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Reading Literature Makes Us Smarter and Nicer | - 0 views

Katie Day

Three Percent: 2013 Best Translated Book Award Fiction Longlist - 0 views

    a resource for international literature at the Univ of Rochester
Katie Day

Welcome | First World War Poetry Digital Archive - 1 views

    "The First World War Poetry Digital Archive is an online repository of over 7000 items of text, images, audio, and video for teaching, learning, and research. The heart of the archive consists of collections of highly valued primary material from major poets of the period, including Wilfred Owen, Isaac Rosenberg, Robert Graves, Vera Brittain, and Edward Thomas. This is supplemented by a comprehensive range of multimedia artefacts from the Imperial War Museum, a separate archive of over 6,500 items contributed by the general public, and a set of specially developed educational resources. These educational resources include an exciting new exhibition in the three-dimensional virtual world Second Life. Freely available to the public as well as the educational community, the First World War Poetry Digital Archive is a significant resource for studying the First World War and the literature it inspired."
Katie Day

What Should Children Read? - - 1 views

  • There are anthologies of great literature and primary documents, but why not “30 for Under 20: Great Nonfiction Narratives?” Until such editions appear, teachers can find complex, literary works in collections like “The Best American Science and Nature Writing,” on many newspaper Web sites, which have begun providing online lesson plans using articles for younger readers, and on Last year, The Atlantic compiled examples of the year’s best journalism, and The Daily Beast has its feature “Longreads.” not only has “best of” contemporary selections but also historical examples dating back decades.
  • Adult titles, like “The Omnivore’s Dilemma,” already have young readers editions, and many adult general-interest works, such as Timothy Ferris’s “The Whole Shebang,” about the workings of the universe, are appropriate for advanced high-school students.
  • In addition to a biology textbook, for example, why can’t more high school students read “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks”?
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • What Tom Wolfe once said about New Journalism could be applied to most student writing. It benefits from intense reporting, immersion in a subject, imaginative scene setting, dialogue and telling details. These are the very skills most English teachers want students to develop.
  • In my experience, students need more exposure to nonfiction, less to help with reading skills, but as a model for their own essays and expository writing,
  • Common Core dictates that by fourth grade, public school students devote half of their reading time in class to historical documents, scientific tracts, maps and other “informational texts” — like recipes and train schedules. Per the guidelines, 70 percent of the 12th grade curriculum will consist of nonfiction titles. Alarmed English teachers worry we’re about to toss Shakespeare so students can study, in the words of one former educator, “memos, technical manuals and menus.”
    "A striking assumption animates arguments on both sides, namely that nonfiction is seldom literary and certainly not literature. Even Mr. Coleman erects his case on largely dispiriting, utilitarian grounds: nonfiction may help you win the corner office but won't necessarily nourish the soul. As an English teacher and writer who traffics in factual prose, I'm with Mr. Coleman. In my experience, students need more exposure to nonfiction, less to help with reading skills, but as a model for their own essays and expository writing, what Mr. Gladwell sought by ingesting "Talk of the Town" stories. I love fiction and poetry as much as the next former English major and often despair over the quality of what passes for "informational texts," few of which amount to narrative much less literary narrative. What schools really need isn't more nonfiction but better nonfiction, especially that which provides good models for student writing. Most students could use greater familiarity with what newspaper, magazine and book editors call "narrative nonfiction": writing that tells a factual story, sometimes even a personal one, but also makes an argument and conveys information in vivid, effective ways."
    "What schools really need isn't more nonfiction but better nonfiction, especially that which provides good models for student writing. "  Totally supports my belief that nonfiction longreads are out there on the internet and are not being taken advantage of by teachers -- enough.
Katie Day

Help, Please! « A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy - 0 views

    a request for "must read" blogs on children's and young adult literature blogs
Katie Day

2012 Nerdy Book Club Award Nominations by Donalyn Miller « Nerdy Book Club - 0 views

    for childrens and young adult literature.... add your vote to the pile.....
Katie Day

The Stella Prize - 0 views

    "The Stella Prize is a new major literary award for Australian women's writing. The Stella Prize celebrates Australian women's contribution to literature. Named after one of Australia's most important female authors, Stella Maria 'Miles' Franklin (1879-1954), the prize rewards one writer with a significant monetary prize of $50,000. The Stella Prize will also raise the profile of women's writing through the Stella Prize longlists and shortlists, encourage a future generation of women writers, and bring readers to the work of Australian women. The Stella Prize will be awarded for the first time in 2013, and both fiction and non-fiction books are eligible."
Katie Day

Great Websites for Kids - a project of the American Library Association - 2 views

    categories include: animals, the arts, history & biography, literature & languages, mathematics & computers, reference desk, science, social studies
Katie Day

BBC - A History of the World - Explorer - 0 views

    "At the heart of the project is the BBC Radio 4 series A History of the World in 100 objects. 100 programmes, written and narrated by Neil MacGregor, Director of the British Museum, and focusing on 100 objects from the British Museum's collection. The programmes will travel through two million years from the earliest object in the collection to retell the history of humanity through the objects we have made. Each week will be tied to a particular theme, such as 'after the ice age' or 'the beginning of science and literature', and the programmes will broadcast in three blocks, in January, May and September. Deep zoom imagery of the British Museum objects on the site lets you see the detail up close while listening to the programme. You can also watch short videos of many of the objects and download podcasts of each programme as it is broadcast."
Katie Day - a Pacific Rim Project - 0 views

    children's literature is the focus, especially multicultural ones, e.g., Asia
Katie Day

Cybils - Children's and Young Adult Bloggers' Literacy Awards - 0 views

    a communal blog that follows the latest and greatest in children's and young adult literature -- with annual awards -- well worth following
Katie Day

The Horn Book, Inc. / Publications about books for children and young adults - 0 views

    American book review magazine re children's literature
Katie Day

BLOG: The Miss Rumphius Effect - 0 views

    "The blog of a teacher educator discussing poetry, children's literature and issues related to teaching children and their future teachers."
Katie Day

BLOG: Raising Readers and Writers - 0 views

    "This site is a place for sharing my thoughts and new learning about using good children's literature in the teaching of reading and writing. " Julie Johnson
Katie Day

Mathematics & Children's Literature - 0 views

    Categories of lists: add & subtract, fractions, money, probability & statistics, time, geometry, problem solving, etc.  
Katie Day

The Politics of Children's Literature: What's Wrong with the Rosa Parks Myth - Zinn Edu... - 3 views

    A critical analysis that challenges the myths in children's books about Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
Jeffrey Plaman

Home : Inform - 0 views

    "Inform is a design system for interactive fiction based on natural language. It is a radical reinvention of the way interactive fiction is designed, guided by contemporary work in semantics and by the practical experience of some of the world's best-known writers of IF."
Katie Day

Texts for Launching Writing Workshop - 0 views

    online list of texts that support writing workshop
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