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Ryan Catalani - Decoded: 28,000 words from Mesopotamia - 0 views

    "The Assyrian Dictionary is not simply a word list. By detailing the history and range of uses of each word, this unique dictionary is in essence a cultural encyclopedia of Mesopotamian history, society, literature, law and religion and is an indispensable research tool for any scholar anywhere who seeks to explore the written record of Mesopotamian civilization"

It's Getting Harder to Talk About God - 1 views

    This article talks about the decline in religious conversations happening within the US. The author, a strong religious practitioner and son of megachurch pastor describes his worries with the trends being shown. His main problem with the shift away from religious conversations was that he worried people were losing faith. He argues that organized religion, and specifically Christianity will slowly die without faith speech. He believes that the reason why faith speech is dying is because of its misuse by politicians, and the media to manipulate the public.
Ryan Catalani

For Catholics, the Word Was a Bit Different, Amen - - 3 views

    "Catholics throughout the English-speaking world on Sunday left behind words they have prayed for nearly four decades... The new translation, which alters some of the most familiar phrases of the Catholic liturgy, is praised by church officials as more authentic, more faithful, more accurate, and more reverential. ... [and] bemoaned by critics as being too slavish to the Latin, and in the process abandoning some of the ecumenical goals that influenced the last translation... And the Vatican rejected efforts to make the text more gender-neutral in places, sticking with the male pronouns used in Latin."
Nick Pang

10 Tips for Writing the College Application Essay - Professors' Guide ( - 29 views

    "Be concise, Be honest, Be an individual, Be coherent, Be accurate, Be vivid, Be likable, Be cautious in your use of humor, Be controversial, and Be smart" HOW?!?!?!?!?!?!? Quite a bit to take in and remember while working away on a concise paper which may or may not decide our future. Just a few small nuggets of gold (interpret as you please): "If you go over 700 words, you are straining their patience, which no one should want to do." "Not everyone has to be the star at everything." "The whole application is a series of snapshots of what you do. It is inevitably incomplete. The colleges expect this. Go along with them." "If you write about Nietzsche, spell his name right." "Subtlety is good." "Be funny only if you think you have to. Then think again." "It is fine to write about politics, religion, something serious, as long as you are balanced and thoughtful. Don't pretend you have the final truth." "Colleges are intellectual places, a fact they almost always keep a secret..." From this, I take: Be human. But be an awesome human.
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    This article gives guidelines that I trust in and will take into consideration when writing my essay. However, I don't think that people should limit themselves too much or all follow the same guidelines. Like some of the other articles exemplified, it is difficult to choose an appropriate topic, and restricting yourself with too many rules could have a negative effect.
    I honestly don't agree with the "be controversial" bit. Many of us are applying to classic, old-school colleges and universities. If someone wants to attend a deeply catholic school, there's no chance their pro-choice paper will be thought of as a good one. I totally agree with all the other tips, though.
    I agree with Kellen, the guidelines given are great advice and are also given by a reliable source so as a result I will take what has been written in the article into consideration. But at the same time, as mentioned by Kellen, they do restrict the senior who is putting together their essay a little too much which is something that I do not like nor agree with.
    4. Be coherent.  I thought that this website was really helpful because I am known to like to write a lot and sometimes want to write so much that I ramble a lot.  I don't want to sound busy but not scattered or superficial either.
    I feel like by setting up some of these guidelines, it is kind of changing our experiences or ideas we want to write. We have to find something coherent to the question and on top of that be likeable. what if what you think is likeable isn't the same as what the college people want?
Lara Cowell

Pink Slips of the Tongue: VitalSmarts Study Reveals the Top Five One-Sentence Career Ki... - 0 views

    A new study by Joseph Grenny and David Maxfield, authors of the New York Times bestseller Crucial Conversations, shows nearly everyone has either seen or suffered from a catastrophic comment. Specifically, 83 percent have witnessed their colleagues say something that has had catastrophic results on their careers, reputations and businesses. Here are the top 5 blunders: 1) SUICIDE BY FEEDBACK: You thought others could handle the truth-but they didn't. 2) GOSSIP KARMA: You talked about someone or something in confidence with a colleague only to have your damning comments made public. 3) TABOO TOPICS: What it looks like: You said something about race, sex, politics or religion that you thought was safe, but others distorted it, misunderstood it, took it wrong, used it against you, etc. 4) WORD RAGE: You lost your temper and used profanity or obscenities to make your point. 5) "REPLY ALL" BLUNDERS. You accidentally shared something harmful via technology (email, text, virtual meeting tools, etc).

A Soviet Jewish Émigré Decides To Teach Her American Daughter Russian - 0 views

    Every time my daughter babbles mem-mem-mem or da-da-da, I get excited that this word will be the first one that makes sense outside of her 1-year-old universe. Recently at breakfast, I even took a video, hoping to document the very moment it happens. But for the past few months, as I have anxiously ...

When My Baby Says Her First Word, Will It Be in English or in Russian? - 6 views

Great article about raising a bilingual child and the decision to do so.

bilingualism Russian English

Lara Cowell

Saudi Aramco World: From Africa, in Ajami - 0 views

    Africanized versions of the Arabic alphabet are collectively called "Ajami." Much as the Latin-based alphabet is used to write many languages, including English, Ajami is not a language itself, but the alphabetic script used to write a language: Arabic-derived letters to write a non-Arabic-in this case, African-language. "Ajami" derives from the Arabic a'jamiy, which means "foreigner" or, more specifically, "non-Arab." Historically, Arabs used the word to refer to all things Persian or non-Arab, a usage they borrowed from the ancient Greeks. Yet over the last few centuries, across Islamic Africa, "Ajami" came to mean an African language written in Arabic script that was often adapted phonetically to facilitate local usages and pronunciations across the continent, from the Ethiopian highlands in the east to the lush jungles of Sierra Leone in the west. The use of Ajami is tied to the religious spread of Islam. From its beginning, Islam was a literate religion. Iqra' ("read") is the first word of God's revelations to Muhammad that became the Qur'an. Knowledge of Islam meant knowledge of the revealed word of God: the Qur'an. Consequently, wherever Islam went, it established centers of learning, usually attached to mosques, where children learned to read and write Arabic in much the same way that European and American children have often been taught literacy by using the Bible. For members of African societies where oral tradition predominated, Arabic was the first written language to which they had been exposed.

The Long Linguistic Journey to 'Dagnabbit' - 0 views

    Talks about how dagnabbit came about. Talks about how people choose not to use the true name of certain beings (such as bears and wolves) since they were scared of its power, so they end up altering the name ie. Goddammit-->Dagnabbit. This is called taboo deformations. They alter the words with phonemes and dissimilation.
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