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Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.

Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.
Graham Perrin

would be helpful to see the domain ('more from ...') in Groups - 35 views

… domain ('more from ...') in Groups Diigo Meta in Diigo 4.0 beta leads to the site community for the bookmarked page, so for example

domain_name groups domain site community context meta suggestion


5 Ways to reduce your IT costs | Credence One - 0 views

    Keeping pace with today's volatile and intensely competitive business environment demands an IT function that drives speed and agility. Whether managing weak economic conditions or handling the uncertain nature of global growth, leaders need to address both cost and its context, delivering the new IT to realize value in their businesses.
Girja Tiwari

Mortgage lending - where the knowledge scoop? - 0 views

    Mortgage lending - where the knowledge scoop?. As part of a mortgage lending , many questions must be answered: What monthly payment is affordable? How high may be a mortgage? How can the internal activities are taken into account in the context of mortgage lending?......Read Full Text
Zaid Mark

Fix Blue Screen of Death in Windows 8 - Part II - 0 views

    This script entails a systematic analysis of BSOD errors, their causes, and suggested solutions. To carry on with this article, it is highly recommended to acquire the context of discussion. Your presence on this page must be followed by the study of its prequel article.
Kamruzzaman Rony

Security Errors in Galaxy S5? - Technology, News, Application - 0 views

    German technicians find a fingerprint sensor hacking strategy of Samsung Galaxy S5 Smartphone. Berlin based Security Research Lab challenged passed out the way of a Galaxy S5 security system, less than a week of coming this smartphone available in the market. Recently they posted a video on YouTube on how to hack the security system of Galaxy S5. They said that they have broken the security system of Apple iPhone 5s in the same way. Technicians claimed, they used an empty fingerprint to passed out S5's fingerprint technology. Samsung authority has not comment yet to this context.

Kaizen Training Preparing for Continuous Improvement - 0 views

    For the uninitiated, let me start with the basic definition of Kaizen (Bear with me if you already know this). This is a Japanese word that loosely translates to "change for the better." In the context of Lean business practices, it refers to the process of continuous improvement through company-wide input. This means that people at all levels of an organization point out problems and propose solutions to help them do their jobs better. Since this Kaizen activity is supposed to be self-motivated, the idea of Kaizen training can be a bit confusing. How do you teach people to improve their own work?
Maggie Tsai

Diigo: A Feature-Rich Service That Puts The Social Back In Social Bookmarking... - 0 views

  • Diigo has a very attractive and subdued appearance, that is packed with features without being overwhelming.
  • To begin with, Diigo is an extremely powerful social bookmarking site. Obviously, Diigo does all the things you would expect of this type of service: you can save bookmarks, assign tags to them, and search the site for bookmarks that are also tagged with those terms or find people who have saved the same bookmark. Diigo also allows you to construct “Lists” of links. Lists are another way of structuring your data that you can use in conjunction with tags. Each List can be made up of any group of links that you can sort in whatever order you desire via a drag and drop interface. This is really nice to see a service that still understands that tags are not the end-all be-all of organizing content.
  • Diigo doesn’t just want to be a bookmarking service, they aim to be a flexible research tool, and allow you to highlight and annotate web pages to provide more directed commentary on what you are bookmarking. These notes can be private for your reference only, or publicly visible to any user. This immediately brings up comparisons to Clipmarks, except that this is very different. Whereas Clipmarks just takes your highlighted content and loads it into their service, Diigo also leaves those annotations in place in the form of highlights and sticky notes that are visible only to Diigo users. This allows you to not only share those annotations on Diigo itself, but also to visit the originating site and see those comments in context of the surrounding content.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • This annotation feature is particularly powerful when used in conjunction with Diigo’s social features. Diigo allows you to create groups which can be public, private or semi-private, allowing you to collaborate on research through the use of links and annotation. Diigo also allows you to attach notes and comments that are visible only to the group, which is an extremely useful feature when sharing the link both publicly, as well as in a group context.
  • In addition to collaboration, Diigo’s social side is excellent for content discovery. The service can provide recommended bookmarks from other members based off of the links you have saved in the past, as well as recommending other users whose bookmarking habits seem to match yours. Diigo takes the “social” in social bookmarking very seriously, and provides very effective tools for finding friends on the service, as well as finding new people who have interests similar to your own. Friending another user doesn’t mean just making them a contact, it enables you to generate buddy lists, allowing you to organize sharing of bookmarks with friends, as well as providing a messaging system. Whereas in many other bookmarking services the sharing and social features seem to occur more as a byproduct of the sharing process, Diigo puts those social networking features front and center. However, Diigo’s interface is very content focused as well, making it clear that this isn’t a social network as much as it is a social tool.
  • The Diigolet is a surprisingly powerful bookmarklet, revealing sticky notes and annotations, as well as providing all the basic functionality a user needs. However, even with my hatred of adding additional rows to my browser window, the Diigo toolbar has won me over and become my tool of choice to interact with the service. Both tools will provide tag suggestions and assist with group functions, as well as the ability to send the link via email, however the toolbar goes even further. When using the toolbar, you also have the option of cross-posting your links to other bookmarking services, or even Twitter if you require. You can save simultaneously to Diigo, Delicious, Magnolia and Simpy, as well as to your own browser’s local bookmarks. Bookmarking to other services seems to work well, and saving to local bookmarks is a particularly awesome experience when using one of the latest betas of Firefox, which will attempt to auto-complete based on both history and bookmarks. It even correctly applies tags in the Firefox Places storage system, which is great but makes me wonder why the toolbar bothers to also build a hierarchal folder system inside Firefox as well, as the tags do that job already.
  • Another powerful feature that the toolbar adds is the Diigo sidebar:
  • the Diigo sidebar allows me to search and browse both my bookmarks and the bookmarks my friends have posted. In addition it allows me to get current information about the page I am viewing via the “This URL” tab. I can access public bookmarks and annotations, and lists of Diigo users who like the site. Diigo also can provide quick metrics about a site that I am visiting via the main toolbar. Using the “About This URL” menu option will provide a overall popularity score for the site, including a breakdown of the number of links to the site from Diigo, as well as from Google, Delicious, Yahoo myweb, Bloglines, Technorati, and Digg. Diigo also provides a calculation of the site’s Google PageRank, which is a really awesome bonus feature that I just discovered today.
  • As I have browsed through the user forums, this seems to be a common practice for the people behind Diigo to actively engage with their users for ideas, and respond constructively to critiques.
  • Diigo is really head and shoulders above the majority of competing social bookmarking services in terms of features, and the site itself is certainly more responsive than my beloved Magnolia, which is a wonderful service in itself, but runs slow as molasses.

:: Flipping Heck! Productivity, Project Management & Motivation Blog :: Diigo Social An... - 0 views

  • I received an email the other week asking me to take part in and review a  new service which finally launched outright this week called "Diigo".It's nice to know that people read my blog, enjoy what I ramble on about and would like me to comment on it, but anyway, on with the review.Diigo is a not your usual social bookmarking site like or social commentary site like Reddit or Digg, they call it a "Social Annotation website".They have a toolbar that integrates with Firefox, Flock and Internet Explorer that allows you to add "Sticky notes" to pages, post the pages to a bookmarking service (and itself plus others), forward highlighted text via email to a friend and, most importantly, add comments to webpages which other users can then view (or you could choose to make them private but that's hardly the point of a social annotation site now is it?!).After you have your Diigo account, you'll be prompted to install the relevant toolbar for your browser (Sorry Safari fans, I don't think you're supported yet), once that's installed and you've restarted your browser the fun begins!The annotation system is accessed via a your context menu (right-click on the webpage):
    Remain On the internet on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web online online online roulette from Modern contemporary modern modern modern australia, Fun and Free! Now you is able of doing Actual "" Remain On the internet on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web online online online roulette for Fun in Modern contemporary modern modern modern australia on a item new website, Using the latest on the globally web operating technological innovation, Fun Remain Betting home allows you be a factor of a authentic activity happening on a authentic table in a authentic gambling home, all accepted on Live! You can see other real players in the gambling home gambling on the same results you do offering you biggest believe in in the results as they are not developed 'just for you a, like other activity struggling with products such as 'live studios' or pc developed activities. Its amazing to think when your really in the gambling home that you might be on digital camera, and people on the globally web might be watching! The lengthy run is scary! Believe one day soon this will be the only way people would bet on the globally web because the globally web is finish of scammers, you have to be incredibly careful, and why would you execute On the internet Online on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web online online online roulette any other way except from a Actual Betting home you can evaluate out, see, pay interest to and trust! Amazingly this website is definitely 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % free and has no identifying upon up procedure, no trash, no pc rabbit bunny rabbit bunny rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit mouse mouse clicks and no pressure. Just Immed
Ole C  Brudvik

Adding Suggested Tags - feature,tag - Diigo Community | Diigo Group Forum - 1 views

shared by Ole C Brudvik on 22 Apr 07 - Cached
  • Another proposal, from Dave Beckett (2006), is to make more use of the social context within which tags are created by separating the tool that creates the tags from the tool with which they are used. He also proposes that wiki pages should be created for individual tags which users could then add to/edit so that the wiki page, in effect, becomes the tag. The on-going process of refinement for each separate tag would form a kind of consensus as to the meaning of that tag and would also record the processes (the semantic path) by which the end result is being reached. This would, to take just one simple example, allow direct links to other language versions of the same tag.
    • Ole C  Brudvik
      I like something like this. On a webpage one clip is relevant for one user, another clip on the same webpage relevant for another user. There are more than one way to interpret a clip thus a clip as a object the more tags attached to it the more possible meanings it can have, and in different contexts.
Dr. Fridemar Pache

Contact List (News) - 0 views

  • It is great to see the wiki philosophy in TrailFire (partially) applied. My suggestion is: what about WikiWords (like the last one),i.e. automatic links to a dedicated Wiki for each trail. In the same sense each mark should be individually addressable via an URL as a wiki-page. Another more powerful option would be a global TrailFire community wiki, which would be a common database for making rich link context supported marks. Thank you for making TrailFire available as very helpful community service that brings our planet on a new level of togetherness. Posted by fridemar | May 11, 2007 3:31 PM
    • Dr. Fridemar Pache
      Dear Diigos, I love Diigo and I love increasingly FireTrail (I am quite new there). They even have realized some wikiness there. To keep both social annotation informed, I give you a copy of my blog comment there: Copy: It is great to see the wiki philosophy in TrailFire (partially) applied. My suggestion is: what about WikiWords (like the last one),i.e. automatic links to a dedicated Wiki for each trail. In the same sense each mark should be individually addressable via an URL as a wiki-page. Another more powerful option would be a global TrailFire community wiki, which would be a common database for making rich link context supported marks. Thank you for making TrailFire available as very helpful community service that brings our planet on a new level of togetherness. Posted by fridemar | May 11, 2007 3:31 PM CopyEnd
  • Glad you like the wiki features. We have definitely thought about expanding the wiki-ness (or at least, the ability of the author to enable wiki-ness) in some of the ways you mention. We'll be continuing to add features that make it easy to collaborate on projects around a trail or set of trails, with a group of contacts or with the world at large. Posted by Mike Perkowitz | May 11, 2007 4:10 PM
    • Dr. Fridemar Pache
      Dear Diigos,
      this was the answer of Mike Perkowitz,  who had implemented a lot of Trailfire:

      Glad you like the wiki features. We have definitely thought about expanding the wiki-ness (or at least, the ability of the author to enable wiki-ness) in some of the ways you mention. We'll be continuing to add features that make it easy to collaborate on projects around a trail or set of trails, with a group of contacts or with the world at large. Posted by Mike Perkowitz | May 11, 2007 4:10 PM CopyEnd:

      I qote him here, for your convenience, because the clip didn't show up under the Diigo bookmarks.

      By the same observation, although I wanted to tag this bookmark with the tags: "diigo wiki annotation trailfire blog comment", I couldn't find an entry. Suggestion: Leave a field for tagging in your "Add sticky note" or at least in the Actionsbox. Thank you.

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Joel Liu

Some miscellaneous suggestions from a Delicious convert - 92 views

Thanks! I am collecting suggestions and will release a bunch of improvement in the following weeks.

suggestions suggestion

Ellen H.

Toolbar Search buttons - 51 views

Thanks for your response! Hopefully that deleting the input trick will make it more manageable. :)

question search toolbar

Mr. DiGi

custom search changes not syncing - 41 views

Are you talking about ? I must restart browser to apply changes - but I don't use toolbar, just only popup menu and two small buttons (dragged from toolbar). ...

customizedsearch search

Graham Perrin

Adding Suggested Tags - 56 views

Dataloss: caution Whilst Post to Diigo is good for gaining recommendations, it overwrites existing tags. Personally, I use the combination of Diigo Meta, Post to Diigo, Diigolet, my ...

feature tag suggestion suggestions suggest suggested recommended recommend recommendation recommendations Post to Diigo


For you, personally: what does a star icon mean? - 39 views

To me a star means interesting. In my mind nothing stays starred forever. Graham Perrin wrote: > For a moment, forget Diigo. > > When - for yourself, in real life or on the Internet - > y...

icon star gpd4

Dominic Joelson

content missing from messages - 46 views

I never had a problem like this. I am just happy that I didn't have one. I am hoping to find the solutions to this in case I'll encounter the same problem, at least I'll know how to solve it. How ...

message bug gpd4

Maggie Tsai

Diigo items shouldn't be at the top of the firefox context menu - 9 views

Glad you found the option. Welcome to Diigo community!


Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.
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