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Christie Gloss

Free Technology for Teachers: HOTTS (Higher Order Thinking/Technology Skills) - Guest Post - 4 views

  • Here are some of the ways we have been using free technology in our school to help students reach each level of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy.
  • One of the best tools we have put in our students’ hands to help them reach the remembering and understanding level is Diigo.
  • Examples of tools that students can use include Prezi, Glogster, Powerpoint, Skype, Google Apps, iPhoto, iMovie, Flickr,
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Forms and Wordle provide our students with opportunities to analyze information instantly and in a uniquely visual way.
  • Our 8th grade algebra class has used Google Forms to collect data related to homework performance and group project performances.
  • The most common way that I see our teachers reaching the evaluating level with our students is through blogging and Voicethread.
  • Finally, one of the best examples of the creating level that I have seen is students producing videos.
    This blog post describes the Web 2.0 tools that are being used in the author's school to help students reach each level of Bloom's Taxonomy.
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