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Katie Day

Words Go Round :: 2013 School Programme :: 25 Feb - 9 Mar 2013 - 0 views

    "Singapore Writers Festival 2013 School Programme 25 February - 9 March 2013 The Singapore Writers Festival is back and jumps right into the school year with Words Go Round 2013! One of the few literary festivals in the world that is multi-lingual, focusing on the official languages of Singapore - English, Malay, Chinese and Tamil - the Festival brings literary talents from Singapore and around the world to share with you their ideas, stories and lives. Back from another successful year, the Festival promises the same lively writers, stimulating discussions and exciting interactions."
Keri-Lee Beasley

Re-envisioning Writing for a Networked Age: A Few Moments with Elyse Eidman-Aadahl | DM... - 1 views

  • To write still means to make something. Writers are makers.
  • much of the power of writing is that it takes thought and externalizes it
  • whether we are writing on a digital platform or in our spiral notebooks. There is a core to writing that is still about creating and sharing knowledge
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • some components that have hugely changed, mainly the issues of what we can create and how it circulates.
  • teacher who acted as the sole reader of our material.
  • The internet and 21st century tools have opened up the possibility for one individual to not only produce the text but also to design it, circulate it, and manage publicity
  • very young or beginning writers can actually participate in all of those processes
  • we think of digital writing as writing that is not only created using digital tools, but is also typically created in or for a networked environment and meant to be interacted with on a screen.
  • We need to be able to make that part of our understanding of the new normal of writing -- not an additional piece -- but the new normal.
  • As computers become increasingly networked, teachers could see the potential for the read/write web, for writing as a way to participate in online communities, to hyperlink vast amounts of information connected to a text, and to interact and even collaborate directly with others to create something
  • being a writer yourself and participating in digital environments alongside the youth you work with, you are able to observe patterns and experience the new in such a way that you could be part of remaking knowledge in the field of composition. The writing revolution is not done and we can be right in the middle of it.
  • it's all about an inquiry stance and creating learning experiences where students can do the same because the "textbook" is all around us in the reading and writing going on in the world
  • participating as a digital writer and deeply reflecting upon your work by looking for patterns and understanding what shifts are being required of you
  • shift from being the person who hands out formulas for writing success to the person who stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the students to understand what happens when we write for real in world.
  • build the platforms for publishing and circulation of student work
  • It’s vital for teachers and curriculum developers to start with the assumption that every young person not only can become a participant in the public internet, but will become a participant and likely already is a participant.
  • youth are going to have to manage their online identity. How they present and represent their identities and manage the multiple footprints they leave on the web are going to be key things for students to understand.
  • develop a sense of responsibility around what they put out there
  • sense of power and authority
  • making, creating, and collaborating about real work that matters to them
  • tools are not the issue
  • They allow us to do new things and expand our capacity to make things, yet deep, consistent issues remain at the center: what am I saying? Is what I have to say warranted? Have I been accurate and credible? Have I crafted something that my reader and my audience can take in? Am I listening to response and looking at my drafts iteration by iteration?
  • it’s so important to slow oneself down and to take one’s text quite seriously.
    "A learning environment expert and education advocate, Elyse is dedicated to improving the teaching of writing by helping educators understand the changing nature of the discipline in a digital age."
Katie Day

The Stella Prize - 0 views

    "The Stella Prize is a new major literary award for Australian women's writing. The Stella Prize celebrates Australian women's contribution to literature. Named after one of Australia's most important female authors, Stella Maria 'Miles' Franklin (1879-1954), the prize rewards one writer with a significant monetary prize of $50,000. The Stella Prize will also raise the profile of women's writing through the Stella Prize longlists and shortlists, encourage a future generation of women writers, and bring readers to the work of Australian women. The Stella Prize will be awarded for the first time in 2013, and both fiction and non-fiction books are eligible."
Keri-Lee Beasley

Handwriting Just Doesn't Matter - The New York Times - 2 views

  • Perhaps, instead of proving that handwriting is superior to typing, it proves we need better note-taking pedagogy.
  • Many students now achieve typing automaticity — the ability to type without looking at the keys — at younger and younger ages, often by the fourth grade. This allows them to focus on higher-order concerns, such as rhetorical structure and word choice.
  • Some also argue that learning cursive teaches fine motor skills. And yet so did many other subjects that are arguably more useful, such as cooking, sewing and carpentry, and few are demanding the reintroduction of those classes
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Most students and adults write far more in a given day than they did just 10 or 20 years ago, choosing to write to one another over social media or text message instead of talking on the phone or visiting.
  • In fact, the changes imposed by the digital age may be good for writers and writing.
  • Because they achieve automaticity quicker on the keyboard, today’s third graders may well become better writers as handwriting takes up less of their education. Keyboards are a boon to students with fine motor learning disabilities, as well as students with poor handwriting, who are graded lower than those who write neatly, regardless of the content of their expressions. This is known as the “handwriting effect,” proved by Steve Graham at Arizona State, who found that “when teachers are asked to rate multiple versions of the same paper differing only in legibility, neatly written versions of the paper are assigned higher marks for overall quality of writing than are versions with poorer penmanship.” Typing levels the playing field.
  • The more one writes, the better a writer one becomes
  • The kids will be all right.
  • There will be no loss to our children’s intelligence. The cultural values we project onto handwriting will alter as we do, as they have for the past 6,000 years.
    "Perhaps, instead of proving that handwriting is superior to typing, it proves we need better note-taking pedagogy."
Katie Day

Where I'm From, a poem by George Ella Lyon, writer and teacher - 0 views

    "  "Where I'm From" grew out of my response to a poem from Stories I Ain't Told Nobody Yet (Orchard Books, 1989; Theater Communications Group, 1991) by my friend, Tennessee writer Jo Carson. All of the People Pieces, as Jo calls them, are based on things folks actually said, and number 22 begins, "I want to know when you get to be from a place. " Jo's speaker, one of those people "that doesn't have roots like trees, " tells us "I am from Interstate 40" and "I am from the work my father did. "
Mary van der Heijden

Building A Reading Community - 0 views

    Some nice literacy ideas for early years writers/readers workshop
Miles Beasley

The Writing Project (Teacher) Writers - 1 views

    Self explanatory...
Louise Phinney

Why My Six-Year-Old Students Have Digital Portfolios | Getting Smart - 2 views

    Perfect for our Infant bloggers - this is an explanation of why Kathy Cassidy has blogs for her 6 year old students.
    For any writer or creator, it is all about the audience. Why would a student even want to write on a piece of paper for their teacher to see when they could write on their blog for the world to see?
Louise Phinney

10 Incredible iPad Apps for Education - The Next Web - 2 views

    Write up for nice looking apps for creating, reading etc Evernote, Paper, Goodreader, Bamboo Paper Notebook, iA Writer, SimpleMind, EasyBib, iStudiez Pro, Wordflex Touch Dictionary, 
Katie Day

No Difference Between Kids' Comprehension of Ebooks, Print Books, Study Says - 1 views

  • The greatest limitation of the study is that students read narrative rather than informational texts, and "research has found that most ereaders are used for reading for pleasure, and most users are satisfied with their devices for this purpose." When it comes to studying, traditional print books are preferred to ebooks.
    ""Student Comprehension of Books in Kindle and Traditional Formats" by Michael Milone, a research psychologist and educational writer at Renaissance Learning, asked students in two fourth-grade classes located in the Upper Midwest to read up to six books from a selected list of a dozen popular fiction titles"
Keri-Lee Beasley

Technology beckons classes, but some schools lag | GazetteNET - 0 views

    "Teacher Kelly Finn, left, works with students Rachel Mathews, center, and Sarah Xu during a writer's workshop at The Barstow School in Kansas City, Mo." - Photo to the right of the article.  Article advocating tech use in schools. One school is doing writer's workshop and using technology as part of the process. Not much detail on how they are doing that exactly, but interesting to see how schools are forging tech & writers workshop together
Keri-Lee Beasley

Use Google Docs to Facilitate a Digital Writer's Workshop ~ Cool Tools for 21st Century... - 0 views

    The features in Google Docs can be used to facilitate a digital writer's workshop based on peer editing, and they are particularly useful when combined with cooperative grouping strategies to fine-tune students' editing skills. While students are writing their drafts, teachers can take advantage of opportunities to lead small instructional groups to help them focus on specific cooperative grouping job-related skills, then students can share their drafts with other group members who use comments to suggest revisions based on their job. The immediate feedback provided by peers will likely encourage writers to check comments and revise at home and stay on task during classroom work time. The revision history will keep student comments and revisions honest and focused on the task.
Jeffrey Plaman

Home : Inform - 0 views

    "Inform is a design system for interactive fiction based on natural language. It is a radical reinvention of the way interactive fiction is designed, guided by contemporary work in semantics and by the practical experience of some of the world's best-known writers of IF."
Katie Day

OMG, kids these days: Digital tools don't make students better writers | Ars Technica - 1 views

    New Pew study finds teachers believe students are now more prone to take shortcuts. "
Jeffrey Plaman

Pixar's 22 Rules of Storytelling--Visualized | Co.Create | creativity + culture + commerce - 1 views

    A while back, now-former Pixar storyboard artist Emma Coats tweeted a series of pearls of narrative wisdom she had gleaned from working at the studio. This list of 22 rules of storytelling was widely embraced as it was applicable to any writer or anyone who was in the business of communicating (which is pretty much everyone, including software developers). And much of its advice (e.g. "You gotta keep in mind what's interesting to you as an audience, not what's fun to do as a writer. They can be very different") is still as applicable as ever. Thanks to the efforts of one fan, though, the rules may now become even more eminently shareable.
    Pixar's 22 Rules of Storytelling--Visualized By @joeberkowitz via @FastCoCreate
    Pixar's 22 Rules of Storytelling--Visualized By @joeberkowitz via @FastCoCreate
Keri-Lee Beasley

11 Quotes that Inspire Writers Workshop Lessons and Activities - 1 views

    Some rich writing lessons here. Engaging
Katie Day

Rebecca Blood :: Weblogs: A History And Perspective - 0 views

    "We are being pummeled by a deluge of data and unless we create time and spaces in which to reflect, we will be left with only our reactions. I strongly believe in the power of weblogs to transform both writers and readers from "audience" to "public" and from "consumer" to "creator." Weblogs are no panacea for the crippling effects of a media-saturated culture, but I believe they are one antidote."
Katie Day

Why is science important? - A collection of thoughts from leading scientists, public fi... - 0 views

Katie Day

I.N.K. - interesting non-fiction for kids - 0 views

    a joint blog by a group of nonfiction writers for kids
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