of them, they wrote what they remembered in a free-form essay for 10 minutes. Then they reread the passage and took another retrieval practice test.
  • But when they were evaluated a week later, the students in the testing group did much better than the concept mappers. They even did better when they were evaluated not with a short-answer test but with a test requiring them to draw a concept map from memory.
  • we are organizing it and creating cues and connections that our brains later recognize.
  • But “when we use our memories by retrieving things, we change our access” to that information, Dr. Bjork said. “What we recall becomes more recallable in the future. In a sense you are practicing what you are going to need to do later.”
  • The Purdue study supports findings of a recent spate of research showing learning benefits from testing, including benefits when students get questions wrong.
  • Howard Gardner, an education professor at Harvard who advocates constructivism — the idea that children should discover their own approach to learning, emphasizing reasoning over memorization — said in an e-mail that the results “throw down the gauntlet to those progressive educators, myself included.” “Educators who embrace seemingly more active approaches, like concept mapping,” he continued, “are challenged to devise outcome measures that can demonstrate the superiority of such constructivist approaches.”
    • lkryder
      I am impressed by the constructivist community realizing what a powerful study this is. I think this is an indication of what we will start to see as brain based learning studies increasingly show us what is happening biologically when we learn.
    This NYTimes article does contain a link to the actual study but you need an account. The excerpts though and the responses by Gardner was very interesting
    This NYTimes article does contain a link to the actual study but you need an account. The excerpts though and the responses by Gardner was very interesting. I will try to find access to the study in the library database
    This NYTimes article does contain a link to the actual study but you need an account. The excerpts though and the responses by Gardner was very interesting. I will try to locate the study in the library database
Hedy Lowenheim

How Do I Invest? | Beginning Investing - 4 views

  • What is investing?Any time you invest, you're devoting your own time, resources, or effort to achieve a greater goal. You can invest your weekends in a good cause, invest your intelligence in your job, or invest your time in a relationship. Just as you undertake each of these expecting good results, you invest your money in a stock, bond, or mutual fund because you think its value will appreciate over time.
    • Hedy Lowenheim
      Very useful site for my course in personal finance. The site explains personal finance in very simple terms. Most anyone should be able to relate to how the information on investing is presented. Great information on topics such as investing, goal setting, active and passive management, etc., that correspond to many of my course's learning objectives.
  • Planning and setting goalsInvesting is like a long car trip: A lot of planning goes into it. Before you start, you've got to ask yourself: Where are you going? (What are your financial goals?) How long is the trip? (What is your investing "time horizon"?) What should you pack? (What type of investments will you make?) How much gas will you need? (How much money will you need to reach your goals? How much can you devote to a regular investing plan?) Will you need to stop along the way? (Do you have short-term financial needs?) How long do you plan on staying? (Will you need to live off the investment in later years?
    • Hedy Lowenheim
      The car trip analogy that the authors use in this article for planning & setting personal financial goals, is something everyone can relate to. This gave me some excellent ideas that will definitely be of use to me in my course since financial goal planning is another one of my learning objectives. I felt that the car trip analogy used on the site will assist with understanding the planning that goes into creating medium and short term goals was brilliant, and something everyone should be able to relate to. Creating medium and short term goals are also learning objectives in my course, (module 3). It should be an excellent way to engage students, since most everyone travels and has to put energy into planning out their trips, for example what to bring on the trip, how long it will take, how many stops there will be along the way, etc.
    • Hedy Lowenheim
      Another one of my learning objectives is understanding cash management and cash flow and having the students understand how important it is to save, and put that money to work. Site has some very useful examples on how to save and put away money automatically in a disciplined fashion.
  • Active and passive strategiesThe two main methods of investing in stocks are called active and passive management, and the difference between them has nothing to do with how much time you spend on the couch (or the exercise bike). Active investors (or their brokers or fund managers) pick their own stocks, bonds, and other investments. Passive investors let their holdings follow an index created by some third party.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Hedy Lowenheim
      Another one of my learning objectives is understanding the difference between active and passive management. This site will definitely be helpful in refining some of the learning objectives in my course. It might also be a good site to post a link to for more information on specific person investing topics.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      how will you use this resource in your course, Hedy?
    • Hedy Lowenheim
      Alex I plan on using this Motley Fools web site which focuses on investment basics since the personal investing terms and strategies are presented very clearly, simply and with humor and relate directly to learning objectives in my modules; such as active and passive strategies in relation to investing (module 6), cash management/cash flow (module 2), and short and medium goal planning (module 3). The site will be an excellent resource for the students. This will also introduce them to the Motley Fool web site which should be helpful to them throughout the course and afterward. I felt that the car trip analogy used on the site to help understand the planning that goes into creating medium and short term goals was brilliant and something everyone should be able to relate to. Creating medium and short term goals are also learning objectives in my course, (module 3). It should be an excellent way to engage students, since most everyone travels and has to put energy into planning out their trips, for example things like what to take on the trip, how long it will take, how many stops there will be along the way, etc. I added some comments under the highlighted areas in Diigo with sticky notes (you should also be able to view them on the site) that reference a few of my learning objectives. By the way, I did find some useful sites on Merlot & OER, but many of linked to PDF files. A link on Merlot led me to the Motley Fools web site. I hope this helps! Hedy
    • alexandra m. pickett
      this looks great Hedy! thanks! not sure what you meant by the comment about pdfs. you should be able bookmark pdfs... : )
    • Hedy Lowenheim
      I am under the impression that you cannot highlight text & create sticky notes in PDFs (just tested again), that was why I was having a hard time finding an acceptable site for the assignment in Merlot, most were PDF files. I guess I could have bookmarked them in Diigo and entered my comments write on the Diigo site instead of on the actual URL. I was thrilled once the Merlot site linked to the Motley Fool site!
    • alexandra m. pickett
      ahhh. yes, that is true, put you can bookmark the resource, and annotate it on the diigo site - exactly as you describe! just wanted to be sure you knew that : )
    • Hedy Lowenheim
      I thought you might have wanted us to do highlighting and sticky notes for the assignment and right from the actual URL site. I must say that in the past 24 hours I have became much more familiar with Diigo, sink or swim, but I still need to work with it. Love the tool! Will we have access to Diigo after the course? Thanks and get some rest!!
    • alexandra m. pickett
      yes. i want to be sure you can use this tool, so i am glad you persisted!! and i am really glad you love the tool. me too! yes you will have access to this group and this tool beyond the end of the term. that is one of the reasons i use the tool!
    • Hedy Lowenheim
      Excellent!! Be great if students continue to use it. Looks like these messages b/t us are not for public viewing. Is that a setting you turned on? I know there is public/pvt setting for sticky notes when you first create one (that's what was giving a bunch of students issues), but I do not see that setting on these notes. Hope this makes sense. Thanks& hope swimming is going well! Hedy

Horse Ears | Science | Classroom Resources | PBS Learning Media - 0 views

  • researched horse communication
    • abeukema
      Love the combination of learning about horse behavior and scientific thinking.
    Resubmitting the same pbs video because link from my first submission didn't work when I tried to return, let's see if this link is better.
    I will use this video in Module 2 to help explain horse body language.
Joan Erickson

Math Technology - 0 views

    provides links for visual and hearing impaired students. I may use links when I design lessons/exams
alexandra m. pickett

VoiceThread in the Classroom - 0 views

  • VoiceThread Slideshow - How to Use a VoiceThread - Basic Steps - Tutorial Video - Give Your Students A Voice With VoiceThread -
Michael Lucatorto

Unshielded Colliders: Poverty and Education - 0 views

  • For example, Mel Riddile points out that when one conditions on various measures of poverty, instead of trailing other nations, the U.S. actually comes out on top! He concludes that "when it comes to school improvement, it's poverty not stupid." Poverty causes educational deficiency.
  • or example, Mel Riddile points out that when one conditions on various measures of poverty, instead of trailing other nations, the U.S. actually comes out on top! He concludes that "when it comes to school improvement, it's poverty not stupid." Poverty causes educational deficienc
    For example, Mel Riddile points out that when one conditions on various measures of poverty, instead of trailing other nations, the U.S. actually comes out on top! He concludes that "when it comes to school improvement, it's poverty not stupid." Poverty causes educational deficiency. Now, I like to actually have data to play around with, in part because people have been known to lie about politically charged issues and in part because I like to have nice graphs (which are not provided by Riddile). Anyway, it turns out that international poverty data is pretty hard to come by and fraught with interpretational difficulties. On the other hand, the National Assessment of Educational Progress provides test data for most of the states in the U.S., and the U.S. Census Bureau provides data on the percentage of people in poverty by state. I took the NAEP data for 8th grade science achievement and regressed on the percentage of people below the poverty line for the measured states. The two are negatively associated: as poverty increases, science achievement scores decrease according to the relationship in the plot below. (Alaska, Kansas, Nebraska, and Vermont did not meet NAEP reporting guidelines and are not included in the plot above.) The association is highly significant (p=9.98*10-6). I also took pilot NAEP data for 8th grade mathematics achievement and regressed on the percentage of people below the poverty line for the measured states. (Evidently, the NAEP has only just started testing for mathematics achievement, and only eleven states were included in their pilot.) Again, the two are negatively associated. The slope of the relation turns out to be almost exactly the same as for science achievement. The association is not as significant, but it is still significant (p=0.0186). (My guess is the association is less significant in this case because fewer states were measured.) Clearly there is an association between poverty and achievement in science and mathem
Catherine Strattner

Group items tagged module 4 assignment - ETAP640 | Diigo Groups - 2 views

  • Teachers' Domain: Pizza Toppings - 1 views Module 4 Assignment Pizza Venn Diagram Video Cyberchase OER teachers domain shared by Catherine Strattner on 21 Jul 12 - comment - like... - No Cached - more▼ Link to this item Edit this item Delete this item Save Send to Disable email alert Victoria Keller liked it In order to organize the preferences, Bianca draws a Venn Diagram and then arranges the pizza toppings according to the diagram. Catherine Strattner on 21 Jul 12 - edit - delete &nbsp;I will be using this video as a resource for students to view prior to engaging in discussion on 2-set and 3-set venn diagrams. &nbsp; &lt;div class="cArrow"&gt;&nbsp;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class="cContentInner"&gt;I will be using this video as a resource for students to view prior to engaging in discussion on 2-set and 3-set venn diagrams.&lt;/div&gt; ... Cancel ... Cancel Add Sticky Note Victoria Keller on 21 Jul 12 &nbsp;This is a great motivation to use for your course on venn-diagrams!! As an added note the pizzeria John's is in NYC and is a franchise from NJ. &nbsp; &lt;div class="cArrow"&gt;&nbsp;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class="cContentInner"&gt;This is a great motivation to use for your course on venn-diagrams!! As an added note the pizzeria John's is in NYC and is a franchise from NJ.&lt;/div&gt; ... Cancel
  • Pizza Toppings | OER Commons - 0 views Module 4 Assignment Pizza Venn Diagram Video OER Cyberchase shared by Catherine Strattner on 21 Jul 12 - comment - like... - No Cached - more▼ Link to this item Edit this item Delete this item Save Send to Disable email alert Catherine Strattner on 21 Jul 12 - edit - delete &nbsp;Great video on a practical use of Venn diagrams- will use in my course as a resource for viewing prior to engaging in discussion on 3-set Venn diagrams. &nbsp; &lt;div class="cArrow"&gt;&nbsp;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class="cContentInner"&gt;Great video on a practical use of Venn diagrams- will use in my course as a resource for viewing prior to engaging in discussion on 3-set Venn diagrams.&lt;/div&gt; ... Cancel ... Cancel
    Alex, I did complete this assignment as instructed. Not sure why you didn't see it as it is tagged appropriately... let me know if there is some issue on my end that needs to be fixed. Thanks- Catherine
alexandra m. pickett

How we will use diigo and this group. - 39 views

absolutely! : ) learn by doing. you are off to a great start!

diigo use required

diane hamilton

personalitylearingstyles - 0 views

    site with links to other learning style information and other theories about learning styles

The Technology Source Archives - Ten Ways Online Education Matches, or Surpasses, Face-... - 6 views

  • Students are empowered to learn on their own and even to teach one another.
    • Erin Fontaine
      Students are made accountable for their own education and are able to reflect on what they are learning.
    • Heather Kurto
      Students work together with professors to create a learning style that meets their needs. The students guide information that is important to them making the experience meaningful.
  • Students served as instructors to their classmates, and together they worked toward learning goals more effectively than if they had been provided with the answer by the instructor.
    • Erin Fontaine
      I have seen my own students achieve better comprehension when they are able to see the information through the eyes of their peers rather than my perspective.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      This also supports Shift 4 in ELA Common Core which calls for students to have "rich" conversations centering on a text.
  • When an instructor posts a question on the asynchronous discussion board, every student in the class is expected to respond, respond intelligently, and respond several times.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      This expectation is supported by the online instructor's facilitation of discourse and intellectual leadership, identified by Jones et al. as two aspects of teaching presence.
  • ...27 more annotations...
  • On a more formal note, online tests and quizzes can be constructed with an automatic grading capability that provides immediate feedback and references to text and class notes that explain the correct answers. Assignments, including grades and editorial comments, can be returned to students more promptly and usually with more detail than in the F2F environment.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      This is something to consider with respect to formative assessment, RtI evidence/data, and computer-based grade books. Wondering how it would work in an open source learning platform for collecting data on teacher effectiveness at the university level?
    • Teresa Dobler
      I have used online homework systems with my middle school students, and it works wonderfully. Many students use the immediate feedback to their advantage, reviewing the questions they got wrong. I know they use it well because whenever I happen to make an error in marking the correct answer, I will receive a flood of emails from students quoting resources stating why they believe their answer to be correct.
  • They say that it is common for participants in online courses to develop a strong sense of community that enhances the learning process.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      Bodes well for gobalization of education, especially when supported by language conversion apps.
    • Teresa Dobler
      Reminds me of a community of inquiry model. See Garrison, Anderson, and Archer, 2000.
  • thrilled
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      This is indeed the perfect verb for this experience!
  • The thinking, planning, research, learning, and effort that goes into constructing and teaching an online course has rejuvenated many faculty members who were frankly going through the motions after numerous years of teaching the same courses, semester after semester, in the same classroom environment.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      As online learning increases at the secondary level, is it possible that responsibility for curriculum development will become an APPR bargaining issue under the Regents Reform Agenda?
  • the best way to teach students how to write more effectively is to have them write more often.
    • Erin Fontaine
      One of my main concerns about creating and online class for a junior high (7th/8th) grade is about how technology is affecting their writing abilities. I was afraid of how all the short hand phrases we all use are affecting students and their abiliity to write. Yes, online courses are writing intensive and a great means of keeping students writing but as the teacher I feel like I have to make sure that the work I recieve is of quality. As I continue to research this fear I am seeing both sides of the argument. Text talk may be both positive and negative. Still looking into this... Here is just one of many articles I have found on this topic:
    • Teresa Dobler
      Thanks for the link. I know with my students, I emphasize the need for using conventional English in typed school work no matter what device they are using. Most of my middle school students are adept at transitioning from the language they would use while texting to the language I expect in their lab report, even if they are typing the lab on their phone.
  • Students with family or work responsibilities are often unable to commit to a traditional course because they cannot be in the same place at the same time for 15 consecutive weeks.
    • Amy M
      This is a huge factor is accessibility for adult-learners.
  • Although some instructors may discover more than they wanted to know about their students, my online teaching experience disproves the notion that online courses are impersonal and do not foster relationships, either between students and instructors or among students themselves.
    • Amy M
      I wonder what the limit on class size is for an online course to feel "intimate."
  • In the traditional F2F classroom, the instructor asks a question, and the same four or five extroverted students inevitably raise their hands. They offer spontaneous, often unresearched responses in the limited time allotted for discussion. In the online environment, discussions enter a new dimension.
    • Heather Kurto
      This is huge for online learning. Students are able to thoughtfully respond which deepens discussions.
  • . Online education is neither right for all students nor right for all faculty, but it frequently meets the needs of both for an exciting, high-quality educational experience.
    • Teresa Dobler
      How do we make the jump and empower students to actually take on the role as a teacher?
  • explain, share, comment upon, critique
  • explain, share, comment upon, critique
  • unresearched responses in the limited time
  • unresearched responses
    • Teresa Dobler
      I personally have seen a big difference in my thought and contributions when given time to think, research, and craft a response to an argument.
    • sherrilattimer
      There is also something to be said abou the "delete" button. Once you say something, you cannot undo it.
  • can refer to their course materials and think through their answers
    • efleonhardt
      I think this is a very important piece of online learning I hadn't thought about t before. When students are online they are able to actually process the information and not be afraid if they're processing skills are slower than other students.
    • Teresa Dobler
      The goal is for the student to continue learning throughout life, not just for the course. This links back to the Minds on Fire reading:
  • However, I have heard from very few faculty members who are not energized by the creative process of achieving the same instructional goals in an entirely new format.
  • On average, online courses are far more writing-intensive than traditional classes have ever been.
  • he first response that comes to mind rather than the best possible response
    • George Dale
      and you don't have the, "Doh! I should have said ..." as you're walking out of the classroom.
  • Many online students have indicated that this is the first time they have ever "spoken up" in class and that they enjoy the opportunity
  • Geared to lifelong learning
    • George Dale
      While I'm not a LMS hater, I do see this as a problem in the way LMSs keep a death grip on the content and learning. I'd like to develop a plugin for Balckboard that allows a student to easily "pack up" and take their work with them as they complete a course.
  • as a result of the relative anonymity
    • George Dale
      It's almost ironic that the initial anonimity can lead to deeper connections relative to F2F interactions.
  • online education can be done well,
    • George Dale
      It seems that some examples that are used to demonstrate a poor online course are often as good as a "normal" (i.e. F2F) class. Being as good as a traditional lecture class is a low bar to set.
    • Arnaldo Robles
      I can see this serving as a useful tool for writing activities!
  • In their everyday lives, individuals do not have a teacher at their side to direct them in their acquisition of new information. One of the roles that we need to perform as educators, then, is to teach students to find and learn information on their own or in concert with their colleagues. The online environment fosters self-motivated education. Students direct their own use of Internet links, search engines, discussion boards, chat, e-mail, and other media. While such resources cannot guarantee student initiative, they establish a framework that gives precedence to the autonomy of the learner.
    • Arnaldo Robles
      I like this!
  • develop course materials among themselves in a manner rarely seen in the F2F classroom.
    • dkiesel
      In f2f classes at masters public health program, we do extensive group projects. I think that k--12 classes may not have had many project-based classes of which hopefully will be more as we are seeing the influence of online teaching and how for practical learning the online environment can greatly compliment a practical session.  But I don't agree that all the practical project based work I have done for my profession with other students and teachers is not as well integrated compared to all the practical group work I have done in my profession with students and teachers. Also the quality of spoken live discussion in group work is very challenging when it is live. Maybe online is helping by giving us more time to think before we say something. 
    Sorry I didn't want these to go public. These were just my notes to myself so that I could further do some research. Is there a way to remove these or make these private again. Guess I'm still testing the water.
Teresa Dobler

Digital Inequality: From Unequal Access to Differentiated Use « Web Use Project - 0 views

  • “digital divide”
  • inequality in access
    There is a link to the full pdf article.
    There is a link to the full pdf article.
Jane DeMeis

MIT Staff Links: Career + Personal Growth: Learning Opportunities - 0 views

    Information, links and resources to help MIT staff both personally and and professionally.
Jeanne Cousineau

Guns Germs & Steel: The Show. Overview | PBS - 0 views

  • Inspired by a question put to him on the island of Papua New Guinea more than thirty years ago, Diamond embarks on a world-wide quest to understand the roots of global inequality.
    • Jeanne Cousineau
      These are some of the main questions Diamond answers in his book, Guns, Germs, and Steel. He theorizes that due to the east-west axis of Asia/ Europe (which would include its favorable climate, terrain, and ease of sharing and borrowing technology), the availability of domesticable plants and animals, to name a few, this area had all the right ingredients to be successful, as opposed to the Americas/Africa. The latter had few domesticable animals, a north-south axis, and a difficult terrain for "sharing", to name a few. We will all need to dive further into his book and these sites to uncover all of the necessities that helped some succeed over others.
    This is just a page from the other PBS bookmark - I've just highlighted text on this page and added a sticky note so you don't need to peruse the site to find it.
    i see your bookmarks in diigo, nicely done! now incorporate the things you bookmarked into a post with links directly to the source urls, not to diigo. (Think of diigo as our shared library where we keep/organize all our links, tagged so we can find them later easily if we want.) in your post link to the source url, on which will be your diigo comments, highlights, and stickies making your post 100% richer. (view all bookmarks and then you can see the list of bookmark tags. Also, what do you thing of tagging things with "module 1" and so on so you can isolate all the resources you bookmark in the course by course module? Think about what will make the tool useful to you today and tomorrow, and what will make it useful to the rest of us in the course. I am very interested in exploring the potential of this tool with your help and in having you tests its features and functionality and push the limits as we kick its tires.
Jane DeMeis

Malcolm Knowles .mw { color:#000000;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica;font-weight... - 0 views

    History of M Knowles and adnrgogy
    hi jane, you are doing great! thanks for adding these links... other tags i would add to these resources would be andragogy, and knowles or malcolmknowles. if you put a space between words when you create a tag, they become 2 different tags. if you want them to be separated by a space just put "quotes arond" the phrase. then it will a be one link tag rather than 2 separate links. think of tags as words that will help you (and those of us in this group) remember how to find this bookmark again. or how to find resources on a similar topic. The tags help organize and sort the bookmarks into keywords that describe the content. : ) me
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