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Miss OConnor

A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods - 1 views

    This periodic table provides links to graphic organizers that can be used for visual representations for ordering ideas, organizing information and planning assignments.
NIM Facilitator

10 Awesome Free Tools To Make Infographics - 1 views

    Information graphics, visual representations of data known as infographics, keep the web going these days. Web users, with their diminishing attention spans, are inexorably drawn to these shiny, brightly coloured messages with small, relevant, clearly-displayed nuggets of information. They're straight to the point, usually factually interesting and often give you a wake-up call as to what those statistics really mean.
Janice McGuire

Goalbook | Individual Learning Plans - 1 views

    • Janice McGuire
      This would be a great tool to assist special educators and special education teams including parents in communicating regularly.  It also visually shows the progress on IEP goals.  It would make progress monitoring so much easier.  It would also encourage measurable goals and documentation.
  • Goalbook brings a student's team around their individual learning plan
Cheryl Zaino

5 Robust Apps For The Chromebook Classroom - 1 views

    This news article points out the different ways sound and visual technology can enhance student learning. No longer are students just creating information blogs, but they are able to include sound in their projects and blogs, using Chrome Classroom. Different applications are: BookTrak, BioDigital Human, Pixir, Geddit and MoveNote. All are programs used in the classroom to enhance learning by bring visual and sound into the students learning. Using the BioDigital Human on Chromebook and see the different parts of the body come alive using video and sound can only improve a student's memory. Three different senses experiencing the learning at the same time.
Shelly Landry

Step C… Seven Steps To Website Evaluation For Students… Promoting Digital Cit... - 1 views

    This blog contains the first 3 steps (out of 7) for website evaluation.  The author is using letters to represent each step.  Thus far, he has A for author; B for bias; and C for currency.  Each step is explained and a poster is included for teachers to print and use in the classroom.  This is very important information for students in order to become responsible digital citizens.  Students need to think about who is writing, why they are writing, and when they are writing.  I am anxious to see what other steps the author will include.
    Very useful resource for teaching information and digital literacy. The idea of A to G is brilliant and inspirational! I think the break-down steps of each aspect can be truly helpful for students to understand what exactly they're looking for in terms of author, bias, or currency (and soon more). For teachers, each aspect could be introduced and focused in each topic or project, and the posters can serve as visual prompt in classroom.
Scott Cameron

Technology and Education | Box of Tricks - 1 views

    This article showcases a great new tool which will can be used as a creative way to teach, share, and create information. Jux allows students to briefly outline an idea or theme, connect those words with pictures, and display the words concurrently with a slideshow, photos, videos etc.It allows students the creative latitude to design their own presentation and also match up concepts with an audio and visual system.
Mervin Eyler

Analyzing Artifacts - 1 views

    The original link, found in the vhs newsstand, is essentially a bookmark. I post the destination URL here. This site teaches the skill of observation and that of reading for comprehension. I would use it for small group collaborative work at problem solving.
Christie Gloss

Free Technology for Teachers: HOTTS (Higher Order Thinking/Technology Skills) - Guest Post - 4 views

  • Here are some of the ways we have been using free technology in our school to help students reach each level of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy.
  • One of the best tools we have put in our students’ hands to help them reach the remembering and understanding level is Diigo.
  • Examples of tools that students can use include Prezi, Glogster, Powerpoint, Skype, Google Apps, iPhoto, iMovie, Flickr,
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Forms and Wordle provide our students with opportunities to analyze information instantly and in a uniquely visual way.
  • Our 8th grade algebra class has used Google Forms to collect data related to homework performance and group project performances.
  • The most common way that I see our teachers reaching the evaluating level with our students is through blogging and Voicethread.
  • Finally, one of the best examples of the creating level that I have seen is students producing videos.
    This blog post describes the Web 2.0 tools that are being used in the author's school to help students reach each level of Bloom's Taxonomy.
Florina Merturi

Education in the Cloud with Web 2.0 tools: Create dynamic presentation with Prezi - 13 views

    Try using Presi instead of PowerPoint the next time you need to present some information.
    One of my student did his senior project presentation using Prezi and it was wonderful. He liked the tool so much he discussed it with his classmates. It was appropriate that his topic was "The Rapid Advancement of Technology: Is it Good or Bad?" His arguments were enlightening coming from an 18 year old heading off to college.
    I have had a couple of students use Prezi for their presentations. They came out great. To me, their presenatations had a much better flow and were more visually pleasing than PowerPoint.
Ann Chapman

Efficient and Effective Feedback in the Online Classroom - 20 views

    A discussion of "disruptive innovations" and how online learning can be used in brick and mortar schools to engage students in richer, more complex learning experience and increase student/teacher interactions.
  • ...10 more comments...
    Example of prezi presentation. Also at the top are tabs to learn how to make a prezi presentation and an explore tab showing other prezi presentations and reasons to make one. Good background for anyone to learn more about Prezi.
    RSS aggregator
    Nowadays IPAD is being used in the classrooms for more and more functions. This article introduced APPs offering 5 new software and assistive technology for special needs kids.They have a lot of other options for a child's particular needs. I am sure IPAD(APPLE) will keep their great contribution in the education in the future.
    "We believe the more connected students are with their peers and instructors, the more likely they are to enjoy the overall experience and successfully complete their course. Decades of research from scholars such as Lev Vygotsky and Gabriel Tarde indicate that by making groups more interactive and social, student learning experiences can become more productive and fun. We are working hard to evolve the online learning process from markedly remote to highly collaborative." Original article site:
    Online homework is beneficial to students. They get feedback promptly, even more promptly than that provided by very conscientious instructors. Online homework can also be designed so that it allows students to work on areas that frequently cause trouble and/or on areas where the individual student is having difficulty. Original Article site:
    This brief article points out that many new online teachers focus on two of the three critical elements identified by Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2000) that support instruction and learning: cognitive presence and teaching presence. The third, social presence, might be overlooked. The article's author, Dr. Oliver Dreon, offers five ways to build social presence in an online class, many of which are familiar to the VHS community.
    While this article is about 'flipping' in general, it also describes a team-based learning approach to flipping. The author used this approach at the university level by grouping students into heterogeneous and permanent teams of six or seven. The students then used the author's templates to explore course material.
    This article fully explains implementation of blogging in a classroom. The teacher explains: expectations; use of blog posts for classroom discussions, and decorum. She highlights that student blogging enables her to bring to the classroom, without pinpointing a particular student: "insightful responses, inaccurate interpretations, good questions, and lively exchanges". Excellent Information!
    This is actually one of the most useful blog things I've seen. It's a solid reminder that teaching an online course is not a checkout for the teacher. Students really want constant feedback - because many things are not verbally explained and the students have to break them down into steps for themselves, it can be overwhelming. They want to know "Am I doing this right? Is this what you're looking for?" so constant feedback and grading reinforcement in more necessary online than in f2f.
    This blog really hits home with me. I do get overwhelmed at all the different places I have to navigate to get my work done, so it is important, as the article stated to have an easy-to-access-course - design. Trying to tab to resources , clicking on links, then opening up different websites. I love the videos, which help me, because I am a visual learner. As stated in the article, it is difficult for the teachers to be present all the answer questions, but if students and teachers work together the class can work out. Some students take longer to master a new process than other, so good communication is the key here.
    The article explains the importance of Problem-Based Learning in Education. It is crucial to create lessons that incorporate interesting, safe and useful activities.
    I read this and thought how true it is that giving feedback to students taking an online course...or working on a website etc. is as important as feedback we give on essay writing, reading, speaking and listening. Feedback is a key communication tool for students to know where they stand. As is any feedback - provided it is constructive.
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