Ensure quality of information by teaching retrieval practices that include alternative sources as well as Google. Using workshops and presentations is important, as it takes time for students to recognize the most valuable and up-to-date content.
A British website that has many free resources to download in PDF. Sometimes needs to be tweaked for American English, but a fantastic resource for literature, language, media resources.
I agree with Charles. I have seen this site before, it is a fantastic resource to learn about Darwin and Evolution and is a great resource for projects. Another great site is
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/. It has resources for students and teachers.
From the makers of Gronckit the collaborative, social, online learning and test preparation company comes their latest venture Learnist. Learnist is a continual learning and professional development platform kind of like Pinterest, but with more features. Learnist is a community geared for creating, sharing, communicating and improving collective resources. I signed up for an account and started to follow @LearnistTweets on Twitter.
A great resource site full of rubrics to evaluate web 2.0 tools including cooperative learning ,mind maps, online discussion boards, multimedia presentations etc.
This is a resource that explains that students who can only read text but not analyze, synthesize and utilize that information are still considered illiterate! The resource reviews a program that was put together called Digital Youth Network (DYN) and how this organization empowers young people with critical digital literacy skills that make them academically and professionally competitive.
Quick Facts About HOT
No one thinks perfectly or poorly all the time.
Memorizing something is not the same as thinking about it.
You can memorize something without understanding it.
Thinking is done in both words and pictures.
These are just a few of the HOT qualities identified in this article
Sister Jacqueline,
The article was well worth reading. It does a nice job of explaining the importance of higher order thinking and how it relates to problem solving and its importance in a school setting.
Education World has put together a resource of educator-specific social media platforms such as WeCollaborate, Teacher Engage, Technology Integration in Education, The EducationWorld Community, that give resources of ideas, blogs and lesson/unit ideas.
From the Free Technology for Teachers blog, I found an entry about web search lesson plans created by Google. From our previous readings, I've come to understand research strategies as a major component of media literacy. In the blog, there are links to the Google created lessons. The plans are developed according to skill level. I find this an interesting and helpful teacher resource; however, there are some search categories, which are quite elementary, if not useless. Student's research habits are often deplorable, so these tutorials point them in generally useful directions. It is necessary for our students to develop strategies for differentiating between poor resources and rich, academic sources. Is Google created strategies the best option?
This is an academic paper examining the reasons why an online learning group should 'move ... from cohort to community.' (abstract), and how students resources and strategies may be managed to accomplish this. The paper asserts that students in a distance learning situation are isolated from each other and the teacher, therefore it is of vital importance that the cohort needs to create a sense of community rather than simply exist alone in the virtual learning room. The article quotes Vygotsky's social development theory of 1978, Selznik's seven elements of community: history, identity, mutuality, plurality, autonomy,
participation, and integration (1996), and how the author's of the article modified the characteristics to conform more with current online learning theory.
I found this article particularly relevant to the current situation I find myself in. Even though I am happy in my own space and don't need the close interaction with others, I can see that it is important to push myself forward in the sense of gleaning the most benefit from the course and those many intelligent people out there. This is difficult for me because I find the time necessary to maintain so many contacts, and actually have something worthwhile to say and share goes against my slow, ponderous thinking and non-gregarious nature!
This is a "news" article written to announce Skype's international collaborative efforts in education. For example, there are programs with orchestras and museums that classes can participate in, thus offering students the possiblity of interacting live with authors, musicians and the like. Although it contains useful information, it should be understood that this is essentially an advertisement for Skype.
PBS Learning Resources is an excellent site for teachers and students to find educational films as well as other media types such as sound, images, and lesson plans. This site has a couple thousand videos for you to see. These videos are all free.
In this article, Steve Wheeler discusses the changing role of teachers from traditional classroom teachers to global educators. He discusses the top five tools he believes global educators need to connect with global communities, resources and audiences.
This blog article has provided a wide range of tools for students from the elementary to the graduate research level. I think it's worth some time exploring the materials & tools suggested and find the ones that meet your purpose.