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Colleen Gianino

Creative Suite 6 Ships; Creative Cloud Coming May 11 -- THE Journal - 2 views

    This is a brief article describing the Adobe Creative Suite update to 6.0. Aside from listing the latest updates, he most interesting part of this article is that Adobe is introducing the Creative Cloud. If you follow the link about the cloud it unveils a whole knew way of creative possibilities. The Creative Cloud is something I want to look into for our classroom. I am wondering if it is an alternative to purchasing hefty licenses every year.
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    This is good news!
    I have a hard time imagining the powerful suite of Adobe apps working well in the cloud. For this cloud service to work, I would imagine one needing a seriously fast and reliable Internet connection. None the less, I am really excited to see if this lives up to the promises. Thanks for sharing.
    I use Photoshop all the time at my school. I'm looking forward to what CS6 has to offer. Want to research more on The Creative Cloud. So far what I know, I like.
Florina Merturi

Cloud Computing with Google - 1 views

    Textbooks, encyclopedias and newspapers are educational resources of the past. Today, students seek answers from the sky -- specifically, the clouds. A new way of using the Internet is making data limitless. It's called "cloud computing," and it's allowing educational institutions, businesses and individuals to keep more information at their fingertips than is possible with even a room full of computers.

Create and edit art, music, audio, and visual affects with Aviary's suite of tools - 1 views

    Aviary is a powerful suite of graphics and audio tools that can be used for educational purposes and assignments. It is a very dynamic piece of software that is hosted in the cloud and is an excellent web 2.0 tool. Click here to read more about using Aviary in the Classroom.
    Love this app. The opportunities for creativity are only limited by the user's imagination. A great way to introduce students to graphics and image editing.

Create an online journal with Penzu - 0 views

    Throughout the ages of educational ideas and philosophies teachers have been big fans of having their students keep a journal. Journals are kept in language arts, foreign language classes, and I have seen them in science classes. Students don't particularly like doing them unless they enjoy writing. If given a choice between keeping a journal in their spiral notebook and keeping it online, I would wager that a majority of students in this digital age will prefer to keep it online. So why not give them the choice and tool of Penzu.

Create dynamic charts with Chartle - 7 views

    Chartle is an awesome site that allows students and teachers the ability to create dynamic and graphic charts based upon data collected in the classroom. This site is extremely easy to use and can be easily used across most grade levels. Click the link to view a short tutorial and example of what Chartle is.
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