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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Mah Saito

Mah Saito

Diigo « シゴトに美味しいスパイスを - 1 views

shared by Mah Saito on 27 Feb 11 - No Cached
    "Quick Note+Diigoでブラウザから簡単メモ"
Mah Saito

[思考法] - maida01の日記 - 0 views

  • 同じことを、関連記事、ブログに繰り返し、 Diigoで全てを見直すと、 1つの話題でのまとめなおしになりそう。 段々と思っていた”ネットでデータ”=>”ネットがオフィース”に近づいてきた。 どんどんネットでデータに近づいている。
Mah Saito

Update on Diigo « The AP @ UGA-SLM - 0 views

  • I know I put Diigo out there in front of you as a feedback medium and then backed away from it. However, in my use since then, it is holding up well. For my personal scholarship, it’s holding up really well - it saves my highlights and “sticky notes” and there’s great potential for organizing libraries of articles. I’m still using for general bookmarking, but I use Diigo when I really need to get down to business with an online resource. And, I can make my work private or public, and I’m learning how to navigate through that. So, I highly recommend it for this purpose.
Mah Saito

The Clever Sheep: Diigo is more Filling than Delicious - 0 views

  • I suspect that librarians would be eager to share Diigo to students, if for no other reason than to teach the effective annotation of web resources. Educators looking to combat plagiarism might even call for students to share their web research by requiring the tagging, highlighting and annotating of sources with this tool.
  • It remains to be seen whether or not Diigo will make advances on the traction its gained of late, but this beta tool is so feature-rich that many educators are sure to become active 'diigers'.
  • For higher-level thinking and public reflection about web content including the sharing of more complete meta-information - Diigo may well be the ticket!
Mah Saito

clmemo@aka: ソーシャル・ブックマーク雑感 - 0 views

  • diigo の良い点は、annotation (注釈) 機能。ブックマークしたページで、注目箇所をハイライトさせたり、メモを残したりできる。他のサービス ( など) にも、同時にブックマークできるのもイイ。
  • というか、diigo が高機能すぎて使いこなしきれてないので、いつかレビューでも書いて頭の中を整理させたい。
Mah Saito

Diigoが便利 - 平坦な戦場で愛し愛されて生きるのさ - 0 views

  • 「Sri Lanka」などスペースを含むタグが「Sri」「Lanka」という二つのタグとして認識されてしまうのがちょっと難点。一括編集できるので頻繁に使うタグがよほど多くなければ大きな問題ではない
Mah Saito

Diigo, what Delicious could have been. - 0 views

  • Diigo goes beyond all of that.  You can comment on links, thus enabling conversation.  This is sorely missing from and it is weakly implemented in Mag.nolia.  You can schedule a link post to your blog or simply post a link directly.
  • Though most will likely give a collective groan to a new bookmarking site, if you aren’t using Diigo you might as well be living in a web 1.0 world.
  • Diigo does have a couple items I would like to see worked out.  First of all they didn’t get the memo that we have reached the mobile tipping point.  I would love to see an iPhone version of this so I can use it on the go.  Where is the API?  How can you have a service in today’s market place without an API.  Finally, trackbacks.  Let me carry the conversation back if I can.  So many social sites don’t implement this and it seems vital to enabling a conversation.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • I know all the A-listers have glazed eyes over friendfeed right now, but they are really missing out if they don’t try Diigo.
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