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Vicki Davis

Scientists confirm new element after atoms collide - - 3 views

    Scientists confirm new element after atoms collide New Element #115 has been announced but is not officially "approved" (which must happen before it is added to the official periodic table.) Scientists "slammed calcium atoms into americium." Then, the element vanished quickly into a flash of radiation - but scientists could measure it. It has 115 protons at its center so that puts it at 115 on the table. This would be a great one for classes to discuss in chemistry. Neat topic.
Dave Truss

52 Land, Water, Fire and Sky Phenomena | WebEcoist | Green Living - 7 views

    According to an ancient Greek philosopher, scientist and healer all matter is comprised of four elements: earth, water, fire and air and associated these four elements with gods and goddesses of Greek mythology. In more contemporary cosmologies these elements have been used to relate and contrast ideas of substance, feelings, energy and thought respectively.
Vicki Davis

AdobeTV | Photoshop Elements 10 - 1 views

    One of the challenges for some teachers may be if you as the teacher use photoshop and the studetns are using elements. These videos about Photoshop Elements 10 may be helpful.
Adrienne Michetti

Digital Web Magazine - The Principles of Design - 11 views

  • concepts that can that make any project stronger without interfering in the more technical considerations later on
  • one of many disciplines within the larger field of design
  • a discipline within the field of art
  • ...37 more annotations...
  • the basic tenets of design into two categories: principles and elements
  • the principles of design are the overarching truths of the profession
  • the elements of design are the components of design themselves, the objects to be arranged.
  • principles
  • Balance Rhythm Proportion Dominance Unity
  • Balance is an equilibrium
  • visual weight within a composition
  • Symmetrical balance
  • When symmetry occurs with similar, but not identical, forms it is called approximate symmetry
  • Symmetrical balance is also known as formal balance.
  • ntral axis.
  • Asymmetrical balance
  • tend to have a greater sense of visual tension. Asymmetrical balance is also known as informal balance.
  • Rhythm is the repetition or alternation of elements
  • Regular
  • Flowing
  • Progressive
  • relationship in scale between one element and another,
  • Proportion is the comparison of dimensions or distribution of forms.
  • Dominance relates to varying degrees of emphasis in design
  • visual weight
  • three stages of dominance
  • Dominant
  • Sub-dominant
  • Subordinate
  • unity describes the relationship between the individual parts and the whole of a composition
  • Gestalt theories of visual perception and psychology, specifically those dealing with how the human brain organizes visual information into categories, or groups
  • Closure is the idea that the brain tends to fill in missing information when it perceives an object is missing some of its pieces.
  • Continuance is the idea that once you begin looking in one direction, you will continue to do so until something more significant catches your attention
  • Items of similar size, shape and color tend to be grouped together by the brain, and a semantic relationship between the items is formed.
  • In addition, items in close proximity to or aligned with one another tend to be grouped in a similar way.
  • Contrast addresses the notion of dynamic tensionÔthe degree of conflict that exists within a given design between the visual elements in the composition.
  • The objects in the environment represent the positive space, and the environment itself is the negative space.
  • The rule of thirds is a compositional tool that makes use of the notion that the most interesting compositions are those in which the primary element is off center.
  • The visual center of any page is just slightly above and to the right of the actual (mathematical) center.
  • sometimes referred to as museum height.
  • The principles of design are the guiding truths of our profession, the basic concepts of balance, rhythm, proportion, dominance and unity. Successful use of these core ideas insures a solid foundation upon which any design can thrive.
    These principles of design can be applied to almost anything, I believe.
Ben W

Periodic Table of Videos - YouTube - 0 views

    People from Nottingham put together these videos of elements. Eventually they plan to have one for each element in the periodic table.
Vicki Davis

AdobeTV | Premiere Elements 10 - 1 views

    Adobe premier elements tutorial videos. I find the one on converting photos into entertaining movies to be interesting.
Claude Almansi

The MOOC Guide - The Massive Open Online Course in Theory and in Practice - 0 views

    "The purpose of this document is two-fold: - to offer an online history of the development of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) - to use that history to describe major elements of a MOOC Each chapter of this guide looks at one of the first MOOCs and some early influences. It contains these parts: - a description of the MOOC, what it did, and what was learned - a description of the element of MOOC theory learned in the offering of the course - practical tools that can be used to develop that aspect of a MOOC - practical tips on how to be successful Contribute to this Book You are invited to contribute. (...) In order to participate, please email or message your contact details, and we'll you to the list of people who can edit pages. (...) Your contributions will be accepted and posted under a CC-By license."
Martin Burrett

Wlonk Elements - - 4 views

    "An interactive periodic table of elements showing common uses, properties, description and more."
Martin Burrett

ChemReference: Periodic Table and Chemistry Reference - 8 views

    A useful science resource that shows the key features of the elements of the periodic table.
Lisa M Lane

Online Education - Introducing the Microlecture Format - Open Education - 0 views

  • in online education “tiny bursts can teach just as well as traditional lectures when paired with assignments and discussions.” The microlecture format begins with a podcast that introduces a few key terms or a critical concept, then immediately turns the learning environment over to the students.
  • “It’s a framework for knowledge excavation,” Penrose tells Shieh. “We’re going to show you where to dig, we’re going to tell you what you need to be looking for, and we’re going to oversee that process.”
  • It clearly will not work for a course that is designed to feature sustained classroom discussions. And while the concept will work well when an instructor wants to introduce smaller chunks of information, it will likely not work very well when the information is more complex.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • 1. List the key concepts you are trying to convey in the 60-minute lecture. That series of phrases will form the core of your microlecture. 2. Write a 15 to 30-second introduction and conclusion. They will provide context for your key concepts. 3. Record these three elements using a microphone and Web camera. (The college information-technology department can provide advice and facilities.) If you want to produce an audio-only lecture, no Webcam is necessary. The finished product should be 60 seconds to three minutes long. 4. Design an assignment to follow the lecture that will direct students to readings or activities that allow them to explore the key concepts. Combined with a written assignment, that should allow students to learn the material. 5. Upload the video and assignment to your course-management software.
    • Lisa M Lane
      This really isn't lecture - it's more like an introduction to guide them toward reading and discussion.
  • the microlecture format similarly requires teachers to get the key elements across in a very short amount of time. Most importantly, it forces educators to think in a new way.
  • Given that it is tough to justify the traditional lecture timeframes
Martin Burrett

Nova Elements - 0 views

    "A great chemistry app for PC, Mac and iPad which lets you explore the molecular composition of everyday objects."
Vicki Davis

Elementary Science Olympiad 2000: ESO in the Classroom - 6 views

    You can go to this website and find some cool ideas for science competitions. "The Elementary Science Olympiad offers over 80 challenging and motivational events which are balanced among the various science disciplines of life science, earth science, and physical science. These individual and team events also offer a balance among events requiring knowledge of science facts, concepts, processes, skills, and applications. While a number of the events are in the form of a general quiz, the majority provide an element of "hands-on" participation allowing the "active" study of science. The emphasis is on learning, participation, interaction, and having fun."
Martin Burrett

Action Research - What and how? by @Clare2ELT - 0 views

    Many schemes of professional development for teachers, as well as advanced teaching certificates, include an element of 'Action Research' (AR). In my work as a team leader of EFL tutors, I've come to see just how important AR is for teachers to continue to develop and professionalise their teaching practices. And I'm so enthusiastic about teachers doing research that I want to share some introductory thoughts with a wider audience - with you, my dear blog readers! I hope I can inspire you to start your own AR projects, and would love to hear what you get up to...
Martin Burrett

Book: 45 Secrets That All High School Teachers Need to Know by @RichardJaRogers - 3 views

    Mastering the art of teaching appears to be easier for some colleagues than others. Some teachers just seem to have a presence, gaining respect and credibility from students, colleagues and parents alike. Did they undergo some mysterious, magical training that wasn't covered during your teacher training course?  Well, no. They just have mastered how to manage their working relationships, using their personalities to generate rapport, which is respected by students of all age. It's not rocket science - it's far more complicated than that. Personality and behaviour clashes in classrooms are inevitable, but looking at all the different elements of daily interactions can help you gain respect from students and colleagues alike...
Martin Burrett

Draw and Tell - 3 views

    Create videos of drawings & animations with narration on iOS devices. Record audio as pupils move elements of the picture on the screen and then share the videos.
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