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How MOOCs are attracting different learning style learners? - 0 views

    MOOCs(Massive Open Online Courses) are now becoming important part of education and due to their quality and variety learners with different learning styles are adopting it in their education.
Kathy Heller

Education World: Cool Tech Tools for Differentiated Instruction - 1 views

    This article discusses 5 technology tools to help teachers incorporate differentiated instruction into any lesson. These tools appeal to different learning styles and individual strengths. Advanced students can be challenged and struggling students can receive help. The 5 programs/tools cited are Museum Box, The Elements, Garage Band, Intro to Math, and Dragon Dictation.
    Each of the apps listed in this article deserve a glance, some especially for the younger grades and special education. Garage Band appeals to all ages - my colleague uses it to set poems to music in her 2nd grade class. I hope to have students use it this year as background to a video. The Elements app is awesome! (I just spent an hour checking it out - I was completely swept away and so not focused on the task at hand.) I can also imagine an group project with Museum Box, that would appeal to the ultra-organized students. This article really showcases just how technology and all the ensuing apps has something for every student to latch on to and feel success with.

Higher order thinking skills - 4 views

    Many educators are looking for more outside the box methods to learning and understanding. Many teachers have tried implementing more technology inside the classroom or tried to create a more blended classroom. This article shows another method of instruction that brings higher order of thinking and that is using games to differentiate instruction. Our students have been playing games since they were no more than 2 years old. Why not implement a learning method that they are already accustomed to. This has transformed classroom learning into a more interactive learning style that has shown great success. The articles talks about the importance of moving your lessons to the students strengths so why not lean them towards what they know best? Using games for higher learning is no different then a classroom review. It is no different then a quiz. The only difference is that it is more interactive and it is electronic. This style of high order thinking or critical thinking creates a learning environment that is geared to challenge the students in a way that they want to be challenged.
NIM Facilitator

Dan Carlin - Hardcore History - 4 views

    In "Hardcore History" the very unconventional Dan Carlin takes his "Martian", outside-the-box way of thinking and applies it to the past. Was Alexander the Great as bad a person as Adolf Hitler? What would Apaches with modern weapons be like? Will our modern civilization ever fall like civilizations from past eras? This is a difficult-to-classify show that has a rather sharp edge. It's not for everyone. But the innovative style and approach has made "Dan Carlin's Hardcore History" a New Media hit.
sarah domick

Edistorm - 1 views

    A blog post about Edistorm. It is a free, Post-It Note style brainstorming tool. An alternative to Wallwisher, but probably geared more towards a corporate setting. There is a limited Free account, as well as, an inexpensive Educator account. A neat collaboration and communication tool worth checking out.
Thomas Fischer

StoryTube: A great Idea - 2 views

    This article introduces a contest which promotes reading and media skills that began in 2008. It is sponsored by major publishers such as Simon and Schuster and Scholastic and 5 regional libraries, The contest is for students in grades 1-6. The students need to create a storytube on a book they have read. It is important to point out that teachers are not replacing a written report or are using this to enhance the report. I reviewed some of the winners and it is so great to see kids excited about what they read and using technology so easily. With students creating video media at such an early age and being so comfortable doing it only leads me to believe that when these students reach high school the work that they will create will be fantastic.
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    What a fun way to talk about and share enthusiasm about books. Another good idea is booktrailers. Many of those can be found on Youtube as well.
    In this article, the author promotes a new contest for students, which combines reading and YouTube. I find this idea interesting as it connects to the new literacies that are being introduced in education. Jason Ohler discusses these literacies extensively on his webpage. I feel it is important to provide students with the tools to critically engage with all types of texts. In their lives, students are constantly engaging with video. This contest allows students to synthesize this awareness with creating video stories.
    This article originally appeared in SLJ’s Extra Helping. Sign up now! By Jennifer Pinkowski -- School Library Journal, 07/09/2008 Funny accents, strange wigs, and spoiler-free plot summaries are the common elements in the winning videos made by contestants in StoryTubes, a new contest for kids that promotes reading-and new media skills-by capitalizing on the popularity of YouTube.
    This link explains how libraries are using the power and popularity of YouTube to promote learning, literacy, creativity and technology. StoryTube is a great project idea that uses the power of the contest as a wonderful motivator.
Florina Merturi

Project-Based Learning: Success Start to Finish - 7 views

    This is a link to a video of a high school that uses only Project-Based learning PBL, a teaching/learning style where students create projects to demonstrate their learning of the objectives set out by the teacher. It goes through the process of how to set up PBL projects as teachers. It's a decent introduction to the process: something to pique one's interest. At the end there are links to other videos with more information about PBL.
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    I really enjoyed this PBL video. The teachers in the video explained the process, allowed the students to do the research on the topics and decide what the best form of their final presentation would be for each group. The students appeared to be actively engaged during their class time. I was impressed by their dress for the final presentations. The principal mentioned that they do speeches 60-65 times each year so by their graduation the students are very versed in public speaking; most impressive. I would like to see our school do more PBL.
    Project-based learning has come to the forefront of education as it is being used to assess what the students know and how they can use the knowledge in the "real world" to problem solve. The approach by the school to implement PBL into their curriculum goes directly back to state standards. I thought the video was well informed and I was impressed with the 60-65 times the students speak in front of others (public speaking).
    Go inside Manor New Technology High School, part of the New Tech Network of schools, where an unwavering commitment to an effective schoolwide PBL model keeps both students and teachers motivated and achieving their best. More to this story.
Scott Cameron

Technology and Education | Box of Tricks - 1 views

    This article showcases a great new tool which will can be used as a creative way to teach, share, and create information. Jux allows students to briefly outline an idea or theme, connect those words with pictures, and display the words concurrently with a slideshow, photos, videos etc.It allows students the creative latitude to design their own presentation and also match up concepts with an audio and visual system.
Daniel Maak

mClass Beacon - 0 views

    Assess student learning at a glance via a honeycomb-style, color-coded display featuring overall student understanding from the individual to district level. I found this very interesting not only due to the ease of use, but also the ease of which you can fluidly bounce between multiple different problem areas quickly and efficiently.
Chris Chen

Troy Hicks: A Conversation About Digital Writing | Edutopia - 0 views

    This article points out the significance and the approach to the digital writing in a dialogue style with Troy Hicks, an associate professor of English at Central Michigan University. He uses 'MAPS' heuristic -- mode (genre), media, audience, purpose, situation -- to help writers "intentionally" and "deliberately" think through composing digital texts. He also suggests teachers give themselves and students the opportunities and permission to play (and possibly fail) with the tools, as this can serve as a model of overcoming learning curves and digital writing process. This reminds me of the idea, 'dabble' with the tools, brought up by Jeff Utecht(2013).

21st Century - 2 views

    Sir Ken Robinson really has his finger on the pulse of what needs to happen within educational systems to bring education into the 21st Century for all students. We cannot pay lip service to Bloom's Taxonomy or students' different learning styles, if - as Sir Ken says - we keep trying to do it, using educational models from the past. This is a great and empowering resource to listen to - for the benefit of our students.

Lecturing about lecturing - 0 views

    I have never been a fan of lecturing during class...for either the high school or college classes I teach. If there is information I need to share, I will always use a Power Point (or something similar) and then make those files available for students to download. But even when presenting information in this manner, I continue to engage students with questions, asking for real life examples, etc. And I limit the time, or break it up with another activity. It seems to work pretty well and the ideas from this article pretty much confirm what I have always felt about the lecture style class.
Mrs. Bee

A Systems Approach to Conduct an Effective Literature Review in Support of Information ... - 1 views

    A lofty empirical research article intended for doctoral candidates and other researchers but if you can get past the SAT style language the information contained is rather interesting. While my high school students will not be writing formal literary analyses I am interested in them producing high quality papers based on valid research questions/topics and having them think of new ways to view the same literature. Some of the texts we read in class have so many articles and summaries already prepared that it is sometimes hard for students to think of new ways to approach the material and this article offers some interesting thought processes to consider when preparing a literary analysis.
Megan Bilodeau

Nik's Learning Technology Blog - 0 views

  • Set up a backchannel

The Case for Collaborative Learning - 1 views

    The article speaks of how our students' learning styles are changing and developing as technology becomes more and more a part of our daily lives. The article identifies how collaborative learning is useful now, more than ever, and leads to the development of responsibility and creativity.
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